生产部门任职要求4篇【第1篇】生产部门经理岗位职责任职要求 生产部门经理岗位职责 岗位职责: · to lead the team to fulfill the operational kpi such as quality, cost, delivery, safety , efficiency, etc; · manage the day to day operations including 5s, discipline, ehs, quality issue and problem solving, headcount/manning plan based on workload changes, over time/attendance control, in order to satisfied the customer demand; · lead assigned the specific project across operation department and across departments; · monitor and feedback the performance and potential issues in production department ; · as the key player to lead the lean project by associate with finance and other functions to optimizing the working process, eliminate the wasters, control the cost and delivery the productivity results; · to actively promote an environment of continuous improvement; · to develop standard operating procedures and training kits to support stable operation and quality safety performance; · to actively promote quality standards through deeply involvements with problem solving, process optimization and standardization, employees training and certification, continues improvement projects, quality procedure implementation and execution; · to manage the operation team to work align with the company discipline and policy, stick on working goal deployment and follow up the results of achievements, provide coach and support when necessary; · to develop the team capability according to company business needs, and promote strong lines of communication and working relationships with all internal customers. 任职资格: · more than ten years related working experience, with elevator industry preferred, or working experience in sheet mental, powder painting and assembly.; · with mechanical assembly work experience and the post management ability; · honest and credible, obey the job arrangement, also with the good communication skills;岗位职责: · to lead the team to fulfill the operational kpi such as quality, cost, delivery, safety , efficiency, etc; · manage the day to day operations including 5s, discipline, ehs, quality issue and problem solving, headcount/manning plan based on workload changes, over time/attendance control, in order to satisfied the customer demand; · lead assigned the specific project across operation department and across departments; · monitor and feedback the performance and potential issues in production department ; · as the key player to lead the lean project by associate with finance and other functions to optimizing the working process, eliminate the wasters, control the cost and delivery the productivity results; · to actively promote an environment of continuous improvement; · to develop standard operating procedures and training kits to support stable operation and quality safety performance; · to actively promote quality standards through deeply involvements with problem solving, process optimization and standardization, employees training and certification, continues improvement projects, quality procedure implementation and execution; · to manage the operation team to work align with the company discipline and policy, stick on working goal deployment and follow up the results of achievements, provide coach and support when necessary; · to develop the team capability according to company business needs, and promote strong lines of communication and working relationships with all internal customers. 任职资格: · more than ten years related working experience, with elevator industry preferred, or working experience in sheet mental, powder painting and assembly.; · with mechanical assembly work experience and the post management ability; · honest and credible, obey the job arrangement, also with the good communication skills; 生产部门经理岗位 【第2篇】生产部门经理岗位职责 生产组长(部门副经理) 南京岚煜生物科技有限公司 南京岚煜生物科技有限公司,岚煜生物,岚煜 职责描述: 1.在生产部经理的领导下编制具体生产计划,目标责任和考核指标并组织落实实施; 2. 与市场部对接,接受订单,在生产部经理批复订单后,跟踪和执行订单; 3.对接采购跟踪材料采购计划,异常变动时及时向生产部经理汇报; 4.每周统计生产成品库存和半成品库存; 统计部门出勤,每月向部门经理汇报; 5. 根据生产记录统计部门员工工作量,每周统计一次,每月最后一天向部门经理提交报表;在生产部经理的领导下,按“质量管理体系”要求,负责本车间的生产组装工作; 6.根据生产计划合理组织生产,并对生产过程进行监视和控制; 7.检查生产过程,工艺文件执行状况,成品标识和可追溯性的控制,并进行好产品防护; 8. 根据生产需要和工艺文件的要求对人员进行相应的调整,但要保持相对固定; 9.进行物料需求分析,了解采购情况,统计生产所需物料; 10.做好生产记录,每日向生产部经理提供生产报告; 11.对生产现场进行巡视,及时解决一般生产技术问题,对解决不了的问题及时上报; 督察车间工作环境卫生; 12每日做安全生产检查,发现问题及时纠正; 13.成上级领导临时交办的工作任务。 任职要求: 1.专科,电子,机械加工类相关专业; 2.5年以上工作经验,3年生产管理工作经验,熟悉仪器生产流程,有一定的人员管理经验; 3.熟悉iso13485管理体系,了解pdca闭环管理流程,掌握电子加工,机械加工和安装工艺; 4.爱岗敬业,遵纪守法,责任心强。 【第3篇】生产部门主管岗位职责 自动化生产部门主管 安诺 杭州安诺过滤器材有限公司,安诺,安诺 职责描述: 负责公司生产及设备的自动化改造, 包括对现有设备的自动化改造, 以及新产品的自动化生产开发,提高自动化程度; 寻找设备制造厂商对接,根据生产工艺合作完成非标自动化设备开发; 生产线自动化设备设计及规划。 任职要求: 大专及以上学历, 机电一体化、机械制造及其自动化、自动化相关专业; 非标自动化设备设备行业经验三年以上; 熟练使用autocad, solidwork等绘图软件; 工作认真踏实、积极向上、有责任心,具有良好的沟通能力、创造能力以及协调能力。 具有一定的团队管理经验。 【第4篇】生产部门主管岗位职责任职要求 生产部门主管岗位职责 职责描述: 负责公司生产及设备的自动化改造, 包括对现有设备的自动化改造, 以及新产品的自动化生产开发,提高自动化程度; 寻找设备制造厂商对接,根据生产工艺合作完成非标自动化设备开发; 生产线自动化设备设计及规划。 任职要求: 大专及以上学历, 机电一体化、机械制造及其自动化、自动化相关专业; 非标自动化设备设备行业经验三年以上; 熟练使用autocad, solidwork等绘图软件; 工作认真踏实、积极向上、有责任心,具有良好的沟通能力、创造能力以及协调能力。 具有一定的团队管理经验。 生产部门主管岗位8