电子商务与贸易实务(英文版)(ppt 60)19784.pptx
EC AND BUSINESS OPERATION电子商务与贸易实务请用5分钟书面回答以下问题,答完后请在课后交过来:企业名称,规模,行业,产品姓名,职位,学历,就业时间你家里有没有计算机,能不能上网,对你的计算机应用能力进行评价。你所在单位计算机有多少台,有无网络,能不能上网,有没有网站,有没有信箱,利用率如何。你,以及单位,在与其他机构,如政府部门之间的文件交换是什么形式?政府部门有没有要求这你或单位提供电子文档?单位有没有计算机管理系统?如ERP,如有,利用水平如何。单位有没有集成制造系统,如有,利用率如何?WHAT IS EC什么是电子商务Definitions and Content of FieldElectronic Commerce(EC)is where business transactions take place via telecommunications networks,especially the Internet.Electronic commerce describes the buying and selling of products,services,and information via computer networks including the Internet.The infrastructure for EC is a networked computing environment in business,home,and government.E-Business describes the broadest definition of EC.It includes customer service and intrabusiness tasks.It is frequently used interchangeably with EC.Pure Vs.Partial Electronic CommerceqThree dimensionsnthe product(service)sold physical/digital;nthe process physical/digital nthe delivery agent(or intermediary)physical/digitalqTraditional commercenall dimensions are physicalqPure ECnall dimensions are digitalqPartial ECnall other possibilities include a mix of digital and physical dimensionsPhysical agentDigital agentDigital ProductPhysical ProductPhysical processDigital processVirtual processVirtual delivery agentVirtual productElectronic commerce areasThe core of electronic commerceThe Dimensions of Electronic CommerceTraditional commerceqA market is a network of interactions and relationships where information,products,services,and payments are exchanged.qThe market handles all the necessary transactions.qAn electronic market is a place where shoppers and sellers meet electronically.qIn electronic markets,sellers and buyers negotiate,submit bids,agree on an order,and finish the execution on-or off-line.Electronic MarketsqAn interorganizational information system(IOS)involves information flow among two or more organizations.qIts major objective is efficient routine transaction processing,such as transmitting orders,bills,and payments using EDI or extranets.qScope:An IOS is a unified system encompassing two or several business partners.qA typical IOS includes a company and its suppliers and and/or customers.Interorganization Information Systems Prentice Hall,2000yBusiness-to-businessyBusiness-to-customeryIntra business transactionsyOthersClassification of Electronic CommerceClassification of EC by the Nature of the TransactionsAPPLICATION OF EC IN DIFFERENT FIELD电子商务在不同领域中的应用RetailingElectronic Marketingl lDirect marketingDirect marketingl lCustomizationCustomizationl lOnline customer serviceOnline customer servicel lElectronic shopping malls:Electronic shopping malls:n nIntermediaries(e.g.Internet Mall)Intermediaries(e.g.Internet Mall)n nStores(e.g.Amazon,J.C.Penney Online)Stores(e.g.Amazon,J.C.Penney Online)l lElectronic intermediariesElectronic intermediariesl lGlobal marketingGlobal marketingn nCustomers can order from cyberstores 24 hours a day,7 days a week from any place in the world11Shopper/PurchaserSeller/SupplierElectronic Market(Transaction Hander)Electronic commercenetwork(Infrastructure)Product/service information requestPurchase requestPayment or payment advicePurchase fulfillment requestPurchase change requestResponse to fulfillment requestShipping noticePayment approvalElectronic transfer of fundsElectronic transfer of fundsShopper/Purchasers BankPayment remittance noticeElectronic transfer of fundsTransaction Handlers Bank(Automated Clearing House)Seller/Suppliers BankElectronic Markets Prentice Hall,2000Response to information requestPurchase acknowledgmentShipping noticePurchase/service delivery(if online)Payment acknowledgmentActive Electronic Intermediariesn nPure electronic mallPure electronic malll lCompanys retailing business exists only on the Companys retailing business exists only on the InternetInternetl lElectronic distributorsElectronic distributorsn ntake full responsibility of fulfilling orders and collecting take full responsibility of fulfilling orders and collecting paymentspaymentsl lElectronic brokersElectronic brokersn nassist the search process of finding the appropriate assist the search process of finding the appropriate products and their vendorsproducts and their vendorsn nPartial electronic mallPartial electronic malll lElectronic mall as one of existing distribution Electronic mall as one of existing distribution channelschannelsAiding Comparison Shoppingn nSearch hypertext files by agentsn nSearch in a web-based database both by human and software agents within an e-malln nComparable item retrieval and tabular comparisonn nComparisons over multiple mallsn nComparisons as a multiple criteria decision makingInternet Consumers and Market ResearchThe Importance of Customersl lCompetitionCompetitionn n“fighting”on customers“fighting”on customersn nto succeed:control the 3Cs to succeed:control the 3Cs l lCustomersCustomersn ncustomers becomes a King/Queencustomers becomes a King/Queenn nto succeed:finding and retaining customers to succeed:finding and retaining customers l lChangeChangen nEC is a new distribution channelEC is a new distribution channeln nto succeed:convince customers to go online and to succeed:convince customers to go online and then to choose your company over the online then to choose your company over the online competitorscompetitorsn nThe major pressures are labeled the 3CsOne-to-One Marketingn nRelationship marketing Relationship marketing l l“Overt attempt of exchange partners to build a long“Overt attempt of exchange partners to build a long term association,characterized by purposeful term association,characterized by purposeful cooperation and mutual dependence on the cooperation and mutual dependence on the development of social,as well as structural,bonds”development of social,as well as structural,bonds”n n“Treat different customers differently”“Treat different customers differently”l lAble to change the manner its products are configured Able to change the manner its products are configured or its service is delivered,based on the individual or its service is delivered,based on the individual needs of individual customersneeds of individual customersn nConsumer Demographics(1998)Variables Influencing Decision Making Processl lAge(mostly 21-30 year-old)Age(mostly 21-30 year-old)l lMarital status(41%married&39%single)Marital status(41%married&39%single)l lEducational level(81%with at least some Educational level(81%with at least some college education&50%obtained at least college education&50%obtained at least baccalaureate degree)baccalaureate degree)l lEthnicity(87%white in America)Ethnicity(87%white in America)l lOccupation(26%educational-related field,Occupation(26%educational-related field,22%computers&22%other professionals)22%computers&22%other professionals)Prentice Hall,20008l lAnswering customer inquiresl lProviding technical and other informationl lLetting customers track accounts or order statusl lAllowing customers to customize and order online Prentice Hall,200021Types of Customer Service FunctionsTools of Customer Servicen nPersonalized Web PagesPersonalized Web Pagesl lused to record purchases and preferenceused to record purchases and preferencel ldirect customized information to customers efficientlydirect customized information to customers efficientlyn nChat Rooml ldiscuss issues with company experts;with other discuss issues with company experts;with other customerscustomers n nE-maill lused to disseminate information,send product used to disseminate information,send product information and conduct correspondence regarding information and conduct correspondence regarding any topic,but mostly inquiries from customersany topic,but mostly inquiries from customersn nFAQsl lnot customized,no personalized feeling and not customized,no personalized feeling and contribution to relationship marketingcontribution to relationship marketingl lUsing online technology to conduct surveysUsing online technology to conduct surveysl lMore efficient,faster,and cheaper data More efficient,faster,and cheaper data collection,and a more geographically diverse collection,and a more geographically diverse audience than those found in off-line surveysaudience than those found in off-line surveysl lAbility to incorporate radio buttons,data-entry Ability to incorporate radio buttons,data-entry fields and check boxes in the surveysfields and check boxes in the surveysl lEliminating the data reentry errors(from Eliminating the data reentry errors(from questionnaires to the computer,for analysis)questionnaires to the computer,for analysis)l lNot suitable for every customer or product Not suitable for every customer or product it is skewed toward highly educated males it is skewed toward highly educated males with high disposal incomewith high disposal incomeOnline Market ResearchOnline Market Research Methodl lPost strategic queries to news groupsl lPost surveys on your Web sitel lOffer rewards for participationl lPost strategic queries on your Web sitel lPost relevant content to groups with a pointer to your Web site surveyl lPost a detailed survey in special e-mail questionnairesl lCreate a chat room and try to build a community of consumersAdvertisement in Electronic CommerceWhy Internet Advertisement?n nThree-quarters of PC users gave up some television timen nInternet users are well educated with high-income,which makes them a desired target for advertisersn nAds can be updated any time with a minimal cost;therefore they are timely and very accurateAdvertising Methodsn nBannersn nBanner Swapping n nBanner Exchangesn nPaid Advertising and Ad Agenciesn nSplash Screenn nURL(Universal Resource Locators)n nE-mailn nChat Roomsn nBBSEC in Service IndustriesTravel and Tourism Servicesn nBy the year 2000,close to 25 percent of all business-to customer Internet commerce will be related to tourismn nThe Internet is an ideal place to plan,explore,and arrange almost any tripn nIBMs vision of seamless electronic travel using smart cardsThe Employment Placement Marketl lEmployers are looking for employees with Employers are looking for employees with specific skills,and individuals are looking for specific skills,and individuals are looking for a joba jobl lVery volatile marketVery volatile marketl lMoved to the InternetMoved to the Internetl lMillions of job seekers,hundred of thousands Millions of job seekers,hundred of thousands of jobsof jobsReal Estate:From Virtual Realtors to Virtual Realityn nYou can view many properties on the screenYou can view many properties on the screenn nYou can sort and organize propertiesYou can sort and organize propertiesn nYou can find detailed information about the You can find detailed information about the propertiespropertiesn nYou can search,compare and apply for loansYou can search,compare and apply for loansTrading Stocks Onlinen nCosts between$7 and$20 per transaction(Vs.$30 Costs between$7 and$20 per transaction(Vs.$30-$100 in traditional brokerage)-$100 in traditional brokerage)n nNo waiting on busy telephone linesNo waiting on busy telephone linesn nNo oral communication,less chance for errorsNo oral communication,less chance for errorsn nPlace orders from anywhere,any time,day or nightPlace orders from anywhere,any time,day or nightn nNo biased broker to push youNo biased broker to push youn nConsiderable amount of free informationConsiderable amount of free informationn nImplementation Issues in Banking and Online TradingCyberbanking and Personal Finance Cyberbanking and Personal Finance Encrypted SSL Session&Digital Certificate Verification InitiatedExternal FirewallB of AWeb ServerInternal FirewallB of A Application ServerBank of America Security SystemLogon ScreenUser IDUser PasswordB of AWeb SiteCustomersComputerl lSecuring Financial TransactionsSecuring Financial Transactionsn nApplication Case:Application Case:Security at NationsBank Security at NationsBankBilling OnlineConsumerBill ConsolidatorBillersPhoneCredit CardUtilityl lSuch payments can be made into any bank Such payments can be made into any bank account.Many people pay their monthly rent account.Many people pay their monthly rent and other bills directly into the payees bank and other bills directly into the payees bank accounts.accounts.Electronic Credit Card SystemElectronic Credit Card Systemon the Interneton the Internetn nThe Playersl lCardholderCardholderl lMerchant(seller)Merchant(seller)l lIssuer(your bank)Issuer(your bank)l lAcquirer(merchants financial institution,Acquirer(merchants financial institution,acquires the sales slips)acquires the sales slips)l lBrand(VISA,Master Card)Brand(VISA,Master Card)Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT)Electronic Fund Transfer(EFT)on the Interneton the InternetAn Architecture of Electronic Fund Transfer on the InternetInternetPayerCyber BankBankCyber BankPayeeAutomatedClearinghouseVANBankVANPaymentGatewayPaymentGatewayOTHER E-PAYMENTn nSmart Cardsn nElectronic Cash and Micropaymentsn nElectronic Check SystemsAuctions:From Theory to Practicel lEarly auctioning done on local area networksEarly auctioning done on local area networksn nthe auctioning of pigs in Taiwan and Singaporethe auctioning of pigs in Taiwan and Singaporen nthe auctioning of flowers in Hollandthe auctioning of flowers in Hollandn nthe auctioning of cars in Japanthe auctioning of cars in Japanl l Auctions on the Internet started in 1995 Auctions on the Internet started in 1995n nsimilar to offline auctions,except for the fact that they are similar to offline auctions,except for the fact that they are done on a computerdone on a computern nsome last days,others a short timesome last days,others a short timen ndetailed information is availabledetailed information is availablen nstart bidding by sending e-mail or filling out an electronic start bidding by sending e-mail or filling out an electronic formformn nnames of bidders are kept coded to maintain privacynames of bidders are kept coded to maintain privacyBenefits and Limitationsl lBenefitsBenefits n nFor sellerFor sellerl lSells goods efficientlySells goods efficientlyl lSells goods with little action or Sells goods with little action or efforteffortl lCreates a greater range of Creates a greater range of potential buyerspotential buyersl lSells excess inventories quickly Sells excess inventories quickly via this processvia this processn nFor buyersFor buyersl lGets a huge variety of goodsGets a huge variety of goodsl lFinds quality goods for largely Finds quality goods for largely discounted pricesdiscounted pricesl lLimitationsLimitationsn nInability to Inability to physically see the physically see the itemsitemsn nPossibility of fraudPossibility of fraudn nLess competitive Less competitive atmosphere may atmosphere may prevail on the Netprevail on the NetOnline Publishingn nThe electronic delivery of newspapers,The electronic delivery of newspapers,magazines,news,and other information magazines,news,and other information through the Interne