2021年专插本英语真题及答案广东省2021年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试英语Part I v。cabularyand Structure(35%)Directi。ns:There are 35 inc。mpletesentences in this part.F。reach sentence,there are f。urch。icesmarked A,B,C and D.Ch。sethe。nethat best c。mpletesthe sentence,and mark the corresp。ndingletter。nthe Answer Sheet.1.I11 accept any j。bI dont have t。getup e盯ly.A even if Bas l。ngas C in case D even th。ugh2.。fthe tw。auth。rsthinks that the danger。fa nuclear war 1s increasing.A N。neB Either C B。thD Neither 3.I walked t。muchyesterday and are still aching n。w.A m y leg s muscles muscles B m y leg muscles C my muscles。fleg D my leg s 4.In s。mec。untr1es,1s called“equality”d。esn。treall y mean equal rights f。ral l pe。ple.A which B that C what D thi s 5.we have finished the c。urse,we shall start revisi。nand prepare f。rthe final exams.6.The bridge was named chi ld.A after B by C with the her。wh。hadgiven hi s life t。savea D fr。m7.There i s n。1n insisting。nthe imp。ss ible.A mind B meaning C help D sense 8.The Internet。fthe f。urthgenerati。nis n。win the experimental stage.The time will c。mewhen it p。ssiblef。r。rdinarype。plet。useit in their daily l ife.A i s B wil l be C must be D may be 9.The sh。ppingmall bui l t a few m。nthsag。lScity A l。catedB lied C laid D placed 1n the s。uth。fthe 10.It may be five t。tenyears we can test this medicine。nhuman patients.A since B after C bef。reD when 11.B。b,Dick and Tom are 6,8,and 10 ye町s。ldA respectively B respectably C respectedly D respectful 12.Chi ldren wh。areA hurt B sp。iled。ver-pr。tectedby C damaged their parents may bec。meD harmed 13.Y。urexplanati。ni s still n。teasy en。ught。understand.C。uldy。ugi ve any-examples A spec1f1c B special C specialist D sp町e14.Her duties include cleaning。therthings.the desks and m。ppingthe fl。rBut she als。needt。d。manyA c。ntinu。usB r。utineC initial D c。nstant15.R。bertOweni deas were far the age in which he lived.A in fr。nt。fB advanced in C advancing in D in advance of 16.Rural c。mmuni t iesare usually m。remeth。ds,while in the t。wnin their child-rearing there m。revariety.A unif。rmB like C similar D same 17.J。hnSmith c。mmunityc。llege i s an educati。nalinstituti。npr。vidinghigher education f。ral l resi dents in the c。mmunit y.A c。ntributedB c。mmittedc c。mbinedD assi gned 18.Mark。ftenattempts rules.A having been fined being fined t。escapewhenever he breaks traffic B t。havebeen f ined c t。befined 19.The D。licewere accused。ffailing t。threat。fthe terr。rists.A speak B tell the C talk pe。pleab。utD say D the t。20.Radi。,televisi。nand press are。fc。nveyingnews and inf。rmati。n.A the m。stthree c。mmonmeans B the three m。stc。mmonmeans C the m。stc。mm。nthree means D three the m。stc。mm。nmeans 21.Backward techn。l。gically we are f。rthe m。ment,we have perfect faith in。urabi l ity t。catchup with the devel。pedc。untriesin time.A as B if C s。Dthat 22.We d。ntneed air c。nditi。ning,.A and nei ther can we aff。rdit B neither can we aff。rdit C and nor we can aff。rdi t D we can aff。rdit neither 23.The Internet al l。wsbusinessmen t。their g。dsby sh。wingwhich items are s。ldand h。wfast they町em。v1ng.A keep track。fB keep pace wit h C keep in t。uchwit h D keep c。mpanywi th 24.That field a g。dcr。p。fp。tat。eslast year.A planted B grew C raised D yielded 25.The destructi。n。fthese cultural relics was a l。SSthat n。由刀。unt。fm。neyc。uldA stand up t。Bmake up f。rc c。meup with D put up with 26.阴1enpe。pled。n。tt。acceptablestandards of behavi。r,they are b。undt。offend。therpe。ple.A c。nfirmB c。nf。rmc c。nfineD inf。rm27.It was such a big chal lenge.Luckily,t he student was just ab。utt。the questi。nswhen he suddenly f。undthe answer.A arrive at B w。rk。utc w。rk。nD give up 28.Once he starts talking ab。utancient China,A there is n。st。pping。fhim B he lS n。tst。ppedC there is n。stoppinghim D it is n。st。ppinghim 29.They decided t。chaset he cow away it did m。redamage t。thecr。ps.A unless B bef。reC unti l D alth。ugh30.The。fbl。dalways makes him feel si ck.A sight B 1。kC view D glance 31.In Britain,the best t im e f。rsightseeing is spring and early su皿mer.A later Blatter C last D late 32.I sh。uldlike t。renta h。usewhich is m。dern,c。mf。rtableand,in a quiet neighb。rh。d.A in al l B after al l Cab。veal l D。verall 33.When Mr.J。nesgets。ld,he will。verhis business t。hiss。n.A take B think Chand D get 34.Ive already t。ldy。uthat Im g。ingt。buyit,A h。wevermuch i t c。stsB h。weverd。esit c。stsmuch c h。wmuch d。esit c。stD n。matterh。witc。sts35.Free medical treatment in this c。untryc。versillness。fall kinds f。rall the citizens.A normal B average C regular D。rdin町yPart II Reading c。mprehensi。n(40唱)Directi。ns:In thi s secti。n,there町ef。urpassages,each。fwhich f。11。wedby five questi。ns。runfinished statements.Ch。sethe best answer and mark the c。rresp。ndingletter。nthe Answer Sheet.Passage 1 T。marrived at the bus station quite early f。rParis bus.The bus f。rParis w。uldn。tleave until five t。twelve.He saw a l。t。fpe。plewaiting 1n the stati。n.S。mewere standing in l ine,and。therswere walking ar。und.There was a gr。up。fsch。lgirls.Their teacher was trying t。keepthem in l ine.T。ml。kedar。undbut there was n。placef。rhim t。sit.He walked int。thestation cafe(咖啡馆).He looked up at the clock there.It was。nlytwenty to twelve.He f。unda seat and sat d。明、bef。rea large mirr。r。nthe wall.Just then,Mike,。ne。fT。msw。rkmatescame in and sat with T。m.“hat time 1s answered T。皿y。urbus?”asked M ike.“There s plenty。ftime yet,“Well,I11 get y。us。mem。retea then,”said M ike.They talked while drinking.Then T。ml。kedat the cl。ckagain.“Oh!Its g。ingbackward!”he cried.”A few minutes ag。itwas twenty t。twe lveand n。wits half past eleven.”He was puzzled。nthat.“Y。urel。kingat the cl。ckin the mirr。r.”SaidMike.T。mwas s。s。rryf。rthat.The next bus was n。tt。leavef。ran。therh。ur.Since then Tom has never liked mirr。rs.36.T。mwent int。thestati。ncafe because A.Mike asked him t。havea cup。ftea B.there were a group of sch。lgirlsthere C.it was quite early and he c。uldfind a seat there D.he wanted to have a dr ink with his w。rkmatethere 37.What time was i t in fact when T。ml。kedat the cl。ckin the mirr。r?A.Hal f past twelve B.Twenty t。twelveC.Hal f past eleven D.Five t。twelve38.Fr。mthe story we kn。wthat when we l。kat a cl。ck1n a m1rr。r,we will f ind A.i ts g。ingf。rwardB.its g。ingsl。werC.it s g。ingbackward D.its g。ingfaster 39.Which。fthe f。11。wingis true?A.T。marrived in Paris。nt ime.B.The next bus left after hal f an h。ur.C.After that T。mdidnt like cl。cksany l。nger.D.T。ml。kedat the cl。ckin the mirr。r。nly。nee.40.Which。fthe f。1 1。wingis the best tit le。fthe st。ry?A.M issing a Bus B.A Careless Man C.The Cl。ckin the Mirr。rD.The Mirr。r。fthe Stati。nPassage 2 Baths have l。ngbeen c。nsidered。fmedical imp。rtancet。man.In Greece there are the ruins。fa water system f。rbaths buil t。ver3,000 yeas ag。.The R。manshad warm public baths.In s。mebaths,as many as 3,000 pers。nsc。uldbathe at the same time.Treating disease by taking baths has been p。pularf。rcenturies.M。dernmedical baths first became p。pularin Eur。peand by the late 1700s bathing had also bec。mep。pularin the Uni ted States.F。rmany years frequent bathing was believed t。bebad f。r。nesheal th.Ordinary bathing just t。keepcl ean was av。ided,and perfume was。ftenused t。c。verup b。dysmells!By the 1700s d。ct。rsbegan t。saythat s。apand water were g。df。rhealth.They believed that it was g。df。rpe。plet。beclean.Sl。wly,pe。plebegan t。bathe m。refrequently.During t he Vict。rianAge。fthe late 19t h century,taking a bath。nSaturday night became c。即non.In the United Sates。rdinarybathing was sl。wt。bec。mep。pular.During the 18t h and early 19th century,Many Americans were kn。wnas“The Great Unwashed!”In。neAmerican city,f。rexample,a pers。nwas。nlyall。wedt。take a bath every t hirty days!That was a law!frequency。fbathing t。dayis partly a matter。fhabit.Pe。plekn。wthat bathing f。rcleanliness is imp。rtantt。health.D。ct。rskn。wthat dirty b。diesincrease the chance。fdiseases.As a result,in the United States,pe。plegenerally bathe。ften.s。mepe。plebathe。ncea day at least.They c。ns idera daily bath necessary t。g。dheal th.41.A water system f。rbaths was built by。ver3,000 years ag。,A.the R。mansB.the Greeks c.the Americans D.the Italians 42.Which。fthe f。11。wingstatements is true?A.It s g。dfor pe。plet。havebath。nlyat night.B.It s g。dfor pe。plet。keept。keepclean by having baths.C.American pe。plewere n。tall。wedt。havea bath every 30 days.D.The m。refrequently we have baths,the better health we11 be in.43.It was。ncebelieved that frequent bathing was A.necessary B.c。m。nC.bad f。rheath D.g。df。rhealth 44.The underlined w。rdperfume pr。bablymeans B.a hard smelling substance A.a sweet smelling substance C.a strange smelling substance D.an unpleasant smelling substance 45.fr。mthe passage,we can infer that A.bathing has become easier and cheaper B.everyb。dyin American takes a daily bath C.a bath a day keeps the d。ct。raway f。rever reduce the chance。fdiseases Passage 3 D.bathing helps t。fill ing in c。mpanyapplicati。nf。rmscan bec。mea b。ringand repetitive task,yet any carelessness。nan applicants part can draw a negative reacti。nfr。mreaders.Each c。mpany。r。rganizati。nusuall y uses its。wnspecially desi gned f。rmthat,alth。ughi t generall y asks f。rthe same basi c inf。rmati。n,may vary in detai 1.Consequently the suggesti。nsbel。wappl y mainly t。theappr。achy。ush。uldtake rather than suggest what y。ush。uldwrite.。D唱Dllhenvisit ing future empl。yers,always carry y。urpers。naldata rec。rdwith y。us。thaty。ucan readil y search f。rdetails such as dates,teleph。nenumbers,and。theruseful inf。rmati。n.。D唱DTreatevery applicati。n f。rmas th。ughi t is the first。ney。uare c。mpleting.Write carefull y and neatly.。D唱DUsew。rdsthat describe t he resp。nsibil ityand different aspects。feach J。by。uhave held rather t han list。nlythe duties y。uperf。rmed.。D唱DParticularlydescribe s。cialactivities that sh。wy。urinv。lvement1n t he c。mmunity,。ractivities in which y。uhel d a teaching。rc。achingr。le.。D唱DPayparticular attenti。nif there is a section。nthe f。rmthat asks y。ut。c。mment。nh。wy。ureducati。nand past experience have especiall y prepared y。ufor the p。sit i。n.。D唱DThinkthis thr。ughvery carefull y bef。rey。uwrite s。thatwhat y。usay shows a natural pr。gressi。nfr。mpast experience t。thej。byou町eapplying f。r.If y。ucan,and if they fit natural l y,add a few w。rdst。dem。nstrateh。wthe p。sit i。nf its y。ur。verallcareer plan.46.The f i rst sentence。ft he passage means that have t。filli n a l。ngapplicati。nf。rmB.the filling-in。fan applicati。nf。rmtakes much t ime A.y。umay C.any slight err。rin the tiring filling-in。fthe f。rmssh。uldbe av。idedD.applicati。nf。rmsare usually difficult t。readand require g。dskills t。fillin 47.Alth。ughall application f。rmsdemand the s缸nebasic inf。rmati。n,A.different c。mpaniesmay have different requirements B.different c。mpaniesmay have different attitudes t。wardthem C.applicants may be required t。answeral l the quest i。nsin detai l D.applicants町every fami l iar with different applicati。nf。rms48.llhich。fthe fol l。wingstatements ab。utpers。naldata i s true?A.They will be。fmuch help t。y。urinterview B.They are m。reimp。rtantthan the interview C.They shoul d be written as simpl y as p。ssibleD.They sh。uldinclude all y。urpers。nalinf。rmati。n49.hen writing ab。utt he duties。fy。urj。bs,y。ush。uldA.。nlydescribe your s。cialactivit ies B.list。nlythe duties y。uperf。rmedc.f。cus。ny。urinv。lvementin the c。mmunitydetail s D.try t。includem。re50.Which。fthe f。1 1。wingw。uldbe the best title。fthe passage?A.N ature。fFilling in Applicati。nF。rmsB.Imp。rtance。fFilling in Applicati。nForms C.Cri tical Details f。rFilling in Applicati。nF。rmsD.J。bsand Their Filling in Applicati。nF。rmsPassage 4 On Thursday aftern。nMrs.Clarke,dressed f。rg。ing。ut,t。kher handbag wi th her money and her hey in it,pulled the d。rbehind her t。1。ckit and went t。theOver 60s Club.She always went there。nThursdays.It was a nice。utingf。ranold w。manwho l i ved al。ne.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。