职场上犯错如何补救 现在不是失业的好时机,甚至连有工作的人都想方设法的想保住工作。接下来,我给大家打算了职场上犯错如何补救,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 职场上犯错如何补救 It's not an ideal time to be unemployed, and even those who have jobs are trying to hold on to them more fiercely than ever. So what happens when you don't seal a deal? Or you lose a big client? Or you make an accounting error that costs your company thousands of dollars? 现在不是失业的好时机,甚至连有工作的人都想方设法的想保住工作。那么,当你没有谈妥一个订单时怎么办?你失去一个大客户又怎么办?或者由于你的计算错误而使公司损失了几千美元又怎么办呢? Don't stand by and watch your career crumble! Take control today by using these tips to get into and get over what you did wrong。 爱思英语网 不要只是不知所措的看着你的工作被毁。采纳下面的建议马上行动起来,弥补你犯的错误。 1. Own it. 承认错误 While many of us would prefer to forget our mistakes, initially you need to acknowledge to your supervisor and everyone involved that you're accepting responsibility for what went wrong. Advises career strategist Daisy Swan, "If you see something has gone awry, be sure to be proactive. Talk to the people you report to, and with, and be upfront with what happened." 爱思英语网 虽然我们中的大部分人都选择遗忘我们犯的错,但是犯了错误之后,首先你要像你的上司和涉及到得每个人承认错误,并表示你情愿担当责任。职业策划家Daisy Swan建议说:"假如看到事情出了错,那就要主动点。跟你的上司谈谈,坦白的承认你所犯的错误。 爱思英语网 Jason Seiden, author of "How to Self-Destruct: Making the Least of What's Left of Your Career," agrees that mistake-makers must act quickly. He says, "Own it the right way: Call your boss, take ownership, tell her what you are about to do, and then call her boss. Acknowledge the mistake, tell your boss's boss you didn't want her to find out second hand, or from an end-of-week report, but you wanted her to know from the horse's mouth at the first possible moment." Jason Seiden在其书中赞同犯错的人应当立刻实行相对应的措施。他声称,你应当立刻承认自己的错误,坦诚面对你的上司,取得主动权,告知他你接下来会实行什么补救措施,然后去向你上司的上司承认错误,告知她你宁愿她在第一时间得到最牢靠的信息来源,而不是从别人那听说得知,或者从每周总结报告上得知你所犯的错误。 2. Apologize . once。真诚的道一次歉 Depending on your error and your position, you'll likely have to express remorse to others at your organization. Says Seiden, "There is a school of thought that says, 'Never apologize,' but I'm not of that school." If you act contrite in the right way (that is, seriously and sincerely), you'll only have to do so once. After apologizing, he urges professionals, "Face forward and never look back - and never let anyone else drag you backwards, either!" 爱思英语网 依据所犯的错误和你的职位,你须要在公司让别人知道你的自责。Seiden说:"有个思想流派说'恒久不要致歉',但是我不是那派的。"假如你立刻仔细而恳切的致歉,你致歉一次就够了。他建议致歉后,你应当专业的去解决这个问题。英勇的面对,不要停止不前,并且不要让别人拖了你后腿。 3. Take the heat。坦然的接受后果 You may get teased by from coworkers for a long time to come. Accept gentle ribbing with a wink and a smile. However, don't take blatant abuse from someone who can't get past what happened. Notes Seiden, who blogs about professional development at , "If you get teased, spar, extinguish it with a one-time apology, or find a new place to work. If all you do is accept the teasing, you will get bumped to the bottom of the food chain and that will make you totally ineffective. Get yourself back to fighting shape as quickly as possible." 或许在接下来很长一段时间内,你都会因此受到同事的讪笑。笑着接受那些温柔的玩笑。但是,对于那些故意不让事情过去的人恶意的责骂,不要只是静默的承受着。Seiden说:"假如别人讪笑你,和他争论,然后致歉来息事宁人,或者干脆辞职。假如你只是一味的接受别人的责怪,那你就会落到公司的最底层,那样会让你毫无作为。要尽快让你自己重回奋斗状态。 爱思英语网 4. Learn from the past。从错误中学习 Solicit advice from your boss and trusted associates to help you analyze what went wrong and how you might've avoided the error entirely. Seiden states, "Put together a plan to make sure such a mistake won't occur again, and meet with your boss and your boss's boss to review it." They'll appreciate that you're putting safeguards in place that can help the entire organization. Be sure that you focus on your own performance and responsibilities so as to avoid blaming or burdening others。 恳求你的上司和你信任的同事帮忙分析事情错在哪里,你以后该如何避开再犯这些错误。Seiden建议,在犯错之后,应当制定一个安排以确保同样的错误不会再犯,并且将这个安排呈交给你的上司和上司的上司批阅。他们会观赏你为了公司作出如此到位的防护措施。要确保你的安排着重于自己的表现以及该担当的责任,而不是责怪他人,推卸责任。 爱思英语网 5. Reflect for the future。反思将来 In closing the loop after a mistake, take some time to reflect on the big picture. Aside from the nuts and bolts of your mistake, consider the circumstances that surrounded it, such as stress or even apathy。 在犯错之后,要花时间全面的反思一下。除了反思错误中这样那样的客观缘由,考虑下当时的主观缘由,如压力,不感爱好等。 爱思英语网 Swan, founder of Daisy Swan & Associates, reveals, "This is a big period of questioning for so many people with regard to their work. While a lot of people are telling themselves to be grateful to have a job, they're also pondering what they're doing with their lives and evaluating if the work they are doing is right for them." Swan揭露:"这个年头的大多数的人对他们的工作都存在很大的疑问。虽然许多人告诫自己,要对自己的工作心存感谢,但是他们时常会反思工作与生活之间的关系,还有这份工作是否适合自己。" If you've made a major error on the job, she points out, "It may reflect a lack of attention and interest in what you're doing." 爱思英语网 她指出,假如你在工作上犯了一个很大的错误,那或许表明你对工作冷眼旁观。 扩展:女生发型词汇 Waist-length hair 齐腰长发 Shoulder-length hair 齐肩长发 Long hair 长发 Medium-length hair 中长发 Short hair 短发 Curly hair 卷发 Straight hair 直发 Ponytail 马尾 Pigtails 2条辫子 Braid 辫子 Bob 波波头(樱桃小丸子头、蘑菇头) Bun 发髻、丸子头 Updo 盘发 Pixie cut 精灵短发(赫本头) Beehive 蜂窝头(Amy Winehouse头) Cornrows 满头小辫子 Afro 爆炸头本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第9页 共9页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页第 9 页 共 9 页