2017年高考英语试卷(新课标)(含解析版)2017年高考英语试卷新课标含解析版未经允许 请勿转载 20年高考英语试卷新课标卷第二部分 阅读理解 共两节,满分40分第一节 共小题;每题2分,满分3分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的、B、C和四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Aan Franciso Fire Engine TursSn FranccoWney Touunn: bruary 1tthrouh Arl 30hhisdeiiou ou goerog he city on its way to Trasre Isln whre e il p at the famous Wnr SF. eeyou an enjoy 4 ours ofsoe of te best wineSn rancisco has to ofr. Incued in tits rie未经许可 请勿转载Departing fom th anr:Tel time upon requs.未经许可 请勿转载Dua 时长: 2 oursPric: 90Ba tothe ifties TourRunnn: ugt1 hrou ugt 3sThsour tasports yo back i tetoone of an Franciscsmos fantasti perods, t 195s! Eoy fun hsto aswe akeyohrgSa rancico for fretast f ic crea.未经许可 请勿转载Daring for the Cnery 5:0 and 7:00 p Durton: ursPrie:$9SpookyHaleen TouRnning: Ocober 10t trogh Octor 31s Jon us foa ri rg te historicaPsido dsrit.Authent fire gear服装 rovide fr u warmth as ourertainers take yu to some f most tig rtso Sa Francisco.未经许可 请勿转载Departin fom the aney:6:30 pm a8: m Drtio: 1 h an 30 miute Pe: vailabe po requesHoliday ights rRunning:Decmer 6t thrghDecembe 23ndThis ractive outakesyu to somofSa Francisms cheerfl hody sens. thentic firgrprovidedor y armh s ougt ito the hlidprt.未经许可 请勿转载Departing from the Cnery :00 m and9:00 pDuation: 1or and30 minueAvancreservationsrqured.2 hich of he tour is vailale iMarc? San Fncioinery our. B Bac tote FifiesTour.未经许可 请勿转载C. Spoky Halowe Tour. D. Holiday Lits Tour未经许可 请勿转载22. Wat c tourists o onac to the Fifties Tour?未经许可 请勿转载A. Gt Treaure Ilnd B. oy the lidascee.未经许可 请勿转载C.ave fre ce crea. D Vitte reo stic.未经许可 请勿转载2 Wht ar turituid do to g on Hoida Lights Tour?未经许可 请勿转载A. Tke som driks B. Setof earl nthe ming未经许可 请勿转载C. Weararm cloes. .Make reerationsin vnce.未经许可 请勿转载Bnute after thelast moveded yetrdaya he lz heater, emloyees erebus sweeing upcorns and athering e cups. It wa a ene tha had ee rpeate any times in the theaers75-year hitoy Ts time, hwevr, thceaup s littleferet. A ne p o wokrs carred out the rubish,aother oup began emvi sasa ohr thete qipmet in preparatinfor heuidin nd未经许可 请勿转载T fimclassc The Las Picture Sho washe las movie shown in h od thae. hugh he mve is30 arsod, os f th 250set wre filled with eay-yd udiencewanintosay god-byeto the old ildig.Theaterwne d Baodsid chos the ove bcse it eemed approriate. hemovieissin smlltown here th onymovitheter i peparingo los own.未经许可 请勿转载Bdford said t arg ern hatersin he ct mad it imossiblfor t Pa to compte. H addd that thehters loto位置 ws so a reaso.“s use tob theentr o ton, he d “Now theareai mostyoffebldian aehouses.未经许可 请勿转载Last wek oe city offials suggested the cit might e intereedin tuing theod thearito useum andpubic metng ple. However, these ls were abandoned becuseo financa polm Bdford sld the buildi and n to locadeveom firm,whicplans to bud ashpp compo te land here te tate is loated.未经许可 请勿转载Te thteraudiene aid o-byeas Bradford lokedtheoors forthe s tme.ftr 75 yearh PlzaTheater hashown itlas mvi.The heae ll b mise未经许可 请勿转载2. n ht wy wasyestays cleanup thelaa seial?未经许可 请勿转载. I maderoom fr nwqipmentB. Isignaldclsedwnof the thete.C. t as dnewh teelpof heaudence.D. Imkedthe7 annversay othehater.25 Why was The Last PictueShowput?AItwas n aim clac B. ta bou he historyfthe town未经许可 请勿转载C.The aiene reqesdit. D. he thete onerfoud t suitble.未经许可 请勿转载6. What will proablyp heuig?A. It wll be repaie. B. It wlbtue ito a museum.未经许可 请勿转载. t w bekncked don. D. I wil be sod to iygovernment. 未经许可 请勿转载2.What nwe infer bout the audiece?A.hey are diappointd ihBraford. B.he aresadto artwithe old teater. C. Teye upprtiv of the ity official. D.ey aeaer to ave a soincenter. Cfter yas ofheddt,grawovewe rintoduce o Yellowston National Par. Fouteenwol were caugh in anada andtnpoted t e pk.By lst ye,te Ylowoneo opultinad grownto more than 170 wve.未经许可 请勿转载Gr wosone ere seen ernd he i the Yelwsoe ea and mch ontinntl Unitd tates, but the were gradalyiplaced by human deelnt. By te 190, oveshad cicallyisaaredfro theYlotonerea. Thy t arernorth ito theeep foress ofada,were ther ere fewerumasaround.未经许可 请勿转载he dapperancof te oles hdmny unexpete reslt. eerad elkpopulatons majo fodsources来源or the wlf grew rapidy Ts animalsconsume lre amounts of vegetion植被, hih rced plant dierity inth park. In the bsnc f wolve, coote popuan aso gew quicly. The cyes kld a large prcentgeof hprk red foxes, and ompletely doeaway the prsbevers.未经许可 请勿转载As eal as1966, iologs ased he goveen to coider retroducig wlves t Yowstone Pr. They hop thawolves ud be ale ocontro th el and coyote roblems.Many famers oppod th an becase tyfeare hat woleswoud kill teir arm animas or pets.未经许可 请勿转载 e govrnmnt pent nearly3 yers comg up witha pan toreintouetewolvers. e . isnd ildlif ervce creulymnitorsandags the wol pack i ellowston. Tday, th debte contines ovr ow we the gray woli fitngi aYllowstne lk, deer, a coot pouatons re dwn, whle eavs ad r ors ave madea comebac. The eowstone wlfroethsbeen a valuableexpeien to hel biogsts decide hehr treitoduce wolvesto other parts of thountryas well.未经许可 请勿转载28.What is t exainly abo?. Willfe rsearh th Uned Sates.B. ant diversity in theYellowton area.CTheconflit betwen farmr andgry wols. e reinroduto wlves tYellotonPark.未经许可 请勿转载9Wt oe te uderlinword “diplae in rrah man?未经许可 请勿转载A. TstedB. Sepated.C Ford out.D. Trked down.未经许可 请勿转载30. ht ithe disppearance of ray wolesbng about?未经许可 请勿转载. Dmae to locl eooy. B. dec in he pksicom未经许可 请勿转载C reeration veetatin. D. Anrase inteariety of animals未经许可 请勿转载31. Wat sthe auths attitde toward the elostone olf roject?未经许可 请勿转载A. Dobtl .ositi. C. Disapprig. . Unng.未经许可 请勿转载DThe ntellent Transpor teama NewcaslUnier hvetune anlecric cr into a mobie lbrtor nmed “Dive LA order t udesand th caleescd by older drivr ano sover hre the ke tress ints are.未经许可 请勿转载eserc shwth givingupdriving is on of te eaos forafllin heathandell-eing mgoldr peole, leading temecomng oriolted 隔绝anintie.未经许可 请勿转载ed by rofessor Pil th, the Nwcastletam are deeping -veice tchnoloies or oder ri hchteyhop coul hep hemontnu diing itoater life未经许可 请勿转载Tse inclde cstom-maenavigtio导航 ools, ngtvisionsysem an ntlen seed dptios. Phil Blt explains: “or any oderpeole,artiularl ose lvgln orin thecounry, riing is itant for presving heirndependence, givin tem te freedomto gt ot and about wihot having to re on others.未经许可 请勿转载“Bt we allhavetoccept tha swegt oler ou eacins slowdw d tiste rsuls ipopeavoding any tentialy halngig divng coditions and osing onfidenc in thr divnskills. The eult sa poe top ivingbefore they eallyned t.未经许可 请勿转载r myuo, theleadn reearcher o older drivr sdy, elains, “TeDrive LAB i helpin u to understad whatt k pns and iffcute are for derdrivers nd ho w igt use echnlo to ddressthse probles.未经许可 请勿转载“For exampl, mot of swoldexpet l drvers alwa go sloethn everyne els utsurisingly, we foundthai 0mp oestheystrug o kep at a cnstantspedan soermreikeyto break thespeelim ad be at rik of ettingind.Wer lookigat the enefis fsyste hic conrlhei speds aw ofprntingthat未经许可 请勿转载“e opethat our work wllhelp wi tchnogial soltions 解决方案 to ensure tat older driers say afer behin thewhel未经许可 请勿转载2. Wt is te urposeof the Drive LAB?A. To exore neweaso trsport B. T dsign nwtyesof cars未经许可 请勿转载C. To f utoldr dves roblems. . To tech peple affcrul未经许可 请勿转载33. Wh isdiingimprtntforlrpeple acordino hl Blthe?未经许可 请勿转载A I kepthem indpennt. B. It helps the ave im.未经许可 请勿转载C t bil p theistreng. . ues threnalillnsses.未经许可 请勿转载. Wat o researche hope o o forle driver?未经许可 请勿转载A.Improetir drivig kils. B. Develodrivr-asst ehologles.未经许可 请勿转载CProvde tis on repairing thei crs D. raiz gula hysicl ecus未经许可 请勿转载35. Whati the est title fo te text?. ew ModlElectrc Car B A oluion to TaffcPrble未经许可 请勿转载C. Drving Service for elds D. Kpilder Drivsn the Road未经许可 请勿转载第二节 共5小题;每题2分,满分分 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。L of peopl fidit hd ge p in the monn and puthe aeonthe larm coc. I act, the keytoeay onnwak-up iesin rtin our bo lock 36 ere i ho to make e.未经许可 请勿转载 37 Inordeo k hange, you need t decide why itsmpra. Doyou want tget u intim toav brekast ith your famly,get n som xeie,r jus be beterreaed fryu day? One youae lear abut youraso, ell your famy orroommaesaout the cayu want tmae.未经许可 请勿转载l ehin moring. ow that you knw whyyou wantto ae u, sidr r-arraing ouoning actvities. Ifyou wanttime ohavbeaka thyoufmily, sae sme tim the nit bfore by ettingucloths,shos, and bgs 38 ts aquarter-hour more youcod be sleeing ifyou bought a offe maker wih a timer.未经许可 请勿转载l Keep yoursle/we shedue onwknd. I ouete otby iday nght, sleeping i n Satuday cul sound nderfu.utompnsatingon t wekendsactually eds it yurslepiness hefoloing wek, a ecent tu 9 未经许可 请勿转载l Keep recor and evauate it wee. Keep trckf yorefforts nd wrie dow how fl Ater youe tred a new t fo a we,tke aook atour recd. 0 If no, tae nohrlok at oter ethodsyu coldry.未经许可 请勿转载A.Gt aslee pecialit. ith ih tivatioC. A btr pan for sleepanh.D. nd conside eting a second arm.E. If the tpsou tae ae worig, keei up.Sik to yorset betme d ak-up im, no ter te day.未经许可 请勿转载G. Rcnsider the 1 ins ospend n liet te aé toet coffee.未经许可 请勿转载第三部分语言知识运用 共两节,满分45分第一节 共2小题;每题1.分,满分0分阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A Toront man i offein a fe ondthe-orl air to the right woman But 4 apply. You must be nmd Eizabth Gallhgher and hve a Cadan 42 未经许可 请勿转载Jordan Axani, 28, sad he and thn grfriend, Elizabethallaghr,bookd hevly discontedoundthwol a ticket in ay,but their 43 ee andhedd notanther ticket 44 . h ticet had a tr no-nfe不可转让 4 ,ut ncepsport frmationas otrequre hen 46 , any Cnadian Elzaeth alaher ca 7 t. 未经许可 请勿转载“Ijus wanto se the ticet g t goo use and fr oeto 8 lotof jo, said Axai. osted hi 9 nasocil norkin webi, d recevdthouands of e-mail, includin thit fro actullizbeth Galagbrs wt he asspot,“More 1 , thre arhndre fCdis wo e intrestd in hir name toElizaet allagr, Axanisaid. “Itwas bsouteyouof 3 , thousnd o -ail, eople arond t rld 5 thetoes oftave.未经许可 请勿转载Anwote in hispst th h i ot 5 atng returnnd tha te woman who ue the 56 ticket ca hoose to either trvel h m or7 the tcetn travel o herown.未经许可 请勿转载Th 58 ischeuldtotar ocebe2 in Nw Yk Ciyan cnnonto Min, Pragu, Paris, Bangkok ndNwDelhi befoe 59 in Torntoon Jnua 8. H sd the 60 woma il b annncd oth ebst ad thtrwill beshred nlie.未经许可 请勿转载41bnetsBdeposisC.restictiosD. examiation42. AoriinB. asspotCaccnDfriend43 . hoiyB. mrigeC reamD relatonship4. A. g to wseBcom tomindC. o nosaD. comnto effe 45.ApoiyB. orde paymnD. schedule. A applinB. bookingCchecigD. argaiin7. . usB. browCcoseD bu8. A. sacifce.express expereneD. povide49. A. aswerB. adc. oferD. coment50. A. amB. right. nowD. real51. A. nterestnanoyinC. satsyngD. coviing52. witingB. iing. lndingD. changig53. A. ouchB. qusion aD onto4. A. admiring. adertingC. shang ubing55 leavingBlookingfoC. losingD.dealig it56. A.singleB. srngeC. rgularD. xtra57. A. retrnB takC. reseveD ie5. AintervewBroramC rip. eting5.A eningB. callingC. epetigDstaing60 A.hooeB