雅思口语Part2备考指南熟悉话题利用好准备时间 雅思口语Part2是口语考试中的重头戏,它是Part1和Part3的过渡,也是口语考试中的难点。下面我给大家带来雅思口语Part2备考指南 熟识话题利用好打算时间,希望能够帮助到大家! 雅思口语Part2备考指南 熟识话题利用好打算时间 一. 雅思口语Part2简析 在分析如何备考之前,我们先来了解一下雅思口语Part2。雅思口语Part2部分考官会给考生一个题卡,上面写着考生须要回答的问题,还有一些提示。举个例子,比如你遇到的Part2题目是“Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet”,那么题卡上面还有提示内容,诸如“When it happened”“What you were looking for”“Where you were searching on the Internet ”等内容。所以当你在回答你上网查东西经验的时候也要描述出“这次查阅的时间”“你去找什么东西”“在哪里上网”等等。这些提示信息是你口语答案中必需包含的信息,但是只有这些还是不够的,答案要讲的更丰富一些,论述时间长度大约1到2分钟。 二. 如何提前熟识雅思口语Part2话题 备考雅思口语Part2要熟识各类话题,而熟识话题的最佳方式莫过于看题库。雅思口语考试题目是从题库中抽取的题目,所以假如大家能将题库刷一遍,很也许率能打算到Part2的考题。但是因为雅思口语题库内容太过浩大,而且涉及变题季的影响,所以为了保险起见,除了看题库外,还要提升自己的口语实力,整合出自己的答题套路,这样遇到任何话题都能够有话说。另外,Part2的话题种类有许多,大家可以将话题归类,假如时间不够,可以挑出一些有代表性的话题来练,确保每一类话题都能练习到。雅思口语Part2要求依据话题讲解并描述1-2分钟,而在这之前会给出1分钟的打算时间,利用好这一分钟的打算时间也很重要。 三. 如何利用好1分钟打算时间 雅思口语Part2一分钟打算时间如何利用?这段时间是考官留给考生依据题目整理答案的时间,利用好这一分钟的打算时间对于雅思口语Part2来说也是特别重要的,假如你能利用这段时间整理出来顺畅的提纲,那么整个Part2就能答的很顺畅,假如利用不好,胡乱写了些东西,那么Part2可能会讲不出考官满足的内容。那么如何才能高效利用呢?当然不能靠临场发挥,须要依靠大家平常多练习。这一分钟时间是用来记笔记的,所以大家要在平常练就速记实力,保证自己能在1分钟内快速记录下来要讲的内容,可以利用一些简写和符号,但是尽量做到条理清楚,自己能看懂。 雅思口语话题思路拓展方法 一.拓展思路方法之:多重角度 在口语考试中,有时考生经常因为思索角度比较单一,所以答案内容也会有些单薄,这时我们不妨多一个角度思索问题。下面我们来看一下真题演示: 1. “WH问题” Part1 真题:Do you prefer to buy things in small shops or in big supermarkets and department stores? 思路演示:Well,Im more into small shops if I would like to buy things that are special, you know, something like shoes,or accessories. But if I need to buy foods or electrical equipment, then its more likely that I would go to a department store, which is more reliable 2. “Yes/No问题” Part 3真题:Do you think healthy eating is important? 思路演示:Yes,eating healthy foods is necessary in many ways,especially that it can prevent some diseases like diabetes. But I think that it is fine to eat a little unhealthy foods in moderation,in fact,we have to say that most of the fast foods are tastier than healthy foods 从以上的例子我们可以看到,从多一个角度考虑问题,答案往往就会丰富很多,并且听起来更加合理全面。但是笔者还是要提示广阔考生,参考这种回答方式时,肯定要留意先给出明确干脆的答案,否则会让考官感觉你并未给出正面观点,有跑题的嫌疑。 二.拓展思路方法之:多重细微环节 造成答案过短的主要缘由之一就是“只回答”考官所提的问题。而是事实上,考官提问的目的并不“只想听”问题的答案。在基本答案的基础上,考生们须要主动给出更多额外信息,因为考官想听到更多“语言实力”的展示。 所以大部分的题目的核心拓展思路为:Direct answer + X 1. X= 5WH+ How Often 这个方法基本就是“自问自答”,把与核心内容相关的各方面信息主动供应给考官,然后连缀成完整的答案。下面我们来看一下part1和part2的一些真题演示。 Part 1真题:Have you travelled recently? 思路演示1 :Yes, I have. (Direct answer)Last month(when) I went to Hong Kong(where) with my parents(who). We had a great time at the Disney Land and went shopping,too.(what) 思路演示2: No,I havent(Direct answer). Im been busy with my studies(why).But after the exam(when), my parents and I(who)are going to Hong Kong and we would like to go to Disney Land and go shopping, too. (what) Part 2真题:Describe a library that you have used. You should say: where it was what type of library it was what you used the library for what you liked and /or disliked about this library and explain how useful it was for your studies or research. 思路演示:“where it was”: on campus(Direct answer) (Where): It was next to our teaching building of English Department (When) : It was built 50 years ago when our school was established. (Who) : Most of the students liked to go there as well as the teachers (How often): I almost went there everyday especially around exam time. 我们可以看到,这个方法简洁易行,是拓展思路最基本的方法,只要具备基本的语法功底就可以轻松做到。 但在part2中笔者建议考生们不要运用“过量”,因为part2有严格的时间限制,假如每一条point都补充很具体的信息很有可能会遗漏卡片上的重要信息,甚至会让考官觉得你“跑题”,所以适可而止就可以了。 2. X= examples 在基本答案之后,考生可主动引入例子。我们先来看一下常见真题的演示: Part 1 真题: What's your favourite type of music? 思路演示: Well,Im a big fan of Modern Popular Music(Direct answer), you know, like Hip-Pop, Rap, Rhythm and Blues , Rock n roll, things like that Part 3 真题:What kinds of films do people in China like to watch? 思路演示:Well, they watch a broad range of movies, in fact(Direct answer). For instance, men prefer Action & Adventure , Martial Arts and Romantic Comedy. But women are more into Romance and Romantic Comedy. And children are quite interested in Science Fiction and Animated Cartoons 你会发觉,假如你对所涉及话题比较熟识,就应当主动找机会实行举例子的方法,把之前积累的词汇作为“examples”展示出来,这是展示“vocabulary”的实力,化被动为主动向考官拿分的好方法。3. X= feelings and opinions 我们都知道在口语part1和part2中问题都是围绕考生的personal details来设置的,所以可随时加入自己的感受与观点,我们先来看一下常见的真题的演示: Part 2真题:Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education. You should say: where you met them what subject they taught what was special about them and explain why this person influenced you so much. 思路演示:“what subject they taught” He taught us maths in the second year of middle school. Well, I have to say that, before I had Mr. Chen as my teacher, maths had always been so boring and difficult to me that I always slept during class, it was my nightmare, you know. And I guess that is why I didnt like him at the beginning 雅思口语万年话题-sport 题目 QuestionDo you think that young people should do more sport in school today? Sample Answer I certainly do. I think that young people today are getting quite lazy and this is bad for their health, Im convinced that schools put too much emphasis on academic subjects, so I firmly believe that good sports classes and sport facilities are very important. QuestionDo you believe that children can learn a lot from team sports? Sample Answer Yes, I do. Children need to learn to work in groups and co-operate as well as build leadership skills. Sport is also good for children to learn to be competitive in a mature manner. Its also very important that children keep fit and healthy. For example, its been proven that children who learn to play team spots grow up to be more understanding and co-operative adults. Key Words certainly ?s?t(?)nli adv. 的确,无疑问地 convinced k?n'v?nst adj. 确信的 v. 使确信 put too much emphasis on 太过于强调 academic ?k?'dem?k subject 文化课 frmly f?mli adv. 坚决地 sport facilities f?'s?l?t?z n. 健身器具 Co-operate k?u'?p?reit v. 合作 build leardership skills 培育领导实力 be good for 对有好处 competitive k?m'pet?t?v adj. 求胜心切的 mature m?'t? adj. 成熟的 its been proven that 已经被证明白 雅思口语part3相关话题解:environment 1.Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days? 2.Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems? 3.Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious? 4. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future? 1. Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days? 这个题目看起来应当是特别好说的,环境问题,大家应当多少都是知道一些的。题目要求说some,我们也许说两个就差不多了。每个环境问题,我们可以把它的起因,现状和影响都陈述一下,回答的内容肯定会是很充分的。下面列举一些常见的问题和对应的思路表达。 全球变暖:global warming/ temperature rise/ carbon emission/ ice glaciers and caps melt/ sea level rise/ fishing industry/ residents living in coastal areas 空气污染:air pollution/ exhaust from cars and factories/ burning of fossil fuels 水污染:water/ ocean pollution/ chemical runoff/ untreated sewage 白色污染:white pollution/ plastic bags/ non-biodegradable materials 水土流失:soil erosion/ soil fertility decrease 乱砍乱伐:deforestation/ unbalance ecosystem/ 下面也给大家一个范例回答: The most serious pollution that is widely discussed these days is global warming. With the increasing carbon emission and the loss of ozone layer, the global temperature is on the rise, which makes the ice glaciers and caps melt and the sea level increase. Therefore, many coastal areas have been flooded and people living there become displaced. 2. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems? 我个人觉得,比较真实的回答应当是没有的。因为假如有的话,其实这些问题就不会存在了,或者得到很好的缓解。而事实是,许多问题不但没有改善,而且还在恶化。那么,明显,政府做得还不够。I think governments have not done their best to deal with the environmental problems. 下面就说说为啥: 许多环境问题,比较宏观,影响面特别的广,根本没法一时半会解决,甚至根本不太可能解决。 Many environmental problems are affecting very large areas, so that they cannot by dealt with in a short time or be tackled by one country. 以中国为例,为什么我们对于一些污染治理不够?因为,社会经济的发展,许多时候,不行避开地会造成环境的破坏。比如我们这几年特别流行的雾霾的天气,其实就是工业高速发展的一个必定产物。当年伦敦也是一样的。所以,假如要做到肯定的杜绝污染,全部的排放物不能有一点的脏东西,那么,许多的产业就会收到严峻的影响,经济会有巨大的打击。 Also, take China as an example, if we impose strict rules on reducing the emission and on forcing factories to release their waste with no harmful material at all, many of the industries will be influenced. The local industry will be damaged. 比如汽车,假如全部环保,都用电动的,那么许多人都买不起汽车了,那么人们的出行,社会的基本效率的保持,都会收到严峻的影响。 If we want to control the air pollution in the cities and replace all the existing cars with the electricity cars, many of the car users cannot afford buying cars and the productivity of the society will be reduced because they all have to take public transport instead. 法律制定的得不是很完善,有些问题没有被写到法律中去。 The current legal system is not perfect, many of the urgent issues have not be included in the law. 法律的惩罚措施太轻,不能起到约束的作用。比如我乱扔垃圾,通常是没有人回来阻挡我,或者罚款的。刚好罚款,可能就5块钱,10块钱。那么,下次,我可能还会扔垃圾。假设,扔垃圾肯定会被捉到,每次罚款5千,我想我这辈子都不会再丢垃圾了。 The punishment of the laws is not strict enough to restrict people from violating laws. For example, if the factory emits some chemical waste, they may not be immediately fined or only a small amount of money which is comparable to their benefit they make. 相关环保法规的宣扬力度不够,或者我们都知道要绿色出行,要绿色生活的方式,但是,究竟怎么绿色,用什么方法,其实我们并不知道,所以,政府应当多做一些宣扬片,或者学校里面增加相关的课程,去指导人们绿色环保。 There is limited publicity of the environmental regulations. We may have some basic idea of law carbon lifestyle, but we fail to live that way because we are not told about how to live environmental friendly or how to recycle and reuse all the waste materials. The authority should make more videos and booklets to tell people the detailed steps in becoming greener in life. 3. Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious? 缘由如下: 有些环境问题属于抽象宏观型,假如落实到某一个人的某一天的生活的话,没有很的明显的体现。比如全球变暖,温度的确在上升,但是详细到某一天,温度的改变几乎是微乎其微的。甚至我们整体来看这十几年,其实平均温度也没有增加多少,可能只有零点几度而已。 Some of the environment issue is too broad, if we view it from a daily basis in a small region, there is almost no sign of how the problem affects daily life. For example, we all know the complexity and seriousness of global warming, but for any single day, we may fail to experience an obvious temperature rise. 许多问题离我们很远,比如沙漠化,我们只有当沙尘暴吹过来的时候才有体会,平常就不会想这件事情。 Many issues are far away from where we normally live, such as desertification. Only when we are affected by sandstorm can we realize the seriousness of the problem. 还有就是,我们觉得科技的发展可以完全解决这些问题。 We may think that the advance in technology can greatly resolve all these problems. 或者我们觉得这些都是政府的工作,他们已经或者肯定会管理的,跟我们是没有关系的。 We may think that the protection job is the responsibility of the central government. Ordinary people can do very little thing in these matters. 4. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future? 不会: 许多的自然灾难,特殊是一些大灾,比如海啸、地震,其实跟人类没有啥关系,主要是地壳的变动导致的,我们并不能左右。所以,从这个角度讲,并不会。 Many of the nature disasters, such as earthquake and tsunami, are actually caused only by natural forces. There is nothing to do with humans. From this perspective, it wont be more disasters because of humans. 或者我们说,人们的环保意识越来越强,环保的手段越来越先进,许多时候是可以避开以前可能会造成的问题的。 The awareness of environmental protection is raised by more publicity about environmental issues and more attention paid by international community. With the more advanced techniques, many disasters can be avoided or resolved by human beings. 会: 过分的消耗自己自然资源。会造成一系列的生态的不平衡和环境的灾难。 The human being has exhausted the natural resources at an alarming rate, a series of disasters due to the unbalanced ecosystem is induced because of humans. 全世界的大部分的国家和人的环保意思是很差的,许多时候我们不会去细想自己的行为可能造成的环境的问题。比如,你家离超市 The majority of the people in the world lack the sense of protecting ecosystem. They pay very little attention to the environmental consequence of their behavior. 人们的许多的行为已经导致,也会导致更多的环境的灾难。比如说全球变暖,或许纵观全球,问题上升很不明显,但是这是一个平均值,我肯详细看到某一些地方的时候,会发觉,上升的比较多,比如1度甚至2度。这1到2度的上升,事实上会给生态系统造成特别多的破坏,比如以海洋为例,每种鱼都有自己适合的生长温度,每一度的改变,可能就会死一批鱼,而这一批死了之后,他食物链上游的与,也就是吃它的鱼,就会变少,食物链下游的,被他吃的鱼就会增多,最终整个海洋系统就乱套了。 Many of the human activities have already caused serious disasters and is about to trigger many chain effects in the coming decade. For example, every one degree increase of the world temperature will lead to the extinction of a lots of ocean species. Then, the predators of these species will die and preys of them will proliferate, and the whole animal chain will be damaged. 人们对于环境的许多的破坏是不行逆转的。于是,许多连锁的反映都会渐渐显现出来。比如乱砍乱伐。一篇森林要形成,须要几百年甚至上千年的时候,但是我们破坏它,往往只有几年的时间。假如这片林子没了,全部以来于它的生态系统,各种生物植物就都消逝了。并且,树林原来就是一个自然的氧吧,他把废弃汲取,把干净的氧气拍出来。假如林子都没有,那些工厂的废弃,那些沙尘就干脆吹到我们的脸上。大家假如去看一些环保的纪录片,你会发觉,许多被破坏的森林,后面的人想去重新种树,几乎就是不行能了。 Many of the damage by humans are irreversible. For example, a forest is removed, all the creatures living on it will be displaced and die out. 最终也希望通过这个题目,呼吁一下大家对于环保的意识,希望我们都能从生活的点滴做起,做出自己的一点点的努力。不仅仅是为了大自然本身,也是为了我们自己,为了我们的后代,或者说得高大上一点,为了人类的发展和生存。 雅思口语Part2备考指南 熟识话题利用好打算时间本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第21页 共21页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页第 21 页 共 21 页