Mayor of Kingstown《金斯敦市长(2021)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
要是我能把四个帮派的头目What would you say if I can get you the leaders都给你弄来呢to all four gangs?那我要帮你做什么What's it gonna cost me?金斯敦市长前情提要他们要把我们关多久How long they planning on holding us?你们要多久才能调♥教♥好里面的帮派How long's it gonna take you to get your house together inside?趴在地上赶紧的Down on the ground, now.你们不知道我孙子是谁吗You don't know who my grandson is.这是我们来的原因Thats why we're here.不该发生这事的That was not supposed to happen.这笔帐迟早要还There*s gon' be some payback.我要以牙还牙搞你们的家人This shit's gonna hit close to home.赶紧他妈的给我放出去Get me the fuck outta here.巡逻队追了他几条街Patrol caught him a few blocks up.我想和他谈谈I wanna talk to him.哦天哪这是怎么了Oh my God, what happened?他反抗了He resisted.这是你的新家This is your new home.希望没了人也死了Hope dies; we die.来聊聊我想让你帮的忙吧Let's talk about my favor.你想让我转移什么东西What am I moving?You know what? Just fuckin' leave, Mike.我他妈根本没有时间管这摊子烂事I don't have the time or the fuckin1 bandwidth for this.这家伙他妈的用我给他的资源This guy's fucking using the bus that I fucking gave him给自己谋利for his own fuckin* benefit!真把自己当大爷一样To make him look like less of a limp dick就他妈是个怂逼than he already fuckin' is.他会搞砸这一切的伊芙琳He's gonna fuck it up, Evelyn!死伤不停混战不止More bodies. More fuckin* chaos.你想看到这些吗You want that?他妈的混♥蛋♥Fuckin' prick.他不了解这些人He doesn't know these people.但我知道I do.如果里面一发不可收拾了And when shit goes south on the inside,他在外面跑不掉的it's gonna find him on the outside.你刚刚是在威胁地方检察官吗麦克Did you just fucking threaten the District Attorney, Mike?就只是让他签个字行吗Just get him to sign the fuckin' papers, would ya?!伊芙琳我需要我的人放出来Evelyn, I need my guy the fuck out.我现在没了工作I don't really have a job right now.虽然麦克说Although Mike, he says.他需要我的帮助我也能出一份力he needs my help, I can help out,一些乱七八糟的事但some shit like that, but.我不清楚I don't know.我有了个孩子Havin* a kid.给他取了你的名字Namin' him after you.米契麦克拉斯基 亲爱的儿子哥哥 我只是不I just don't.我不知道应该怎么做米契I don't know what to do, Mitch.我觉得我真的搞砸了I, I feel like I'm really fuckin1 this up. 我只是需要一些帮助老哥You know, I just need some fuckin' help, man.我只是I just.如果你能帮我一把If you could fuckin' help me out, 我真的感激涕零Ed really appreciate it.操Fuck.五分钟后回来我又不是管事的麦克I don't control shit in here, Mike, you know? 我是说我只能告诉你哪些人I mean, I can tell you when somebody gets 在什么时候会被转移 transferred or moved,但除了这个我也束手无策but other than that, my hands are tied right now. 好好明白Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.那就帮我盯好好吧Just be my eyes and ears, all right?盯好他们的一举一动If anything moves out there.包在我身上好谢谢No shit. - Okay? Thank you.早上好怎么了Good morning. Whatrs up?就是Oh, just.总是感觉怪怪的It's fuckin' weird bein1 here.这个地方This.感觉跟之前的很像place looks just like the old one.是啊Yeah.来点儿吗You want some?好啊谢了Yeah, please.丽贝卡跑哪里去了Where the fuck's Rebecca?她留了张便利贴上面写着”五分钟后回来”She's a Post-It note. "Back in five" it said.怎么了弟What's up, Brother?天哪Oh, Jesus.我需要工作麦克不是杂务I need a job, Mike. Not a chore.一份正正经经的工作Like a fuckin1 job, job.我能帮上忙的And I can help, man.我有两把刷子I'm good at shit.你知道吗我能You know? I can.我是个工作狂I'm a fuckin' worker, man.你知道的You know that.嗯所以我让你去查火车和公交Yeah, that's why I sent you to the train station, the buses, 去找到艾丽丝to find Iris, you know?我去了And I did that.但是我不可能每天去那But I can*t keep posting up, just.只守株待兔啊麦克waitin1 for her to appear, Mike.我能干这里的活I can do shit here.我能帮你腾出时间I, I can free up time for you.你的活都堆满了麦克Because you've got a full house, Mike.自从监狱暴&hearts活L♥之后就是如此Been that way ever since the riot你需要搭把手啊哥You need hands, Brother.我有两只啊I got idle ones.我想要出份力麦克I need to contribute, Mike.你懂的男人必须You know, a man's gotta.必须感觉自己有价值you know, feel like he's worth somethin1.你懂吧You know?好了是这样的Okay, here's the deal.这东西和钱一样This stuff is as good as money.严格来说它们并不存在Technically, they don't exist因为它们被用于各种犯罪活动because they were used with a bunch of criminal stuff.但是很重要的但是But, and this is a big but.严格来说Technically.尽管现在已经不再发行了Though they aren't issuing them anymore,但是如果发行者还在if the issuer is still active, 这些债券就可以兑换现金the value of the bonds can be recovered.所以就算我们只兑换十分之一So, even if we get back a tenth of what they're worth, 都算百万富翁了we're still fuckin* millionaires.囚犯转运M区囚犯617178Inmate Mann. 617178.到检查站报到Report to exit checkpoint.能聊两句吗I get a word?说Speak.就我跟你Me and you.这事全他妈搞砸了你知道我的意思吗This is some fucked-up shit, you know what I'm sayin? 嗯Uh-huh.你兄弟坑了我们Your boy screwed us.把这事处理好了他才是我兄弟He ain't my boy rtil he make this shit right.麦克应该知道这事的走向Mike*s supposed to know how this shit goes, 应该是我们中的一员supposed to be one of us.什么意思What the hell that mean?你觉得他耍了我们You think he played us.他不是那种人你确定吗He ain*t like that. - You sure?我没看到那个王八蛋在里面摇笼子I don't see that motherfucker rattlin1 no cages.我只看到他在外面All I see is him outside,你被困在这个笼子里等着被转移and you stuck in this cage waitin* to be shipped out 就像等着被运到屠宰场的牛一样like some fucking cattle to the slaughterhouse.你最好小心点You best be careful,你嘴里说的那个名字卡斯帕you got that damn name in your mouth, Casper.我只是说I'm just sayin,.如果我们不快点出去We don't get outta here soon,就不知道什么时候能出去了don't know when we'll ever get out.要我看Way I see it,你已经在里面揍了人you did some assault and shit in here already.把我们害惨了You fucked a brother up good.要是有人盯上了Wrong dude gets eyes on that,你还没开始又得蹲十年you're lookin1 at another ten before you even start.让你的兄弟去做他该做的Tell your boy to do his fuckin1 job.你翻我的保险箱了You been in my lockbox?你不会想在这里找麻烦的小美女You do not want none of this smoke, Shortcake.我没在开玩笑I ain't fuckin' around!那里面有钱有药I had cash, and I had pills.行啊你想找麻烦是吧Okay, so you wanna do this?我只想知道我的东西在哪I just wanna know where my shit is.你是新来的You're new.所以我不会弄花你的脸So I'mma save that pretty face.你的钱大概在楼上The cash you had is probably upstairs.还有你袋子里的那些药丸And those pills you keep in that little baggie?大概是被你自己吃了Probably just went in your mouth.懂吗Okay?走了姐妹Let's go; ladies!我们还要挣钱呢We got money to make!贱♥人♥Fuckin' bitch.母鬣狗负责捕猎The matriarch hyena does the hunting.她们和大部分动物不一样They're not like most animals.她们团结一致阻止内斗They band together to stop fights.处理团体的内部问题And deal with the problems inside the clan.你Are you.会成为我们的问题吗艾丽丝going to be a problem in our clan, Iris?给我十分钟Give me ten.有新消息吗Got news for me?那个该死的检察官那个白♥痴♥This fuckin1 DA. This prick.他拿着这事四处招摇欢呼He's takin1 a victory lap for this bust.让他咿瑟一会Give him a minute, 就会签署那该死的文件then he's gonna sign the fuckin' papers, 他会让法官盖章的he's gonna get the judge to stamp it,然后你们就会出来了好吗and then you're out in the free world, okay?我们就搞定了Then we're done here.麦克他们每天都在转运人They're shippin1 people out every day, Mike.要不了一周A week from now,这个地方就没人了they gonna be tearin1 this whole place down.我知道I know.听着麦克我他妈不想再趟这趟浑水了Look man, I ain't fuckin' with gettin* back on this ride, Mike.这应该只是个临时协议This was supposed to be a temporary deal.是临时的It is.但我感觉不是麦克It ain't feelin* like it, Mike.我不是来这个什么狗屁锚湾铁笼里I ain't here for settin1 up the game all over again,洗心革面的麦克in some Anchor Bay bullshit-style pen, Mike!我不是我重整了这里的秩序I'm not! I set the order here!我完成我的工作了现在轮到你了兄弟I did my shit. It's your fuckin* turn, man!是的你做到了Yes, you did.我会搞定我该做的好吗And I'm getting my side done, okay?放松Just relax.我他妈都在泥坑里撒尿了兄弟I'm pissin1 in a fuckin' trough, man.我都成了这狗地方的泥城之王了I'm the king of Mudville up in this bitch.你现在竟然叫我冷静Now you, you tellin1 me to be cool and shit?等你把外面的事料理好的时候Wait for you to get the order goin1 on the outside, 我不知道会被运到什么鬼地方while I get shipped over to who the fuck knows where?我会把你弄出来的I'm gonna get you the fuck outta here.好吗我向你保证Okay? You have my word.就Just.让拉斐尔来掌事行吗让他来Put Rafael on point, right? Set him up, and.不他不能在我的阴影下掌事懂吗No, man, he can't run shit in my shadow, all right?只要我在这就是我掌事As long as I'm here, fm point.你懂这规矩You know how this work.我需要你继续相信我I need you to continue trusting me.哥们现在看起来Man, it's startin' to feel like相信你会倒霉麦克trusting you is bad for business, Mike.这里有很多人You got motherfuckers in this bitch不待见你lookin* at you sideways.我也不怪他们And I can't blame *em.你要是不快点把事办好You don't get this shit right right fuckin* fast, 我可无法阻止I cannot stop shit from doin'接下来要出什么乱子亲what the fuck it's gonna do, baby.大家就该自作主张了People gon1 take their own.现在有些气急败坏的人And right now, you got some.正盯着你呢angry-ass motherfuckers lookin1 right at you.谁Who?很难说谁会先出头It's hard to say who's gonna come knockin1.我能应付得了Ell handle it.哥们你比米契更能抗子弹吗Man; you ain't bulletproof any more than Mitch was, man.他那个只是偶然事件And that shit was some random-ass shit.现在这事可没那么简单This shit right here, it's not gon1 be that.这笔帐迟早要还This shit gon* be some payback.多谢你提醒我Thanks for the warning.你进入倒计时了麦克You on the clock now, Mike.每一秒钟每一分钟Every second. Every minute.咱们都在被倒计时邦尼We're all on the clock, Bunny.从出生那天开始就是Since the day we're fuckin* born.好吗都是跟老天借来的时间Okay? This is all just borrowed time.麦克把你的事都料理好Mike, get your shit in order,不然他们会来找你麻烦or they comin1 for your ass.并且不久后And soon.就无力回天了Reachin1 a point of no return.在车里等我Wait in the car.咱们要迟到了爸爸We gonna be late, Dad.马上就好Just be a minute.你咋又来找我去找金属制品吧Look for metal.只要你能找到你就是救世主If you find it, you are the savior.如果是他们找到If they find it.你就自求多福吧God help you.敬请期待金斯敦商业住♥宅♥区超级空间那边还好吗Everything okay over there?!好没事Yeah! Yeah, all good!我还以为挖到了一个旧污水管之类呢Just thought I hit a fuckin* old sewage line or somethin1!只是垃圾It's just trash!马特西克商业地♥产♥开 ♥发♥NEW字幕组翻译翻译鹅蔼玲翻译炭炭翻译千阳翻译Melody翻译江湖翻译头上长仙草校对头上长仙草校对千阳时间轴长颂时间轴斤日时间轴隔壁老宋啦啦队千阳总监千阳CSEG克隆字幕提取组提取CaliroCSEG克隆字幕提取组金斯敦市长第二季第四集B区囚犯编号♥991913Makin1 this a habit.我着急找你谈谈Yeah, I needed to get you first thing.那就打电♥话♥啊Well, use the phone.我要送孩子上学我是想打电♥话♥的I'm takin1 my kid to school. - Well, I would.你先听我说我知道我懂Just give me a minute, though. I know, I get it.你有没有Do you.你收到转监的通知了吗Did you get heads up on these fuckin' transfers?收到了I get a heads up, yeah.你咋没告诉我一声呢You didn't wanna share that?你告诉我监狱群架的事了吗Like you shared that smackdown?我是想保护你Trying to insulate you in that shit.别记仇Come on, now.妈的Jesus fuck.你能拖延点时间吗-我说了不算Can you slow roll this shit? - It's not my call.我只管在转监文件上签字All I do is sign off on the transfers,然后追踪押运的进展then track deliveries.跟联邦快递似的Like, like FedEx.行吧一定要把邦尼和其他头目All right, keep Bunny and all the other leaders都留在帐篷城inside Tent City.好吧如果他们All right, if they get fuckin' moved.在释放前被转移before they're supposed to be released,这整个计划就完蛋了this whole thing is gonna fuckin* fall apart.你是在求合作还是指挥我You askin' or tellin*?拜托就配合配合我Come on. Just fuckin' do it.你以为你在跟谁讲话Who do you think you're talking to?在我眼里你可不是市长麦克You're not the mayor to me, Mike.我可不是你的手下I don't work for you.要我照顾这些人I'm supposed to kid glove these guys,就为了能帮助你所谓的计划是吗because it helps some "plan" you think you got?拳王麦克泰森的名言有句话说得好You know the sayin',“每个人在挨揍之前都有自己的一套计划”"Everybody got a plan 'til they get punched in the face."我挨过揍了Well, I've been punched in the face,所以我现在自己制定计划so I'm makin' my own plans, now.拜托喂喂别这样Come on! Hey, hey, hey, come on.我们要是失去邦尼We lose Bunny.再失去其他几个头领.and you lose all the other generals.那你的监狱就会乱套you lose the fuckin1 prison.然后整个金斯敦就他妈没救了And then we lose fuckin' Kingstown.蛾摩拉为圣经中的罪恶之城这里又要变成蛾摩拉了It's fuckin* Gomorrah all over again.你的孩子将没有安全的地方可去And there's nowhere safe for your kid to go.我不是求你帮我I'm not asking you to fuckin' help me.这事对我没啥好处I get nothing outta this.我是叫你帮助你自己I'm tellin1 you to fuckin1 help yourself.你有这权力卡里姆用它You have the power, Kareem. So use it.好吧All right?当铺枪和子弹你好吗贺拉斯What's goin' on there, Horace?嗨科尔顿Hey, Colton.我还以为你和老婆戒了毒了I thought you and the lady kicked.我只是I just.我有个问题I got a question.我需要帮助但不知道该问谁I need some help, and I didnrt know who to ask.你是要当东西吗Look man, you got somethin1 to pawn?你要是想买♥♥点东西或者买♥♥毒品我都有If you wanna buy some shit or score some shit, I got you.Dear Abby是专门给读者提供生活建议的报刊专栏不是的话我可没空当你的知心大姐Otherwise I ain't got time for your "Dear Abby'1 shit right now.我他妈要这玩意有啥用What the fuck am I supposed to do with this shit?我手里有价值五万的这些东西I can give you 50 grand worth of these things.你要是能出价一万这买♥♥卖♥♥就成了You give me 10 grand, we*re solid.你拿相机录我呢吗You got me on camera right now?啥没有What? No.Candid Camera 是美国著名整人偷♥拍♥节目我感觉你这跟整人偷♥拍♥节目似的'Cause I figure this gotta be some Candid Camerabullshit. 我查过了哥们这些东西可值钱了I looked it up, man. This shit's worth real money. 哥们你要是想跟我买♥♥东西没问题 Look man, if you wanna buy some shit, I got you. 不然的话你就赶紧给我滚Otherwise, get your skinny ass out of my store.把你这古董银票也拿走And take your old-timey bank notes with you.这真的能当钱花我发誓就像It's as real as cash, man, I swear, like.旅行支票一样fuckin1 traveler's checks.那你去旅行吧带上你老婆去巴黎玩个开心Go take a trip, take your girl, go to Paris, have fun. 给我滚出去Get the fuck outta my store.我不知该如何把它们转手I don't know how to move 'em.我还以为I just thought, you know.你没准认识什么人I thought you might know someone.我是认识一个人但你可不想认识他There's someone I know, you don't wanna know. 但我要告诉你一个你知道的事实贺拉斯But I'm gonna tell you a truth you already know, Horace. 瞎掺和跟这张纸有关的事Trying to mess around with shit like this paper will 会把你带往一个鬼地方take you to a bad place.一个你绝不会想待的地方A place you don't wanna be at.所以不如回家生堆火开个派对然后把这些玩意都烧掉So build a fire, have a party. Burn all this shit up. 忘掉你寄托在这堆纸上的希望和幻想吧Forget the hopes and dreams you placed on that shit. 你听到了吗You hear me?你认识的那个人是谁告诉我吧Who do you know? Please.这是什么书What is that book?很高兴你对书感兴趣Like you care.不我不是No, I do.是关于古罗马奴隶的书It's about slaves in ancient Rome.我是对古罗马的奴隶感兴趣I care about slaves in ancient Rome.得了吧Give me a break.伊恩Ian!等我一会就一会Give me one second, one second.丹尼怎么了Danny, what's up?兄弟有个非常可怕的消息Man, it*s gonna get freakin* hairy.锚湾正在释放成千上万个犯人Anchor Bay is dumpin' 'em by the thousands.你说什么What are you talkin' about?所有的监狱都在这么做All of the prisons are doin' it.他们把非暴♥力♥罪犯放回到街上They're kickin' the non-violents back out on the streets,好给帐篷里的罪犯腾地方and makin' room for the tent dwellers.就看那些非暴♥力♥罪犯会用多久犯卜暴♥力♥罪行 Let's see how long it takes for the non-violent to get violent.好吧谢谢-好的All right, thank you. - All right.你听到了吗Did you hear that?听到了I did.老天啊Jesus Christ, it's gonna be外面要乱成一锅粥了米利安a goddamn mess out there, Mariam.这个孩子也是同样的问题This kid is part of the problem.我们上周把他放走We let him off last week.然后他怎么做的And whafd he do?出去后又犯事只用了一把手♥枪♥Went out and did it again, only used a goddamn gun. 我想跟他聊聊L L I just wanna talk to him.行好吧会让你跟他聊聊的Yeah, well, you'll talk to him.金斯敦少年犯感化中心只要你喜欢你可以跟一大群少年犯聊聊You'll talk to a whole group of them, like you do.我只想跟马科聊聊Well, I wanna talk to Marco.米利安这可不行Mariam, it's not gonna work like that.我托了关系才让你进来的I pulled strings to get you in here.而且他也不会想跟And besides, this kid's not gonna wanna talk to 他上周抢劫过的女士聊天的好吗the lady that he jumped last week, all right?米利安我知道这话听着刺耳Mariam, I know it sounds shitty.但讲真我想说But honestly, I mean,他甚至都不记得你长什么样了he's not ev