一年级英语教案二0 一二年春学期教学课时安排计划一年级英语上册教材分析及教学总体设想本册教材特点分析:本套教材是北京海淀区以及其他经济与教育发达地区小学开设英语课而编写的。教材的设计话题功能结构任务相结合。根据 21世纪社会发展对英语的要求,本套教材目标:1.注意儿童特点,培养学习兴趣。我们力求使孩子一开始就体会到语言学习的乐趣,通过游戏、唱歌、绘画、做手工、讲故事等方式展开。2.双向交流,跨文化交际。学习外语的目的不仅在于了解外国,也要了解中国,使学生树立世界意识。3.以语言为媒介,各学科有机结合。适当引入其它学科内容,如计算机、自然、数学等。4.弹性教学内容,重在发展能力。考虑到学校差异、教师差异和学生个人差异,教材在内容上有一定的灵活性和层次性。教师可根据实际情况确定学习内容和进度。在评价方面,强调学会学习,注意形成性评价与终结性评价并用,注重能力的发展而不仅仅是知识的记忆。进度安排周 次日期课题教时执行情况1 3月 25 日-3 月 27 日报到、学前教育2 3月 2日-3 月 6日Lesson 49.50 2 3 3月 9日-3 月 16 日Lesson 51.52.53 2 4 3月 15 日-3 月 23 日Lesson 54.55 2 5 3月 26 日-3 月 30 日Lesson 57.58 2 6 4月 2日-4 月 6日Lesson 60.61 2 7 4月 9日-4 月 13 日Lesson62.63 2 8 4月 16 日-4 月 20 日Lesson 64.65 2 9 4月 23 日-4 月 27 日Lesson67.68 2 10 4月 30 日-5 月 4日放假11 5月 7日-5 月 11 日Exam 2 12 5月 14 日-5 月 18 日Lesson69.70.71 2 13.5月 21 日-5 月 25 日Lesson72.73.74 2 14 5月 28 日-6 月 1日Lesson75.76.77 2 15 6月 4日-6 月 8日Lesson78.79.80 2 16 6月 11 日-6 月 15 日Lesson81.82.83 2 17 6月 18 日-6 月 22 日Lesson84.85.86 2 18 6月 25 日-6 月 29 日Lesson87.88.89.90 2 19 7月 2日-7 月 6日Review lesson 91-96 2 20 7月 9 日-7 月 13 日Examination 2 学生学习基本情况分析、择优促差措施学生学习基本情况分析一年级学生基本情况分析1一年级学生正在学习汉语拼音,字母还不能教。2大部分同学不会听课堂用语,听力方面需要在课堂上结合肢体语言随时训练。还有一部分同学在校外上学习班,这些同学的听力较好,但是上课不关心听讲,学习课本知识不认真对课本知识不感兴趣。3能就课本内容进行对话练习,分组表演很好,单个表演对话的同学很少。不敢说,怕羞或发音不准,都影响他们积极回答问题。课内学会,课后不复习,时间一长就不熟悉了,少部分同学不会说英语句子,但是理解不够好。不能根据字面意思去理解,乱猜句意。4大部分同学对学习英语很感兴趣,但是主动说英语的同学很少。主动读英语,大声朗读的同学个班都很少。择优促差措施学习困难生转化措施1帮助学生树立学习英语的兴趣。2帮助学生形成良好的学习习惯。3摸清学习困难学生的底细,如:学生掌握的知识、能力的基础和心理准备的实际,把起点放在使学生努力一下就可以达到的水平上。4步子要小,使学生层层有进展,处处有成功,处于积极学习的状态,感到自己有能力进行学习。5丰富多彩而又切实可行的教学活动,调节学生的注意力,使学生大量参与学习活动,能力的发展通过逐步积累而得到实现。6在每一层次的教学过程中,及时了解学生掌握知识、形成能力的状况,据此再将新的教学信息和要求传递给学生。7多鼓励少批评。Unit 1 classroom lesson 49.50 内容classroom教学目标知识1Look listen and chant book _-school2.let s say 情感教育学生尊敬师长对人有礼貌。教育重难点Classroom blackboard window girl wall 方法Read and say 课 前准 备Cards 师生活动过程1.look listen and say:Classroom blackboard window girl 2.Let s say(Look at the picture and know the sun,the school and some trees,boys and girls)Teacher:Good Morning!Boy:Good morning!3.Let s act:(the first group ask and the second group answer then call some students act for class)The first group:Good morning!The second group:Good morning!A:Good morning!B:Good morning!Lesson 51.52 课后反思记载学习兴趣很高但是发音不准确,乱喊。内容Listen do and say 教学目标知识1Stand up,please 2.Hello,I m Bill.情感教育教育学生对人有礼貌,尊敬师长。重难点Stand up please.Hello,I m Bill.方法Read and say 课 前准 备Cards 师生活动过程1.Review the words:Book rule r eraser school pencil 2.Say the dialogue:Lesson 53.54 A:Good morning!B:Good morning!3.Let s listen do and say:Stand up,please.Sit down.please!Hello,I m Bill.4.Let s act and sing:Stand up Joy.Show me your eraser.Sit down,please.课后反思记载学中玩,玩中学,兴趣很高,纪律很乱。内容Look listen and say 教学目标知识Your book Oh,thanks Hello,Im joy.情感教育教育学生对人有礼貌,尊敬师长。重难点Let s clean our classroom 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 1.Read and say:Stand up,please.Sit down.please!Hello,I m Bill.Lesson 55.56 2.look,listen and say:(1)Look at the boy and girl say the dialogue:A:clean the door .B:clean the blackboard.(2)Find Joy and Bill say the dialogue:Bill:Look,How clean.Joy:Ha,Ha!Wash your face.(3)Find the teacher and two children and learn to say:T:Good morning.Children:Good morning.3.Act the dialogues 课后反思记载同学们喜欢整体说,单独表演时又忘了,因为不认识单词只能根据老师教给的发音硬性记忆,每节课都要复习。内容Listen and do 教学目标知识Open your backpack Take your pencil case 情感教育教育学生对人有礼貌,尊敬师长。重难点Listen and do Find and say 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 1 Look and say:Backpack pencil case ruler pencil eraser Listen and do:The teacher say and do like this:Open your backpack Lesson 60 61 Take out your pencil case.Show your ruler Then teach the childen to do like this.2.Let s talk:Look at the Bill and Lily.Say the dialogue:A:Im Bill.what s your name?B:I m Lily.Then practice the dialogue.3.Look at the picture on p7,Find and say these things:pencil ruler backpack book eraser book.4.Let s sing 课后反思记载同学们喜欢整体说,单独表演时又忘了,因为不认识单词只能根据老师教给的发音硬性记忆,每节课都要复习。内容Fun time 教学目标知识Good night Open the book 情感教育教育学生对人有礼貌,尊敬师长。重难点Show me the pencil.Open the book.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 1.Look at the picture on p7 and say:pencil ruler backpack book eraser book.2.Look at the pictrures and say:Good night Lesson 62 and 63 Oh!It s my backpack.Open it.Show me the ruler.Open the door.Hi!I m Angel.3.Teach the student act and say.课后反思记载先领学生认识图片再教英语效果好。内容Look listen and say 教学目标知识I wash my face Nose ear mouth eye 情感教育爱自己爱生活,培养学生良好的行为习惯。重难点nose ear mouth eye hands arms legs feet 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 1.Look listen and say:Look at the picture and say :This is the way.Lesson 63 and 64 I wash my face.And then I go to school.2.listen and do:Look at the picture and say:Nose ear mouth eye 3 Look at the picture and draw:two eyes.two ears One little mouth one little nose one little face 4.look and say:hands arms legs feet 5.Let s say and do:Hi!I m Bill.课后反思记载看图时可以让同学们用手指或摸一摸目标,然后说英语效果好,小朋友也关心学习。内容Look match and chant 教学目标知识My eyes can see.you and me!Two eyes What s this?Its the head.情感教育爱自己爱生活,培养学生良好的行为习惯。重难点What s this?It s the head.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程1.Look match and chant:My eyes can talk.My mouth can talk.Lesson 64.65 My ears can hear.You and me.2.Let s talk and act:Hi!Hello!Bye!3.Let s make and say:Two eyes Two ears One mouth One nose One head 4.Let s talk:what s this?It s the head.课后反思记载做练习时让学生图色,做动作,掌握单词比较快。内容Fun time 教学目标知识Good morning mouth ear arm nose foot Touch your foot Heres your nose 情感教育爱自己爱生活,培养学生良好的行为习惯重难点Mouth ear arm foot nose 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 1 Review this words:Book ruler pencil eraser pencil-case Backpack school 2 Read this physes:Lesson 66 67 My book my ruler my eraser my backpack.Then read these words:eye mouth ear feet Ear.practise:my eyes my mouth my ears My feet.3.Look at these pictures and say.Teach students Do actions:Good moring,Touch your moth,Touch Your ear,Touch your arm,Touch your nose.课后反思记载动动手,动动口,小朋友喜欢这样的学习方式。内容Look listen and chant 教学目标知识Bird cat chicken rabbit duck dog I have a cat.情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情。重难点Bird cat chicken dog duck rabbit.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程1 Read and listen and chant:Teach students to read the words:Cat bird chicken rabbit duck dog Lesson 67 68 Eg:model a cat says:mi mi.teach students to say and action.2.let s play and say:I have a cat.I have a duck.I have a dog.3.Listen and say:Zoo.tiger monkey elephant panda 课后反思记载对动物很有兴趣,学的很快,但忘的也快。内容Listen and say 教学目标知识Zoo elephant monkey panada tiger elephant I see a mokey.情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情。重难点Zoo elephant panada mokey tiger 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程1,Read and say:Look at the pictures on P18,and say:Tiger monkey panada elephant monkey Lesson 69 70 Zoo Say like this after the teacher:I see a tiger.I see a panada.I see a monkey.I see a elephant.2.Let play and say:A:Are you Joy?B:No,I m Lily.I m a cat.课后反思记载让学生扮演动物,模仿叫声,容易记住单词。内容Look find and chant 教学目标知识Cat bird chicken rabbit duck dog Monkey panada elephant 情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情。重难点Cat bird chicken rabbit duck dog 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程1 Look,find and chant:Look at the picture and find the animais:Where is the bird?2.Find the animals and number:Lesson 71 72 73 1 rabbit 2 bird 3 fish 4 elephant 5 tiger 6 monkey 7 duck 8 chicken 9 dog 10 panada 11tiger 3.Look listen and say:Look at the picture and say:Look!A big mouth!Oh,It s a tiger.4 Match and say:What s this?It s a cat.课后反思记载肢体语言教学效果好。内容Look listen and say 教学目标知识I like my dog It has big eyes.情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情。重难点I like my rabbit 方法Listen and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程A.Look listen nd say:Look at the picture and say:Lesson 74 75 I like my dog.It has short legs.I like my cat.It has big eyes.I like my rabbit.It has long ears.Read and say the words:Dog leg cat eye rabbit ear B.Let s play and say:Look at the picture and say:Cat bird monkey fish rabbit dog Say:I say a bird.Fun time:Look at the p24 and say 课后反思记载小朋友爱动是天性,老师要耐心。内容Here is my hair 教学目标知识Here is my pencil.Look at my big eyes 情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情重难点Rabbt cat panada tiger fish dog elephant 方法Listen and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 Lesson 19 A:Look listen and chant:Here is my here.Lesson 75 76 Here is my eye.Here is my mouth.B:Let s do and say:Here is my pencil.Here is my ruler.Here is my book.Here is my eraser.Lesson 20:Let s act and say:Rabbit panada tiger monkey dog fish elephant Listen and find:课后反思记载Chicken tiger这两个词还要强化训练。内容Good morning.Help.教学目标知识Panada Hi hello 情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情重难点Good morning!Hello 方法Listen and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 A.Look say and chant:Hi!Good morning!Hello!Goodye!B.Let s play and say:Panada.Hi.Hello.Lesson 76 77 Dog,Dog,Go,Go!Lesson 22:A listen and do:B listen act and say:See the bird.Hear the bird.Look at the picture and color:I can say eye.nose ear eye hair.课后反思记载两个小同学挤着叫本子,拌到在地,还是老师收好。内容Fun time 教学目标知识Cat monkey elephant rabbit dog Sorry 情感教育培养学生爱护动物,热爱大自然的思想感情重难点The words of this unit 4 方法Listen and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 1.fun time:Look at the picture and say:Oh,my tail.Sorry.it s too long.Lesson 78 79 80 Hi,Monkey.Give me your tail please?Give me your tail please,elephant?Hi!,Rabbit.Give me your tail please?Hi,Dog.Give me your tail please?Sorry,It s too short.课后反思记载夏长聪太顽皮,要想教好他还得有耐心。内容Look listen and chant 教学目标知识One two three four five One star two stars How old are you?情感教育培养学生爱祖国爱生活,懂礼貌的良好习惯。重难点One two three four five 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程1.Look at the picture and say:One two three four five Lesson 81 82 2.let s make and chant Look at the stars,Let s count.One star Two stars,three stars.One two three four five stars,More.3.Look,Listen and say:I m Bill.I m six.How old are you,Lily?I m six,too.4.look,Listen and colour.look at picture and colour the candles.课后反思记载读和画结合学习效果好。内容Look and chant 教学目标知识One and one is two .Two and two is four.Whats your phone number?情感教育培养学生爱祖国爱生活,懂礼貌的良好习惯。重难点One and one is two .Two and two is four.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程A:Look and chant:Look at the picture and say:One and one is two.Two and two is four.Three and three is Six.Lesson 83 84 Four and four is Eight.B.Let s play and say:Look at the picture and play,Find your parter.Look at the P39 and say:What s your Phone number?521.What s your room number?Let s make and say:110 120 119.课后反思记载喜欢看图,不喜欢说对话。内容Fun Time 教学目标知识How many?One two three Thank you.情感教育培养学生爱祖国爱生活,懂礼貌的良好习惯。重难点One for Joy and one for me.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 Read the numbers:One two three four five six Look at the picture:Learn the new words:Red yellow blue pink black Say the sentences:Red red,I like red.Lesson 85 86 Yellow yellow,I like yellow.White white,I like white.What colour do you like?Teach students how to say:I like red.B,Look at the picture and coloiur it.Look at the picture and say:Red red,please stand up!Yellow yellow,please stand up!课后反思记载颜色对比教学较好。内容Look listen and say 教学目标知识Blue yellow green orange Here you are.I like blue.情感教育培养学生爱祖国爱生活,懂礼貌的良好习惯。重难点Show me one green pencil,please.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Read the words:Red yellow blue pink black Look listen and say:Lesson 87 Look at the picture and say:I like an orange duck.Here you are.Show me one green pencil,please.Sure.What colour do you like?I like blue.Look at the books on the shelf and know:Clothes Sports Fruits Animals Travel.课后反思记载让学生指着自己穿的衣服说颜色,效果好。内容Listen and chant 教学目标知识Green orange purple I like green.情感教育培养学生爱祖国爱生活,懂礼貌的良好习惯重难点Green orange purple 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Read the words:Red yellow blue pink black Lesson 88 Listen and Chant:Green orange puple Listen and colour:Red green yellow purple orange Let s colour the picture and say the:What colour is the nose?It s red.What colour is the nose?It s blue.课后反思记载多鼓励教学好。内容Fun time 教学目标知识Let s go to the park.Look at the balloons.情感教育培养学生爱祖国爱生活,懂礼貌的良好习惯重难点A big blue balloon,please.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Read and say:Red yellow blue pink black Look at the picture and say:Lesson 89 1.Let s go to the park.2.Wow!Look at all the ballons.3.A red balloon,please.4.Oh,a yellow balloon,and a green ballon.5.Oh,a pink ballon,an orange ballon and a white ballon.6.A big blue ballon,please.7.Help!Help!Can you number them?课后反思记载看英语动漫听英语,兴趣高。内容Look listen and chant 教学目标知识Apple banana melon pear peach orange Stawberry grape pineapple 情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯。重难点Apple banana melon pear peach orange方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程A.Look listen and chant:Look at the picture and say the words:Lesson 90 Apple banana melon pear peach orange B.Listen and number:Look at the picture and number:Eg:1 banana 2 apple 3 pear 4 melon 5 peach 6 orange A.Lesson 38.Look at the picture and colour it:Green melon Yellow pear Rea apple Pink peach Yellow banana B.Read and learn:strawberry grape pineapple.Play and say:Close your eyes!Open your eyes!课后反思记载继续看动漫教学效果好。内容Let s act and talk 教学目标知识Here you are two bananas Thank you What do you draw here?情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯重难点Here you are two bananas Thank you方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Read the words:Apple banana melon pear peach orange A.Let s act and talk:May I have two apples,please?Here you are.Lesson 92 Thank you.Say the dialogue:Two bananas,please.Here you are.Thank you.B Look,say and draw:Look at the picture and draw your favourite fruit.课后反思记载分组教学,对比学习效果好。内容Chant and act 教学目标知识Red apple ,Red apple.情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯重难点The words of fruit 方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Read and say the words:Fish rice jiaozi chicken vegetables tofu meat Look and say:Lesson 93 I want some peaches.What a treat!Wash your hands.It s time to eat.Listen and say:Is the apple sour?Is the apple sweet?I loke the sweet apple?It s time to eat.课后反思记载说说自己喜欢吃的东西,记住单词。内容Fun time 教学目标知识Gift peach fish 情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯重难点Here you are.方法Read and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Look at the picture and say after the teacher:A gift for you.Thank you.Lesson 94 Oh no,a peach.Oh no,a fish.Here you are.What is it?Merry Christmas!Happy new year!课后反思记载让学生画出自己喜欢的食物,容易记住单词。内容Look listen and chant 教学目标知识How many brown monkeys can you say?情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯重难点How many yellow monkeys?方法Look and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 Look at the picture and say after the teacher:A.How many brow monkeys can you see?How many white monkeys?How many yellow monkeys?Lesson 95 B.Let s play and say:Tiger,tiger How old are you?I m two.Let s talk:Do you like banana?Yes,I like sweet bananas.课后反思记载画画并写上单词,学习兴趣很高。内容Look and listen 教学目标知识Numbers 情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯重难点One two three four five six 方法Look and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程Look and listen:Look at the picture and listen:Come along,everyone.One two.four?Lesson 96 One two three four five.Are you No.6?Hi!Who is No.3?Come along.Stand here!I m No.11 Let s count.one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven!We are the Fruit Football Team!课后反思记载一边说,一边画,效果好。内容Find and tick 教学目标知识This is a rabbit.It s white.情感教育培养学生热爱生活的良好习惯重难点Let s find tick and say.方法Find and say 课 前准 备师生活动过程 Look at the picture and say:Look at the book and find:This is a rabbit.It s white.This is a duck.It s yellow.Lesson A 2 This is a peach.It s pink.This is a book.It s yellow.Let s play:How many?Three What colour?Green Cat!you are cat!Look listen and number.Match and say:Look at the fruit and count.How many?课后反思记载领着学生做游戏很乱,但兴趣高,还记住了单词。内容教学目标知识情感教育重难点方法课 前准 备师生活动过程Lesson A 2 课后反思记载内容教学目标知识情感教育重难点方法课 前准 备师生活动过程Lesson A 2 课后反思记载内容教学目标知识情感教育重难点方法课 前准 备师生活动过程Lesson A 2 课后反思记载内容教学目标知识情感教育重难点方法课 前准 备师生活动过程