人教版四上英语教案1300字范文(9篇)人教版四上英语教案1300字范文1 l.教师预备 water, milk,juice,coke, coffee, tea的实物、图片、单词卡片。 2.教师预备lets do的动作图卡、 a局部单词的词卡和图卡。 3.学生预备water,milk,juice,coke,coffee,tea的实物。 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文2 教学目标与要求: 1、能听懂,会说hello./ hi. goodbye./bye. im whats your name?my names 并能够在实际情景中进展运用。 2、能够听说,认读crayon, pencil,pen,eraser, ruler, pencil box, book, bag.并能用英语介绍文具。 3、能听懂所接触的指示语,并能根据指令做出相应的动作。 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文3 1. 听、说、认读water, milk, juice, coke, coffee, tea. 2.饮料句称的区分;lets do 内容的理解和动作的仿照。 过程与方法:通过教师提问复习上节课所学学问,通过师生合作和生生合作完成新知的学习和稳固。 情感态度价值观:培育学生合作学习的习惯。 重点:单词:water, milk, juice, coke, coffee, tea. 难点:饮料句称的区分;lets do 内容的理解和动作的仿照。 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文4 1复习字母歌。 2复习日常会话。教师可将学过的日常用语,依据不同的情景编成几组,叫学生到前面表演,要求学生加上动作、表情等。每次叫同学表演之前,最好由教师和某个语音较好的同学示范一下。 3叫起一个学生,教师问: t:what“syourname,please? s:mynameis t:(将事先预备好的写有这个同学的姓名卡片递过去)canyouspellit,please? 教师手指卡片上的汉语拼音,启发大家。并帮忙这个同学答复: s:yes,.(用英语字母将其姓名拼出) 用同样的步骤,教师再指定两至三名学生进展操练。学生在拼读自己姓名时,要把姓名卡片举向全班。 4放录音。第一遍听,从其次遍起跟读,读两至三遍。 5学生两人一组进展练习。操练之前,可让全班同学把自己姓名拼写在一张纸片上。小组练习之后,可找两至三组同学到前面表演。 6在教师指导下,完成练习册上练习。 7布置作业 1)练习朗读所学的对话;2)预备几张空白卡片,用英语询问班上(或其他班级)的不大熟识的同学,并在对方拼读出姓名之后,记在自己预备的卡片上。 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文5 教学步骤: 1、热身/复习(warm-up/ revision) (1)演唱歌曲a b c song。 (2)请几个学生戴sarah, wu yifan等人物的头饰,两人一组打招呼问候:hello, sarah! hi, wu yifan! (3)让学生之间相互打招呼问候(用自己的英文名字或中文名字)。 (4)将学生分组进展自我介绍。 2、新课展现(presentation) (1)给学生出示文具实物,教新单词pencil,ruler,crayon, eraser.教师边教边作示范。如pencil一词,教师可通过实物或图片介绍新词,带读并示范,让学生在i have a pencil. 的指令下出示铅笔。可用同样的”方法教本课时的其他文具。(教学中,教师要特殊留意crayon及eraser两个词的发音。对于多音节词,教师可实行“先局部,后整体”,分音节的方法进展教学。例如教eraser一词,教师先示范整个单词的读音,然后分音节请学生跟读e-ra-ser,最终再让学生跟读整个词,此时教师要留意学生把重音放在其次个音节/rei/上。) (2)让学生听录音,跟读lets learn局部的词汇,并要求学生用手指着词汇来认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。 3、趣味操练(practice) (1)嬉戏活动 a、 “寻宝藏”:让一学生面对黑板,另一学生把教师预备好的宝藏(即本课时的学习用具)藏到其他同学的书桌里,寻宝藏的同学开头寻宝,全班学生读该单词,当寻宝的学生离宝藏较远时小声地读,当寻宝的学生离宝藏较近时大声地读。b、猜物品嬉戏:将crayon等文具放在一个大盒子里,请一们同学出来选一样文具攥在手里放在背后(2)让学生听录音,边说边做letsdo局部的活动。 4、课堂评价(assessment) 做活动手册本单元第2局部练习 5、课外活动(add-activities) 听说、认读新单词pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon,并能用英语介绍文具。 板书设计:_ 共性化修改意见:_ 教学反思:_ 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文6 1.热身复习( warmup revision) (1)日常口语会话活动。 (2)教师播放歌曲“lets have a picnic today”,学生一起拍手演唱。 (3)嬉戏:找一找,拍一拍 教师将本课a、b局部所学单词的图片卡贴在黑板上,找两个学生各手持一把新苍蝇拍,教师读出一个单词,学生就要立刻找出来并拍立一下。第一个拍的学生获胜。 (4)教师预备一个小场景:将全部学过的食品及饮料或模型放在一个铺着台布的桌上,请学生依据a、b局部的lets talk进展自由会话。 2.新课展现(presentation) (1)本课时let s learn中的单词认读教学,可连续采纳a局部其次课时的教学方法,利用课件,让学生利用已把握的拼读规章,认读和学习新单词。 (2)让学生听lets learn的录音,一边听,一边指着书上相应的图,力求做到“眼到,手到,口到,心到”。 (3)用一组连贯的动作教lets do中的动词pour,smell,taste,drink。首先,教师左手端着一个茶壶,右手拿一茶杯,对全班说:look!im pouring the tea. pour the tea.(边倒茶,边说两遍)。接着,教师端起茶杯,凑到鼻子前做闻的动作并说:now smell the tea.(两遍)接着说:ok.now taste the tea.(说两遍,边说边做尝味道的动作)最终,教师说: mmgood drink the tea。教师演示完,请学生说出这几个动作的意思。 (4)让学生一边听lets do的录音,一边跟读并做动作。 3.趣味操练(practice) (l)选词竞赛 将学生分为两大组,每组每次各派一个选手,教师说六个新词中的一个,选手跑步,快速在讲台上找到所说词的词卡,并举起词卡大声读出单词,谁先完成即为成功者,可为本组赢得一分。 (2)嬉戏:什么不见了(whats missing?) 教师将单词先面朝上贴在黑板上,给学生1020秒记住这些单词的挨次,然后请学生闭上眼睛,教师从中拿走一张,再请学生说出是哪个词不见了。 (3)让学生听录音,边说边做lets do局部的活动。 (4)教师将lets do图卡打乱挨次,贴在黑板上,教师说一个指令,请学生指出正确的图片。正确的可为本组赢一分。 4.课堂评价( assessment) 做活动手册本单元第5局部练习。方法和步骤参考第一单元。 5.课外活动(addactivities) (l)听录音,仿读句子。 (2)将所学的有关食物和饮料,用英语说给家长听。 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文7 一、教学重点 本局部主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 hello. / hi. goodbye. / bye-bye. im .。 二、教学难点 自我介绍用语im .的发音不简单到位,学习起来较难,教师要夸大示范并适时订正,但切不行挫伤孩子的学习积极性。 三、课前预备 1、将教师用书后所附的本套教材主要人物的图片复印或剪下,涂色后制成头饰。 2、为班上学生预备出男女生常用的英文名字。 3、为lets play中的嬉戏预备相应的道具。 四、教学时间:2课时 课型:新授课 五、备时:8.15 六、授时:_ 七、教学步骤 ?一】热身(warm-up) 不妨请学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语词汇或日常用语。同时可利用我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟知的词汇如tv,cd,vcd,dvd,ok!hi! yeah! bye! cool! wow! e-mail, cartoon等等来激发学生想学英语的兴趣和愿望。 ?二】新课展现(presentation) 新课展现一:教师播放本课的歌曲“hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。 (1)通过教师的自我介绍自然引出hello, im /hi, im (2)教师可戴上sarah的头饰介绍hello! im sarah.并用同样方式介绍其他人物。 (3)让学生到讲台上来,戴上sarah,chen jie, mike的头饰说:hello! im (4)教师戴上wu yifan的头饰说hi! im wu yifan.并与戴sarah头饰的学生相互问好,并有意在分手时说goodbye. (5)听录音来展现lets talk局部的教学内容。 ?三】趣味操练(practice)趣味操练一: (1)请戴着wu yifan, chen jie,sarah,mike头饰的学生站在讲台前,另选一同学用眼罩蒙住眼睛,让sarah等四位同学中的一个说hello,让蒙住眼睛的同学猜。假如猜中,要说yes, im假如猜错,要说no, im猜对得一分。 (2)表演a局部对话,教师应指导学生留意语音,语调,特殊是im的发音,应为/aim/不能读成/em/. (3)玩lets play中的嬉戏“击鼓传花”。新课展现二:教师播放lets sing两遍,学生边听边跟唱,让力量强的学生唱一遍,教师适当进展嘉奖或表扬。教师领唱,学生跟唱,全体同学一起唱。分小组唱,对于唱得好的小组进展表扬。趣味操练二:(1)请学生在限定时间内找出在小村庄里消失的字母,对于找得又快又好的的学生要加以嘉奖,有力量的学生让他们读出这些字母。(2)教师和学生一起校对。(3)让学生跟随录音一起学唱歌曲abc song. ?四】课堂评价(assessment) 要用hello!/ hi!打招呼并作自我介绍。 ?五】课外活动(add-activities) (1)听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。 (2)遇到教师、同学和家长时要用hello!/ hi!打招呼;分手时要用goodbye./ bye-bye.道别。 板书设计: 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文8 教学目标 1. 语言学问: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟识有关机器人方面的话题。(把重点词汇列出来) 2.语言技能: 能从一般性文章中猎取和处理主要信息;能通过上下文克制生词 困难,理解语篇意义。 3.语言运用: 能运用语言就学生想要机器人为自己做点什么。 4.文化意识: 帮忙学生更多的了解机器人及有关阿西莫夫的信息。 5.情感态度: 培育学生的想象力和对未知世界的探究精神。 6.学习策略: 借助联想建立相关学问之间的联系; 教学重难点 教学目标 1. 语言学问: 使学生理解文章中表达情感变化词汇;熟识有关机器人方面的话题。(把重点词汇列出来) 2.语言技能: 能从一般性文章中猎取和处理主要信息;能通过上下文克制生词 困难,理解语篇意义。 3.语言运用: 能运用语言就学生想要机器人为自己做点什么。 4.文化意识: 帮忙学生更多的了解机器人及有关阿西莫夫的信息。 5.情感态度: 培育学生的想象力和对未知世界的探究精神。 6.学习策略: 借助联想建立相关学问之间的联系; 教学过程 step 1warming-up and lead-in 5 mins 教师带着学生回忆上一节warmingup中的有关有机器人能为人类做点什么并且机器人存在人们生活的方方面面。接着教师设计了一个问题询问学生。“will it be possible for human beings to fall in love with a robot? ” 先让学生思索这个问题,再用多媒体播放“肯定男女”的片段,观看视频,并留下悬念让学生猜猜她是如何爱上机器人的呢?引导学生看这篇跟本视频相像的故事是如何进展的呢? 意图说明以贴近单元内容的视频启动教学,激活学生已有的学问,又把学生的留意力集中到本单元内容和话题上。 step 2. skimming 3mins 让学生快速扫瞄文章找出文章中的人物和之间的关系。 t: find out the main characters in the story. larry belmont employed in a company that make robots. claire belmont larrys wife, a housewife tony the robot gladys claffern a woman that claire envies 意图说明由于这篇文章偏长,找出人物关系,让学生对文章的脉络有个粗略的熟悉。 step 3. careful reading 23 mins 1.havestudents read the passage carefully and finish the table. 意图说明 此题是对该单元文章主要内容的缩写,给学生供应了篇章的语境,熬炼学生快速阅读培育学生细节理解力量为以后活动的开展和任务的实现扫除语言障碍,同时使学生梳理一下claire对tony的情感变化过程。 2. have students think about why claires feeling changed. how did tony help her to defeat hersense of failure? 最终引导学生思索一下三个问题was claire satisfied with tony? why shouldtony be rebuilt? who is not satisfied with it ? 意图说明 由于reading的标题是satisfactionguaranteed , 所以用反问的形式让学生真正去思索tony包君满足了吗?以此来思索标题。目的在于让学生学会用已知的信息用英语思维并去理解语篇的意义。 step4 discussion 7 mins have students discuss “if you have a chance to have your own robot, whatdo you want him to do ?” 意图说明此活动主要在于培育学生的想象力及语言表达力量,给学生供应了更宽阔的发挥空间和想象空间;鼓舞学生团队协作、发散性思维,尽量使用新学词汇来谋篇布局,重点在于语言的输出和应用。 step 5 homework 2 mins 1. guess the meanings of difficult words and sentences in the text. 1). it would be a bonus. 2). .he seemed more like a human being than a machine. 3).someone like larry who wanted to improve his social position. 4). as a favour 5). she looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page. 6)by the amused and surprised look on her face, claire knew. 2.preview “ a biography of isaac asimov”(p16) 3. surf the internet to learn more about robots and science fiction 意图说明本reading偏长,学生在一些句子上可能也会消失困难,因此让学生回去理解较难的句子扫除语言障碍。此外,由于学生求知欲强,课堂时间有限,因此让学生课外在查一些关于机器人以及科幻小说,以增加这方面学问的了解。 人教版四上英语教案1300字范文9 教学目标 1. target language 目标语? a. 重点词汇和短语 attend, control, severe, pub, immediately, handle, instructor, pump, contribute, conclude, steam engine, virus, put forward, make a conclusion, expose to b. 重点句式 to prevent this from happening again, john snow suggested that . p3 2. ability goals 力量目标 enable the students to talk about science and scientists. 3. learning ability goals学能目标 enable the students to learn about some famous scientists and their contributions and how to organize a scientific research. 教学重难点 talk about science and scientists. 教学工具 a computer and a projector. 教学过程 step lead-in ask the students to think of some great inventions and inventors in history. t: welcome back to school, everyone. i guess most of you have enjoyed your holiday. maybe i should say everyone has enjoyed a scientific life. why? because you have enjoyed the results of the science and scientists. now can you tell me the scientists who invented the lights, the gramophone and the computer? s1: edison invented the lights and the gramophone. s2: the first computer was invented by a group of american scientists. step warming up first, ask some questions about great scientists. second, ask all the students to try the quiz and find out who knows the most. t: you know our life is closely related to science and scientists. we benefit a lot from them. can you name out as many scientists as possible? s1: newton. s2: watt. s3: franklin. sample answers: 1. archimedes, ancient greek (287-212 bc), a mathematician. 2. charles darwin, britain (1808-1882). the name of the book is origin of species. 3. thomas newcomen, british (1663-1729), an inventor of steam engine. 4. gregor mendel, czech, a botanist and geneticist. 5. marie curie, polish and french, a chemist and physicist. 6. thomas edison, american, an inventor. 7. leonardo da vinci, italian, an artist. 8. sir humphry davy, british, an inventor and chemist. 9. zhang heng, ancient china, an inventor. 10. stepper hawking, british, a physicist. step pre-reading get the students to discuss the questions on page 1 with their partners. then ask the students to report their work. encourage the students to express their different opinions. t: now, class, please look at the slide. discuss these questions with your partners. then ill ask some students to report their work. show the following on the screen. what do you know about infectious diseases? what do you know about cholera? do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? what order would you put the seven in? just guess. sample answer 1: s1: let me try. infectious diseases can be spread easily. they have an unknown cause and may do great harm to people. s2: people could be exposed to infectious diseases, so may animals, such as bird flu. s3: aids, sars are infectious diseases. s4: infectious diseases are difficult to cure. sample answer 2: s1: cholera is caused by a bacterium called varian cholera. s2: it infects peoples intestines, causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps. s3: the most common cause of cholera is people eat food or drink water that has been contaminated by the bacteria. s4: cholera can be mild or even without symptoms, but a severe case can lead to death without immediate treatment. sample answer 3: s1: i know sth. about it. first we should find the problem. then, think of a solution. s2: we should collect as much information as possible. s3: analyzing results is the most important stage. s4: before we make a conclusion, it is necessary for us to repeat some stages or processes. sample answer 4: s1: i think “find a problem” should be the first stage. s2: “make up a question” should follow the first stage. s3: “think of a method”, “collect results” and “analyze results” are after that. s4: of course, before “make a conclusion”, we should “repeat if necessary”. t: well done! when we want to solve some problems, first we should find out the problem, do some research on it, prove your findings, and then make a conclusion. this is a scientific and objective way of researching. now lets see how doctor john snow did his research. step reading let the students skim the whole passage and try to work out the meanings of the new words and structures using context. t: the effect of cholera in the nineteenth century london was devastating. many people died without knowing the reason. it was doctor john snow who saved the people. please look at the screen. lets read the whole passage and find answers to the questions. show the questions on the screen. 1. what conditions allowed cholera develop? 2. why do you think people believed that cholera multiplied in the air without reason? 3. what evidence did john snow gather to convince people that idea 2 was right? sample answers: s1: the dirty water made the cholera develop quickly. s2: because people could not understand its cause and could not get it cured. so people imagined that some poisonous gas in the air caused the deaths. s3: he found that many of the deaths were near the water pump while some areas far away from the water pump had no deaths. so when people were asked not to use the water pump, the disease began to slow down. in this way, john snow had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas. step text analyzing ask the students to analyze the text in groups. t: please look at the chart on the screen. the chart shows that each paragraph of the text explains john snows stages in his research. please read the text and find out the general idea of each paragraph and match the stage with each paragraph. discuss it in groups, and then report your answers.