Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section B 2a-2e单元Unit 8课时第4课时学标 教目语言知识:1 .掌握本课时出现的生词句型及表达方式。2 .能熟练表达中国传统节日及食品。3 .能够综合运用目标语言说明自己所熟悉的食物的制作过程以及所需的原料学习能力:1 . 了解翥国的感恩节以及感恩节的传统食物一火鸡及制作方法。2 .阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。文化意识:1 .通过习美国特定节日的传统食物,能够联想中国节日及家乡的风味小吃,激 发对家乡的热爱之情;2 .体验中西方饮食文化的差异。思维品质:通过学习,学会有序处理问题,进一步培养思维逻辑。教学 重难点1 .掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。2 .阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。3 .阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关任务。教学 工具1WB, PPT教学 方法快速阅读法;任务型阅读法;小组合作学习教学过程教学步骤课堂活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Lead-in1 .Greeting.2. Brain Storm. T says: What traditional Chinese festival do you know? What western festival do you know? let's watch a video to learn more about it.3. T plays a video, makes Ss know the origin of Thanksgiving Day.趣味问答。选 中的同学大声 说出自己的看 法。知晓感恩节的 由来。通过视频和趣味 问答导入本课时 主题一节日。鼓励 学生积极讨论,激 发学生学习兴趣。Step 2Pre-reading1. Go through 2a. T let Ss discuss the following question with partner: What kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays in China?被选中的学生 大胆说出看 法。通过抛出问题,鼓 励学生说出传统 节日。2. Brain Storm. T leads Ss to think about: What else do you know about traditional food?3. Predict. T lets Ss look at the title, sub-title and the picture. Then asks Ss to answer the following questions: What kind of food do they make? On which special day do people cat it?完成2a任务 单.预测,带着问 题,跟着老师 节奏进入阅读 环节。激发学生阅读的 兴趣,进一步活动 课堂气氛。Step 3While- reading1. leads Ss to scan the article» then answer the question: What is the main idea of each part?Careful-reading. T lets Ss read paragraphs 1 and answer the following questions:Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?When do people celebrate it? Why do people celebrate it? How do people celebrate it?What is the main dish of Thanksgiving?T checks the answers with class. Go through 2a. T asks Ss to read the article and number the pictures 1-5.T checks the answers with class.T asks Ss to read paragraph 2 again and complete the mind map: How to make Turkey?T leads Ss to retell paragraph 2 with the help of mind-map.2c.Through 2c.T lets Ss read the read the sentences and make sure they know the meanings of all the sentences. Then Ss read the passage again and try to answer the questions.T checks the answers with class.学生快速浏览 文章,找出每 段大意。学生先读问 题,然后仔细 阅读 Para.l , 被点名的学生 大声说出答 案。学生阅读 Para.2.找出答 案。完成2b.再读第二段, 完成思维导 图。学生试着复述 第二段内容。先读2c问题, 然后再读文章 完成2c任务 单。通过快速阅读,掌 握段落主旨大意。带着问题细读文 章12段,目的性 更强,通过回答问 题帮助掌握文章 内容。而思维导图 有助于学生更好 地理解文章意义。充分理解2c问题, 重点阅读有关信 息,在原文中找与 之相关的段落或 句子,填写出正确 的答案。Step 4Post-readingI.2.3.4.T asks Ss to close the book and leads to retell the passage.Go through 2d. T says: Now let's read the short passage in 2d. It's the instructions for making a lurkey dinner written in different way. Put them in order. Write First, Next, Then and finally in the blanks.Go through 2e. T leads Ss to focus on the pictures in 2e. Then talk about.T gives an example for Ss.跟着老师复述 文章大意。仔细阅读2d内 容,完成排序。讨论2e活动中 的中国传统节了解中西方饮食 文化差别。激发对 传统节日的热爱 之情。日。Step 5 Language Points ExplanationT explains some knowledge points.将知识点 做好笔记。将本节重点汇总, 系统讲解和分析, 结合典例,帮助学 生学习知识点。Step6ExercisesT assigns the test.完成课堂练习。让学生在课上练 习消化知识点,及 时操练重点知识 点,让教师把握学 情。Step 7 SummarySummarize the key content in this lesson.跟随老师一起 进行内容总 结。总结本课所学内 容,利用将思维导图 给学生进行有序 的梳理。Step 8 HomeworkWrite a short passage about your favorite festival in China and the traditional food people eat on that day.记下家庭作 业。巩固课堂效果。板书设计:New wordsKey sentencestraditional» autumn, traveler, England, celebrate, mix, pepper, fill, plate, cover, serve, temperature on special holidays, fill with,coverwith,cut,into pieces, one by one, make sth. hot, mix sth. together, cut up, pulinlo1. . Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.2. Cut the turk ey into thin pieces.3. It's a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.4. Finally, serve it to your friends with some vegetables.5. In Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner.教学反思:“阅读最终是为写作服务的设计该阅读课时,从greeting, lead-in ,pre-reading, while-reading 到post-reading的各个环节中充分考虑到学生的综合能力培养。课堂导入为词汇教学做准备, 词汇教学为阅读做准备,阅读教学为写作做准备。环环相扣以达到最终目标一一提升学生的 写作能力。该课时在快读、细读及细节理解上有优势,力求让学生既能完整地理解课文,也 能就细节知识进行挖掘和推理。通过图片形式的视觉教学,提升学生的好奇心。在阅读中提 问可以提高学生参与课堂的积极性。通过文章的学习和课堂练习,帮助学生掌握本课的关键 词、短语和句型,进一步培养学生的综合阅读能力。