CATIA 培训PPTcatia资料(英文).doc
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CATIA 培训PPTcatia资料(英文).doc
D. Replay OperationIn replay Panel select Tool Axis representation:Step 2: COMBIN TANTO strategyRe-use CATprocess created in previous step or open DataEx01-TantoFanProcess_final.CATprocessA. Operation DefinitionSelect previous Multi-Axis Flank Contouring operation created, copy/paste it, edit duplicated operation.In Tool Axis Tab, select Combin Tanto strategy, and keep 5mm as Leave and approach distance.B. Replay OperationNow you can modify leave and approach distance (increase or decrease) to see the impact of fanning distance on tool axis.Step 3: COMBIN PARELM strategyRe-use CATprocess created in previous step or open DataEx02-CombinTantoProcess_final.CATprocessA. Operation DefinitionSelect previous Multi-Axis Flank Contouring operation created, copy/paste it, edit duplicated operation.In Tool Axis Tab, select Combin Parelm strategy, and keep 5mm as Leave and approach distance.B. Replay OperationNow you can modify leave and approach distance (increase or decrease) to see the impact of fanning distance on tool axis.Step 4: MIXED COMBIN strategyOpen DataProcess_start_combinmixed.CATProcessA. Geometry SelectionSelect pocket bottom as Part, select pocket walls as drive, select ZX plane as Start and Stop element (ON conditions).B. Strategy DefinitionSelect Mixed Combin guidance with 5mm for approach and leave distance. Select Close tool path option.C. Replay OperationStep 5: Finish 5 axis flanks of pocket Open DataProcess_start2.CATProcessA. Geometry SelectionPart element is bottom of pocket, Drives element are flanks of pocket.Start element is the web in front of pocket.Stop element is vertical wall in front of pocket.On conditions for both start and stop.B. Strategy DefinitionMachining Tab: keep default parametersStepover Tab: select axial By offset mode, 4 levels of 10mmFinishing Tab: select At last level, with 1mm thicknessTool Axis Tab: select Tanto Fan strategy. C. Tool DefinitionSelect or create an END Mill with D=16mm and Rc=4mmD. Replay Operation