Unit 8Globalization-For and AgainstWarm-up ActivityWarm-up ActivityCultural NotesCultural NotesLanguage PointsLanguage PointsDifficult sentencesDifficult sentencesSummarySummaryFollow-up ActivityFollow-up ActivityAssignmentAssignmentThinking about itThinking about it1.1.1.How do American people celebrate 1.How do American people celebrate ValentineValentines Day?s Day?2.2.2.Wh2.Why y do you think do you think more and more and more young peoplemore young people celebrate celebrate foreign festivals or hoildays in China?Does this have anything to foreign festivals or hoildays in China?Does this have anything to do with globalization?do with globalization?3.3.3.How do you or your friends celebrate Valentine3.How do you or your friends celebrate Valentines day?s day?Passage A Hallmarks Asian Valentine1.The Kansas city-based company has 1.The Kansas city-based company has developed into a$3.5 billion corporation,developed into a$3.5 billion corporation,from its beginnings in 1910 when Joyce C.from its beginnings in 1910 when Joyce C.Hall started producing cards from Hall started producing cards from samples he stored under his bed.samples he stored under his bed.自自自自19101910年霍尔年霍尔年霍尔年霍尔.马克根据他储藏在床底下贺卡马克根据他储藏在床底下贺卡马克根据他储藏在床底下贺卡马克根据他储藏在床底下贺卡试样生产贺卡至今,总部设在堪萨斯的卡片生试样生产贺卡至今,总部设在堪萨斯的卡片生试样生产贺卡至今,总部设在堪萨斯的卡片生试样生产贺卡至今,总部设在堪萨斯的卡片生产公司已经发展成为拥有产公司已经发展成为拥有产公司已经发展成为拥有产公司已经发展成为拥有3.5 3.5 亿美元的企业。亿美元的企业。亿美元的企业。亿美元的企业。Hallmarks Asian ValentineDifficult Sentences2.To assess just how emotional Japanese men 2.To assess just how emotional Japanese men can be in all walks of life,just recall the can be in all walks of life,just recall the occasional news feature of a top Japanese or occasional news feature of a top Japanese or Korean CEO apologizing in tears for the weak Korean CEO apologizing in tears for the weak performance or bankruptcy of his company in performance or bankruptcy of his company in front of his nations TV cameras.front of his nations TV cameras.评价日本男人在生活的各个方面是如何易动感情评价日本男人在生活的各个方面是如何易动感情的,只需回忆一下一个日本和韩国的上层首席执的,只需回忆一下一个日本和韩国的上层首席执行官在国家电视台的摄像镜头前,泪流满面地为行官在国家电视台的摄像镜头前,泪流满面地为公司的不良运作和破产而道歉的新闻特写的情景公司的不良运作和破产而道歉的新闻特写的情景就足够了就足够了 3 3.Thus,their customers can achieve both a.Thus,their customers can achieve both a display of their hip cosmopolitan flair5,while display of their hip cosmopolitan flair5,while also sending their sweetie that all-important also sending their sweetie that all-important message of love at the same time.message of love at the same time.这样,既展现了顾客的时髦的世界性的品位,同时这样,既展现了顾客的时髦的世界性的品位,同时这样,既展现了顾客的时髦的世界性的品位,同时这样,既展现了顾客的时髦的世界性的品位,同时又能向他们的心上人表达至关重要的爱恋信息。又能向他们的心上人表达至关重要的爱恋信息。又能向他们的心上人表达至关重要的爱恋信息。又能向他们的心上人表达至关重要的爱恋信息。Language PointsLanguage Pointstake root:take root:become established or fixedbecome established or fixedThe seeds sprouted and took rootThe seeds sprouted and took root.His ideas have taken root in the minds of his His ideas have taken root in the minds of his followers.followers.reignreign:v.:v.be influential,prevailbe influential,prevailWhat still reigns in the country is the belief that What still reigns in the country is the belief that every one can realize his or her dream by hard every one can realize his or her dream by hard work and intelligence.work and intelligence.A sense of fear still reigned in the office though A sense of fear still reigned in the office though the crisis was over.the crisis was over.version:n.a description or an account from one point of view,especially as opposed to another;Your version of the story is different from his.The film version of the novel is popular among the young.dilemma:n.a situation that requires a choice between options that are or seem equally unfavorable or mutually exclusive.She ran into a dilemma when faced with a choice of career and love.His familys economic situation puts him in a dilemma,since he doesnt want to give up his education.inhibit:inhibit:v.v.restrain either consciously or restrain either consciously or unconsciously unconsciously Asian people are inhibited in expressing their Asian people are inhibited in expressing their affection to their beloved ones.affection to their beloved ones.Shyness Shyness inhibitedinhibited him him fromfrom speaking.speaking.all walks of lifeall walks of life:all professions,occupations,all professions,occupations,social statussocial statusThe representatives come from all walks of life.The representatives come from all walks of life.He enjoyed making friends with people from all He enjoyed making friends with people from all walks of life.walks of life.bankruptcy:n.bankrupt condition,not have enough money to pay ones debts,the process of being declared bankruptThere were an increasing number of bankruptcies among small shopkeepers with the entering of multinational chain supermarkets.accommodate:v.1)provide a place for someone to stay,live or work;The new hotel can accommodate up to 1000 tourists.2)adapt;get into agreement or into adjustment The President seemed unwilling to accommodate himself to the public desires.descendent:descendent:n.n.person who is descended person who is descended from the person or persons from the person or persons named named As one of the descendants of an old family,As one of the descendants of an old family,he feels pride for his ancestors.he feels pride for his ancestors.They are the descendants of the native They are the descendants of the native American Indians.American Indians.cosmopolitan:cosmopolitan:a.a.showing the influence of many showing the influence of many different countries and cultures;different countries and cultures;Population explosion is an issue of cosmopolitan Population explosion is an issue of cosmopolitan importance.importance.New York is a very cosmopolitan city where you New York is a very cosmopolitan city where you can meet with people of different races.can meet with people of different races.SummarySummary The western tradition of card giving on The western tradition of card giving on Valentines Day is enjoying more and more Valentines Day is enjoying more and more popularity in Asia.The world-renowned Hallmark popularity in Asia.The world-renowned Hallmark card manufacturing company has expanded their card manufacturing company has expanded their business to Asian countries,since Asian market business to Asian countries,since Asian market has bigger potential.Because of cultural has bigger potential.Because of cultural norms,Asian men are more inclined to send cards norms,Asian men are more inclined to send cards to their sweeties to express their affection to avoid to their sweeties to express their affection to avoid“losing face”.“losing face”.Meanwhile,its not necessary to translate Meanwhile,its not necessary to translate Hallmark greeting cards into local language,since Hallmark greeting cards into local language,since on the one hand,love talk is global,on the one hand,love talk is global,and on the and on the other hand,English is preferable because of other hand,English is preferable because of its fashion.its fashion.