口语练习新版实用视聽华语一 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望認識新朋友Find the following information about a native Chinese speaker in the classroom and then introduce him/her to everyone.姓名(Name):國籍(Nationality):興趣/嗜好(Hobbies or Favorite things):、問你的新朋友一個問題(Create your own question to ask him/her):認識新朋友Find the following information about the person next to you and then introduce him/her to everyone.姓名(Name):國籍(Nationality):興趣/嗜好(Hobbies or Favorite things):、問你的新朋友一個問題(Create your own question to ask your friend):旅遊你去過台灣的哪些地方?請你介紹一個你覺得最特別的地方。旅遊放假了,你有什麼計畫呢?請跟大家說說你的假期計畫。如:想去哪裡旅行?什麼時候去?跟誰去?怎麼去?為什麼想去那裡?生活請你告訴大家週末的時候你做了些什麼?/週末最喜歡做什麼?或去哪裡?家庭請介紹你的家人給我們認識。Please introduce your family to the class.(i.e.how many people,#of brothers and sisters,their interests and work/occupations)小明剛看完電影想去吃飯,請問他應該怎麼走才能到餐廳去?看圖說話你是一個畫家,請介紹這張畫給你的朋友。聽力練習1.為什麼他們要去法國餐廳吃飯?2.如果是你,你會送什麼禮物給你的女朋友/男朋友呢?聽力練習1.大維覺得墾丁跟阿里山怎麼樣?2.為什麼大維只去了這兩個地方?造句Make your own sentencel已經 造句Make your own sentencel容易 造句Make your own sentencel因為所以 看讀練習Fill in the blanks with correct measure words/classifiers and read the whole sentence loudly.妹妹買了20筆和7書,一共2460元。爸爸想要買一德國車,可是要8,560,000元,太貴了。看讀練習Fill in the blanks with correct measure words/classifiers and read the whole sentence loudly.王老師今天早上看了兩報,喝了一咖啡,吃了兩 69元的漢堡。看讀練習Fill in the blanks with correct measure words/classifiers and read the whole sentence loudly.