寨卡病毒病培训课件(中英文)一、定义 寨卡病毒(又译兹卡病毒):1947年病毒被发现,为RNA病毒,直径20nm,是一种通过蚊虫进行传播的虫媒病毒,宿主不明确,主要在野生灵长类动物和栖息在树上的蚊子,如非洲伊蚊中循环。1.Definition Zika Virus:Found in1947,RNA virus,Diameter 20nm.It is a arbovirus that spreads through mosquitoes.Its hosts are not undefined yet,wild quadrumana and mosquitoes live in trees are mainly suspected targets,for example African aedes mosquitoes.巴西卫生部长称,自10月以来已经在4180例疑似病例中确诊了270例小头畸形(microcephaly)与寨卡病毒相关的神经疾病。2014年全年巴西仅报告约150病例。Brazils health ministry said it had confirmed 270 cases of microcephaly the neurological condition linked to Zika out of 4,180 suspected cases since October.Only about 150 cases were reported in Brazil in the whole of 2014.2 2月月1 1日,日,世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布寨卡病毒为全球紧急公共卫生事件。这意味着,世卫组织将寨卡病毒与埃博拉(Ebola)置于同一类别,并且启动了一系列可以用来应对该威胁的筹资机制和政策措施。February 1st,Zika has been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization,which almost means that the WHO has put Zika in the same category as Ebola and unlocked a range of funding mechanisms and policy measures that can be drawn on to tackle the threat.四、国内流行形势2月9日,我国确诊首例输入性寨卡病毒感染病例。为广东省东莞市某公司工作人员,发病前有委内瑞拉旅行史。2月14日,患者痊愈出院。截至2月28日,我国一共确诊了8例感染者,其中江西省1例,广东省3例,浙江省4例,均为输入性病例。4 4、EpidemicsEpidemics SituationSituation in China in China9th Feb,in China,the first patient of Zika virus disease was found.The patient was infected by Zika when travelled in Venezuela and came back China.14th Feb,the patient was cured and left hospital.8 cases were confirmed until 28th Feb,one in Jiangxi province,3 ones in Guangdong province and 4 ones in Zhejiang province.All of them were imported from abroad.五、流行病学特点传染源传染源患者、隐性感染者和寨卡病毒患者、隐性感染者和寨卡病毒感染的非人灵长类动物是可感染的非人灵长类动物是可能的传染源能的传染源.传播途径传播途径1 1、最主要的途径:伊蚊叮咬、最主要的途径:伊蚊叮咬2 2、母婴传播,包括宫内感染、母婴传播,包括宫内感染和分娩时感染。和分娩时感染。3 3、血源传播和性传播。、血源传播和性传播。人群易感性人群易感性普遍易感,曾感染过寨卡病毒普遍易感,曾感染过寨卡病毒的人可能对再次感染具有免的人可能对再次感染具有免疫力疫力。5.E5.Epidemiological Fpidemiological FeatureeatureSource of InfectionSource of InfectionPatient,latent infestors and nonhuman quadrumana infected by Zika virusRouteofTransmissionRouteofTransmission1、Primary route:bited by aedes mosquito 2、Mother-to-fetus 3、Blood and sex Susceptibility of PopulationSusceptibility of Population It is susceptive to all people.People maybe gets the immunity after being infected by Zika at first time.目前并无特效药。寨卡病毒病通常相对温和,感染者只需多喝水,注意休息,不需要做出特别处理。症状明显时以对症治疗为主。高热不退患者可服用解热镇痛药。在登革热被排除之前尽量避免给予阿司匹林等非甾体类抗炎药物治疗。发病第一周内,实施有效的防蚊隔离措施,以避免通过虫媒传染给他人。对感染寨卡病毒的孕妇,建议每3-4周监测胎儿生长发育情况。六、治疗六、治疗6、TherapySo far,there is no specific medicine for So far,there is no specific medicine for ZikaZika.ZikaZika virus virus disease is mild.I disease is mild.In general,it n general,it isnt necessary to do special treatments isnt necessary to do special treatments except for serious symptoms.You only need except for serious symptoms.You only need to drink more water and get enough rest.to drink more water and get enough rest.You can take analgesic-antipyretic pills You can take analgesic-antipyretic pills when high fever is hard to cool down.when high fever is hard to cool down.Youd better not to take Youd better not to take NSALDS like Aspirin if Dengue Fever isnt eliminatedif Dengue Fever isnt eliminated yet.yet.At the first week that symptoms appear,At the first week that symptoms appear,taking effective measures to protect taking effective measures to protect yourself from mosquitoes.Because mosquitoes yourself from mosquitoes.Because mosquitoes biting patients will transmit virus to other biting patients will transmit virus to other people.people.For pregnant women infected by Zika,it is For pregnant women infected by Zika,it is suggested to track the situation of growth suggested to track the situation of growth and development of baby every 3 or 4 weeks.and development of baby every 3 or 4 weeks.无、低、中、高风险地区7、预防防 Prevention风险预测地图风险预测地图Risk Forecast MapRisk Forecast Map我国伊蚊分布广泛,具我国伊蚊分布广泛,具备暴发条件备暴发条件.Aedes mosquito exists widespreadly in China.It is a great risk to cause explosive epidemic of Zika virus disease.风险程度 Risk Level高 High低 Low寨卡病毒的抵抗力不详,但其属于黄病毒属,黄病毒属寨卡病毒的抵抗力不详,但其属于黄病毒属,黄病毒属的病毒一般不耐酸、不耐热。的病毒一般不耐酸、不耐热。60306030分钟可灭活,分钟可灭活,70%70%乙乙醇、醇、1%1%次氯酸钠、脂溶剂、过氧乙酸等消毒剂及紫外线次氯酸钠、脂溶剂、过氧乙酸等消毒剂及紫外线照射均可灭活。照射均可灭活。There is no detailed files about resistance of Zika virus,It belongs to the genus flavivirus,which is not acid-resisting and heat-resisting.The genus flavivirus will be killed in 60 for 30 minutes,and it also can be deactivated by disinfector as 70%Alcohol,1%Sodium Hypochlorite,fat solvent,peracetic acid and so on.Ultraviolet radiation also has a good effect on killing the genus flavivirus.八、具体八、具体预预防措施:防措施:使用驱虫剂;穿戴尽可能覆盖身体各部位的衣服,而且最好是浅色衣服;采用纱网、门窗紧闭等物理屏障;睡觉使用蚊帐;将水桶、花盆或者汽车轮胎等可能蓄水的容器实施排空、保持清洁或者加以覆盖,从而去除可使蚊虫滋生的环境。8 8、Detailed Measures of PreventionDetailed Measures of Prevention:Using vermifugePut on clothes that can protect all over your body,light colour clothes are betterResist mosquitoes by the way as gauze net,closing screen doors and windows tightly and so onKeep mosquito net closed well when sleepingClean hydrops in places where mosquitoes reproduce,such as bucket,flowerpot,sewer and so on.巴西:全国灭蚊行动巴西:全国灭蚊行动巴西:全国灭蚊行动巴西:全国灭蚊行动 Brazil Brazil:Anti-mosquito Anti-mosquito CampaignCampaignVermifuge CreamKill Mosquitoes by Special Fog Thank you!结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!16