高源高源顾言顾言高丽丽高丽丽Nutrition And DeliciousnessThe Chinese food is not only very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes are very beautifulIn the diet,Chinese pay more attention on the form,pay attention to color,aroma,tastewestern pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it.western are more western are more practical,they pay more practical,they pay more attention to their nutrition attention to their nutrition and protection and focus and protection and focus on food qualityon food quality The cooking waysSlicing(片)Strapping(条)Dicing(切丁)Mincing(磨)Cutting into chunks(块)Quick-fry over high heat(爆)Steaming in a container(隔水炖)stir-fry(炒),Crisp frying with syrup(拔丝)Quick boiling(焯)deep fry(炸),shallow fry(煎),steam(蒸),stew/braise(炖,焖)boil(煮),roast/broil(烤),bake,smoke(熏),pickle(腌),barbecue(烧烤)。Grill 或Broil(烧烤)Roast(炉烤)Bake(烘培,烘烤)Pan Broil(锅烧烤)Gratin(焗烤)Deep Fry(深油炸)Pan Fry(浅油炸)Saute(煎炒)Boil(沸煮)Simmer(中火慢煮)Steam(蒸)Blanch(烫煮)Poach(小火慢煮)Name of Dishes is Implicit and ExplicitThe festival foodInteraction during the mealIn China,a celebration,no matter what,there will be In China,a celebration,no matter what,there will be only one form,as sitting together,sharing one feastonly one form,as sitting together,sharing one feast.Buffet dinner is to display all food,and everybody Buffet dinner is to display all food,and everybody picks not fixed in his or her places to eat.They picks not fixed in his or her places to eat.They walk freely.walk freely.