六年级英语期末总结20 xx 年到 20 xx 年下期六年级英语工作总结坎市中心小学郑小冬第二学期即将结束。回顾这一学年来的工作,本人积极投身于教育事业,服从领导分工。本学年担任本校的六年级英语教学工作,在过去的几个月确实在摸黑之中度过,但经过一学年努力学习,自己英语教学水平大大提高了,学生的英语水平也相对提高了,同时也取得了一定的成绩。由于学生的基础不大好,英语教材难度又大,使我在英语教学遇到更多难以解决的实际问题。在全校英语课当中,六年级有部分同学已经厌恶英语学习,日益侵蚀,使教学有时无法进行;学生的学显得比较吃力;再更加上学生人数多,接受能力差。针对各班级的不同特点,我积极试着采取不同的教学方法。但基本上都是按照英语教学常规,让学生多听、多读、多练,从练习中不断提高能力。因此,在英语教学中我有如下体会:首先培养学生的“兴趣”,爱因斯坦曾这样说“兴趣 是最好的老师”。学生对于自己感兴趣的事物,自然会用更多的时间钻研。因此,在教学中要尽量使用英语,适当利用母语;利用直观教具、动作、表情和玩游戏等方法吸引学生,让学生乐于学习。而且,教学中必须做到让学生明白,会用,反复练习句型和单词,提高水平,进行生动活泼的开放式的课堂教学,使学生从愉快的情景中学到知识,从而提高学生对英语科的学习兴趣,提高了教学效果。所以在课堂教学中要特别注意学生的兴趣的培养。在课堂上,我首先让学生明白每课的句型结构,懂得它的规律,学会用学过的单词使用新句型对话。对话中照顾不同发展程度的学生,做到难易得当,让每个学生都有练习的机会,增强学生学习的信心,提高对话的反应能力。每课讲授完后,要求学生必须读熟,会默写单词,会做基本的对话练习。英语的学习是狠抓句型及单词,因此,每天早上要求学生抽出一定时间开口读英语,锻炼口语能力,熟悉课文。在班级选出读音规范的科代表,由教师指导培养好科代表。而且教师经常巡视和抽测,使学生不知不觉巩固所学习的单词;要求每节课前学生听写十个单词,必须做到完全正确。既要学习新知识,又要巩固旧知识,得到两面照顾,不能松懈。保证所学的单词的正确记忆,为对话练习及书写打下基础,保证单词的正确性,提高听力的准确性。除抓句型及单词外,还要为学生区分易混、易错的地方,使学生心中有数,提高叛断应变能力。学习英语是循序渐进的,每个阶段都不能松懈。因此,教学过程中要注意培养、辅导中、下等生,让他们能跟得上,打好基础,以后的学习才能顺利通过。课后,经常辅导接受能力差的学生,使他们有所进步。并且,在班级成立英语辅导小组,给英语成绩差的学生进行辅导和帮助。总之,今后继续加强对教材的钻研,学习先进的教学方法,让学生学得更轻松,真正做到“It is fun,it is easy.”从而取得更大进步。第二篇:四年级英语期末总结2900 字一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月December Lesson2 One-first two-second three-third four-fourth five-fifth six-sixth Seven-seventh eight-eighth nine-ninth ten-tenth eleven-eleventh twelve-twelfth Lesson3 When is(节日)?New years day is January first.Spring festival is in January or February.International workers day is May first.Childrens day is June first.Teachers day is September tenth.National day is October first.What day is it?今天星期几?What day is tomorrow?What day was yesterday?Its(Sunday 星期日Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星 期 三Thursday星 期 四Friday星 期 五Saturday 星期六)Lesson5 Hows the weather today?It s(rainy 下雨的sunny晴朗的cloudy 多云的windy有风的snowy 下雪的)Lesson6 What time is it?It s(6:00.)./It s time for lunch/supper.When is school?At 8:00 in the morning.When is lunch?At 12:00.When is supper?At 6:30 in the evening.Whats the date?Its February seventeenth.Lesson9 This is a yellow marker.This is a red apple.Here are two blue chairs.What colour is it?How old are you?I m ten years old.When is you birthday?My birthday is December seventeenth.Lesson10 How tall are you?How tall is Kim?Im metres tall.She is.Lesson12 This is a house.This is an apartment.Where do you live?I live in an apartment near school.I live in a house.Is it near school?No,it s far from school,it s near the park.What s your address?My address is 135 the Ninth Avenue.Lesson14 How do you go to school?By(car 小汽车/bus公共汽车/taxi c 出租车/bicycle 自行车/truck 卡车)I walk.airplane 飞机train 火车Lesson17 东 east 西 west 南 south 北 north Lesson18 We live in China.We speak Chinese.Beijing is the capital city of China.Lesson19 This country is Canada.They speak English and French in Canada.The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.Lesson20 In the,they speak English.The capital city is Washington,Lesson21 Its the United Kingdom or London is the capital city of the Lesson22 The capital city of Australia is Canberra.They speak English in Australia.Lesson26 May I go on a trip to Beijing?May I go shopping?Yes,you may.No,you may not.Lesson28 One hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred Seven thousand eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand How far is it from Chain to Canada?About eight thousand five hundred kilometres.Lesson29 This is an airplane.An airplane is fast.This is a bus.A bus is slow.This is a train.A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane.What is the capital city of China/Canada/The/The/Australia?Its Beijing/Ottawa/Washington,/London/Canberra.What do they speak in China/Canada/The/The/Australia?They speak.反义词:left-right young-old tall-short east-west south-north hot-cold far-near above-below leave-arrive go-come