雅思口语part2物品类话题解读(附素材范文) 雅思口语part2物品类话题是雅思索试常考的话题之一,所以考生们肯定要足够的重视。下面为大家带来此类话题的具体介绍,会包括比较细微环节的东西,所以考生们肯定不要错过哦! 雅思口语part2物品类话题解读 首先,来看一下物品类话题分类。 对于物品类话题,我们依据历年考试话题的汇总,为大家概括为两大类: 详细类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等; 抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。 其实简洁的说详细类物品话题就是实实在在存在,能够看得见摸得着的一样东西。而抽象类物品则是一件抽象的东西,可能没有实物参照,而只是比较抽象的描述。所以二者比较而言,详细类物品话题将会好描述的多。雅思口语part2物品类话题详解大家可以细致阅读一下,这里有关于两类话题详细的细微环节对比分析。 其次,就是关于详细的解题思路介绍。 1)当我们要描述一个详细类事物时,要把它与人物类以及地点类联系起来,丰富自己的内容。例如:描述a gift时,首先要描述这件礼物详细是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?挚友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,假如是手工制作的那肯定是很专心,同学们可以细致描述一下。 2)当我们描述一个比较抽象类的话题时,要遵循互通原则。一个话题不会说就要换一种方式敏捷应对,不至于张口结舌并缓解冷场气氛。 具体的解题思路分析见雅思口语话题之物品类话题分析、雅思口语part2物体物品类话题思路原来可以这样用、雅思口语虚拟物品类话题攻略。 最终,考生们也须要留意素材的积累词汇、句式等。 雅思索场详细案例解析:仍以gift为例:Describe a gift you sent to others 物品词汇: Arts and crafts工艺品;Charm护身符;Cross stitch 十字绣;Knitting 编织品;Shell craft 贝壳制品;Mug 杯子;Multi Purpose Tools 多功能工具 物品特点词汇: Think out of the box有创意的;User-friendly便利运用的;Durable耐用的;Decent不错的;Portable便于携带的 高大上句型: 1)The monetary value of the gift is not relevant, its the meaning that is more important. 礼物的价值不在于它的价格而在于它的真情实意。 2) Charm bracelets(幸运手链) are supposed attract wealth, health, or good karma(好运) to the person wearing it. 雅思口语part2素材积累:物品类 详细类物品 如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等; 抽象类物品 如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。 其实简洁的说详细类物品话题就是实实在在存在,能够看得见摸得着的一样东西。而抽象类物品则是一件抽象的东西,可能没有实物参照,而只是比较抽象的描述。所以二者比较而言,详细类物品话题将会好描述的多。雅思口语part2物品类话题详解大可以细致阅读一下,这里有关于两类话题详细的细微环节对比分析。 其次,就是关于详细的解题思路介绍。 1)当我们要描述一个详细类事物时,要把它与人物类以及地点类联系起来,丰富自己的内容。例如:描述a gift时,先要描述这件礼物详细是什么,外观或是很吸引人的地方;然后,再说是谁送给你的,父母?挚友?同学还是同事?也可以说说这件礼物是从什么地方买的,假如是手工制作的那肯定是很专心,同学们可以细致描述一下。 2)当我们描述一个比较抽象类的话题时,要遵循互通原则。一个话题不会说就要换一种方式敏捷应对,不至于张口结舌并缓解冷场气氛。 具体的解题思路分析见雅思口语话题之物品类话题分析、雅思口语part2物体物品类话题思路原来可以这样用、雅思口语虚拟物品类话题攻略。 后,考生们也须要留意素材的积累词汇、句式等。 雅思索场详细案例解析:仍以gift为例:Describe a gift you sent to others 物品词汇: Arts and crafts工艺品;Charm护身符;Cross stitch 十字绣;Knitting 编织品;Shell craft 贝壳制品;Mug 杯子;Multi Purpose Tools 多功能工具 物品特点词汇: Think out of the box有意的;User-friendly便利运用的;Durable耐用的;Decent不错的;Portable便于携带的 高大上句型: 1)The monetary value of the gift is not relevant, its the meaning that is more important. 礼物的价值不在于它的价格而在于它的真情实意。 2) Charm bracelets(幸运手链) are supposed attract wealth, health, or good karma(好运) to the person wearing it. 雅思口语Part2物品类范文:重要的礼物 Describe an important gift you had in your childhood. You should say: what it is who gave it to you what it looks like and explain why it was important to you. The first thing the pops into my head are my cats, Topsy and Turvy. They were my little bundles of joy whilst I was growing up. When I was much younger I had another cat, called William. Sadly he was run over by a bus one day in front of our house. I can remember very vividly, one day I came home from school and my mum told me to look in the kitchen. I saw Topsy and Truvy and it was love at first sight. She told me when she had gone to collect them she only intended to buy one kitten, she put Topsy into the box and Turvy was mewing so loudly and scratching the box. She decided they were soul mates and couldnt separate them. I have no idea what kind of cats they were, all I can tell you is that they were painfully cute. Topsy was ginger and Turvy was ginger and white. Turvy had little white patches on his paws that made it look like he was wearing mittens. Topsy was a little furrier and made him look fat. One was shy and the other more outgoing. Like all brothers, they would sometimes fight and at other times cuddle up together. Alas, they are no longer with us. Topsy passed away a few years ago and years finally caught up with Turvy finally as she bit the bullet last year. I knew that they would not live as long as me, but its still depressing to lose someone you love. 雅思口语Part2(物品类)范文:家中的老物件 Describe a piece of old equipment in your home You should say what it is; how often you use it; how long you have had it; and explain why it is important in your home. Well, to tell you the truth that we have thrown away quite a number of old equipments and bought some new ones for our home as we moved 3 times over the past two decades. However, there is still one old piece in our home, and that is an old chair made of wood. It was my grandpa's favorite furniture while he was alive because he used it quite a lot. I remember it was in 2002 when my parents got that chair for him after we moved to a new apartment with a really nice balcony as my parents would like him to sit in the chair at the balcony and enjoy some sunshine after lunch. So far we've had it for almost 15 years. You know, it is such an important furniture in our home as each time when we see it, it reminds us of our grandpa and those rewarding lectures he gave us. For instance, one of the most meaningful lectures he used to give us is on how to be a good and useful person to society and how to get along well with friends and colleagues. And personally speaking, it also reminds me of the time when he used to take care of me while my parents went away for business. And what I love the most about that is he would cook some special dishes for me. Besides, he would also take me to a nearby supermarket for some delicious snacks when I asked. 雅思口语part2物品类话题解读(附素材范文)本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页