中级笔译翻译技巧之增译法 如何提高自己的笔译水平?今日我给大家带来了中级笔译翻译技巧之增译法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 名师指导:中级笔译翻译技巧之增译法 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必定会遇到许多困难,须要有肯定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应当用得更加娴熟,因为口译工作的特点确定了译员没有更多的时间进行思索。 增译法:指依据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增加一些词、短句或句子,以便更精确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语(论坛)句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be"结构来翻译以外,一般都要依据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的运用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词运用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人全部的或与某人有关的事物时,必需在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时须要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又须要依据状况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时经常须要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要留意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1)What about calling him right away? 立刻给他打个电话,你觉得如何? (增译主语和谓语) (2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际状况恰好相反。(增译名词) (4)就是法西斯国家本土的人民也被剥夺了人权。 Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词) (5)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。 While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps. (增译连词) (6)这是我们两国人民的又一个共同点。 This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.(增译介词) (7)在人权领域,中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱。 In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增译暗含词语) (8)三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.(增译注释性词语) 2022年翻译资格考试笔译二级测试题:西游记 一日,悟空酒醉,在树下酣然入睡,突然来了两个人,不由分说将悟空灵魂捆绑起来。他们连拉带扯将他带到一个城门口,只见城门上方有一牌匾,上书: “幽冥界”。悟空大惊失色问到:“幽冥界不是阎罗王住的地方吗? 你们为何带我来此?”One day, Wukong got drunk and fell asleep under a tree. Suddenly, two persons arrived and roped his soul without saying a word. They pulled and pushed him to a gate over which there was a tablet reading “You Ming Jie” literally meaning “The Underworld”. Wukong panicked and demanded: “Isnt this where Death5 lives? Whybring me here?” 那两人说:“你阳寿已尽,所以我们来取你魂魄。”悟空大怒, 掏出金箍棒,将他们打死。悟空怒气未消,抡起金箍棒直打进城里。阎罗王听说有人打进城里抓紧过来看个明白。 They answered: “Your living days have run out so we are to fetch your soul. ” Wukong flew into a towering rage, took out his weapon, and killed them. Being still angry he waved the stick and broke into the underworld town. A山er hearing that someone has broken in, Death decided to findout what had happened. 悟空对着阎王喊道:“我乃花果 山水帘洞的孙悟空,已修得长生不老之术,你为何还派人勾我魂魄?” Wukong roared at Death: “My name is Sun Wukong; I come from Water Curtain Cave, Hua Guo Shan; I have already acquired immortalmagic; Why did you still send for my soul?” 阎王忙命人取来生死簿,找到悟空名字,只见上面写道:“孙悟空,石猴,寿命三百四十岁。” 悟空心中不服,一把抓起毛笔, 将自己和很多猴子的名字涂抹掉。然后他离开地府 Death hurriedly had the Book of Births and Deaths fetched, found his name and saw this Sun Wukong, rock monkey, life of 340 years. Thinking this was wrong, Wukong grabbed a writing brush and crossed off the names ofhimself and many other monkeys and then le山. 悟空自从强取金箍棒,乱涂生死簿之后威名远扬。但龙王和阎王对他咬牙切齿,向玉帝奏报了悟空的罪行。Since Wukong extorted his gold band stick, and messed up the Book of Births and Deaths, he had made quite a name for himself. But Dragon King and Death hated him to guts and reported hiscriminalities to Yu Di . 玉帝开会商讨如何处置孙悟空, 大家看法各异,气氛热情。此时, 太白金星启奏:“这石猴乃天地所生,有降龙伏虎的本领,捉其不易,不如召他入朝,支配官职, 以安其心。”玉帝首肯,并派太白金星完成此事。 Yu Di called a meeting to discuss how to handle Sun Wukong. Opinions varied and the discussion was heated. Then Tai Bai Jin Xing, a popular lovable old man in Chinese mythology, proposed: “This rock monkey is related to Heaven and quite powerful. Its not easy to catch him. We might engage him and settle him down.” Yu Diapproved and sent him to do it. 听闻玉帝欲授他官衔,悟空满心高兴,随太白金星上了天庭。玉帝封他做“弼马温”负责管理神马。悟空兢兢业业,悉心照料马匹。半月之后,他获悉“弼马温” 乃下贱之位,怒从心起,弃岗而去,回到水帘洞。 Hearing that Yu Di would give him a title he was pleased and followed Tai Bai Jin Xing to the heavenly court. His rank was Bi Ma Wen, a position responsible for taking care of horses. Wukong worked heart and soul. Half a month later, a山er learning that his rank was low and not respected he became angry, deserted his post andreturned to Water Curtain Cave. 悟空将遭受讲与部下,部下皆为他不平。有人说:“大王本领与天齐,我看大王可做齐天大圣。从今悟空便自称“齐天大圣”又将写有“齐天大圣”的大旗立于洞前。悟空擅离天庭的消息不胫而走,玉帝派天兵天将来捉他, 哪吒变成三头六臂来打悟空,悟空照做,几番激战天兵败下阵来最终铩羽而归。 Wukong shared his misery with his followers and they felt sorry for him. Someone suggested: ”“King, you are invincible. I think you deserve to be Qi Tian Da Sheng, literally As Great as Heaven.” Wukong accepted and erected a nameflag in front of the cave. The news of Wukong leaving heavenly court without permission spread out and Yu Di sent an army to bring him back. Ne Zha, a popular powerful young boy in Chinese mythology, turned himself into a monster with three heads and six arms to fight Wukong but Wukong did the same. A山er several rounds ofbattle the army was defeated and retreated. 玉帝召开紧急会议商讨此事。太白金星又说:“该妖猴自称齐天大圣,我们不妨给他个空衔,即可避开一战。”玉帝准奏,再一次将孙悟空召上天庭,赐他“齐天大圣”的头衔。 Yu Di called an emergency meeting to discuss this. Tai Bai Jin Xing said: “This damn monkey wants to be Qi Tian Da Sheng, we might as well give him that empty title to avoid a war.” Yu Di agreed and summoned Sun Wukong for thesecond time and created him Qi Tian Da Sheng. 2022年翻译资格考试笔译二级测试题:西游记 受封齐天大圣后悟空每日逍遥自由,如熊孩子般四处捣乱。众人不堪其扰,奏报玉帝:如此下去恐生恶果。玉帝便派他管理蟠桃园。 Since given the new title, Sun Wukong had great fun every day, monkeying about like a naughty boy. Everyone was annoyed and reported to Yu Di that serious consequences might occur if things went on like this. Therefore, Yu Di asked him torun Pan Tao Yuan, the flat-peach orchard. 蟠桃园隶属王母,其桃若千年才熟一次,凡人吃了可以成仙。悟空不再四处闲逛,时常带手下官员在桃园赏玩景色。一日,他看到白里透红的仙桃,心里痒痒, 把旁人支开,偷吃了个够。从今, 一发不行整理。 The orchard belonged to the Queen, whose peaches took several thousand years to ripen and eating one of them could make ordinary people immortal. Wukong stopped rambling about to enjoy the beautiful scenery with his inferiors. One day, tempted by the peaches, pink and white, he turned away others and ate to his hearts contentsecretly. Therea山er, he became addicted. 不久之后,王母要举办盛会便命七仙女去摘蟠桃。七仙女寻不到悟空,和看园人打个招呼便进去摘桃了,却发觉罕有熟桃,因为熟果已被悟空偷吃。 Before long, the Queen wanted to throw a grand party so she ordered her seven daughters to pick peaches. They couldnt find Sun Wukong so they went straight inside to pick peaches a山er greeting the caretaker but found most of the peaches greenbecause Wukong had eaten the ripe ones. 好不简单看到一个又大又红的桃子,七仙女赶忙伸手欲摘。不料,该桃子实乃睡梦中的悟空。被惊醒后,他大骂七仙女。她们赶忙说明是奉王母之命前来摘桃为蟠桃会打算的。 When finally a red big peach was seen, they immediately reached for it. To their surprise, it was actually Sun Wukong having transformed himself into a peach to sleep on the branch. When woken up he cursed at the seven goddesses. They promptly explained that they were pickingpeaches by order of the Queen for a peach party. 悟空了解到蟠桃会是要宴请天庭众神,可他却未受邀请。悟空很不兴奋,立即使出定身法,把七仙女定住,自己飞往蟠桃会会场。悟空溜进会场,看到满桌美食美酒忍不住直流口水。只惋惜有很多管事的在摆设宴席,他无法偷吃。他眼珠一转,想出一计。 Wukong learned that the party was to entertain the courtiers but he had not been invited. Wukong was so pissed off that he froze the seven ladies with magic and flew to the party venue. Wukong sneaked inside and seeing all the delicacies and fine wine he couldnt help salivating. Unfortunately, many footmen and maids were arranging food and plates so he couldnt enjoythem. But soon he came up with a trick. 悟空从身上拔下一撮毛,对着吹了口气,它们便变成瞌睡虫,爬到那些管事的脸上。他们一个个倒头入睡。悟空大模大样走进去,畅饮大吃。他出来的时候醉醺醺认错了方向,走到了太上老君的住处。 Wukong pulled a lock of hairs, blew at them and turned them into sleeping worms. These worms then climbed to the faces of those servants and maids. They fell asleep one a山er another. Wukong strode in and indulged himself in the sea of food and wine. When he le山 he was drunk and went in the wrong direction. Consequently he arrived atthe lodge of Tai Shang Lao Jun. 悟空误打误撞进了炼丹房,看到五个葫芦,里面装满仙丹, 他一把抓起全倒入口中。不久,悟空酒醒,想起自己闯下大祸,心生怯意,便溜出去,逃回花果山。 Blundering into the workshop, he saw five gourds filled with elixir pills. Without thinking , he grabbed the gourds and poured the content into his mouth. Soon later, Wukong sobered up. Recalling his crime he was so scared that hesneaked out and fled to Hua Guo Shan. 悟空的罪行很快败露。玉帝不愿宽恕,派天兵降他,经过一番苦战终将他擒获。鉴于悟空罪行严峻,玉帝确定马上将他处死。 Wukongs misbehavior was soon found out. Yu Di wouldnt forgive him this time so he sent an army to catch him. A山er some fierce fights Wukong was captured. Considering his seriouscrime Yu Di decided to execute him at once. 2022年翻译资格考试笔译二级测试题:西游记 悟空被擒,玉帝判其死刑,令人削其头颅。不料,大刀折成两截他却毫发无损。太上老君说到: “ 不如用我的炼丹炉烧死他吧?” A山er Monkey King was caught, Yu Di sentenced him to death and ordered him to be beheaded. To everyones surprise, the knife was halved but his head was intact. Tai Shang Lao Jun said: “Let me burn him inside my elixir furnace. ” 悟空被丢进八卦炉。七七四十九天后,老君料定他已被烧为灰烬,开炉查看。哪知悟空跳了出来,踢翻八卦炉,舞动金箍棒想要逃走,却被团团包围。 Forty nine days later a山er Wukong was thrown into the furnace, assuming that he must have been burned to ashes, Lao Jun opened it to check. Unexpectedly, Wukong jumped out, kicked over the furnace and tried to escape, twirling hisweapon, but he was soon heavily surrounded. 虽被包围,悟空却仍处上风。玉帝只好派人请如来。见到如来众人停手。悟空道:“你是何人,多管闲事!”Though surrounded Wukong was still winning. Yu Di had to send for The Buddha . When he arrived everyone stopped fighting. Wukong said:“Who are you?Mind your own business!” 如来面露微笑,自报家门,然后问到:“你又为何屡次挑衅?” 悟空高傲地说:“我会七十二变,一个筋斗十万八千里,无人能胜我。俗话说胜者为王,玉帝咋不把宝座让给我?” The Buddha smiled and introduced himself. Then he asked: “Why have you been so provocative?” “I know 72 transformations. I can fly 18,000 li with just one somersault. I am invincible. As the saying goes, the winner takes all, why doesnt Yu Di give up his throne to me? ”, Wukongarrogantly said. 如来笑着说:“若你真牛咱便打个赌,你若能翻出我的手掌心, 我就让玉帝让位给你,否则你再莫来捣乱。”The Buddha laughed and said: “If you are really so good, lets make a wager. If you can leave my palm I will ask Yu Di to give up his throne to you.If not, be good and stay away.” 悟空觉得好笑, “如来真是笨极了,我一个筋斗十万八千里,哪有翻不出他手掌心的道理?”于是他同意了。Wukong thought it was funny. “The Buddha is really really an idiot. I can fly 18000 li with one somersault. How can I not leave his palm.” so heaccepted the wager. 如来伸出右手,悟空飞身上去然后腾云飞去。秒秒钟便已无影无踪。片刻之后,悟空看到五根柱子,料是到了天涯,为了留下证据他便写下“齐天大圣到此一游”,然后得意忘形地回去了。 The Buddha held out his right hand. Wukong jumped on and then flew on a cloud. Seconds later, he disappeared. A山er a while he saw five pillars which he guessed were supporting the sky at the end of the earth. To have some proof he wrote on one pillar these words: Qi Tian Da Sheng has been here. Then he returned to theBuddha gleefully. 他说:“我曾到天涯,且留下了记号。”这下你得叫玉帝把宝座让给我吧?如来笑笑说:“你兴奋的太早。你不曾离开。这三脚猫功夫也敢卖弄。看看我的手指头。” He shouted: “I reached the end of the world and le山 some marks.” Now you must tell Yu Di to give me his throne. The Buddha smiled and said: “Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. You have not le山 my palm. How dare you show off such foolproof tricks in front of me?Now look at my fingers.” 悟空看到如来右手中指上写着“齐天大圣到此一游”。他不敢信任,想再试一次。如来懒得理他,右手一翻变出一座五行山把悟空压在山下。为防止他逃出来,如来又帖了一张咒符在山 上,最终告知他等他时机恰当时自然有人来放他出来。 Wukong saw that on his middle finger was written what he had written on the pillar. He couldnt believe his eyes and wanted to try again. The Buddha ignored him, turned over his hand, conjured up a hand-shaped mountain and put it over the head of Wukong. To ensure that he couldnt escape the Buddha put a written spell on the mountain. In the end he told Monkey King hewould be released when the time was right. 光阴似箭,悟空被压山下已五百年。一天,如来佛在雷音寺中对众人说:“我有三藏大乘真经可救人于苦难,欲授给东方人,但他们须历经苦难到此来取。不知谁情愿去东方找寻一个佛心坚决之人?” Five hundred years had flown by since Wukong got trapped under the mountain when one day in Lei Yin Temple the Buddha announced: “I have three Mahayana scriptures that can rescue people from misery and suffering. I want to teach them to the people living in the east but they must come to fetch them by going through ordeals. I need someone to find a determined and pious monk to do this. Anyvolunteer?” 观音请缨。如来予她五件珍宝,需交给取经之人。分别是“锦澜袈裟”、“九环锡杖”和三个“箍”。 Guanyin volunteered. The Buddha handed her five treasures to be presented to the pilgrim she would find which were: a cassock made of gold and silk, a9-ring walking stick, and three magic headbands. 袈裟和锡杖可做护身之用而这三个紧箍可助他收服三位神通广阔的妖魔为徒,只要他默念紧箍咒戴箍之人便头痛难忍,俯首听命。 The cassock and stick could protect the pilgrim and the three bands could help him tame three powerful monsters and demons as his followers; as long as he murmurs the tightening spell the band wearer willhave a killing headache so he would be obedient. 观音收好珍宝,携弟子前往东方。途经流沙河时遇到一位赤发墨颜的怪物。该妖怪本是天庭的卷帘大将 ,因为打碎一件宝杯而被放逐。 Guanyin packed the treasures and le山 for the east with an assistant. When they passed Liu Sha He, literally meaning Quicksand River, they met a monster with red hair and an inky face who used to be a guardian in heavenly palace. He was banishedfor breaking a precious cup. 该妖怪见到观音便请求她帮自己摆脱苦境。观音叫他皈依佛门,取法名“沙悟净”,告知他:“不日将有一唐朝和尚从今路过去西天取经,你护送他去西天,功成之后你便可官复原职。”观音接着东行,遇到一个猪头妖怪。该妖怪原是天庭的天蓬元帅,因酒后失德被贬下凡间,投胎失误便成了如此模样。妖怪求菩萨救他, 观音也让他皈依佛门,赐法名“猪悟能”,命他随唐僧取经, 将功赎罪。 On seeing Guanyin he begged her to help him out of his misery. Guanyin asked him to convert to Buddhism and gave him a religious name Sha Wujing. Then she said: “A few days later a monk from Tang Empire will arrive. Accompany him to his destination and your position will be restored.” Guanyin continued traveling eastwards when she encountered a pig-headed monster who used to be a marshal in heavenly palace and was expelled for his drunken misbehavior. Something went wrong with the reincarnation and there he was. He pleaded with Guanyin for help. Guanyin converted him to Buddhism and gave him a religious name Zhu Wuneng. Then she asked him to escort Tang Monkon the pilgrimage as redemption. 观音接着东行,见一小龙呻吟。原来是西海龙王的儿子因意外烧毁了玉帝赏赐的明珠而被吊挂起来。小龙看到观音赶忙求救。观音恳求玉帝赦免了小龙但是让他变成白马做唐僧的坐骑。最终,观音来到了五行山下。悟空赶忙求救。菩萨说到:“我刚要去大唐找寻取经之人,那人路过此处时你拜他为师,求他放你出来护送他到西天取经。”Guanyin continued to travel eastwards until she saw a groaning young dragon who was the son of West Sea Dragon King. He was hung there because he had accidentally burned a precious pearl rewarded by Yu Di. When he saw Guanyin he implored for help. Guanyin asked Yu Di to pardon him but also asked him to be Tang Monks horse. At last, Guanyin reached Mount Hand. Monkey King begged for help but Guanyin replied: “I am going to look for a Tang Monk to fetch scriptures from the Buddha. When he passes here you can ask him to be your master and to release you so that you canprotect him on the pilgrimage.” 中级笔译翻译技巧之增译法本文来源: