五.翻译练习vTrue LiesvA World without ThievesvThe Dream FactoryvShawshank RedemptionvSix of one and half a dozen of the otherv半斤八两v隔墙有耳vWalls have ears.v鱼米之乡va land of milk and honeyv白马王子、梦中情人vMr./Mrs.Right;Prince CharmingvRob Peter to pay Paulv拆东墙补西墙vI gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.v直:我把青春献给海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子。v意:我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候,已经是白发苍苍。v少时海为家,归乡两鬓斑。v青春献海洋,暮年伴我妻。vSmashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful,nor is it a way to make social problems evaporate.v直:砸镜子不能使丑八怪变美丽,也不能使社会问题烟消云散。v意:躲避并不能解决实际问题。其次章英汉语言比较vEnglish belongs to the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family(印欧语系).Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family(汉藏语系).It is well known that English has the richest vocabulary of any European language.On the basis of Angles language(Anglo-Saxon),English was built by absorbing words in various languages.vVocabulary v在英语史上,英语吸取了大量其他语言的词汇,加上英语本在英语史上,英语吸取了大量其他语言的词汇,加上英语本身就具有很多同义词。英语中的同义词和近义词很多,一词身就具有很多同义词。英语中的同义词和近义词很多,一词多义多义(polysemy)的现象很普遍:的现象很普遍:v a soft pillow case.v a soft aboveground launching site.v The record has been considered soft ever since it was set last May.v Marijuana is usually regarded as a soft drug.v At this stage there is only soft intelligence about the enemy intention.We should not shoot him from the hip.v2.汉语的一词多义现象:以汉语的一词多义现象:以“地地”为例为例v词语:地方词语:地方 地步地步 地球地球 地势地势 地位地位 地头蛇地头蛇 v 地震地震 地狱地狱 地域地域 天地天地v词组或成语:天长地久词组或成语:天长地久 天翻地覆天翻地覆 天罗地网天罗地网 不败之地不败之地 CollocationvTo cut wheatvTo cut cake vTo cut finger-nailsvHe wore dark glasses,thick jersey,and stopped up his ears with cotton wool.他戴黑眼镜,穿厚毛衣,耳朵里面塞了棉花。But his attack was always repulsed by a kick or a blow from a stick.但是他每冲一次,不是让人一脚踢了回去,就是让人棍子打了回去。vWord Orderv1.定语的位置定语的位置v 汉语的定语通常在所修饰名词前面;英语中单词作定语多汉语的定语通常在所修饰名词前面;英语中单词作定语多放在名词前面,短语作定语多后置。放在名词前面,短语作定语多后置。vA research-oriented hospital;something important;a candidate with little chance of success.v2.状语的位置状语的位置v(1)单词作状语:常放在所修饰的形容词和动词前面。)单词作状语:常放在所修饰的形容词和动词前面。v(2)短语作状语:英语中短语作状语,可放在修饰动词之)短语作状语:英语中短语作状语,可放在修饰动词之前或之后;译成汉语时,大多数放在动词前面,也可放在后前或之后;译成汉语时,大多数放在动词前面,也可放在后面。面。.v3.复合句中的逻辑依次复合句中的逻辑依次(1).时间先后依次时间先后依次.vHe was born in London on May 27,1923v (2).因果、条件关系因果、条件关系vDifferences in Sentence Structure v(1)英语句子重形合,汉语句子重意合)英语句子重形合,汉语句子重意合.v Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill.v 车未停稳,请勿下车车未停稳,请勿下车v(2)英语句子重心在前,汉语句子重心在后。)英语句子重心在前,汉语句子重心在后。v I was all the more delighted when,as a result of the initiative of your Government,it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.v 由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样开心的由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样开心的重新进行这次访问,这使我感到特殊兴奋。重新进行这次访问,这使我感到特殊兴奋。v reinstate:v.复原复原1、不完全对应eat与汉语的“吃”:feed,consume,prey,graze,peck(啄食),pick 吃不开(be unpopular),吃不消(be unable to stand),吃醋(be jealous),吃苦(bear hardships),吃亏(suffer losses;be at a disadvantage),吃一堑,长一智(a fall into the pit(深坑,陷阱),a gain in your wit)。2、固定搭配的语义差异 努力学习 work hard 半年 six months 学学问 gain/acquire knowledgeVocabulary3、汉语词典含义与英语习惯表达之间的差异儿童票价减半 half-price fare for children一次专访 an exclusive interview引起亲密留意 require immediate attention身体状况良好 in good shape走错了路 be on the wrong track4、数词的语用含义差异一目了然 see with half an eye一模一样 as alike as two peas三言两语 in a few words三心二意 to be in two minds三思而后行 look before you leap三三两两 by ones and twos四面八方 all directions;all around;all quarters;far and near七嘴八舌 all talking at once半斤八两 six of one and half-a-dozen of the other十之八九 ten to one十全十美 be perfect in every way;be out of this worldQuiz:talk along parallel lines“谈不到一块儿”、“各持己见”、“看法不一样”;familiar talk 熟悉的交谈,庸俗的交谈 goldbrick 懒汉,赝品大忙人 busy bee自食其言 go back on ones words英汉两种语言的差异1.直线型与螺旋型2.分析型与综合型3.抽象型与形象型4.客观性与主观性5.前重心与后重心6.竹节句法与流水句法7.理性型与绘画型v张衡还创建了世界上第一台观测气象的仪器候风仪anemograph。他还制作了已经失传的指南车。这种车不管怎么转弯,车上的木制小人总是把手臂指向南方。v Zhang Heng also created the worlds first meteorological instrument anemograph.He made a pointing-south cart with a wooden figure always pointing southward no matter what direction the cart was moving in.The cart has since been lost.v英语是典型的“直线型”思维,而汉语则是典型的“螺旋型”思维。因此,英语里习惯于直切主题,不旁敲侧击。而汉语则不同,中国人常常要在点题之前作充分准备,最终才把重点讲出来。英语里很宠爱运用现有理论作演绎推理,而汉语里更宠爱归纳式探讨,即先排列现象或先摆出具体的事实再作抽象总结。一、直线型与螺旋型vTime is an equal opportunity employer.Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day.Rich people cant buy more hours.Scientists cant invent new minutes.And you cant save time to spend it on another day.v每个人每天所拥有的小时数和分钟数完全相同,富人不行能购买更多的小时,科学家也不能独创新的分钟,并且你还不能把时间留到另一天用,所以说,时间是机会均等的雇主。v英语民族偏爱分析型思维,其思维方式是部分优先,所以英语的句子特殊留意形式上的完整及各部分之间的关系在形式上的体现。而中国人偏好综合型思维,其思维方式是整体优先,即重整体轻分解,擅长简洁含蓄地说明事物整体而不擅长分析事物的内部结构,所以汉语句子更留意整体表达效果,对形式上的完整及各部分之间的关系是否严谨并不特别重视,词和句子的意义常靠前后左右综合的意义网来理解。二、分析型与综合型As it is too late for you to go home now,you had better stay overnight at this place.(as表明主从句的因果关系)现在回家太晚,你最好在这儿住一晚。天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。(留意整体表达效果,转折关系没有明示)The eternal universe sometimes comes to an end,but my unceasing complaint knows no limit.(增加连词but,明确转折关系)eternal:永久的,永恒的v英语中抽象的内容多,汉语中具体的内容多。西方人受西方哲学思想体系的影响,较留意抽象思维,他们擅长运用抽象的概念来表达具体的事物,抽象表达方式在英语中相当普遍。相对而言,中国人在说明问题时爱用形象与比方法,即使涉及到逻辑推理问题也偏爱形象思维,纯粹意义的抽象思维对他们似乎并不重要。三、抽象型与形象型v1.英语常用大量含义概括的词来表达困难的理性概念 vwork with meticulous care(精雕细刻)v meticulous:一丝不苟的,精确的vaccept sth.uncritically(生吞活剥)vbe full of fears and misgivings(前怕狼后怕虎)v misgiving:疑虑v画饼充饥(feed on illusions)v归根究竟(in the final analysis)v冷言冷语(sarcastic comments)v sarcastic:讽刺的v弱不禁风(be in delicate health)v2.英语中一些较抽象的概念在汉语中常常用一些习惯性的具体词来转述:v area(面积)大小;vlength(长度)长短;vdepth(深度)深浅;vwidth(宽度)宽窄;vweight(重量)轻重vTime mutes all feelings.v 时间的消逝会使各种感情变得淡漠。vOdd though it sounds,cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics,and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.v 宇宙膨胀说虽然听似奇妙,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认理论在科学上看来可信的推论,很多天体物理学家七、八年来始终认为这一学说是正确的。vMarriage may be compared to a cage:the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out.v 婚姻好比鸟笼,外面的鸟儿想进进不去,里面的鸟儿想出出不来。四、客观性与主观性v英语特别强调具体的实例证明,而汉语更宠爱抽象的概念表述,并且汉语表达还特别讲究高度的概括性。v“主观”和“客观”的风格差异在劝服性文章上体现得更为明显。英美人遵循的主要原则是:Let the facts and logic speak for themselves.(让事实和逻辑为自己说话。)他们靠客观的看法、令人信服的事实和严谨的推理来折服读者。中国学生在写这类文章时,简洁受汉语思维的影响,措词和语气更富有战斗性,常用“all of us have no choice but.”,“we must”,“you should”,“it is absolutely wrong to.”之类的句子,这在英美人看来是作者的主观看法,有点强加于人却不能真正劝服人。vAll the people want to be successful in life and work.Success is one of the primary motivating factors of human society.But we must not say,it is our basic biological need,although it can bring a person position or wealth he needs.In the pursuit of success,we should have a right attitude toward failure no fear for it is the best policy as a Chinese old saying says,“failure is the mother of success.”primary:主要的,初期的,根本的 生理的:physiologicalv每个人都想在生活和工作中取得成功。成功是人每个人都想在生活和工作中取得成功。成功是人类社会主要的动力之一。尽管成功能给人带来所类社会主要的动力之一。尽管成功能给人带来所需的地位和财宝,但是我们不能说成功是我们的需的地位和财宝,但是我们不能说成功是我们的基本生物需求。在追求成功的过程中,我们应当基本生物需求。在追求成功的过程中,我们应当用正确的看法看待失败用正确的看法看待失败-最好的方法是不惧怕最好的方法是不惧怕失败,正如一句中国古训所说:失败,正如一句中国古训所说:“失败是成功之失败是成功之母。母。vEven though everyone has different concepts about what constitutes being successful,almost all individuals experience the constant pressure to succeed.While most people would still consider an important position or great wealth as a sign of success,others are realizing that the term embraces many more elements.To me,success means the achievement of ones goals.It includes a feeling of accomplishment,a willingness to overcome fear in attempting something new,and a sense of self-improvement in reaching the goal.每个人对什么是成功有不同的观点,但几乎全部的人都经验过为取得成功所承受的长期压力。虽然多数人仍旧把身居要职和腰缠万贯看成是成功的标记,但也有人相识到成功包含着更多的东西。对我而言,成功就是实现了自己的目标,它包括尝试新事物的成就感和克服恐惊的主动性以及在实现目标的过程中的自我完善。五、前重心与后重心v英语多前重心,汉语多后重心。所谓前重心是先说结果后说细微环节。后重心则是先说细微环节后说结果。v You need to fight for your point of view when something is counter to your values or threatens a project the organization supports.v 当所发生的事情与你的价值观完全相反或者对你的机构所支持的项目有威逼时,你须要为你的观点而战。(句尾重心)vThere is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.v译文:方法论是指一般的历史探讨中特有的概念,还是指历史探讨中适用各个具体领域的探讨方法,人们对此看法不一。(句尾重心)v英语结构紧凑,汉语结构松散。语言学家以“竹节句法”来比方英语句子,即英语句子是由不行或缺的各种连接词连接而成,犹如节节相连的竹子,所以英语中每句都有形态保持一样的主语、谓语,从句与主句之间又有连词作形式标记说明两者之间的关系;而汉语句子则被比方为“流水句法”,即少用乃至不用连接词仍可保持行文流畅,所以汉语中常用小句而不用句子做基本单位,有时一小句接一小句,很多地方可断可连。六、竹节句法与流水句法v知己知彼,百战不殆。v Know the enemy and know yourself,and you can win a hundred battles.v Conquer the desires,or they will conquer youv 你不战胜欲望,欲望就会战胜你。vIt is sometimes the fate of a poet to succeed only when he has one foot in the grave.v 有时候一名诗人命中注定只有在一只脚踏进坟墓的时候才会成功。vFound throughout Central and South America,the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs,sleeping fifteen hours a day and moving infrequently.v 树懒产于中南美洲各地,它靠长而有弹性的四肢挂在树上,每天睡15个小时,很少移动。vIt applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources,and to social science historians,who equate their activity with specific techniques。v它同样适用于将历史仅仅看作是对历史材料来源的内部的和外部的指责的传统历史学家,和把历史探讨活动等同于具体探讨方法的社会科学历史学家。v它同样适用于传统历史学家和社会科学历史学家,传统历史学家(或前者)将历史仅仅看作是对历史材料来源的内部的和外部的指责,社会科学历史学家(或后者)把历史探讨活动等同于具体的探讨方法。v传统历史学家(或前者)将历史仅仅看作是对历史材料来源的内部的和外部的指责,社会科学历史学家(或后者)把历史探讨活动等同于具体的探讨方法。它同样适用于这两类历史学家。七、理性型与绘画型v从语序来考察,汉语更像是一种“绘画型”语言,即汉语词序是按实际生活阅历依次排列的,相当感性,尤其是在口语中表现得比较明显,比如:“我开完会,你再来找我。”而英语词序与事务经验先后无关,理解词序须要抽象的理性分析。1.英语遵循从小到大、由近及远的排列原则,而汉语刚好相反。No.5,Xingshikou Road,Haidian District,Beijing,China 2.英语讲究先实后虚,而汉语更看重先虚后实(重心)。3.英语倾向于先表态,后叙事;汉语则宠爱先叙事后表态。Today it seems perfectly natural(表态)for us to shake hands when we greet someone or say goodbye(叙事).现在,我们在见面或告辞时握握手(叙事)似乎是很自然的了(表态)。4.状语位置差异。There is a tourist attractioncalled the Badaling Great Wallwhich you can reachin about two hoursby going northwestby tourist bus from downtown Beijing.从北京市区坐旅游车向西北走大约两小时左右可以到达一个叫八达岭长城的旅游胜地。5.定语位置差异。The memories a favorite old song recalls can be so clear that hearing it almost like watching a movie of your life and times.(后置定语:省略关系代词的定语从句a favorite old song recalls;介词短语of your life and times)一首你最爱的老歌所唤起的记忆可以特别清晰,听这样一首歌几乎就像看一部描写你的生活和时代的电影。(英语的后置定语在汉语中前置)有状语功能的定语从句v译成”因”的分句vWe know that a cat,whose eyes can take in many more rays than our eyes,can see clearly in the night.v译:我们知道,因为猫的眼睛所摄入的光线比人眼多,所以猫在夜间看物体很清晰.v译成”果”的分句vThere was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.v支配有原创性,独立性,也很宏大,(所以)取悦了全部的人.v支配取悦了全部的人,它有原创性,独立性,也很宏大。v译成表示让步的分句vHe insisted on building another house,which he had no use for.v尽管没有用处,他仍旧坚持再盖一座房子.v译成条件句vMen became desperate for work,any work,which will help them to keep alive their families.v译:人们起先急迫的找工作,只要能帮助他们维持家庭生活,任何工作都行.同位语从句的转序vYet,from the beginning,the fact that I was alive was ignored.v译:然而从一起先,人们就忽视了我还活着这一事实.vBut I knew I couldnt trust him.There was always the possibility that he was a political swindler.v但我知道我不能信任他.很有可能他是个政治骗子.vIt does not alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay.v译:他应对延误负责,这一事实无法变更.vHe expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again.v译:他希望还能再次访问中国.vI have accepted my fathers decision that I was to be a doctor,thought the prospect did not interest me at all.v译:我已经接受了父亲的确定,将来做名医生,尽管我对这种想法并不感爱好.ExercisesvAfter Aunt Lena had heard about the family trouble,she agreed to look for a job.vOur hearty desire is the establishment of a lasting peace in the world.vI cant even remember clearly what he looked like.vThe war was immediately caused by incursions across the borders.vAll night long the beating and questioning goes on,the search goes on.vMy first 30 years were spent in Western America.vAn individual is judged by how he serves the collective,but the collective is expected to cherish the lives and talents of its individuals.collective:集体 incursion:入侵vAnswer to Ex.v丽娜阿姨听说了家庭的困难状况后,同意去找工作。v我们的诚意愿望是建立世界许久和平。v我连他的模样也记不清晰了。v那次斗争的干脆缘由是入侵国境。v拷打、审讯彻底不停,搜捕彻夜不停。v我的前三十年是在美国西部度过的。v推断一个人要看他对集体服务得怎样,但是集体也要重视个人的生活和才能。如何对待和解决这些差异?以学习地道的英语方式为主。大量阅读汉英比照读物。充分利用各类阅读课本或有代表性的文章或段落。充分利用词典。除语言因素本身以外,我们还应当留意一些语言以外的东西,如国外的文化历史背景等。