雅思口语头脑风暴法 头脑风暴法是一种创建性的技术,可以收集大量的想法来回答不同的主题,在雅思口语考试的问题种类繁多的今日,我将给各位有关这个特殊有效的提升数量和质量理念,望帮助提高各位考生的考试必要的士气。 雅思口语-搭建口语逻辑-“头脑风暴”法 Brainstorming is a creative technique that can gather a large amount of ideas to answer different topic and variety of questions in IELTS Oral test. This skill is especially effective to enhance either quantity or quality of ideas that can boost an examinees morale necessary for the exam. There are three rules that should be followed in order to obtain a satisfying result from brainstorming: Firstly, the examinee should learn to focus on the quantity of his/her answers. This rule is a means of enhancing excellent production and produce extraordinary ideas that can be used for the test. How to make an answer unique and extraordinary with knowledgeable contents are the most essential things that should be done before the exam. Thus, by reading brainstorming books or by brainstorming with other people can help to gain an ideal band score in the IELTS Oral Exam. Secondly, learn to welcome unusual ideas and get a long list of ideas. They can be generated by looking from new perspectives and suspending assumptions. These new ways of thinking may provide better answer or solution to the questions in the test. Personal opinions or from others are especially welcomed by the examiners in the test. So, brainstorming with other people or reading different kinds of answers will be very helpful when taking the exam. Lastly, combine and improve ideas through brainstorming. Good ideas should be combined to form a single excellent idea and stimulate the building of an idea by the process of the association. It is critical to be able to gather different perspective and thinking to form an effective answer for the test. Examiners would really appreciate to hear not only knowledgeable answers but also answers that have depth. And also, after following the three rules mentioned above, surely it will help examinees stretch their minds further and therefore produce more creative ideas that can work as a huge advantage for them in the test. Below is an example on how to brainstorm about the questions of the IELTS oral English. EQUIPMENT 1. What is your favorite electrical equipment that is in your house? Answer: 1. My favorite electrical equipment in my house would be the television 2. I cannot imagine living without my computer 3. I appreciate my blender very much . Explain: 1. because it is my major source of entertainment after a hard days work. 2. for the reason that I can reach my work , networks, social circles, hobbies and source of entertainment through this equipment. 3. simply because it gives me the refreshments that I want and need for my good health. Opinion: 1. I think almost all households have at least one or more of this at home. 2. In my opinion, most people especially the youth at present time would not survive without a computer. 3. Personally, I think I can make lots of experiments on fruit shakes just by using my blender. Sample Answer: I cannot imagine living without a computer for the reason that I can reach my work, networks, social circles, hobbies and source of entertainment through this equipment. I think that almost all households have at least one or more of this at home. In my opinion, most people especially the youth at present time would not survive without a computer. 2. What kind of electrical equipment do you think is hard to use? Answer: 1. I think the sound system is very complicated to use 2. I find the modern version projector difficult to use 3. I am having a hard time with using an electric floor polisher Explain: 1. because I get confused with the different kinds of buttons for each of the settings for each of the microphone. 2. because this equipment seem to be sensitive and fragile. 3. because I find it too heavy and too slow. Opinion: 1. In my opinion, only sound technicians or people who are trained for it would be able to operate the sound system confidently and comfortably. 2. Personally, I would rather use the older version projector which seems easier and less intricate. 3. Personally, I would rather prefer to use the coconut husk and do the floor polishing manually so that it would be a lot faster. Sample Answer: I think the sound system is very complicated to use because I get confused with the different kinds of buttons for each of the settings for each of the microphone. In my opinion, only sound technicians or people who are trained for it would be able to operate the sound system confidently and comfortably. Personally, I find this equipment to be sensitive and fragile. 3. Why people rely on using electrical equipments nowadays? Answer: 1. People are too dependent on using electrical equipments nowadays for the sake of convenience. 2. Nowadays, people would like to take short cuts 3. People have no choice as modern day equipments are now mostly electrical Explain: 1. due to the demands of lifes daily tasks and routines. 2. because they could accomplish more things and rest earlier too if they have efficient ways of doing things. 3. that is why they buy whatever is being offered at the department stores that would suit their needs. Opinion: 1. I think that people tend to get lazier because of this. 2. Personally, I think that people tend not to be able to develop more manual skills because of this. 3. In my opinion, people are willing to spend for the sake of convenience. Sample Answer: People are too dependent on using electrical equipments nowadays for the sake of convenience and nowadays, people would like to take shortcuts too. This is due to the demands of lifes daily tasks and routines and also because people could accomplish more things and rest earlier too if they have efficient ways of doing things. Personally, I think that people tend not to be able to develop more manual skills because of this and they tend to get lazier too. Part II - In IELTS Oral English part II the candidate should talk for 1-2 minutes. To be able to do that 15-30 sentences should be organized for each topic. Describe an electrical equipment that you use everyday (except computer) What I am currently doing the treadmill everyday. Who This was advised by my best friend Why because she was concerned about my weight gain. Doing the treadmill serves as our cardio exercise for a healthier heart. This is also to keep our body fit. Where I used to go to my best friends house to use her treadmill but now I go to the gym because it is nearer our place. When I started to do treadmill around January of this year. I am currently doing it everyday now. 为雅思口语加分:改述法(Paraphrase)的妙用 信任大部分雅思烤鸭在打算口语考试的过程中都面临过两大问题:“不知道说什么” 和“不知道用英文怎么说” 。雅思作为一个对外语实力的功能性测试,其侧重点必定不会放在考生回答的内容上,其主要考察的仍旧是考生的英语表达实力,也就是说怎么正确流畅地用英语表达出自己的意思才是重点。但由于雅思口语考试不同于国内传统英语考试,其话题常常涉及到社会、科技等大多数考生较为生疏的领域,在没有接受专业培训的状况下,考生很简单因为平常忙于学业、无暇关注这些领域的问题而完全没有思路或者词穷。尤其是考试阅历不太多的考生,很简单三言两语就把能想到的话都说完了,导致考试结果不尽如人意。由于内容不够丰满而无法充分呈现自己的英语表达实力导致分数不志向是一件特别冤枉的事情,尤其是对于原本英语基础并不差、但是对雅思索试了解不多的考生。 过于“言简意赅”的答题风格在Part 2最为吃亏众所周知,Part 2对于考生的发言时间有硬性要求:1-2分钟。对于许多考生来说,说够一分钟是首要目标。特殊是在流畅度达标的状况下,说够一分钟并没有想象中的简单。通常考生须要把自己的语言组织成8-12句话才能够达到时长的指标。在一分钟的审题时间里头脑风暴出8句话逻辑清楚、有条有理的英文句子绝非易事,在遇到一些看起来简直“可怕”的话题(比如三月口语话题A popular product made in China、A wild animal in your country)时极其简单头脑一片空白,无法讲出太多实质性的内容。这种万不得已的时候就可以用到改述法拖慢答题的节奏,给自己争取更多的思索时间。在人人望而生畏的Part 3中,如能正确驾驭改述法,更是能让自己的表意清晰,提高得分。 改述法,英文中叫paraphrase,在中外学术论文中都是一种非常常见的写作手法,适当地引入到口语答题当中效果更是立竿见影。Paraphrase在剑桥字典中的释义为: To repeat something written or spoken using different words, often in a humorous form or in a simpler and shorter form that makes the original meaning clearer. 可见被paraphrase出来的句子虽然是重复已经讲过的话,但它并不是“废话”,而是换一种方式,比如用不同的句式和词汇来将自己的意思说明得更加清楚明白。举个例子,假如我们在Part 3中探讨互联网的advantage,在举例时可以回答Uploading a video to YouTube can help exposure for your business. Your business can be seen by many people if you post a video on YouTube. 其次句跟第一句相比,运用了不同的成分当主语,变更了句式,但表达的意思与第一句基本相同,而且内容更加详细。两句连着读出来也并不会觉得累赘或啰嗦,这就是胜利的paraphrase示范。 在Part 2中,改述法更适用于答案的开头句和结尾句。例如拿到describe a tourist attraction这个题目的时候,我们讲完烂大街的opener:Im going to talk about _X, which is a famous/popular tourist attraction之后,假如下一句描述location的话语言还没组织好的话,就可以把其次句变成every year, a lot of people go to travel in _X,既把答题时间拖长了几秒,又避开了长时间的语塞和停顿,还说明了首句的famous/popular,让开头显得不那么唐突和苍白无力。 须要留意的是,改述法并不是单纯的重复,它起到的更多的是一种explanation的作用,能让自己的意思更深一层或更详细的改述才是胜利的改述。我们答题的最终目标还是让自己的答案内容充溢,连续好几句话都是paraphrase同一句话是不行取的。改述法如能被知悉并善用,不仅有助于口语考试的提分,对于考生们出国之后的学业也会非常有帮助。 按雅思口语题目类型备考雅思口语 雅思口语题目类型:地点类 地点类雅思高频口语话题:Part 2话题除了题目例如describe a tall building in your hometown / describe a cafe which you have been to之外,每个题目下面都会有四个小问去帮大家围绕这个话题拓展思路。那么从对这几个小问的总结中不难发觉,地点类话题通常都可以通过下面这些方面去绽开。 前两个小问比较高频的问题例如where/ when/ who/ how often此类的背景信息。 第三个小问高频问题是这个地方可以做的activity或者decoration。最终一个问题通常让考生去描述对这个地方的feelings或者说明为什么会有这样的feelings。 有序绽开背景 在总结完高频的问题之后,我们可以通过头脑风暴brainstorm 的方式,把这些小问再细化。 例如问到where is this place,除了说这个地方的location还可以延长一下transport,surrounding, history, popularity。这里提及到的各个方面信息,是地点类话题的一个共性,我们可以融会贯穿在不同的地点类话题中, 例如:涉及location 跟transport, 用本季度的Describe a cafe you have been to为例。The cafe is in an easily accessible location in my city . Its only ten-minute walk from my apartment , so i like to go there in my spare time. 那么把主语cafe 换成本季度的 quiet place / important sport stadium / a tall building / a garden都可以随时敏捷上线。 除此之外,还可以补充的细微环节包括: history , 大家不用想的那么困难,假如是大的地方像城市,国家,可以提及,it has profound history about . years. 假如是小的地点像 building , sport stadium, cafe 这些就可以说什么时候建成或者开张。Like,it was built originally for . back into .2022. 此外还可以说一下这个地点的popularity。在第一其次个涉及到背景信息的问题when/ who/ how often,可以再延长when you would like to go/ how often do you go there/ who you would like to go there with / why you would like to go with this person/ 那这样一补充,地点类话题的背景描述一般正常语速的同学也许能说个二三十秒了。(有的同学特殊醇厚,就仅仅只根据问题上面的内容,问一个答一个,会很局限。以上的拓展在地点类话题都是融汇贯穿,可以信手拈来的用上。) 丰富描述主体 那么到第三第四个小问的绽开,这两个小问在总结的时候以及谈到,多数涉及此地点的activity , decoration跟feelings的描述。在地点类话题中,这些小问都可以通过"五觉法"去丰富的绽开。"五觉"顾名思义从五种感官去描述,包括eyes, ears, nose,mouth, mind。对于decoration的绽开可以从到eyes去描述,这个地方能看到怎样的形态以及布置。例如:游泳胜地: 看到crystal blue sea ; pure sky , 高楼看到the building looks like a slim waist from distance. 体育馆:The stadium is shaped like a dome and its wrapped by a bunch of glass-walls. 咖啡馆:when you walk in the cafe, you will see there are many artistic pictures hanging on the wall which are so eye-catching. 梳理清楚框架 许多同学会有一个错觉,就是我只要keep talking就觉得万事大吉了,但其实不然,假如说的没有什么条理性,各种堆砌,也并不能从考官那拿到志向的分数。这个时候回答的框架就尤为重要。尤其是地点类话题当你想要去描述他的appearance / feature/decoration .以及活动activity,我们记住一个框架,就是, 总起 + 分述 + 亮点 总起就是用一句概括这个地方的总体特征,例如描述好玩的房子 what it is looks like : the house is really amazing / the design of this house is pretty eye-catching . The courtyard of his house is like a wonderland. 分述: 就是排列一下详细都有些什么特征: a princess-like swing / a mini size slider , a small pond with some fishes 亮点: Its really amazing that / you know what surprises me most is that . She plants some flowers in the yard according to the seasons. So whenever you step in the yard, with a gentle breeze you can smell the fresh fragrance from the flowers , how nice is it! 雅思口语题目类型:物品类 雅思关于物品类话题有一个明显的特征就是题目繁多,其中分为两大类:实体类话题和媒体类话题,其中实体类话题包括: A statue or work of art An antique or old thing in your family A piece of clothes you wore in formal / special occasions A product that is made in China (a car, handicraft or food) 媒体类话题包括了: TV program / film that made you laugh An advertisement which makes you want to buy something A useful website you like to visit Describe a movie / film you dislike 物品类话题的弊端就是同类话题很难总结一起,不太具有归类的特点。这点不像人物类,或者地点类。我们同学大致打算几个话题就能套用。所以一般大家认为物品类话题通常须要各个击破。但是,事实或许并非如此!或许我们可以把不行能变成可能,通过话题剧情编排合并,以及胜利的逻辑手法,可以把物品类话题相互合并、抵消;不仅如此,还要把它同雅思口语第一部分话题、人物类话题、地点类话题以及事务类话题全部合并到一起。真正做到雅思口语大串联,原来雅思口语可以这么玩! 基本描绘逻辑: 我们将引入两种最常用的争论手法:归纳法和演绎法来分析物品类话题。1.归纳法:指的是从很多个别事例中获得一个较具概括性的规则。这种方法主要是从收集到的既有资料,加以抽丝剥茧地分析,最终得以做出一个概括性的结论。2.演绎法:是从既有的普遍性结论或一般性事理,推导出个别性结论的一种方法。由较大范围,逐步缩小到所需的特定范围。另外我们今日须要把话题分为两类:横向合并和纵向合并。横向合并指:将各类物品类话题中剧情描绘的共同特征,相互串用。纵向合并指代:将雅思口语第一部分中的同类话题、人物类话题、地点类话题和事务类话题,根据它们的剧情共性,并入物品类相应话题中。好了,让我们一起来见证奇迹! 归纳法话题举例 我们先找一道物品类话题中的题目,比如“An advertisement which makes you want to buy something”。广告题始终以来都是重点考题,已经连续不间断考了多年,可是大家打算过程中仍旧觉得很头疼,打算什么呢!怎么打算呢!怎么拿高分!首先我们须要先explain题目中keyword:advertisement。 “A notice, such as a poster, newspaper display, or paid announcement in the electronic media, designed to attract public attention or patronage.”(美国现代词典) 从概念得知,广告不只是商人们在电视上推销自己产品的媒体宣扬- 消费者广告 .现代广告种类繁多,广告分类的方法也许多。以广告主是否为营利组织为广告分类标准,广告一般可分为商业广告(Commercial Advertising)和非商业广告( uncommercial Advertising)。其中,非商业广告通常是宗教组织、慈善组织、政府部门、社会团体等非营利性组织的广告。所以很少同学想到说后者。 另外,以广告发布的媒介为广告分类标准,广告可以分为电视广告(Television Advertising )、报纸广告(Newspaper Advertising)、杂志广告(Magazine Advertising )、户外广告(Outside Advertising )、电影广告(Cinema Advertising )、网络广告 (Internet Advertising )等等。其中诸如网络广告-banner(包括:网幅广告, 旗帜广告, 横幅广告)是特别新奇的,在打算中,除描写广告内容本身,更可以重点分析这种广告,对社会,对特定受众带来什么影响等。 好了,刚才的我们brainstorm了广告这个keyword后,现在我们可以进行串联了。我挑了物品类话题中的另一题来串联:“A piece of clothes you wore in formal / special occasions”。从上表中我们看出,我们把衣服类话题和广告类话题根据两种共同的特性,可以分为客观因素(objective factors)和主观因素(subjective factors)。再一次进行brainstorming, 可以发觉,购买衣服的缘由同样适合放在一则有影响力的广告描绘中。我为大家列出了客观因素共性一行,以下是类似英语表达: The designer mix both traditions and modern trends to suit women's expectations. T-shirts are typically made of cotton or polyester fibers, knitted together in a jersey stitch that gives a T-shirt its distinctive soft texture. They are now a very popular form of casual dress around the world. The short black dress accentuated her slimness. 好了,我们再同理探讨主观因素,主观因素描写既可以写成理由排列,也可以写成剧情,从表格中所见,我排列了各种理由,下面我们起先铺剧情: My mother bought it for me as a birthday gift. I was very busy with my studies last winter and I forgot that my birthday was coming.(clothes) In the advertisement, Miss Zhang bought this chic dress to her mother as a birthday present. Her mother was too busy to remember her own birthday.(advertisement plot) 我们发觉,剧情稍作改编,两个话题就可以通用了。好了,同学们一起仿照我表格里的方法,把其他实物类话题如:Photograph,Gift,Something expensive you bought和advertisement归纳到一起吧! 假如advertisement话题可以同实体类物品话题组合,那它是不是也可以和其他同类媒体话题组合呢?这一次,我选择了“A movie you would like towatch (about a real person or event)”。本文一起先对广告的explain中,我已经说明了有一种广告叫做:电影宣扬片或电影宣扬广告。确定了这个概念后,我们一起在如下这张表中brainstorm吧: 归纳法 电影类话题 电影宣扬广告话题 客观因素共性 情节、演员、特效/画面、风格、音乐 情节、演员、特效/画面、风格、音乐 主观因素共性 触动心灵,励志(当华蜜来敲门) 观后印象:触动心灵,励志(当华蜜来敲门) 其