Knowledge Management and the Consulting IndustryThe ConsultantOnce upon a time there was a shepherd tending his sheep at the edge of a country road.A brand new Mustang screeches to a halt next to him.The driver,a young man dressed in an Armani suit,Cerrutti shoes,Oakley glasses,TAG wrist watch and a Bhs tie gets out and asks the shepherd,If I guess how many sheep you have,will you give me one of them?The shepherd looks at the young man,then looks at the sprawling field of sheep and says,Okay.The young man parks the car,connects his notebook and wireless modem,enters a NASA site,scans the ground using his GPS,opens a database and 60 Excel tables filled with algorithms,then prints a 150 page report on his high tech mini printer.He then turns to the shepherd and says,You have exactly 1,586 sheep here.The shepherd answers:Thats correct,you can have your sheep.The young man takes one of the animals and puts it in the back of his vehicle.The shepherd looks at him and asks:Now,if I guess your profession,will you pay me back in kind?The young man answers:Sure.The shepherd says,You are a consultant.Exactly!How did you know?asks the young man.Very simple,answers the shepherd.First,you came here without being called.Second,you charged me a fee to tell me something I already knew.Third,you do not understand anything about my business.and Id really like to have my dog back.What is consulting?The Collins English Dictionary reveals that to consult is to make oneself available to give professional advice,especially at scheduled times and for a fee.The term consult originates in the medical profession.There a consultant is a physician who is asked to confirm a diagnosis;or it is a physician(or surgeon)who holds the highest appointment in a particular branch of medicine or surgery in a hospital.The consultant is therefore someone mostly a specialist who is asked to give expert advice or information.The management consultantThe management consultant is a special breed of consultant.Personification of the knowledge economy;Anti-thesis to Fords assembly-line worker.Symbolises the future of work:not dirty,not heavy-duty,not manual,not monotonous,not de-skilled,not de-humanized,not badly paid;but flexible,creative,international,demanding,cross-cultural,well-paid,technologically advanced,fun.The idol of todays working world;it is one of the main drivers of the business of business educationAccenture,PricewaterhouseCoopers(PwC),Cap Gemini Ernst&Young,McKinsey&Co.,Bain&Co.,The Boston Consulting Group and Mercer(to name but a few)are the archetypal companies of todays global informational capital,which attract the highest calibre graduates.InterConGerman subsidiary of a global management and technology consulting companyThe IKM projectVirtual project teamITStrategyCAsOperational ProcessesCAsInformation ManagementCAsPeopleCAsGMTs(Industries)GMTs(Industries)Telecom&MediaConsumer GoodsChemicalsLife SciencesFinancial ServicesEnergyTransport/TourismAutomotive/EngineeringUtilitiesetc.USAFranceUKGermanyDisciplinesDisciplinesPoAsPoAsSupplier NetworksElectronicBusinessEuro TransformationKnowledge-ManagementERP(Standard Software)Customer Relationship ManagementService OfferingsOrganisational Structure of InterConProject Knowledge CaptureProject Knowledge CaptureAt ProjectAt Project StartStart BeforeBefore ProjectProject EndEndAccess to KnowledgeAccess to KnowledgeFeedback and RewardsFeedback and Rewardsupdates KBaseupdates KBasefinalize knowledge capture report,copy to PKC,PM,GMT/Disc,CoE,CA,PoA KCat project end,hands over project archive to local Info Centrereview KCapture report and together with stream leads,identify Best in Class GMT documentsKeyKeyRolesRolesGMT KCGMT KCGMT Knowledge ChampionPMPMProject ManagerPKCPKCProject Knowledge ChampionGMT KSGMT KSGMT Knowledge SpecialistCoE,CA,PoA,CoE,CA,PoA,Discipline Discipline Knowledge Knowledge SpecialistSpecialistCoE,CA,PoA,CoE,CA,PoA,Discipline Discipline Knowledge Knowledge ChampionChampionALLALLStrategicStrategicDirectionDirectionKBaseKBaseMaintenanceMaintenanceCoE,CA,CoE,CA,Disc.,GMT Disc.,GMT Expert Team Expert Team and KSand KSDefine and communicate the strategic knowledge management objectives and set expectations at all levelse.g.at yearly KM conference in September,Capabilities Councils and other leadership meetingsQuarterly meeting with GMT/Disc.to filter non relevant documents out,identify gaps and discuss expectations to fill the gaps.Update CD-ROM copies of Tool Boxes and KBases.Projects access knowledge via:the COMPASS(intranet which provides world-wide access to the KBases),CoE,CA,Discipline,GMT Expert Teams and KCs(whose main role is to help develop,capture and disseminate knowledge),and Knowledge Specialists(who act as a global point of contact and answer specific,complex requests for information on a case by case basis,throughout project duration).Make Knowledge Management part of the feedback and reward loop:360o expectation and feedback exchange for knowledge captureReward most innovative and best in class contributions.Internal knowledge management involves a number of actors at all stages of the project life cyclereview documents and allocate to the relevant(GMT,CoE,CA,Disc.)KBases updates P&PDatabaseContacts PM to identify PKC and KSidentifies PKC and accountable KSsends“KC Pack”and GMT KBase CD-ROM completes P&Pform andforwards to KSfills in KCapture report and sends to KSdefine and communicate knowledge capture approach and set concrete capture expectations with teamabstract and sanitize best documents and send to KSInvolvement of all project team members is critical to achieving our objectivesGMT,CoE,CA and Disciplines KC and experts play a key role in assessing innovations and best in class contributions.In the case that the PM identifies a KS other than the GMT KS,please refer to Panel 16 to see how the KCapture process changes.A joint conference call for small projects and an on-site expectation session for large projects is suggestedA joint conference call for small projects and an on-site knowledge capture session for large projects is suggestedCapturing knowledge from projects involves the following principles.Project Knowledge CaptureProject Knowledge Captureupdates KBaseupdates KBasefinalize knowledge capture report,copy to PKC,PM,GMT/Disc,CoE,CA,PoA KCat project end,hands over project archive to local Info Centrereview KCapture report andtogether with stream leads,identify Best in Class GMT documentsKeyKey RolesRolesGMT KCGMT KCGMT Knowledge ChampionPMPMProject ManagerPKCPKCProject Knowledge ChampionGMT KSGMT KSGMT Knowledge SpecialistCoE,CA,PoA,CoE,CA,PoA,Discipline Knowledge Discipline Knowledge SpecialistSpecialistCoE,CA,PoA,CoE,CA,PoA,Discipline Knowledge Discipline Knowledge ChampionChampionreview documents and allocate to the relevant(GMT,CoE,CA,Disc.)KBases updates P&PDatabaseContacts PM to identify PKC and KSidentifies PKC and accountable KSsends“KC Pack”and GMT KBase CD-ROM completes P&Pform andforwards to KSfills in KCapture report and sends to KSdefine and communicate knowledge capture approach and set concrete capture expectations with teamabstract and sanitize best documents and send to KSInvolvement of all project team members is critical to achieving our objectivesGMT,CoE,CA and Disciplines KC and experts play a key role in assessing innovations and best in class contributions.The GMT KS contacts the PM,offers Knowledge Management coaching The Project Manager(PM)identifies the Project Knowledge Champion(PKC)and the Knowledge Specialist(KS)that will be accountable for capturing the projects knowledgeThe accountable KS will usually be the GMT KS.However,if a project is largely Discipline/CA/CoE driven(for example,IM Discipline),then the appropriate Discipline/CA/CoE KS should become the accountable Knowledge Specialist(The above process assumes the GMT KS is selected;Please see next slide for Discipline and A&D examples)If the PM can not identify a KS,the GMT KS is selected automaticallyGMT KS sends Knowledge Capture Pack and GMT KBase CD-ROMExchange and documentation of Knowledge Capture expectationsGMT KS and other appropriate KS,PM,PKC and other project members exchange concrete knowledge capture expectations which are documented in the KCapture report(Please see appendix for a template)A joint conference call for small projects and an on-site expectation setting session for large projects is suggestedPKC sends KCapture report to GMT KS who forwards it to other KS(Discipline,CA,CoE)The GMT KS ensures that the People&Project Summary is submitted by the PKCThe GMT KS ensures that the case history,case study and project archive is captured from the projectSelection of Best in Class documentsThe Knowledge Capture report should be reviewedAll project members(under the leadership of PKC)review all relevant documents and select most innovative and other Best in Class GMT as well as Disc./CA/CoE documents GMT,Discipline,CA and CoE Knowledge Specialists,Knowledge Champions and other experts can be consulted to identify Best in Class documents A one-day Knowledge Capture session with all relevant KS is suggested for large projects;a joint conference call should be organised for KCapture from small projectsThe KCapture report is updated by the PKC and sent to GMT KSAll identified Best in Class documents are abstracted(in English)by the project members and submitted to the GMT KS who is forwarding relevant documents to other Knowledge Specialists(according to KCapture report)All KS review the submitted documents and update their Knowledge Domains accordinglyThe Knowledge Capture report is finalized by all involved KS(under leadership of GMT KS)and forwarded to the PKC as well as copied to the PM and all relevant Knowledge ChampionsPrinciplesPrinciplesAt ProjectAt Project StartStartBeforeBefore ProjectProject EndEndIn the case that the PM identifies a KS other than the GMT KS,please refer to Panel 16 to see how the KCapture process changes.A joint conference call for small projects and an on-site expectation session for large projects is suggestedA joint conference call for small projects and an on-site knowledge capture session for large projects is suggestedFiltering relevant documents ensures higher quality content in the Knowledge BaseRelevant project Relevant project documents are documents are collected throughout collected throughout the projectthe projectAll project members All project members(under consultation(under consultation with appropriate KS with appropriate KS and/or KC)determine and/or KC)determine whether document whether document should be submitted should be submitted or identify any next or identify any next stepsstepsNoNoInclude document in Best in Include document in Best in Class document pack and submit Class document pack and submit to GMT KSto GMT KSYesNoYesYesAll project members All project members(under the(under the leadership of PKC)leadership of PKC)review all relevant review all relevant documentsdocumentsNoYesHow do we value the importance of the doc for the CA,CoE,GMT,PoA or Disc.?Is document an addition or build to an existing document or technology?Is document a new application of an existing tool or technology?InnovativeInnovativeKeyBasic Project Members must select the Best in Class project documents and abstract them.One day on-site knowledge capture session together with Knowledge Specialists is suggested for large projects.This is the detailed workplan for Knowledge Capturing0.Setup0.1Technical infrastructure-Get organized quickly!Chose the easiest way to transfer files to your machine.Use disks if necessary.1.Data Mining1.1Data Transfer-copy all files into directory A,copy them one-by-one to directory B and rename according to standards1.2Keep Track of files-use Excel-sheet to identify and categorize every file.Be very exact with this XLS-sheet!2.Structuring2.1Project plan-have the project lead or workstream leads make a draft or use a presentation on this issue,define topics-get them to identify important files and assign them to topics,mark files without topic for later use2.2HMTL-structure-use templates as much as you can,keep to standards,involve leads with design3.Prototyping3.1Graphics-convert ppt-files to jpgs,map them,define topic HTML-file names-create the topic-HTML files3.2HTML-templates-add client logos,change colors,but stick with the standards!4.Encoding4.1HTML-files-check XLS-sheet for gaps,have leads fill them in or set marks-use mail-merge feature from Word,view file and save each file with correct filename(tedious,but critical)5.Refining5.1Abstracts and Keywords-have authors write up some keywords where necessary,add purpose information when apropriate5.2Test,test,test the structure,links and assets6.Production&Presentation Knowledge Capture on Project XXXWorkstreamArea of Knowledge CaptureWhat Aspects are Novel&WhyRelevant for which unitProposed Capture DateProject“A”KS“A”To be filled out by Project teamTo be filled out by KS teamActual Capture DateKBases/HomepagesKnowledge Domains of GMTs,Disciplines/CAs and CoEs will have the following basic structureIntroductions,Points of View,Training Material,Case Studies,External ReadingsBDBDBusiness Business DevelopmentDevelopmentA&DA&DAnalysis&Analysis&DesignDesignRDRDResults DeliveryResults DeliveryIndustry issuesConferences and seminar presentationsMarketing materialCompetitor intelligenceClient referencesWhat we findProposal examplesPeople and facultyA&D/impact case studiesProject designProgram managementand monitoringBenefits caseChecklistsTools/methodologiesBest practicesProgram management and monitoringH2 guide and toolsBenefits tracking01Read me firstProcess of Knowledge captureContacts and ExpertsCurrent Live project portfolio01 Point of Views:InterCons point of view on a given industry or methodology,i.e.some perspective is brought to the document rather than a recitation of facts/stepsOften,but not always,a short document(15-20 pages)includes“what we finds”02 Detailed Industry Overviews:Detailed overview of a specific industrySame content as Point of View,but more detail and more emphasis on analysisIn-depth description of industries(major players,industry structure,critical success factors)03 Marketing Support Materials:Quality material to share with clients during business development and other client communication activities,including:Capability brochures/statements Conference presentationsHorseblankets/whitepapersProposals/proposal lettersRed issues(selling issues for a given client/industry)RFP(Request for Proposal;as InterCon uses the term typically a detailed response to a clients Request for Proposal on a given project)What we finds(common issues in a given industry or function within an industry)04 Training Modules:Training-focused documents to guide InterCon and client team members in applying methodology or in understanding an industry including:Competency overview/training objectivesDetailed methodology approach;details implementatio