XX 公司内审(监查)首(末)次会议记录 XX Co.,Ltd Record for opening/final meeting of audit 审核(监查)组长确认/日期 Audit group leader confirmation/date:表格编号:A-PQEO-25/1-7/00 主持人 organizer 记录人 recorder 时间 date 内审(监查)组长 Audit group leader 内审(监查)员 auditor 会议人员:(签到)signature for meeting:会议内容/content of meeting:首次/opening meeting 传达并实施内审(监查)计划/communication about the audit plan and implementation it.介绍内审(监查)的目的、依据和范围/introduction the purpose,according as and scope of audit 简单介绍内审(监查)的程序和方法/brief introduction the procedure and method of audit 确认内审(监查)所需的资源/confirmation resource needed for audit 澄清内审(监查)计划中不明确的细节/clarification the undefined thing in audit plan 介绍有关内审(监查)活动的相关规定/introduction the requirements of audit process 要求内审(监查)小组在规定的时间编制检查表,内容应覆盖内审(监查)区域的职能/request audit team preparation checklist within defined time,the content of checklist shall covers all functions of audited area 其它/other 末次/final meeting 重申内审(监查)的目的和范围,简要介绍内审(监查)的方法/restate audit purpose,scope and methods 重申内审(监查)是抽样调查活动/restate that audit is a activity of spot check 报告不符合项/reporting the nonconforming item 总结和结论/summarizing and conclusion 征求被内审(监查)方部门意见,同被内审(监查)部门商定纠正措施完成时间/communication with audited dept.to get some advice and negotiate about the finishing time for action taken 请被内审(监查)部门代表在审核报告上签字/let audited dept.representation signature on the report.商定未尽事宜/bargain on unfinished something 其它/other