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Learning OutcomesDescribe six key elements in organizational design.Identify the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design.Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary organizational designs.Discuss the design challenges faced by todays organizations.6-1第1页/共35页6-26.1Describe six key elements in organizational design.第2页/共35页Elements of Organizational StructureWork specializationDepartmentalizationAuthority and responsibilitySpan of controlCentralization vs.decentralizationFormalization6-3第3页/共35页Specialization6-4第4页/共35页Departmentalization6-5第5页/共35页Types of Authority Relationships6-6第6页/共35页Line and Staff Authority6-7第7页/共35页Unity of Command A structure in which each employee reports to only one manager.6-8第8页/共35页How Do Authority and Power Differ?Authority:a right whose legitimacy is based on an authority figures position in the organization;it goes with the jobPower:an individuals ability to influence decisions6-9第9页/共35页Power Versus Authority6-10第10页/共35页Sources of Power 6-11第11页/共35页Span of ControlMost effective and efficient span depends on:Employee experience and training(more they have,larger span).Similarity of employee tasks(more similarity,larger span).Complexity of those tasks(more complex,smaller span).6-12第12页/共35页Centralization&DecentralizationCentralizationdecision making takes place at upper levels of the organizationDecentralizationlower-level managers provide input or actually make decisions6-13第13页/共35页FormalizationHow standardized an organizations jobs are and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.6-14第14页/共35页6-156.2Identify the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design.第15页/共35页Models of Organizational Design6-16第16页/共35页Strategy and Structure Certain structural designs work best with different organizational strategies.6-17第17页/共35页Size and StructureMechanisticMore than 2,000 employees makes forces organizations to become more mechanistic.6-18OrganicLess than 2,000 employees can be organic.第18页/共35页Technology and Structure6-19第19页/共35页Environment and StructureStable environment:mechanistic structureDynamic environment:organic structure 6-20第20页/共35页6-216.3Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary organizational designs.第21页/共35页Traditional Organizational Designs6-22第22页/共35页Contemporary Organizational Design6-25第25页/共35页Team Structure6-26A structure in which the entire organization is made up of work teams that do the organizations work.第26页/共35页Matrix and Project Structures6-27第27页/共35页Project Structure6-28A structure in which employees continuously work on projects.第28页/共35页Boundaryless Organizations An organization whose design is not imposed by a predefined structure.6-29第29页/共35页6-306.4Discuss the design challenges faced by todays organizations.第30页/共35页Current Organizational Design ChallengesKeeping employees connectedManaging global structural issuesBuilding a learning organizationDesigning flexible work arrangements6-31第31页/共35页A Learning Organization6-32第32页/共35页Flexible Work Arrangements6-33TelecommutingCompressed workweekFlextimeJob SharingContingent workers第33页/共35页6-34第34页/共35页Copyright 2015 Pearson Education,Inc.1-35感谢您的观看。感谢您的观看。第35页/共35页