2023/1/9汽车实用英语 全国交通运输职业教育教学指导委员会马林才刘大学 韩建保“十二五十二五”职业教育国家规划职业教育国家规划教材教材 组织编写主 编副 主 编主 审2023/1/9四冲程发动机构造与工作过程介绍发动机燃油供给系统认识发动机冷却系统和润滑系统认识汽车底盘构造认识汽车电气设备和主动安全系统介绍项目一项目二项目三项目四项目五项目六项目七项目八汽车车身电气设备和被动安全系统介绍车载网络系统与自动驾驶技术介绍新能源汽车介绍项目九汽车性能参数及检测设备介绍项目十汽车故障诊断仪和数据流项目十一汽车使用说明书及维修资料项目三 发动机冷却系和润滑系认识学习目标学习时间任务描述引导问题项目内容12345拓展材料61.认识关于发动机冷却系统和润滑系统组成、作用等的英语术语和词汇;2.理解发动机冷却系统和润滑系统的固定表达方法;3.运用所学知识,借助词典,对关于冷却系统和润滑系统等资料进行中英文互译;4.在教师指导下,完成与发动机冷却系统和润滑系统相关的英语资料阅读和翻译;5.正确完成课后练习。.时间要求:建议 4 4学时学习时间学习目标 以汽油发动机为例,学习有关发动机冷却系统的水套、节温器、水泵、散热器、风扇等,以及润滑系统中主要零部件等,认识相关术语、词汇和特殊语句。通过完成该任务,能阅读关于发动机冷却系统和润滑系统的英文文献,并能运用所学项目知识,对相关文献进行翻译。任务描述引导问题你知道下图中英文的意思吗?项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems The cooling system of a water-cooled engine consists of the engine water jacket,thermostat,water pump,radiator,radiator cap,fan,fan drive belt and necessary hoses(shown as Figure 3-1).项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems The radiator It is constructed to hold a large amount of water in tubes or other passages which provide a large area in contact with the atmosphere(shown as Figure 3-2).项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems The oil pump,oil filter and together with oil pan,make up the lubricating system of the engine(shown as Figure 3-3).项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems Oil fi lter is placed in the engine oil system to remove dirt and abrasives from the oil(shown asFigure 3-5).项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems项目内容Project 3 Acquaintance with Engine Coolingand Lubricating Systems2.Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese.1)cooling system 2)thermostat 3)radiator cap 4)radiator core 5)lubricating system 6)crankcase ventilation 7)viscosity index improver 8)varnish 9)oil sludge3.Translate the following words or phrases into English.1)水泵 2)防冻液 3)水冷式发动机 4)润滑系 5)滑润剂 6)抗氧剂7)发动机沉积物 8)机油滤清器 9)金属与金属接触拓展材料Practical ReadingCooling-system Problems拓展内容借助专业词典,对发动机冷却系统故障进行中英文互译。拓展材料 Engine overheating,loss of coolant and slowly warm-up are the most common problems with cooling systems.Overheating Overheating is noticed by a high temperature-gauge reading.The main causes are loss of coolant and accumulation of rust and scale in the system.Coolant that is discolored or rusty indicates lack of maintenance.Rust,scale and corrosion that form in the coolant passages will restrict coolant fl ow and particles carried into the radiator tank will clog the tubes.Overheating can sometimes be caused by a fault in the ignition or fuel systems.Any loss of power due to a retarded spark or a poor fuel mixture could cause a problem,but poor engine performance should be more noticeable than overheating.拓展材料 Coolant Loss Coolant loss is evident by the need to constantly top up the coolant in the reservoir.Bad coolant leaks are easy to find,but leaks which occur only under operating pressure are more diffi cult to locate and the system would have to be pressure-tested.External leaks could come from the radiator,water pump,hose connections,or core plugs in the cylinder block or head.Internal leaks could be due to a faulty cylinder head gasket,a cylinder head with a warped surface,or enlarged water passages in the cylinder head and water pump due to corrosion.Other less well-known causes of metal loss are cavitations or electrolysis.拓展材料 Slowly Warm-up The likely cause of a slowly warm-up is that the thermostat is faulty and not closing,or that it has beenremoved.The silicone clutch on a variable-speed fan could be faulty,or an electric fan may not be cutting out whenthe engine is cold.拓展材料 谢谢观看!