新托福阅读题型解析之分类填表题解题技巧 众所周知托福阅读考试当中有10大类题型,除了图表题近年来很少看到之外,其它9类题型在考试的都是会出现的。假如你在托福备考的过程当中对于这些题型没有了解其它结构以及解题方法,那么对于你的托福阅读考试提分是特别不利的。这里我为大家带来托福阅读填表题解题技巧,希望对大家有帮助。 新托福阅读题型解析之分类填表题解题技巧 托福阅读题型解析之填表题 这类题型出现的较少,大家也可以了解一下。 OG中明确给出了本类题目计分的原则。分类填表题给出的表一般有2类或者3类组成;有四种状况:2类5正确选项;3类5正确选项;2类7正确选项;3类7正确选项。对于有5个正确选项得题,一共值3分,答对5个得3分,答对4个得2分,答对3个得1分,答对2个或2个以下不得分;对于有7个正确选项的题,共值4分,答对7个得4分,答对6个得3分,答对5个得2分,答对4个得1分,答对3个或3个以下不得分。 这种题,无论是分成2类还是3类,都确定是文章中明确给出的。而且应当是文章写作的线索,是文章划分结构的依据。都有很明显的结构上的标记,有助于区分开。正确选项,一般都在文中以小列举的形式出现,只要把握了文章结构,选出来并不困难。我认为这种题比较简单。练习几次就能找到窍门,应当好好把握这种肥而不腻的题。 托福阅读题最重要的是找到阅读段的主题句,分析出出题者的意图,然后依据文章关键词进行答题。考生在做托福阅读题的时候须要重视开头段,结尾段和过渡段,在这三个地方,一般会包含着托福阅读段的真实题义。 托福阅读技巧:正确率优先 速度跟后 托福阅读有的时候真的是很恼人,不管我们怎么背单词,不管我们怎么做题,他的分数就是在那里像吃了秤砣一样,巍然不动,其实许多时候,不是我们不努力,而是我们做事的依次做反了,有点欲速则不达的感觉。 其实当我们在备考托福阅读的时候,许多考友只是很机械的,将新托福突破口TPO做了一遍又一遍,又一遍。但是托福考试与物理化学是不一样的,做物理化学题的时候,我们每做一道题,有可能就会驾驭一种新的解题思路。 但是托福是个英语考试,英语考试其实我们可以把它想象成一个饭盒,它须要驾驭的学问是特别有限的,这些只是其实我们早就学过了,托福考试并没有考到什么新的学问,托福考试要求的,仅仅是要求我们将之前的学问娴熟运用即可! 但是,各位考友须要留意的是,托福考试所须要的学问,其实应当是对于“单词、语法、逻辑”的“快速、精确、细致”的理解,托福阅读的核心其实就是这些,也就这么简洁!但是问题是不管你做多少遍题,本身都是不行能去帮助你驾驭“单词、语法、逻辑”的,因为做题做一遍就是过了,里面的单词我们是没有背下来的,里面考到了什么语法呢? 让我们说,我们也真的说不出来?同样的,与语法相关的逻辑我们也没有得到任何的提高。因为我们看到的都是一句一句单独的句子,这些句子是已经将“单词、语法、逻辑”整合起来了。我们做题看到的一个一个的句子,这就好比是我们看到的公路上的一台一台的汽车,托福考试考的核心是这些汽车里面的零部件的工作原理,可是假如我们只坐在路边看汽车的话,是根本看不到这些汽车里面的工作原理的。我们做多少遍题,我们就看了多少遍汽车在我们的面前疾驰而过,但是仍旧是不行能知道这些车里面的工作原理的。 请留意,这里并不是说不行以做题,我们是可以做题的。但是我们并不应当仅仅是去掐时间20分钟做完题这么简洁。 其实当我们在前期做题的时候,应当是不限时做题的,我们应当把做题的时间拉长,换句话说,就是我们就会有充分的时间,去探讨里面每一个单词,每一个语法点的逻辑,以及弄懂每一句话是什么意思,当然还包括弄懂前后文的逻辑发展,这都是很重要的。 做完托福阅读题之后,也不是把题一下就扔在一边,我们还应当,去反思里面的错题,因为我们都已经不限时做题了,那么我们为什么还会做错题呢?缘由很简洁!就是因为我们驾驭的学问里面是有错误的地方,或者我们有的学问根本学的不扎实!因此我们就要把那些题目做对了,但是我们不知道为什么,以及做错了的题弄清晰,我们为什么错了,究竟是有什么学问点我们不清晰?!自己弄不懂就去求教高手,只有这样我们才能一点一点提升我们的托福阅读分数。 托福阅读练习:IBT样题分析 Reading (1) The northern spotted owl is the only species whose survival has been definitively proven to depend on old growth. For at least a dozen other species, ranging from the marten to the pileated woodpecker, a reservoir of old growth habitat may also be essential. But using radio collars, researcher Eric Forsman followed foraging flights from owl nests in the broken tops of ancient Douglas first and fed the data into a computer. The computer-generated maps revealed an overwhelming preference for hunting in forests over two hundred years old, even if to do so the owls have to travel to the limits of their ranges, bypassing plenty of slightly younger forest en route to a kill. The owl needs old growth, and lots of it. But he probably wont get it. (2) Early in the 1980s government biologists decided that of the 1,000 or so nesting pairs of northern spotted owls in Oregon, 400 were needed to guarantee survival of the species. They initially proposed setting aside 1,000 acres for each nesting pair. Later studies showed an average pair needed 2,200 acres and in some conditions of terrain, well over 3,000. But Bureau of Land Management timber managers agreed to a mere 300 acres of per pair when, as part of an interagency agreement, it took responsibility for 90 owls. Later the agencys director indicated that the Bureau had no legal obligation to honor the agreement if it interfered with timber sales. Some years after Forsman reported his original findings, population geneticist Russell Lande completed another analysis of the owl and its habitat, concluding that the owl was headed for certain extinction. Nevertheless, in 1987 officials at the US Forestry Service and at US Fish and Wildlife decided not to list the owl as threatened or endangered. (3) Inconveniently for the logging industry, the little owl has turned out to be anything but insignificant. As early as 1968, a small group of researchers were applying modeling techniques to forest ecosystems. Ecosystems research is politically awkward; it considers nothing by itself. In the Douglas fir forests of the Cascades and the Coast Ranges the owls ecological role is to cull and keep healthy the population of small mammals that are its favorite foods, among them the fungus-eating California red-backed vole and the northern flying squirrel. (4) A flying squirrel would not launch himself into space from the safety of an old-growth firs wrinkled bark, nor a vole emerge from his burrows under and old-growth down log, were they not also gourmets. They are after truffles, the extremely edible fungus that is found near the roots of trees and plants. (5) It has been known for a century that woody plants, and especially conifers, develop symbiotic relationships between the tips of their roots and certain fungi. n These fungus-root combinations are called mycorrhizae. n But their full interconnectedness with the forest ecosystem was not widely understood, even among botanists, until 1977, when a zoologist and mushroom expert began working as a team. Their research explained that when the fungi such as mushrooms and truffles wrap themselves tightly about root tips, they perform the spongelike services that fungi do best: absorbing minerals, nitrogen and water from the soil and feeding them to the tree. nThey also produce growth-regulating chemicals that induce the tree to produce new root tips and strengthen the trees immune system, giving it a longer life span. n (6) Squirrels, mice and voles, along with certain insects, eat the fruiting bodies of the fungitrufflesand carry the spores to new sites in their intestines. Though some mycorrhizal fungi fruit above ground as mushrooms and scatter their spores on the wind, truffles are entirely earthbound. Unless animals eat them, they dont reproduce. And it is these fungi that are adeptly conserving moisture on the steep slopes where ground water runs off rapidly and where foresters have a hard time growing new trees. As their spores ripen, the truffles begin to emit strong and distinctive odorsfruity, fishy, cheesy, garlickyso that the rodents can home in on them with a minimum of digging. Squirrels that, for whatever reason, cant do this efficiently enough, of course, get eaten by owls. Reading Questions 1. According to paragraph 1, what is true about northern spotted owls? A. They fly relatively long distances to get preferred foods. B. They have moved their nests to trees in relatively young forests. C. Their flights sometimes surpass the limits of the radio collar. D. There are fewer northern spotted owls than there are martens and pileated woodpeckers. 2. According to paragraph 2, what action did the Bureau of Land management take? A. It announced the owl was in danger of extinction. B. It set aside 1000 acres of land for nesting. C. It went to court against the timber managers. D. It decided to ignore a previous interagency agreement. 3. In paragraph 3, which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in major ways or leave out important information. Inconveniently for the logging industry, the little owl has turned out to be anything but insignificant. A. In spite of the nuisance of caring for it, the wood companies have seen the importance of the small owl. B. Because the owl is small, the lumber industry has said that it will not be convenient to turn forests into state parks. C. The owl has ultimately become extremely important, to the displeasure of the logging industry. D. Fearing that it was too much trouble, the timber company decided to turn over the significant job of caring for the owl. 4. The word awkward in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. liberal B. motivated C. delicate D. aggressive 5. The word cull in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. thin B. nurture C. track D. attract 6. In paragraph 3, what does the author say is challenging about ecosystem research? A. It has to look at how all the parts are related to one another. B. It requires costly computer systems for modeling. C. It relies on political funding to support its programs. D. It is so new that an accepted methodology is till being worked out. 7. According to paragraph 4, why does the author say the flying squirrel and the vole are gourmets? A. To show how unnecessary their killings are B. To emphasize their discriminating eating habits C. To contrast the behaviors of flying squirrels and voles D. To demonstrate the decayed state of old growth habitats 8. In paragraph 5, all of the following statements about mycorrhizae are true EXCEPT A. They are symbiotic life forms. B. They allow fungus to give the tree minerals. C. They play a critical role in forests. D. They infuse chlorophyll into the roots. 9. Look at the four squares n that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. In trade for all this, the tree supplies sugars that the chlorophyll-lacking fungi cannot manufacture for themselves. Where would the sentence best fit? n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 10. The word they in paragraph 6 refers to A. bodies B. mushrooms C. truffles D. animals 11. The phrase adeptly in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to A. precariously B. competently C. inconspicuously D. generously 12. According to the information in paragraph 6, which of the following can be inferred about steep hills which are not covered by mycorrhizai fungi? A. The squirrels would come to dig there for other foods. B. There would be insufficient moisture for new tree growth. C. The soil would have an unpleasant odor. D. The fungus spores would fly over them to more distant terrain. 13. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas. This question is worth 2 points. This ecology of old growth habitats has been found to be complex and highly interconnected. ? _ ? _ ? _ Answer choices ? Ecosystems research was carried out in Douglas fir forests near the Cascades. ? Central to the old growth ecosystem was the fungus that grows around the roots of conifer trees. ? Government officials have provided backing for the old growth habitats by protecting rare species. ? Researchers gathered information about owls foraging behaviors and began to understand how truffles were linked to a wide web of life forms in old growth habitats. ? Typical of the old growth symbiotic relationships were the small animals which came to eat the truffles growing near old growth, but which in turn went on to spread the truffle spores. ? In contrast to many old growth species, the northern spotted owl is likely destined to become extinct. 新托福阅读题型解析之分类填表题解题技巧本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第16页 共16页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页第 16 页 共 16 页