第18章 供应链信息系统和电子商务(20-21讲).ppt
第18章 供应链信息系统和电子商务supply chain systems and electronic commerce本章系统图本章系统图电子供应链概述供应链信息流供应链管理系统图驱动因素内外部战略整合全球化和通信数据信息管理新的业务流程替换旧系统战略成本管理企业资源规划:实施ERP系统采购数据库和数据仓库买卖双方间的电子通信技术电子数据交换EDI和因特网电子采购或供应和网络系统电子采购或供应:完全整合系统【重点】【难点】供应链信息系统和电子商务系统类型反向拍卖出现电子采购供应商底线什么是信息可视性戴尔信息可视性系统信息可视性的益处例子:ISupply供应链管理的电子革命供应链管理的电子革命The Electronic Revolution in SCMl l网络化Continued growth in web-based supply chain tools Continued growth in web-based supply chain tools and solutionsand solutionsl l复杂化Greater sophistication in e-SCM system Greater sophistication in e-SCM system expendituresexpendituresl l供应商集中供应商集中Fewer software providersFewer software providersl l能力增大能力增大Increasing capabilitiesIncreasing capabilitiesl l实施周期短实施周期短Shorter project implementation life cyclesShorter project implementation life cyclesl l价格降低价格降低Improved pricing and termsImproved pricing and termsPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e3 3出现电子供应链管理工具出现电子供应链管理工具Evolving e-SCM Toolsl lPOS系统Point-of-sale systemsPoint-of-sale systemsl lRFIDl lPLC软件Product life cycle softwareProduct life cycle softwarel lBid optimization投标优化l lComputerized negotiation modelsl l电子移动环境E-mobile environment(laptops,E-mobile environment(laptops,PDAsPDAs,and,and smart cell phones)smart cell phones)l lMRPI,MRPII,ERPPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e4 4供应链信息流Supply Chain Information Flowsl lRecord and retrieve critical datal lExecute and control physical and monetary flowsl lAutomate routine decisionsl lSupport planning activitiesl lSupport higher-level tactical and strategic decision makingl lMove and share information cross firms and between users5 5六项功能功能水平决策决策Decision Making6 6Internal SCMSRMCRMStrategic Decision MakingStrategic Decision MakingSupply Chain PlanningSupply Chain PlanningTactical Decision MakingTactical Decision MakingRoutine Decision MakingRoutine Decision MakingTransaction ProcessingTransaction Processing交易处理交易处理Transaction Processingl lInformation flows record and retrieve critical datal lExecute and control physical and monetary flowsl lLittle or no human interventionl lBar code system to track locationPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e7 7日常决策日常决策Routine Decision Makingl lOftentimes automatedl lExceptions dealt with manuallyl lAutomated inventory management systemsl lOrder quantitiesOrder quantitiesl lReorder pointsReorder pointsPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e8 8供应链规划供应链规划Supply Chain Planningl lDecide on technologies for next generation of products or servicesl lIdentify supply base requirementsl lForecasted demandl lProduction decisionsl lProjected cash flows9 9战略决策战略决策Strategic Decision Makingl lSearch for data patterns or relationshipsl lCustomer segment analysisCustomer segment analysisl lProduct life cycle forecastingProduct life cycle forecastingl l“What if”analyses“What if”analysesl lNeed for flexibility for data manipulation and presentationl lDecision support systems(DSS)Purchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e1010供应链管理系统图供应链管理系统图SCM Systems Map战略决策Strategic Decision MakingSupplier Relationship Management(SRM)ApplicationsDecision Support Systems(DSS)Customer Relationship Management(CRM)ApplicationsNetworkDesign供应链规划SupplyChain PlanningWarehouse and Warehouse and Transportation Transportation PlanningPlanning战术决策Tactical Decision MakingEnterprise Resource Planning(ERP)Applications日常决策Routine Decision MakingWarehouse Management and Transportation Execution交易处理Transaction ProcessingSuppliersSuppliersInternal Supply Internal Supply ChainChainCustomersCustomersLogisticsLogistics1111企业资源规划企业资源规划Enterprise Resource Planningl lLarge,dedicated business transaction processing and reporting systemsl lIntegrates all classic business functions togetherl lUses common databasel lBest for routine decision making and transaction processing1212ERP系统概图系统概图ERP System Overview1313PurchasingFinanceCentralDatabaseAccountingFinanceSalesOperationsSRM/CRM应用软件应用软件 SRM/CRM Applications1414SRM ApplicationsSRM ApplicationsCRM ApplicationsCRM Applicationsl lDesign collaborationDesign collaborationl lSourcing decisionsSourcing decisionsl lNegotiationsNegotiationsl lBuy processBuy processl lSupply collaborationSupply collaborationl lMarket analysisMarket analysisl lSell processSell processl lOrder managementOrder managementl lCall and service center Call and service center managementmanagement表表18.1 SRM/CRM应用软件应用软件 网络设计软件网络设计软件Network Design Applicationsl lWhere should we locate warehouses?l lHow large should our transportation fleet be?l lBased on simulation and optimization modeling1515运输仓储规划运输仓储规划Transportation-Warehouse Planningl lUsed to allocate fixed logistics capacityl lHow many units should we ship from each warehouse to each demand point?l lOptimization modeling based on warehouse Optimization modeling based on warehouse capacities,customer demand levels,and capacities,customer demand levels,and shipping costsshipping costs1616执行系统执行系统Execution Systemsl l开始和控制物料移动Kick off and control movement Kick off and control movement of materials between supply chain partnersof materials between supply chain partnersl lWhere to storeWhere to storel lWhere to go pick items upWhere to go pick items upl lHow many to pickHow many to pickl l条码系统Bar code systemsBar code systemsl l全球定位系统Global positioning systemsGlobal positioning systemsPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e1717新供应链系统的驱动因素新供应链系统的驱动因素Drivers of New SCM Systemsl内外部战略整合Internal and external strategic Internal and external strategic integrationintegrationl全球化和通信Globalization and communicationGlobalization and communicationl数据信息管理Data information managementData information managementl新的业务流程New business processesNew business processesl替换遗留系统Replacement of legacy systemsReplacement of legacy systemsl战略成本管理Strategic cost managementStrategic cost management1818益处战略整合战略整合Strategic Integrationl lInternall lUse of common information between various Use of common information between various sites and functional areassites and functional areasl lEnterprise resource planning systemsEnterprise resource planning systemsl lExternall lNeed to link suppliers,distributors,and Need to link suppliers,distributors,and customerscustomersl lForecast demandForecast demandl lBalance supply and demandBalance supply and demandPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e1919全球化和通信全球化和通信Globalization and Communicationl lDiffering cultures and geographiesl lNeed to:l lManage global customers and suppliersManage global customers and suppliersl lCalculate total global logistics costsCalculate total global logistics costsl lIncrease leverage and component Increase leverage and component standardizationstandardizationl lImprove communication of global strategiesImprove communication of global strategies2020数据信息管理数据信息管理Data Information Managementl lNew IS technologies(servers,wireless applications,and telecommunication)l lNeed to effectively filter,analyze,and mine huge amounts of data to support managerial decision makingl lData warehouse systemsl lDecision support systemsPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e2121新的业务流程新的业务流程New Business Processesl lConstantly evolving and changing technologiesl lReduce redundancies,delays,and wastel lNeed to create a rapid response capability to adapt to changing customer needs and controlling costsPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e2222替换遗留系统替换遗留系统Replacement of Legacy Systemsl lNeed to replace existing piecemeal chains of unlinked data systemsl lEliminate hardware and software incompatibilities and allow real time,fluid communicationl lComputer networkingComputer networkingl lTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsl lWeb-based applicationsWeb-based applicationsPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e2323战略成本管理战略成本管理Strategic Cost Managementl lHigh volume of transactions to deal withl lNeed to automate data capture in a single enterprise-wide data warehouse accessible to all usersl lTimely and accurate information replaces inventory investments2424企业资源规划企业资源规划ERP Systemsl l整合交易处理和报告系统Integrated transaction Integrated transaction processing and reporting systemprocessing and reporting systeml l跟踪组织资源包括人力、流程和技术Tracks Tracks organizational resources,including people,processes,and organizational resources,including people,processes,and technologytechnologyl l建立跨职能交互的流程Creates a process logic for Creates a process logic for functional interactionfunctional interaction2525ERP系统例子系统例子An ERP System ExampleCustomer contactSales orderInventory sourcingDeliveryCustomer billingCustomer paymentSales order planningMPSMRPPlanned orderProduction orderShop floor controlRequisitionSupplier selectionPOGoods receiptInvoice verificationSupplier payment 2626财务和资源控制财务和资源控制Financial and Resource Controlling物流控制仓储和运输物流控制仓储和运输Logistics Controlling Warehouse,Transportation4个基本业务流程个基本业务流程Basic Business ProcessesSelling a product or service客户订单管理流程Customer order management processMaking a product生产计划和执行流程Production planning and execution processBuying a product采购流程Procurement process成本核算、付款、收款Costing,paying the bills,collecting财务/管理会计和报告流程Financial/management accounting and reporting process2727ERP和基本业务流程和基本业务流程ERP and Basic Business Processesl l单一数据库Adopting a single customer,product,and supplier databaseAdopting a single customer,product,and supplier databasel l一个主记录One master record with multiple viewsOne master record with multiple viewsl l共同数据库Common databaseCommon databasel l信息实时一次录入Information is captured only once in real timeInformation is captured only once in real timel l交易高度可视化Highly visible transactionsHighly visible transactionsl l工作流程关联Linked with the work flowLinked with the work flow2828实施实施ERP系统系统Implementing ERP Systemsl lCreate a process map for every major processl lMay need to reengineer processes prior to ERP to remove non-value-adding stepsl lCould result in major organizational and culture changel lNeed for well-defined processes before implementing2929实实施施前前实施步骤实施步骤Implementation Steps1.1.Define the current process as is2.2.Define what the best-in-class business process should be3.3.Develop the system4.4.Work through all final bugs and then flip the switch3030四步骤ERP实施完整过程实施完整过程 ERP Implementation CycleDiscoveryDesignSystem build-outTestingTrainingCutoverPost-cutover support3131Source:Premier International,ChicagoSource:Premier International,Chicago彻底切换 采购数据库采购数据库Purchasing Databasesl lAn integrated collection of computer files capable of storing operational data essential for managing a departmentl lMinimal overlapping of information between Minimal overlapping of information between filesfilesl lAllows different systems to use data Allows different systems to use data contained in the databasecontained in the databasel lEfficient cross-referencing of dataEfficient cross-referencing of data3232采购数据仓库采购数据仓库Purchasing Data Warehousesl l决策支持工具决策支持工具Type of decision support tool for collecting data Type of decision support tool for collecting data from different resources and making it available to end users in a from different resources and making it available to end users in a consolidated,consistent mannerconsolidated,consistent mannerl lCombines data all in one placeCombines data all in one placel lMaintained separately from the production system Maintained separately from the production system databasedatabasel lOrganized around informational subjects rather than Organized around informational subjects rather than by processby processl lData is fed from multiple production databasesData is fed from multiple production databasesl lTime-dependent,historical dataTime-dependent,historical datal lOftentimes aggregatedOftentimes aggregated3333采购数据库例子采购数据库例子Purchasing Database Examplesl lPart filesl lSupplier name and address filesl l历史使用文件Historical usage filesHistorical usage filesl l未结订单和过期订单Open-order and past-due filesOpen-order and past-due filesl lBill-of-material filesl l工程需求文件Engineering requirements filesEngineering requirements filesl lForecasted demand filesPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e3434电子通信技术电子通信技术Communication Technologyl lElectronic data interchange(EDI)l l标准形式标准形式Standard form(EDI standards)Standard form(EDI standards)l l转化能力转化能力Translation capability(EDI software)Translation capability(EDI software)l l邮件服务邮件服务Mail service(EDI network)Mail service(EDI network)l lEDI and the Internet3535一个理想的一个理想的EDI交易过程交易过程An Ideal EDI Transaction1.1.Buyers computer monitors real-time inventory status2.2.If replenishment needed,application program notifies translation software3.3.EDI P.O.is created and released against pre-negotiated blanket order4.4.Suppliers computer receives order and translates into local format3636一个理想的一个理想的EDI交易过程交易过程An Ideal EDI Transaction5.5.Functional acknowledgement is automatically generated and sent to buyer6.6.EDI P.O.creates additional electronic transactionsl lBuyers accounts payable applicationBuyers accounts payable applicationl lBuyers receiving fileBuyers receiving filel lSuppliers warehouse or factory fileSuppliers warehouse or factory filel lSuppliers invoice fileSuppliers invoice filePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e3737一个理想的一个理想的EDI交易过程交易过程An Ideal EDI Transaction7.7.When order is filled at supplier,advance shipping When order is filled at supplier,advance shipping notice is created and transmitted to buyernotice is created and transmitted to buyer8.8.Upon receipt of goods,actual shipping notice is Upon receipt of goods,actual shipping notice is entered into receipt fileentered into receipt file9.9.Receipt notice is transmitted to buyers accounts Receipt notice is transmitted to buyers accounts payable application and to suppliers invoicing payable application and to suppliers invoicing systemsystem10.10.Invoice received by buyer is translated into buyers Invoice received by buyer is translated into buyers format and invoice,receiving notice,and P.O.are format and invoice,receiving notice,and P.O.are reconciled in a three-way matchreconciled in a three-way match3838一个理想的一个理想的EDI交易过程交易过程An Ideal EDI Transaction11.11.Payment authorization is generated and transmitted to accounts payable,and payment is sent to supplier electronically12.12.Electronic remittance notice is sent to supplier,and buyer is credited for paymentPurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4ePurchasing&Supply Chain Management,4e3939EDI和因特网和因特网 EDI and the Internetl lTraditional EDI:l lOften requires a major investment due to Often requires a major investment due to application-specific technologyapplication-specific technologyl lAlso requires payment of fees to VAN Also requires payment of fees to VAN providersprovidersl lDifferent EDI standardsDifferent EDI standardsl lDifferent customers have different EDI