SSS离合器介绍SSS clutch烟囱蒸汽水冷凝器汽轮机燃气轮机发电机联合循环原理排气单轴联合循环(汽轮机与发电机直接串联)优点:共用发电机缺点:设置辅助锅炉运行受牵制SSS单轴联合循环(汽轮机与发电机之间装SSS离合器)优点:运行无牵制缺点:装自同步离合器SSS离合器:功能:(摘自SSS离合器使用手册)The purpose of the clutch:The SSS Clutch is used in a single shaft cogeneration plant to connect anddisconnect the steam turbine drive to one end of the generator driven at the other end by a gas turbine.SSS离合器安装在单轴共用发电机的电厂设备上,以联接或断开汽轮机与发电机,发电机的另一端与燃气轮机相联连。With the output side of the clutch(the generator and gas turbine)rotating at fullspeed,the input side of the clutch(the steam turbine)can be started and run up to full speed to automatically engage the clutch and connect the drive.The steam turbine can be shut down independently of the gas turbine and the clutch will automatically disengage to disconnect the drive.离合器的输出端(发电机和燃气轮机)在全转速运行时,离合器的输入端(汽轮机)能启动并达到全速,离合器自动啮合与发电机相连。汽轮机也能独立于燃气轮机单独停机,停机时离合器自动脱开而与发电机断开。简言之,简言之,SSSSSS离合器是一种单向传递扭矩的装置离合器是一种单向传递扭矩的装置单向传递扭矩装置应用实例:棘轮机构仅当主动轮(内则)作顺时针转动且转速大于被动轮(外侧)时,被动轮才被驱动而传递扭矩。应用于:低转速,小功率SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.1B)(No.1B)The initials SSS denote the Synchro-Self-Shifting action of the clutch,whereby the clutch driving and driven teeth are phased and then automatically shifted axially into engagement when rotating at precisely the same speed.The clutch disengages as soon as the input speed slows down relative to the output speed.首字母SSS 指的是离合器的“Synchro-Self-Shifting”作用,当离合器的主动、从动齿轮转速完全相等时两者相位同步、自动轴向移动而啮合。而一旦输入转速低于输出转速时离合器脱开。The basic operating principle of the SSS clutch can be compared to the action of a nut screwed on to a bolt.If the bolt rotates with the nut free,the nut will rotate with the bolt.If the nut is prevented from rotating while the bolt continues to turn,the nut will move in a straight line along the bolt.SSS 离合器的基本工作原理可比拟为螺母拧在螺栓上。如果螺栓转动时螺母是自由的,则螺母将随螺栓一同转动,如果螺母受限制而螺栓继续转动,则螺母将沿螺栓作直线运动。SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.1B)(No.1B)In an SSS clutch the input shaft has helical splines which correspond to the thread of the bolt.Mounted on the helical splines is a sliding component which simulates the nut.The sliding component has external clutch teeth at one end,and a set of pawls at the other When the input shaft rotates,the sliding component rotates with it until a pawl tip contacts a ratchet tooth on the output clutch ring to prevent rotation of the sliding component relative to the output clutch ring,and align the driving and driven clutch teeth.PawlsSSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.1B)(No.1B)As the input shaft continues to rotate,the sliding component will move axially along the helical splines of the input shaft moving the clutch driving and driven teeth smoothly into engagement.During this movement,the only load taken by the pawl is that required to shift the lightweight sliding component along the helical splines.As the sliding component moves along the input shaft,the pawl passes out of contact with the ratchet tooth,allowing the driving teeth to come into flank contact with the driven teeth and continues the engaging travelDriving torque from the input shaft will only be transmitted when the sliding component completes its travel by contacting an end stop on the input shaft,with the clutch teeth fully engaged and the pawls unloaded.SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.1B)(No.1B)When a nut is screwed against the head of a bolt,no external thrust is produced.Similarly when the sliding component of an SSS clutch reaches its end stop and the clutch is transmitting driving torque,no external thrust loads are produced by the helical splines.If the speed of the input shaft is reduced relative to the output shaft,the torque on the helical splines will reverse.This causes the sliding component to return to the disengaged position and the clutch will overrun.At high overrunning speeds,pawl ratcheting is prevented by a combination of centrifugal and hydrodynamic effects acting on the pawls.The basic SSS clutch can operate continuously engaged or overrunning at maximum speed without wear occurring.SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.1B)(No.1B)BackSSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.4)(No.4)SSS Principle No.4 Dashpot-double acting typeThe purpose of the double acting dashpot is to cushion clutch engagement at high acceleration and slow down the rate of disengagement.SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.4)(No.4)SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.4)(No.4)SSS Principle No.5Relay Type ClutchSSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.5)(No.5)SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.5)(No.5)Sequence to engage/disengage啮合/脱开的步骤SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.5)(No.5)Sequence to engage/disengage啮合/脱开的步骤SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.5)(No.5)Sequence to engage/disengage啮合/脱开的步骤SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.11b)(No.11b)SSS Principle No.11b Disabled pawlsThe purpose of disabled pawls is to permit the clutch output machine to be stopped for maintenance whilst the clutch input machine continues to rotate at low speed( turning gear).SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.11b)(No.11b)SSSSSS工作原理工作原理(No.11b)(No.11b)A diagrammatic view of the clutch showing the sub assemblies and the main component parts.离合器主要零部件示意图离合器主要零部件示意图啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示啮合啮合/脱开脱开 演示演示Dwg.No.SL18565Page 1Size 340T Clutch+Switch UnitDwg.No.SL18565Page 1主剖面主剖面放大图放大图Size 340T Clutch+Switch UnitSize 340T Clutch+Switch UnitDwg.No.SL18565Page 2Dwg.No.SL18565 Page 2 主剖面放大图主剖面放大图棘爪结构棘爪结构放大图放大图润滑油工作方式润滑油工作方式脱开状态啮合状态性能参数性能参数SSS Gears Ltd.SSS Gears Ltd.合影合影SSS离合器离合器试验台试验台 rig做完试验的工件做完试验的工件从试验台吊出从试验台吊出试验台试验台 rig试验台控制面板试验台控制面板试验台试验台 rig试验台万向试验台万向联接器联接器啮合位移发送器啮合位移发送器啮合位移发送器啮合位移发送器安装演示安装演示SSS GEARS LTD.现场安装培训现场安装培训运输架运输架运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输架运输架仅可用于起吊运仅可用于起吊运输架本身输架本身运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输架拆除运输架拆除运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装2mm运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运输和现场安装运行维护运行维护III基本不用维护若需维护,解体检查区域I是否清洁,是则无需后续维护工作,否则清洁之并进一步解体检查区域II,并作清洁。如棘爪(盘)失效,整体向SSS公司更换。Dwg.No.SL18565 Page 2 主剖面放大图主剖面放大图结合面结合面