雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 1 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 第一类全球化及影响 Topic 1 外来人口对文化的益处和冲突(AD)Topic 2 媒体信息一致的优缺点(DG)Topic 3 商业和文化的接触对一个国家特征的丧失优缺点(DG)Topic 4 旅游业对于文化保护的益处和弊端(DG)Topic 5 接受当地文化或建立小型社区的好处(DG)Topic 6 英语作文全球性语言的优缺点(AD)Topic 7 进口蔬菜和水果的好处和坏处(DG)1、商业利益和价值 Commercial interest and economic value 2、很多当地人表现的非常友好和好客,Many local people are friendly and hospitable,3、这有助于文化的交流 Which is helpful for promoting cultural communications?4、对其他的文化和人民更了解 A better understanding of other cultures and other people 5、促进文化的融合,消除文化障碍 Promote cultural integration,remove cultural barriers 6、接受不同的文化和价值观 Embrace different cultures and values 7、减少工作机会,增加竞争 Reduce opportunities of jobs,increase competition 8、促进文化多样性 Promote cultural diversity 9、不在尊重传统文化 Lose respect to traditional values 10、文化产品 Cultural goods/commodities/products 11、降低文化多样性 Degrade cultural diversity 12、贫富差距增大 Widening the gap between the richest and the poorest of the world 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 2 13、损害社会团结 erosion of social solidarity 14、传统观念/价值 Traditional/older/traditionally-held values/perceptions/cultures/beliefs 15、文化冲击 Cultural shock 16、融入当地新的社会 Merge into the new local communities 17、融入新的文化 Integrate into the new culture 18、自然和文化资源的保护 Preservation/conservation of the natural and cultural resources 19、当地传统风俗 Local/host traditional customs 20、破坏传统文化的神圣 Erode the sacred of traditional culture 21、扩大出口和吸引外资 Promote export and attracting foreign capital 22、支付不起 unaffordable=cant afford 23、经济全球化 economic globalisation 24、减轻食物供应压力 be conducted to food supply stress/food shortage 25、过分依赖出口 rely excessively on export 第二类政府投资 Topic8 支持或者反对太空探索(AD)(1)支持 26、导致地球承载压力加大 Result in the usable space to shrink 27、可持续发展 Sustainable development 28、二级竞争力 Technological competitiveness Topic9 登月(DG)(1)支持 29、激发人们的想象力 Space research triggers imagination of people.30、敢于面对新领域的未知因素和挑战 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 3 Researchers confront unknown and challenge in new fields (2)反对 31、消耗资源和时间 Space research consumes resources and takes time 32、分散政府和公众在一些更重要事情上的注意力 Space research distracts the government and people from more significant issues Topic10 政府投资公共设施或是艺术的原因(AD)33、人们文化生活的主要部分 Arts are an integral part of cultural life 34、吸引游客观光和产生旅游收入 Arts of government investment attract tourists for sightseeing and bring about tourisms revenue Topic 11 政府投资教育和医疗或是体育设施,歌剧院的好处(AD)35、对于繁荣有深远影响 Government investments have far-reaching effect on prosperity 36、完善的医疗健康服务 Government investments build high quality health-care services 37、摆脱贫困 Government investments help to break the cycle of poverty Topic 12 国际援助的意义和弊端(DG)(1)意义 38、尊重生命的体现 International aid shows respect for life 39、人道主义援助 International aid is kind of humanitarian aid.(2)弊端 40、促进诈骗和贪污 Promote fraud and corruption 41、阻碍了被援助国参与国际市场 impede needy countries participation in international trade Topic 13 支持或是反对政府投资教育和医疗(DG)(1)支持 42、提高文化普及率 Improve literacy rate or standard of literacy 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 4 43、减轻支付学费的压力 Reduce the pressure of paying tuition fees (2)反对 44、对革新和发明缺乏动力 Less motivation of innovation and invention 45、减轻政府的财政负担 Ease the governments financial burden 46、等待治疗人数的增加 Increasing the number of people waiting for medical treatments Topic 14 税收的作用和弊端(AD)(1)作用 47、支持公共投资和建设 Taxes can be used to supply for public investment and services 48、进行收入再分配 Redistribution of income 49、对消费和雇佣有直接关系 Paying taxes have direct effects on consumption and employment (2)弊端 50、打击商业的投资热情 Excessive paying taxes dampen the enthusiasm of commercial investment Topic 15 反对或支持学生自己支付学费的理由(AD)(1)支持 51、高薪职业 Well-paid jobs 52、知识为动力的经济和社会发展 Knowledge-driven economic and social development 53、技术革新 Technological innovation 54、摆脱贫困 Break out of the poverty Topic 16 支持或反对政府调控房地产的原因(AD)(1)支持 55、房屋商业化 commercilision of housing 56、低收入家庭支付不起 Unaffordable to low-income families 57、政府干预 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 5 Government intervention 58、住房补贴 Housing allowance (2)反对 59、单调的城市景观 Monotonous urban landscape/cityscape 60、降低私人投资热情 Dampen the enthusiasm of individual housing investment 61、住房补贴系统 Housing allocation system 第三类科技发展对生活的影响 Topic 17 手机带来的好处和问题及正面和负面影响(LB)(1)好处和正面影响 62、手机用于打电话、发短信和上网。Cell phone can be used to make calls,send text messages and surf the Internet 63、人们可以确定受害人的位置通过使用来自手机的信号在紧急事件中。People locate trapped and injured people using signals from their mobile phones in event of an emergency (2)问题和负面影响 64、手机增加了患癌症的几率。Mobile phones increase the rates of suffering cancer 65、开车时打电话可能导致交通事故的发生。Talking on cell phone while driving may result in traffic accidents Topic 18 现代科技让人休闲时间更多或更少的观点(LB)(1)现代科技让人更繁忙、休息时间少 66、人们可以在正常工作时间之外通过电脑和因特网工作。People can work beyond normal working hours through Internet and computer 67、人们需要不断的接受教育和培训为了赶上新科技的快速发展。People continue education and receive training to keep pace with the fast development of technology (2)现代科技让人更轻松、休息时间按多 68、电脑和自动化帮助人们更快和更有效率地工作。Computerisation and automation help people work more quickly and more effectively 69、汽车、飞机和铁路的普及减少了人们在路途上奔波的时间。the popularity of automobile,air travel and rail reduce peoples time of commuting 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 6 Topic 19 早期科技和最新科技分别得影响和弊端(AD)(1)早期科技的影响 70、早期科技的发展使得农业化向工业化转变。Earlier technological development makes a transition from agriculture to manufacture 71、早期科技的发展促进城市的崛起同时教育开始职业化和正式化。Earlier technological development promotes growth of cities and education become more vocational/professional and formal (2)早起科技的弊端 72、早起科技的发展造成空气污染和化石燃料。Earlier technological development causes air pollution and consume natural resources.(3)最新科技的弊端 73、最新科技的发展增加生产力并使工作和生活之间的差别越来越模糊。Recent technological development increases productivity and the boundary between work and play is blurred.Topic 20 生活快节奏对人们产生的正负面影响(AD)(1)负面 74、由于网络使人与人之间的相互交流减少以至于人们很难保持和改善与朋友亲人的关系。People find it hard to maintain the relation with friends and family members because of Internet reduces personal interactions.75、快节奏的生活引起严重的疾病,比如:肥胖、心脏病和中风。The fast pace of life causes serious diseases,such as obesity,heart diseases and stroke.(2)正面 76、促进了信息交流和贸易往来 Internet promotes trade interaction across the border Topic 21 网络购物和网络商务优缺点的正负面影响(LB)(1)正面 77、人们减少交通工具的使用。People rely less on private or public transport.(2)负面 78、人们只关心自己的生活方式。People are just concerned about their own lifestyle.79、人们习惯于不运动的生活方式。People get used to inactive lifestyle.Topic 22 科学发展的今天还有很多问题没有解决(RS)雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 7 80、工业化 industrilisation 81、人口的增长 The rapid population growth 82、环境恶化/污染 Environmental deteriorating=pollution 83、生活在贫困线以下 Living on near or below the poverty line 84、增加粮食产量 Increase crops fields Topic 23 在家工作的优缺点(AD)(1)优点 85、在家工作节省办公室空间和设备。Home working saves offices space and equipments 86、在家工作增加工作的灵活度 Home working introduces flexibility of jobs (2)缺点 87、缺乏交流导致同事之间有疏离感。Lacking communication leads to a sense of isolation between staff.88、在家工作不利于管理员工。Home working has negative effects on managing home workers.89、在家工作有可能导致员工技术和工作质量的下降。Home working leads to possible reduction of employees skills and work quality.Topic 24 高科技促进或阻碍创造力的发展(AD)(1)促进 90、高科技可以提高人们三维空间的想象能力和增加人们的应变能力。High-technological products can improve the ability to read and visulaise images in three-dimensional space and promote ones ability to cope with change.(2)阻碍 91、现代科技使得人们知识被动的接受信息并使人们缺少思考如何解决问题。Modern technology makes people receive information passively and reduce opportunities of working out the problems under different circumstances.92、网络使人们一直呆在书桌旁而缺乏社会生活。Internet makes people bound to their desks so that they lack of social life.Topic 25 电子书籍和传统书籍分别的好处(AD)(1)电子书籍 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 8 93、电子书籍节省空间,更容易管理。Electrical books save space and are easier to manage.94、电子书籍减少油墨、纸张还有木材的消耗。Electrical books reduce consumption of ink,paper and lumber.(2)传统书籍 95、传统书籍对眼睛的伤害少于电子书籍。Traditional books bring less harm to eyes than e-books.96、传统书籍不需要电源和辅助阅读工具。Traditional books dont need power sources and reading devices.97、划算的,合算的 Cost-effective 98、携带 Portable 第四类 文化的组成因素和保护 Topic 28 服装和历史文化的联系(AD)99、民族的服饰体现了当地的特色。National clothes show local identity.100、民族的服饰是民族自豪感的源泉。National clothes are source of ethnic pride.Topic 29 保护老建筑的必要性和不利之处(AD+E)(1)必要性 101、传统建筑是社会习俗和历史的标志,所以保护老建筑实际上是保护文化。Traditional buildings are the symbol/sign of social customs and history,so preservation of old buildings means conservation of cultural values.102、老建筑有助于维持建筑的多样性。Aged buildings help maintain diversity of buildings.103、老建筑有助于维持建筑的多样性。Traditional buildings help maintain/keep diversity of buildings (2)不利之处 104、许多老建筑既没有经济价值也不具备应用价值。Many old architectural works have neither economic values nor usable values.105、许多老建筑既没有经济价值也不具备应用价值。A vast number of old buildings have neither economic values nor usable values 106、保护老建筑需要花费大量的时间和金钱。It takes commitment of money and time to protect historic buildings/archeological sites.107、保护老建筑需要花费大量的时间和金钱。It takes a vast amount of money and time on preservation old buildings.雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 9 Topic 30 用传统建筑模式建造新建筑的优缺点(AD)108、传统建筑有助于突出或者塑造一个地区的形象 Traditional buildings help to highlight or create a regional identity.Topic 31 注重建筑美学和功能分别的优点(AD)(1)美学 109、建筑物可以增加对改造环境的理解从而使它能够与周边环境相协调。Buildings can increase understanding of environmental improvement so that it can integrate into surrounding circumstances/environments/settings 110、如果建筑物没有视觉吸引力,他们可能将没有市场价值。If buildings dont have visual attractions/appeals,they wont have values of market.(2)功能 111、建筑物主要的功能应该是解决世界的使用问题。The most significant function of buildings is to address practical utilities issues.第五类 生活方式和社会概念 Topic 33 长时间工作的正负面影响(AD)(1)负面 112、长时间工作容易产生压力和疲倦,对健康是一种威胁。Working long hours are likely to/tend to is easily generate/induce fatigue and stress/pressure,which poses a serious threat to health 113、长时间工作减少了休闲的时间,导致工作和家庭之间的冲突。Overtime working reduces the leisure time so that it causes conflicts between family and job.114、长时间工作未必都有效率和效益。Working long hours is not necessarily productive hours.(2)正面 115、长时间工作是争取工作和晋升的机会的一种途径。Overtime working is a method of increasing job security and promotion opportunities.Topic 35 工作满意度的决定因素(RS)116、工作稳定 Job security 117、高薪 Well-paid=high salary 118、工作相关的回报 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 10 Job-related benefits/bonus 119、好的工作环境 Well working conditions/environment 120、和上司和同事好的人际关系 good/excellent interpersonal relationship with colleagues and superiors(老板)121、职业发展的机会 Opportunity of professional/career development 122、成就感 A sense of achievement 123、成功的感觉 Experience a feeling of success Topic 36 换工作/跳槽的好处和坏处(DG)(1)好处 124、换工作/跳槽 Job-hopping/switching jobs 125、充分发挥自己的能力 Job-hopping makes the best use of ones abilities 126、能够增加经验和发展多种技能 Switching jobs accumulate/acquire/gain new experience and develop/promote/improve a variety/diverse of skills/techniques 127、如果你不提高自己的能力,你将很容易在竞争中失利。If you dont improve your ability by yourself,you will be vulnerable to the competition 128、人应该懂得接受挑战和把握机会。People should understand to receive challenges and control opportunity.(2)坏处 129、适应新环境 Employees have to adapt/adjust to new environment 130、反映了低的承受能力和忠诚度 Job-hopping shows a low resilience/persistence/endurance and loyalty Topic 37 压力产生的原因和解决方法(RS)(1)产生的原因 131、休息的时间不够充分 Its because of inadequate leisure time 132、高压力和快节奏的生活方式 Because people live a high-pressured,fast-paced lifestyle 133、人们对人生的关注有不切实际的期待 People hold unrealistic expectations towards career concerns (2)解决方法 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 11 134、合理的饮食和运动有利于改善自身健康 Proper eating and sports contributes to feelings of well-being=health 135、养成良好的心态 People should nurture a good state of mind/mood Topic 38 支持或者反对追随潮流(AD)(1)支持 136、时尚是自我表达的一种体现 Fashion is a means of self-expression 137、时尚使世界更加丰富多彩 Fashion brings diversity and variety to the world which we live in 138、时尚源于生活并考虑消费者的需求。Fashion roots in daily life and considers customers needs (2)反对 139、盲目追随潮流是浪费时间和金钱。Following fashion blindly wastes money and time 140、过度关乎其他人的想法 People will become to dwell too much on what others think.Topic 39 快乐的标准(DG)141、个人环境 Social settings 142、收入水平 Income level 143、教育程度 Educational level 144、宗教信仰 Religious belief Topic 40 说出真相毕兜圈子、掩盖好或者必要的谎言和无关紧要的谎言可以接受(AD)(1)正面:说出真相 145、诚实是一个重要的美德。Honesty is a significant virtue.146、城实被认为是一种很重要的美德。Honesty is regarded as a core virtue 147、讲真话有助于建立彼此之间的信任。Telling the truth helps to build up mutual trust.雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 12(2)反面:善意的谎言 148、有时候善意的谎言是顾及他人感受而避免冲突。Sometime white lies can consider/protect/spare others feeling so as to avoid conflicts.第六类 艺术 艺术的作用 149、艺术是一种特殊的语言。Arts are regarded as a language that conveys information to the masses.150、艺术提高人们的逻辑能力和想象能力。Arts promote peoples reasoning and visualising.151、艺术关注当代生活并帮助人们了解并接受社会新的特征。Arts focus on the contemporary life and help the masses to assimilate new features of community.152、艺术提高人们对现实世界的欣赏水平。Arts improve peoples appreciation of the real world Topic 42 反对或是支持限制艺术自由的理由(AD)(1)反对 153、公众有强烈的兴趣促进言论多元化。The public hold compelling interests in advancing viewpoint diversity.154、一些社会问题受到公众的关注因为艺术家在他们的作品中加入政治信息。Some of social issues have to be placed under the limelight because artists embed a political message in their works.155、如果艺术家被限制,它将导致扭曲艺术家的意愿或者精神。If artists are limited,it will lead to distort/misinterpret their willing/intentions and spirits of artists.(2)支持 156、一些艺术家的作品对宗教或者种族团体缺乏尊重和对宗教缺乏敏感度。Some of artists works lose/lack respect and sensitivity towards the feeling of religious and ethnic groups.Topic 43 艺术和科学的区别体现的方面(RS)157、人们被鼓励去发挥创造力并寻求新的方法去解决问题。People are encouraged to develop creativity and come up with a novel method to address issues by arts.158、人们已经不满足于物质上的富有并不断追求精神上的享受。People cant be satisfied for material wealth and quest/pursue the enjoyment of spirit consistently 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 13 第七类 媒体信息 Topic 44 媒体暴力的负面影响和媒体暴力并非主因(AD)(1)媒体暴力的负面影响 159、媒体暴力会增加观众模仿和使用暴力的可能性。Violence of media increase chances/likelihood/possibility that viewers learn/imitate and use violence.160、媒体暴力导致反社会的行为。Violence of media lead to anti-social behaviours.(2)媒体暴力并非主因 161、媒体可以起到提醒观众暴力行为可能导致法律制裁的作用。Media can warn the audiences of the legal proceeding of violence behaviours.Topic 46 媒体记者不可信的原因(RS)162、新闻记者经常受到政治压力和经济利益的影响。Journalists always are affected by political pressures and commercial/economic interests.163、新闻记者手机无中生有和捏造的花边新闻为了迎合观众。Journalists collect conceived/fabricated soft news to cater audiences tastes/interests.Topic 47 新闻媒体的优缺点(AD)(1)优点 164、新闻媒体有助于将有用的信息船体给观众并让他们知道世界上每时每刻发生的事情。News media can helpful communicates information to viewers and keep them informed of what is happening in the world.(2)缺点 165、新闻媒体对别人的隐私不够尊重并夸大其词。News media has insufficient respect for privacy of people and give an exaggerated account of an issue.第八类 广告 Topic 48 是否同意广告误导小孩的观点(DG)(1)同意 166、广告商与说服观众并对产品的性质夸大其词。Advertising has a persuasive nature and give an exaggerated account of properties of products.167、广告下的更高的的出镜率将增加买更多商品的机会。Higher exposure under advertising means increasing the chances to buy more 雅思写作大作文常用话题素材大集合 14 commodities.(2)不同意 168、广告是一种产品信息来源。Advertising represents a particularly important product information source.Topic 49 广告的优缺点(LB)(1)优点 169、广告可以鼓励生产商在质量上竞争并促进产品革新。Advertising can encourage competition of manufacturers in quality and promotes innovation of commodities.170、广告可以增加产品的销售量和促进经济发展。Advertising can increase the sales of products and promote economic development.(2)缺点 171、广告的言语或者图像误导观众。The claims and visual images of advertise