AIEN Institute Shanghai Ocean UniversityElectronic CommerceUnit OutlineLecturer:XIE xiabingTel:Email: xbxieNov. 2013、Introduction1. Unit Code: 2. Credit: 2.53. Teaching hours:424. Specified Textbook: Introduction to Electronic Commerce, 2nd Edition (Chinese Version), by Efraim Turban, David King and Judy Lang, China Renmin University Press5. Reference books and materials:、Unit Description The introduction of electronic commerce (ecommerce, or EC) currently makes the most profound changes transpiring in the world of business. Almost every organization is affected by the EC especially in procurement, shopping, business collaboration, and customer services. The nature of competition is also drastically changing, due to new online companies, new business models, and the diversity of EC-related products and services. EC provides unparalleled opportunities for companies to expand worldwide at a small cost, to increase market share, and to reduce costs. This course focuses on the marketing and planning strategies, consumer behavior, electronic commerce applications and technologies, and tools which are used to conduct business on the Internet. It includes the exchange of goods and services across an interactive digital network. It reviews the basic concepts of e-commerce, its infrastructure, current business models in business-to-customers (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) transactions, security and quality assurance, web site design strategies, web-based marketing, e-supply chains, e-procurement, e-market place, payment systems and various issues-Internet marketing, legal, regulatory, technological, social, and ethical-which relate to electronic business. 、Learning outcomes1. Theory of knowledge:1) Knowing the basic concepts and theories of the electronic commerce;2) Understanding the structures and mechanisms of e-market Places;3) Understanding the techniques and processes of e-commerce;4) Knowing the design and the scheme of the electronic commerce website;5) Knowing the ethical, social, and security issues of E-Commerce.2Capacity:1) Analyzing real world e-commerce examples and summing up their growth strategies, successes and failures;2) Launching, operating and managing business activity on the internet;3) Searching new opportunities of e-commerce, tracking and studying them.IV、Assessment Assessment methodsScoreRequestAssignments and Practices40Completing assignments and practices as required and summiting on timePerformance during the class10Attendance. Each student's score is between 0 and 10. Absenteeism without cogent reasons will get a deduction of 3 points each time.Final examination50Final examination,including the basic concept and method of launching, operating and managing business activity on the internet.total100Assignment Requirements:Assignment 1:A case research of e-commerce (20 scores)1) Selecting one or more e-commerce cases currently operating on internet and researching them;2) The research may focus on one aspect such as business model, marketing, security and make comparative analysis among different objects to conduct the characteristics of one specific category e-commerce as well;3) The research object and topic is of your choosing, but it should be discuss around an emphasis and use the newest material;4) Submitting an informative report no less than 3000 words with diagrams;5) Submitting on schedule.Assignment 2:Practice of social network (20 scores)Social network is now showing its wide range and in-depth effects as a new type of e-commerce. Every student must register and act in a special social network website, interact with others, do business and compose a report including problems, merit and demerit eventually.1) The website must be the one that teacher specified;2) Students must register and operating actually on the website;3) The submitted report must be based on the data of personally individual operating on the website.4) The words number of the report is unlimited. But the report should include the following parts consisted of "Activity Summary", "Attainment Experience ", and "Problems and Suggestion" at least;5) Submitting on schedule.、PlagiarismPlagiarism is cheating. Any other people's ideas, works and inventions without authorization act for himself and some are regarded as plagiarism. Example, in whole or in part from the Internet to download the article, copy the work of other students or references to the author's point of view did not comment. Deliberately copied the work of others to use it, is a serious error, is an academic fraud. Student work submitted and small papers, if found plagiarism, the student's work or thesis score of 0 points, and reported college, depending on their circumstances to seriously.、Teaching scheduleChapterCurriculumHours1Overview Of Electronic Commerce42E-market Places: Structures And Mechanisms23Retailing In Electronic Commerce : Products And Services24Online Consumer Behavior, Market Research, And Advertisement45B2B E-Commerce46E-Supply Chains, Collaborative Commerce, And Corporate Portals27Innovative EC Systems: From E-government And E-Learning To Consumer-To-Consumer Commerce2Assignment1: A case research of e-commerce8Social Networks And Industry Disruptors In The Web2. 0 Environment4Assignment2: Practice on Social Networks9Mobile Computing And Commerce410E-Commerce Security211Electronic Commerce Payment Systems, Order Fulfillment, And Other Support Services212E-Commerce Strategy, Justification, And Global Implementation2Experiment1: Build An Online Shop2Experiment2: Digital Certificate Request And Application2Experiment3:Domain Registration And Website Building2Final Examination2