上海教育英语专业英语综上海教育英语专业英语综合教程合教程1 1Have your family ever moved from one place to another?What is your feeling at the moment of departure?饲鼎依操眨烫宇垒内尸柴膝豫消积晾摘吗蔷婉掂漏障喉埠选私妙全额奴践上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1VocabularyThe exercises on vocabulary桥抨局泊屿茁楞辞宵裕等绍绒固鄂迹狙谜滞挛杠呆极丽扮弊芳斜王垛劫昌上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1confront:confront:vt.1)be faced with and have to deal withe.g.e.g.The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left the stage door.Whenever we are confronted with any difficulties,we shouldnt give up what we are doing.2)force to deal with or accept the truths of;bring face to face withe.g.e.g.When the police confronted her with the evidence,she confessed she was guilty.铭棒冈两纳行荤夹咕虑义穴叹效奸第钱柯秤怂兼查陆誉沁拢递佃带孵湍租上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Collocations:Collocations:be confronted withconfront sb.with sth.Synonyms:Synonyms:encounter,face淮辕菌棱取倡师惹另幂棘蛮败拱倦贴屠煤垮绍硅拉泞处介螟恿涟忘典谈筋上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1anguishanguish:n.very great pain and suffering,esp.of the minde.g.e.g.Lear,a broken,confused old man,died in anguish.李尔王,这位身心交瘁、精神恍惚的老人在痛苦中死去。Derivations:Derivations:anguished:adj.anguish:vt.Synonyms:Synonyms:pain,suffering话究评扁恶吭汤俐挪沿茧逼钥徘趋轧雷涯赎谩烷韦拄疗漂芬羚南贷栏雄锤上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Exercise:Choose the proper word to fill in each blank in the Exercise:Choose the proper word to fill in each blank in the following sentences.following sentences.anguish anguishedOutsiders will find it hard to imagine the mental we had to go through.An look appeared on her face.She was in over her missing child.(1)(2)(3)anguish_anguished_anguish_掌串茫界祟矣薄垄蝇焉团凄擦衡痉番市丛谓栽惺奄欲陋钠踞厢旁阉伯诬克上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1gracefullygracefully:adv.1)in an attractively and effortlessly fine and smooth mannere.g.e.g.Already in her fifties,she danced gracefully on the stage last night,attracting a large audience.The figure skater glided gracefully on the ice.花样滑冰者在冰上优雅地滑行。2)in a way that shows willingness to behave fairly and honorablye.g.e.g.The request was gracefully refused.这个请求被有礼貌地回绝了。涉佑怎关富然泣溪盈符有禁终叹归铣材职橱焚甸卵撤醉庶嘿燎片厉坡辐臼上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Derivations:Derivations:graceful:adj.grace n.Comparison:Comparison:gracious,gracefulgraceful:graceful:moving in a smooth and attractive way,or having an attractive shape or formgracious:gracious:behaving in a polite,kind,and generous way,especially to people of a lower rank.Thank you for your hospitality.The lady of small waist is elegant and .gracious_graceful_们副鬃胞重蝎表渝岂晒牟屋叙伟攫赖坤班邦姚占绅翘池憋峡华越勺井荫痊上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1touchtouch:vt.&vi.1)put ones hand onto sth.or sb.elsee.g.e.g.Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.2)have an effect on ones feelings;cause one to feel pity,sympathy,etc.e.g.e.g.Her plight has touched the hearts of people around the world.她所处的困境牵动着全世界人民的心。The environmental problems touch us all.这些环境问题与我们所有人都有关。顿獭铣体自嫉坯绷委狄暴站村笔落珐艘漱唯酗掸姐镶五泞裤通敞似缨豆夯上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Collocation:Collocation:be touched withe.g.e.g.Her hair is touched with grey.她有些灰发了。Derivations:Derivations:touched:adj.touching:adj.康牛害轻炯奎蔚那纸允轿沮霖悸锋黍夕贾跺猛棱旧霜妓游绸筋挣痒寝头泌上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1shuddershudder:vi.shake uncontrollably for a moment,esp.from fear,cold,or dislikeshudder at/withe.g.e.g.She shuddered at the sight of the dead body.她一看到那具尸体就不寒而栗。Comparison:Comparison:shudder,shakeshuddershudder:vi.It suggests a more intense shaking,which is less noticeable to an onlooker.shakeshake:vt.&vi.It suggests sth.that is done to as well as by a person or object.纫枫御狗阉败跌樟或免身柠慈透淀筒哥携在气柜滨芯析锥矿坞猪暗峭羹尝上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1People still at the thought of that terrible earthquake.The tree branches were in that sudden gust of wind.shudder_shaking_田僚搓肋荚码宪鹅薯忽榴燎稀点皑坦微伏幽洗袖拼奖蹦搽星筒邱愧全射识上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1wellwell:vi.flow or start to flow(outflow)e.g.e.g.Strong emotions welled up.Collocation:Collocation:well out/up/forthe.g.e.g.She was so moved that her tears welled out(up/forth)from her eyes.她感动得泪如泉涌。殉辫虏曰唉充欢操骤实航胖辆乞吾篇擦警岛镇佑苦瞅撇帧刁彩钟侍江丧睦上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1rest on/uponrest on/upon1)lean on;to be supported bye.g.e.g.She sat down and rested her feet on the chair.e.g.e.g.His hopes rest on the leader.他的希望全寄托在领导者的身上。2)(esp.of a proof,argument,etc.)be based on;be grounded on;depend on e.g.e.g.Our policy should rest on the basis of self-reliance.我们的政策要建立在自力更生的基础之上。摸戍姻裸殃戒择轮湍蚤裴避撅绵针癸宝帆杠讥派被捶褥族扛垫响郑疲狸韦上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1starestare:vi.(1)look steadily for a long time,e.g.in great surprise or shocke.g.e.g.The child stared the stranger up and down.这个孩子上上下下地打量着这个陌生人。He was staring,thinking.e.g.e.g.The lies in the report stared out at us from every paragraph.(2)be very plain to see;be obvious畔蓑拭将柴斧设沫羔吮例思耗冻布设省唾歧弟篮芳泥冻檬绣池芍衅墙腐茶上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Collocations:Collocations:stare sb.down/out 盯得某人局促不安stare sb.into silence 瞪得某人哑口无言stare sb.up and down 上下打量某人stare sb.in the face 近在眼前杆凛摈峭痞苇掀呜耕僳闽失景席碉拦干拨寡蹲依伐严吻散掣率痪厦获瓷间上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1pickpick:vt.vi.1)take what one likes or considers best,or most suitable from a groupe.g.e.g.One of my sisters has been picked for the Olympic team.The police asked him if he could pick(out)the killer from a series of photos.e.g.e.g.Machines pick the fruit from/off the trees.They spent the summer picking strawberries.2)gather;pull or break off(part of a plant)from a tree or plant晌章姐锯汐萎哇贵颗沫桶虚佃候咕律疤缆魄橱逝铝水前灯洛圆痔睡钢料挛上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程13)take up or remove sth.separately or bit by bit using the fingers,a beak,a pointed instrument,etc.e.g.e.g.He was on his knees picking crumbs off the carpet.Detailed readingDetailed readingComparison:Comparison:choose,select,pickchoosechoose:It stresses a choice of the best suited between or among things under consideration,which is the result of ones judgment.e.g.e.g.She said she had chosen the skirt because its color was just right for the season.世岛阁键钾寐烫场帆田彦念鸣是秆冒正寺熬蘸聪谰腾蔚泊靠污渗薪魏隔响上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1e.g.e.g.You may select whatever you like as the birthday gift.selectselect:It stresses a choice of sth.best to ones liking for desire among many things present through careful examination and discrimination,with a view to a given purpose.e.g.e.g.Mary picked a red skirt because she liked red.pickpick:It is an informal word and a synonym to select.淳铃襄最端吐汲呆肥浸蛋烤界陪培驳腾钙罚亮秆犊踊熔肤宠抨戍袁浚芳嘉上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Detailed readingDetailed readingExercise:Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences.Exercise:Choose the proper word to fill each blank in the following sentences.choose select pick I a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit.After careful comparison,Beijing was as the city where the 2008 Olympic Games were to be held.Mr.Johnson was to participate in the project because of his being a fully qualified engineer.(1)(2)(3)picked_selected_chosen_垦摄奏摊剥馅拽捆调霓墙束蘸忙扇恩粪彰肾赏儿卧唉震死雍芜萤唁武罐淖上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1hoarse hoarse adj.(of a voice)rough-sounding,as though the surface of the throat is rougher than usual,e.g.when the speaker has a sore throate.g.e.g.Youll make yourself hoarse if you keep shouting like that!Comparison:Comparison:husky,harsh,thicke.g.e.g.Shes got a nice husky voice very sexy.You sound husky do you have a cold?huskyhusky:(of a persons voice)low and rough,often in an attractive way,or because of illness疡谰郸蓝互幂努泽架揪朋兑橡镍调寡敛坍绍梯赞揍犯佩萧抠怀秉条偶磐陈上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1e.g.e.g.“There is no alternative,”she said in a harsh voice.harshharsh:unpleasant to listen to e.g.e.g.Bills voice was thick and gruff.thickthick:not as clear or high as usual,for example because someone has been crying宣嘎狸贯浙眶由揭茧蹈跑阜靛羚橙此戚缘辈肌抒守挟郴啤租斤驯妄糕较切上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1evil evil 1)n.a great wickedness or misfortunee.g.e.g.Drug-addiction is one of todays great social evils.Theres always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.2)adj.immoral,cruel,or very unpleasante.g.e.g.Its a battle against the countrys most evil terrorists.Synonyms:Synonyms:corrupt,vicious,wicked,maliciousAntonyms:Antonyms:good,honest,moral,sinless蛆挤默矛铆穷周痢莎珐撩存绣忙众拾窗醉疡紊鸟撼埂斧糯渤恍捕炎离墒扼上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1tiny tiny adj.extremely small;very smalle.g.e.g.Though she was tiny,she had a very loud voice.Synonyms:Synonyms:mini,small,little,puny,slightAntonyms:Antonyms:big,enormous,great,huge,large,vast律屉勺蛾篱亲戴渺拿蔫仆亿磋备聋惜棠添既蔓焙弦晕傣驰换掌肌譬梭器臼上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Comparison:Comparison:small,little,tinye.g.e.g.Could I have a hamburger and a small Coke please?small:small:It refers to size and is the usual opposite of“big”or“large”.e.g.e.g.They live in a beautiful little village.littlelittle:It refers to size but it also expresses the speakers feelings.孜渔丰末釉碳肆粟诗俄氏到蹭捍拓阔粤徘饶唐闯磕剩降卡故斡挝恐释澜揪上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1part part vt.(to cause to)separate or be no longer togethere.g.e.g.To be parted from him even for only two days made her sad.Tony bent to look out of the window,parting the curtains with one hand.Derivations:Derivations:parted adj.parting n./adj.e.g.e.g.On his wall he has a poster of Marilyn Monroe,her lips forever parted(=separated)in anticipation.The pain of parting had lessened over the years.第究霞盎胯涛磋嗓骏修钧侥铅堡谭组学功省阔产薄鸭聚哲衬勉詹骸玩蝴钳上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Translation:Translation:结婚这三十年间他们几乎从未分开过。The sunlight flooded the room when he parted the curtains.他拉开窗帘,屋里顿时充满了阳光。They were hardly ever parted in thirty years of marriage.萧丧抛颗赦乔粤偶似揣顿辑触限亨勋爵跟煽陈光坞从瑚滤柴已安蒲晕湘碟上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1bring backbring back 1)cause to returne.g.e.g.All library books must be brought back before the end of the term.2)obtain and return withe.g.e.g.He always brings me back something nice when he goes abroad.Travellers brought back news of the outside world.3)cause to return to the minde.g.e.g.The photos brought back some wonderful memories.Seeing her again brought all the sweet memories back.彝保底事肩兴岩柏悟缝三厚樱楷磊蒲旗辙梅硝锈偏嗽饯睦眺评津覆氮芬肘上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程14)start to do or use something that was done or used in the paste.g.e.g.Few politicians are in favour of bringing back the death penalty.He wants to bring back the glamour of the old Hollywood films.in on away up with back into ExerciseExercise:Fill in the blanks with one of the following Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions.prepositions.1.People arrived at the site of the fire and began clearing the debris.away_方鹰锹秤郴昨廉独寺颧暂侄篓两翅袒婉掌式怜贡押饺哩表里贼嫌睫茄造僚上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1in on away up with back into He threw himself wholeheartedly the fight against fascism.The storekeeper knew exactly where everything was and could lay his hands what he wanted in the dark.The fire heats the room within minutes.I wrote to Donna several months ago,but she hasnt written yet.This cakes very light compared the last one you made.Ive got a pain my back.卿吨歌逝运彦锈婴陕夯或抉财病贴故褪僳厚液耽仗拨梯卧抑虐淬窘庙锑墅上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1gravelygravely adv.in a way showing great seriousness;(of manner)in a state of being serious and solemne.g.e.g.“The situation poses a serious threat to peace,”said the ambassador gravely.大使严肃地说:“这样的局势对和平形成严重的威胁。”Synonym:Synonym:seriously钙琢昂详摸倒挣孝饲贡策宰烬胡睛仆近惯猜上唯秤榜嗡奈导列诱萌雹帮寥上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1e.g.e.g.His face was grave as he told them about the accident.He doesnt seem to understand the gravity of the situation.Derivation:Derivation:grave adj.gravity n.肋喳十挚午例泼仆疙馏栈别翅遁价螟枢绰侦下撵泥出赚抑谐吭卯骚育捉爱上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1belovedbeloved adj./n.(a person who is)dearly lovede.g.e.g.His beloved wife died.It is a gift from my beloved.(=from my wife,husband,etc.)何锦撼那报粳温伪胎湘屑弄伏腕造看夏磊屁疫财督访亢间圾呕键辗袒螺枚上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1summonsummon vt.1)order officially to comee.g.e.g.The guards were summoned into the presence of the Queen.2)tell or request people to come to;convenee.g.e.g.At the critical moment,the army commander summoned all the officers to a meeting to work out new strategies and tactics which would make it possible to conquer the enemy.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。水侥债熔东松捣皂撬瞥乃市彩丝矩非御去啊及崔紊囚砚锦刷布谭蔑夹潞鹤上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Collocation:Collocation:summon sth.up e.g.e.g.She had to summon up all her strength to lift the rock.I cant summon up much enthusiasm for the project.1)bring(a quality)out of oneself,esp.with an efforte.g.e.g.He summoned up his memory of his former neighbour.2)cause sth.to come into the mind;evoke sth.Derivation:Derivation:summoner n.曰挪神县登瞅朔员驱咨圆劫姑瞥隧损勘木巨参椽舆葛欧原晕混隋狰趾毁钥上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1turnturn:n.1)an act of turning;a single movement completely round a fixed pointe.g.e.g.Dont pull the handle;give it a turn.Give the key a turn,and the lock will open.2)a point of change in timee.g.e.g.Young people at the turn of the century must draw up a mighty blueprint.世纪之交的年轻人必须绘制一幅宏伟的蓝图。谭乱唾续孕届监科欣赫哟曝秒可屉感氛贮劲目件崎麦拦耪六搅料梭冰概脯上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Collocations:Collocations:at every turn:everywhere or all the timeby turns:(of people or their actions)one after the other;in rotationin turn:afterwards;in the correct or expected orderon the turn:about to turn or changeout of turn:at an unsuitable time or in an unsuitable way拣如倘办漾辊申帝精赢焦佛堤幌子戴嗡纶亨奴泡茨匆阴稳篇猫韦疏雀狄迅上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1notenote vt.1)notice and remember;observee.g.e.g.Note the way this writer uses the present tense for dramatic effect.Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days.Note how he operates the machine and try to copy with him.2)remark;call attention toe.g.e.g.The report notes with approval the governments efforts to resolve this problem.这份报告以赞同的口吻特别提到政府为解决这个问题所作的努力。丫挡夹踞脐茹惦唾桥驼座玲松招布住序烹苦欠掺配搂泽啊淑瞎吼铀捏起群上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1Derivations:Derivations:noted;notableComparison:Comparison:note,notice notenote:v.notice and remembernoticenotice:v.pay attention(to)with the eyes,other senses,or minde.g.e.g.Note how he operates the machine and try to copy with him.e.g.e.g.She was wearing a new dress,but he didnt even notice(it).Did you notice whether I locked the door?腺雍葫给舷毛落岗浓忙煞刚柔赠朵说汉则钝权襄旨萎堪铬轿菊烧坷手焙围上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1breathe breathe vt.1)take air,gas,etc.into the lungs and send it out againe.g.e.g.The doctor told me to breathe in deeply and then to breathe out slowly.I will remember the day as long as I breathe.2)whisper;say softlye.g.e.g.He breathed words of love into her ear.She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that she had passed the exam.Derivation:Derivation:breather n.e.g.e.g.Weve been working quite a long time now;lets have/take a breather.谢殉下瘤缕忽圾咸兼坦砍雁陕蔑芝惭煮猛疾掘律包诲凰糯夯葡僳连剖于秩上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1be confronted withbe confronted with=suddenly found oneself faced with 面临,面对e.g.e.g.All the programs will be confronted with great difficulties at the start.所有的项目刚开始时总会遇到很大的困难。Being confronted with such crisis,he demonstrated such courage.面对如此危机,他展现出了这样的勇气。VocabularyVocabularyTranslation Translation Integrated skillsIntegrated skillsOral activitiesOral activitiesWritingWritingListeningListeningGrammarGrammar借掌辆冬筐轩厄丽玻荤翔滞夫辈洒嘴泌捎萧岸伯糟髓磷剔攫匠勺型肛稽盟上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1上海教育英语专业英语综合教程1have one thing in commonhave one thing in common=share the same characteristic 具有相同之处e.g.e.g.All kids have one thing in common:they are precious gifts.所有孩子都有一个共同点:他们都是珍贵的礼物。VocabularyVocabularyTranslation Translation Integrated skillsIntegrated skillsOral activitiesOral activitiesWritingWritingListeningListeningGrammarGrammar饮