雅思口语范文欣赏:自信 雅思口语的备考须要我们不断地去积累,下面我给大家带来雅思口语范文观赏:自信,一起来看看吧! 雅思口语范文观赏:自信 自信 Self-confidence Self-confidence refers to the firm belief in one's capability to do something well. In many cases, self-confidence is crucial to one's success because on the one hand, it provides a solid psychological ground for one's work, on the other hand, it is based on an evaluation of one's understanding of a certain kind of knowledge done by oneself. Self-confidence is an important psychological factor in our work. We can safely draw the conclusion that being given the same kind of work, a self-confidence person will find the work much easier and more interesting than one that holds a gloomy view on one's own ability. Similarly, when facing a patient, the doctor who is quite confident of his diagnosis is more likely to give much comfort to the patient and therefore achieves more satisfying result than a doctor who isn't because the self-confidence of a doctor greatly influences his patient's mood. However, we shouldn't confuse self-confidence with conceit. The former is based on a thorough understanding of knowledge one has acquired but the latter isn't. Conceit may make people succeed temporarily, but that won't last, nevertheless, self-confidence is forever a help, a stimulus to one's success。(195 words) 雅思常用口语之自信 You can rest assured. I'll make it. 你尽管放心,我会胜利的。 assured a. 有把握的,放心的 rest assured“放心” I could do that with my eyes closed. 我闭着眼睛都能干。 I can do that. 我能做那件事。 Simple. 简洁得很。 A piece of cake. 小菜一碟。 I'm an old hand at this. 我是这方面的老手了。 It's my job. 这是我的本行。 I'm good at this. 我在这方面很在行。 Believe me. 信任我好了。 old hand“老手,有阅历者” I'm absolutely sure that I'll pass the exam. 我信任自己能通过考试。 absolutely ad. 地 I'm certain of my success. = It's certain that I'll succeed. 我确定会胜利的。 certain a. 确定的,有信念的 success n. 胜利 succeed v. 胜利 I'll bet I can get the first prize. 我敢打赌我确定能得一等奖。 prize n. 奖金,奖品 I'm a hundred percent certain. 我有a hundred percent的把握。 a hundred percent“a hundred percent,完全” I'm not sure about that. = I'm not certain. 我对此没有把握。 I'm not confident in my capability. 我对自己的实力缺乏自信。 capability n. 实力 I'm afraid I can't manage it. 唯恐我应付不了。 I'm afraid it's beyond my ability. 唯恐这超出了我的实力范围。 beyond one's ability“在某人实力范围之外” 2.好用对话 Expressing Confidence表示自信 Tom: Hi, Ann. 汤姆:嗨,安。 Ann: Hi. You look excited. What's happening? 安:嗨,你看起来很兴奋。怎么回事啊? Tom: I just heard that our school will hold a singing contest in 5 days. 汤姆:我刚听说咱们学校5天后要实行一个歌颂竞赛。 Ann: And you're planning to enter? 安:你打算参与吗? Tom: Of course. This is a great chance for me to show off my beautiful voice. 汤姆:当然了。这可是我一展歌喉的好机会啊。 Ann: Is there a prize? 安:有奖项吗? Tom: I heard that the winner gets a Panda Radio. 汤姆:我听说获胜者可以得到一台熊猫牌收音机。 Ann: Do you think you have a chance? 安:你觉得自己有获胜的可能吗? Tom: A chance? Not just a chance, I'm a hundred percent certain. Everyone says my voice is beautiful. 汤姆:可能?不只是可能,我有a hundred percent的把握。大家都说我的声音很美。 Ann: But you haven't practised all that much. 安:但是你还没怎么练习呢。 Tom: I still have 5 days to practise. It's in the bag! 汤姆:我还有5天的练习时间呢。我可是稳操胜券啊。 Ann: Don't be too sure. You're still going to need some help. 安:不要把话说得这么确定,你还须要别人的帮忙呢。 Tom: Yeah, maybe. 汤姆:是的,或许吧。 3.具体解说 1.“show off”的意思是“卖弄,炫耀”,例如:Don't take any notice of him; he's just showing off.(别理他,他只不过是在卖弄罢 了。)She always shows off her knowledge of literature.(她总是炫耀她的文学学问。) 2.“a/one hundred percent”意为“a hundred percent”。英语中,百分数的表达方法为“基数词/阿拉伯数字+ percent”。例如:More than 40 percent of the students wear glasses.(有40%以上的学生都戴眼镜。)此外,“percent”也可以写作“per cent”。 3.“in the bag”是习语,意思是“万无一失的,稳操胜券的”,可以理解为“已是囊中之物”,例如:We've got the match in the bag.(这次竞赛我们已稳操胜券。) 4.文化洗礼 有关“自信”的名言警句 Confidence doesn't need any specific reason. If you're alive, you should feel 100 percent confident. 自信不须要任何理由,生活应当保持a hundred percent的自信。 There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves. 充溢自信,爱惜自己,魅力无以过之。 If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. 若人们信任自己,你会惊异于他们无所不能。 Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向胜利的步。 Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on. 缺乏自信,就似乎拉着手刹在人生道路上行驶。 Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a trong character. 自信和自食其力是坚毅品行的柱石。 Be confident, not arrogant. 要自信,但是别傲慢。 雅思口语发牢骚句子汇总 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我惭愧! 3. Whats wrong with you- 你怎么啦- 4. You shouldnt have done that! 你真不应当那样做! 5. Youre a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Dont talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are- 你以为你是谁- 8. Whats your problem- 你怎么回事啊- 9. I hate you! 我很烦(厌烦)你! 10. I dont want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11. Youre crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind- 你疯了吗-(对美国人的专用语) 13. Dont bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 离我远点儿! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. Its none of your business. 你真让我生气! 21. Whats the meaning of this- 这是什么意思- 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你太不协作了! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. Im fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I cant take it anymore. 我受不了了! 28. Ive had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了(你的胡说)。 29. Shut up! 闭嘴! 30. What do you want- 你想怎么样! 雅思口语就是闲聊,你要足够自信 考生这么问,或许是希望听老师说一句“可以背诵”,然后就无脑背诵了;又或者她是认为无论怎么打算,自己做的答案确定不如这些买到的好。这也让老师想起另一个常被问到的问题:“口语话题我们都知道,怎么打算呢?”在这篇文章里,我们简洁探讨一下。 首先,来解决关于背诵答案的问题。笔者不支持背诵这种做法,当然,这里所说的不支持是指在考试的时候不要原文背诵以前打算的答案,但是在打算考试的过程中可以用背诵的形式来解决语法和词汇的应用问题,尤其是对于语言基础比较薄弱的考生。其实这就是范例的作用,与小学生学语文是用词语造句是一个道理。 那考试时背诵会如何?这个问题也简洁,试想一个考生在其次部分用早已背熟的答案来应对,考官可能会想:“这个考生功底不错,用词地道,条理清晰。让我来问个困难一点的问题。”然后考官依据这位考生在其次部分的陈述,问一个临时想的问题。结果这位考生说的一塌糊涂,词句混乱,逻辑不通,落差如此之大,那分数就不会高。 什么状况下会被认为或者被怀疑是在背答案?也许有这么几种: 1.Part 2流利的不行,Part 3跟换了个人似的; 2.问题没听懂,不跟考官确认,只自顾自的始终说;上课时常常见到这样的学生,假如我是考官,我会怀疑考生是否有仔细在与我沟通; 3.语调缺少抑扬顿挫;这在课堂上也常见,像是中学有些学生背文言文,听起来他自己都不知道在念些什么; 4.用好多难词,但是句子却很简洁;这就像是用了语言难度特殊高的模板,而你填进去的词却很简洁,这就明显不配套啦。 所以,假如你真的背好去考场,确定不会出现以上的状况? 其次个问题,考生应当如何打算?简洁的说,就是依据话题打算内容,在考场上以内容为线索,利用可以娴熟运用的词汇和语法把你的内容表达出来。就像是你去做一个演讲,你打算了PPT,但是PPT上只有特别简洁的关键词,如何做成一个完整的陈述就看你的语言运用了。 而且,同一个演讲,你每次用的语言不行能是完全一样的,只有表达出的内容是一样的。对应在雅思口语中也是一样,它考察的是考生在生活和学术场景中运用语言的实力,呈现出敏捷性是必要的,优先保证把意思表达清晰,不要太过在意是否在某个陈述的部分肯定用到特定的句型或词汇,这样就不会被语法或词汇所牵制,考试时才有精力去改进内容的逻辑。 雅思口语就是闲聊,越是把它当成考试考生就越惊慌,反而不能呈现出用英语沟通的自如,考官认为你不够自信,考生自己的状态也会受影响。只要表现出作为留学生你可以运用英语进行生活和学术中的日常沟通的实力就达到了基本的要求。 雅思口语范文观赏:自信本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第14页 共14页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页第 14 页 共 14 页