雅思口语范文之想学的运动 生命在于运动,大家想要学习什么运动呢?下面我给大家带来雅思口语范文之想学的运动。 雅思口语话题part2参考范文:想学的运动 Describe a sport you would like to learn Please say: What sport it is? When will you learn it? How will you learn it? Why do you want to learn this particular sport? 1.适用考生:全适用 2.主题:学打篮球 3.故事线:假如我有机会,我很快就要起先打篮球了。我的一些邻居每天晚上都在旁边的篮球场上玩这个嬉戏,我所要做的就是和他们一起玩。 雅思口语高分范文示例: If I get the chance and nothing unusual happens, I would like to start playing basketball soon. This is a sport that fascinates me a lot and after 4-5 months when I will finish my graduation, I will start playing this game on a regular basis. In fact some of my neighbours already play this game every evening in a nearby basketball playground and all I have to do is start playing with them. They are very close to me and theyll definitely welcome me to join their team. I will need to buy a pair of sports trousers and shoes and spend some money to start playing it. Actuality the expense is very low and that wouldnt be a problem for me to start the activity. Though I often watched this game on television or in our local play-ground, I never played it myself. May be I was bit anxious about the performance or skill of mine in this game and thats why I have not started it yet. I planned to start playing it when I was in grade 9, but because my family had to move to a new city, I could not start it. This is a game that fascinates me and since I often watch it on television, I have a great passion about it. Two of my previous attempts to start playing this game were ruined and I feel somehow that has enhanced my interest about this game even more. I need to shape my body and I found it would be a great game to do so. Thats the most important reason I want to start it as soon as possible. 雅思口语话题范文:想尝试的运动 Describe a sport you would like to try. You should say: what sport it is; how did you learn it; whether it is difficult to do; and explain why you would like to try it. 描述一项你想尝试的运动。 你应当说: 这是什么运动; 你是怎么学的? 是否难以做到; 并说明为什么你想尝试它。 范文 The sport I'd like to try isskydiving. I first saw it on TV whenI was a kid. I was frightenedbecause I thought the man justjumped from the plane without anysecurity, you know, without aparachute. I regarded it as a way of suicide but his laugh confused me. After a while, his parachute opened and he floated safely to the ground. Then the man told the audience that it was the first time he tried skydiving. That was how I know the name of the sport. This program left a deep impression on me. I often tried to imagine how excited a person would be when he or sheskydives. I searched all the information about this sport and found out that it's a kind ofl dangerous sports and the participants have to meet a number of requirements. 我想尝试的运动是跳伞。当我还是个孩子的时候,我第一次在电视上看到它。我很胆怯,因为我以为那个人在没有任何平安措施的状况下,没有一辆出租车,就从飞机上跳了下来。我认为这是自杀的一种方式,但他的笑声把我弄糊涂了。过了一会儿,他的着陆伞打开了,他平安地飘到了地面上。然后他告知观众这是他第一次尝试跳伞。我就是这样知道这项运动的名字的。这个节目给我留下了深刻的印象。我常常试着想象一个人在潜水时是多么激烈。我搜寻了全部关于这项运动的信息,发觉它是一种危急的运动,参加者必需满意一些要求。 The reason why I would liketo try it is that I want to overcome my fear of standing at high positions. I mean, it's not as serious as acrophobia, but I kind of have the feeling that if I overcome it, I can become a brave girl. So I would definitely try it if I had a chance. 我想尝试它的缘由是我想克服我站在高处的恐惊。我的意思是,它没有恐高症那么严峻,但我有一种感觉,假如我克服了它,我可以成为一个英勇的女孩。所以假如我有机会,我肯定会去尝试。 雅思口语话题part1范文:Sports(运动) 1.Do you like to watch sports on TV? 你喜爱用电视观看体育运动么? Its really entertaining to watch sports. In fact, I have subscribed to various sports television channels at my home so that I can watch live games such as the all the world-class football matches or tennis open games. 2.When did you first become interested in sports? 你什么时候起先对体育运动感爱好的? As far as I remember, there was a cricket match between India and Pakistan and my entire family was watching that on television. After sometime, the match became dicey and I also started participating in the conversation. That match fueled my interest in sports and I found myself close to the fields after that day. 3.Do you play any sports? 你玩任何运动么? I don't prefer a specific kind of sport, but I really like working out in the gym That helps me to keep my body in a good shape. 4.Do you have a favorite sports star? 你有最喜爱的体育明星么? I feel that my favourite sports star is Messi who is a forward in Barcelona. He is the perfect blend of speed, strength, skill and toughness. He is also an icon in the modern football. 5.What kinds of sports are popular in China? 中国什么运动比较流行? Its very hard to figure out “the most popular sport” in China, but I would say the most popular sports are probably soccer, basketball, track and field (mostly for students), table tennis, and badminton. Some martial arts including Tai Chi are being revived and popularized these days too. 6.What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future? 将来你想尝试什么新的运动? Well, I guess what Ill try in the future is the tennis because it can help me build my strength and improve my flexibility and balance. Besides, tennis is social, its a sport I can enjoy with friends if I play regularly. 7.Do you think the sports chosen by young people and old people are similar? 你人为年轻人和老年人从事的体育运动类似么? Not really. There may be some age-friendly sports like walking, swimming and dancing that all kinds people should and like to do, but in general, old people tend not to play aggressive team sports like young people madly do, such as football, basketball. 雅思口语考试中那些隐形的评分标准 雅思索生们都知道雅思口语的四大评分标准,即fluency and coherence(流利性和连贯性), vocabulary(词汇), grammar(语法),pronunciation(发音)。考生们在平常练习的时候往往都是以这四大评分标准来衡量自己的成果的,但其实许多考生们都忽视了雅思口语考试的另外一项要求,那就是“沟通”的感觉。 虽然它不在四大评分标准之列,但是作为口语这门特别的须要通过语言进行人与人之间沟通的考试项目来说,无疑这是一个隐形的评分标准,它对于考生的最终成果也具有肯定的影响力。 大部分考生在考试时会出现从头到尾低着头看桌子不抬头;或者眼睛看看天花板,看看地板就是不看考官;或者说话时面无表情,动作呆板,整体很不自然的现象。这些举止在欧美人看来是一种不自信的表现,不符合西方人的沟通习惯。 那么考生如何在考试中自然的体现“沟通”的感觉呢? 首先,考生必需调整面对“考官”所产生的恐惊心理。考生千万不要觉得面前坐的是一位来测试你成果考试的考官,而要把他视为一位跟你闲聊的挚友。口语考试的十几分钟过程不是考生生硬的去回答对方的问题,而是两人就某个话题进行一番闲聊,期间供应一些你的个人信息,再和对方对某一问题沟通一些个人见解。因此整个感觉就和平常和挚友闲聊一样,放松自然就好。 其次,考生在考试过程中肯定要表现的相当自信。抬起头,望着考官,带着微笑就是一种自信的表现。考生千万不要觉得自己的英语比起考官差许多而没有志气说。考生可以告知自己说:“好歹我会中文,英文也还可以,而考官基本都不会说中文,比起考官来,我会多一门语言。”因此在考试过程中考生不要去考虑说的对不对,好不好,只管自信大胆的说就好。 最终,假如考生在考试时考到的内容正好是考前打算到的,那考生千万不要出现“背诵”的现象,这是犯了考试大忌的。考生在考到打算到的内容时在窃喜之余尤其要注意体现“沟通”的感觉,不然很可能把“流利性强 ”变为“背诵”,这两种状况的分数是天渊之别。 “背”答案的时候很简单出现语速过快,没有语音语调,没有面部表情,没有与考官眼神沟通的现象,因此考生讲解并描述熟识的内容(尤其是其次部分卡片描述题时)尤其要留意体现“沟通”的感觉。假如考生们能很好的运用“沟通”的感觉这个技巧,信任对考试成果是很有帮助的。因为口语原来就是用来进行人与人之间沟通的。失去了沟通的感觉就失去了用语言沟通的特色和意义了。 雅思口语范文之想学的运动本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页