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美国顶级高中推荐给高中生的的暑期阅读的书籍,学生任选4本阅读:1. Abbott Flatland2. Adams A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy3. Angelou I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings4. Allende The House of Spirts5. Arnow The Dollmaker6. Asimov The Fantastic Voyage7. The Foundation Series8. Austin Pride and Prejudice, and others9. Baldwin Go Tell It On The Mountain10. Beagle A Fine and Private Place11. Binchy Circle of Friends12. The Lilac Bus13. Bradbury Fahrenheit 45114. Bradley The Mists of Avalon15. Brinkley Washington Goes to War16. Bronte C. Jane Eyre17. Bronte E. Wuthering Heights18. Brunner Due South19. Burger Sphereland20. Camus The Stranger21. Carr The Alienist22. Carter The Education of Little Tree23. Carter The Late Shift24. Cervantes Don Quixote(part one)25. Charriere Papillon26. Chopin The Awakening27. Clancy The Hunt For Red October, and others28. Conroy Lords of Discipline29. Prince of Tides30. Beach Music31. The Water is Wide32. Cooper The Dark is Rising33. Coupland Microserfs34. Dickens Bleak House35. Dinesen Out of Africa36. Dodd The Mourner's Bench37. Donald Lincoln38. Eco The Name of the Rose39. Esquivel Like Water For Chocolate40. Faulkner As I Lay Dying41. Feynman Surely You're Joking Mr.42. Finney Time and Again43. Flagg Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe44. Welcome to The World, Baby Girl45. Florman The Introspective Engineer46. Ford The Good Soldier47. Frazier Cold Mountain48. Fromkin In the Time of Americans49. Gaines The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman50. Golden Memoirs of a Geisha51. Golding The Lord of the Flies52. Goodwin No Ordinary Time53. Grisham The Testament, and many others54. Hamill Snow in August55. Hayslip When Heaven and Earth Changed Places56. Heinlein A Stranger in a Strange Land57. Starship Troopers58. Heller Catch-2259. Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea60. For Whom the Bell Tolls61. Irving A Prayer for Owen Meany62. Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man63. Keyes Flowers For Algernon64. King The Last Empress65. Krakauer Into Thin Air Into the Wild66. Lawrence & Lee Inherit the Wild67. Least Heat-Moon Blue Highways68. Leppek The Surrogate Assassin69. Letts Where the Heart is70. Lewis Arrowsmith71. Malanud The Natural72. Mandela Long Walk to Freedom73. Mantel Eight Months on Gazzah Street74. Markham West With The Night75. Marquez Hundred Years of Solitude76. Massie Drednarght77. Nicholas & Alexandra78. Mathabane Kaffir Boy79. Mayle A Year in Provence80. McBride The Color of Water81. McCarthy All The Pretty Horses82. McCullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter83. McPhee Coming into the Country84. McPherson Battle Cry of Freedom85. Miller A Canticle For Leibowitz86. Morrison Beloved87. Neville Eight88. O'Connell Stone Angle89. Ondaatje The English Patient90. Payne The Confessions of a Taoist on Wall Street91. Plimpton The Paper Lion92. Powell My American Journey93. Prange At Dawn We Slept94. Price The Tongues of Angels95. Proulx The Shipping News96. Rice The Witching Hour Interview With a Vampire97. Rifkin Entropy98. Ryan A Bridge Too Far99. Sears Landscape Turned Red100. Seth An Equal Music101. Shaara.J. Gods and Generals Last Full Measure102. Shaara,M. Killer Angle103. Sinclair The Jungle104. Simmons Hyperion Series105. Solzhenitsyn One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch106. Spark The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie107. Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath108. Tan The Kitchen God's Wife109. The Hundred Secret Senses110. Theroux The Mosquito Coast111. Tolkien The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings112. Toole A Confederacy of Dunces113. Trumbo Johnny Got His Gun114. Tryon The Other115. Turkle Life on the Screen116. Tyler A Patchwork Planet117. Tyler Ladder of Years Saint Maybe118. Uris Mila-18 Exodus119. Valens The Other Side of the Mountain120. Van Tilburg Clark The Ox-Bow Incident121. Walker The Color Purple122. Wells Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood123. White Mama Makes Up Her Mind124. Wientraub Long Days Journey into War125. Winner The Whale: The Reactor126. Williams-Garcia Fast Talk on a Slow Track127. Woodward & Bernstein All The President's Men128. Wolff To The Lighthouse Orlando130. Zindel The Efects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the Moon Marigolds