必修必修 2Unit 1 Cultural relics【诵读诵读积积累累】(2012天天津津高高考考)假假设设你你是是李李津津,你你的的美美国国朋朋友友Chris就就读读于于天天津津某某国国际际学学校校。他他热热爱爱中中国国文文化化,特特别别是是戏戏曲曲文文化化。8月月5日日下下午午2:00在在新新落落成成的的天天津津大大剧剧院院将将上上演演越越剧剧梁梁山山伯伯与与祝祝英英台台。请请你你根根据据以以下下提提示示,用用英英语语给给Chris写写一一封封电电子子邮邮件件,邀邀请请他一起他一起观观看演出。看演出。提出邀提出邀请请并并简简述原因;述原因;提提出出观观剧剧后后活活动动建建议议(如如参参观观附附近近的的博博物物馆馆或或美美术术馆馆等等);请请求求对对方回复。方回复。参参考考词词汇汇:越越剧剧Shaoxing Opera;梁梁山山伯伯与与祝祝英英台台Butterfly Lovers;天津大天津大剧剧院院Tianjin Grand TheaterDear Chris,I have good news to tell you.Id like to invite you to see Butterfly Lovers,a famous Chinese Shaoxing Opera,which is to be put on at the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 p.m.on August 5th.As your close friend,I know you take a great fancy to Chinese culture,especially opera culture.This opportunity will not only make you happy,but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas.Of course,besides going to the theater,we can visit the museum or the art gallery nearby,which can enrich your knowledge about Chinese traditional operas.Im sure that we will have a good time.Im looking forward to receiving your reply.Yours,Li Jin【尝试尝试运用运用】词汇词汇翻翻译译上演上演 _新落成的新落成的 _非常喜非常喜欢欢 _满满足某人的足某人的兴兴趣趣 _丰富某人的知丰富某人的知识识 _put onnewly builttake a great fancy tosatisfy ones interestenrich ones knowledge句型句型转换转换(1)句句改改为为倒装句倒装句_(2)句句改改为为不定式作状不定式作状语语_ Not only will this opportunity make you happy,but also satisfyyour interest in Chinese operas.We can visit the museum or the art gallery nearby to enrichyour knowledge about Chinese traditional operas.单词盘单词盘点点核心速核心速记记1._(adj.)稀罕的;稀有的;珍稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵贵的的2._(n.)设计设计;图图案;构思案;构思 (vt.)设计设计;计计划;构思划;构思3._(adj.)奇特的;异奇特的;异样样的的 (vt.)想象;想象;设设想;想;爱爱好好 4._(vt.)移移动动;搬开;搬开 raredesignfancyremove5._(adj.)以前的;从前的以前的;从前的6._(prep.)值值得的;相当于得的;相当于的价的价值值 (n.)价价值值;作用;作用 (adj.)古古值钱值钱的的7._(adj.)本地的;当地的本地的;当地的8._(vi.)下沉;沉下下沉;沉下9._(n.)争争论论;辩论辩论 (vi.)争争论论;辩论辩论formerworthlocalsink debate联联想串想串记记10._(adj.)贵贵重的;有价重的;有价值值的的_(n.&vt.)价价值值;重重视视_(adj.)极有用的;极宝极有用的;极宝贵贵的的11._(vi.)幸免;幸存;生幸免;幸存;生还还_(n.)生存;幸存生存;幸存_(n.)幸存者幸存者12._(vt.)使吃惊;惊使吃惊;惊讶讶_(adj.)令人吃惊的令人吃惊的_(adj.)吃惊的吃惊的_(n.)惊奇惊奇13._(vt.)挑挑选选;选择选择_(n.)选择选择;选选拔拔valuablevalueinvaluablesurvivesurvivalsurvivoramazeamazingamazedamazementselectselection14._(v.)装装饰饰;装修;装修_(n.)装装饰饰品品15._(n.)怀怀疑;疑惑疑;疑惑(vt.)怀怀疑;不信疑;不信_(adj.)怀怀疑的疑的16._(n.)根据;根据;证证据据_(adj.)明明显显的;清楚的的;清楚的17._(vi.)爆炸爆炸_(n.)爆炸爆炸18._(adj.)非正式的非正式的_(反反义词义词)正式的正式的decoratedecorationdoubtdoubtfulevidenceevidentexplodeexplosioninformalformal.短短语语互互译译1.属于属于 _2.作作为报为报答;回答;回报报 _3.处处于交于交战战状状态态 _4.拆开拆开 _5.而不是而不是 _belong toin returnat wartake apartrather than6.in search of _7.serve as _8.less than _9.think highly of _10.develop an interest in _寻寻找找充当;起作用充当;起作用少于少于看重;器重看重;器重培养培养对对的的兴兴趣趣.句型透句型透视视1.could not/never have doneFrederick William,the King of Prussia,_ _(绝绝不可能想到不可能想到)that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.2.There is no doubt that._(毫无疑毫无疑问问)the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.could never haveimaginedThere is no doubt that3.what引引导导名名词词性从句性从句After that,_(所所发发生的一切生的一切)to the Amber Room remains a mystery.4.which+不定式不定式In a trial,a judge must decide _ _(哪些哪些证证人的人的话话可信可信,哪些不可信哪些不可信).what happenedwhich eyewitnesses to believeand which not to believe.语语篇完形篇完形 The Amber Room,one of the greatest wonders of the world,was a great work that 1._ ten years to make.In 1716,the Amber Room was given to the Russian people 2._ a gift of friendship by Frederick William,who loved best soldiers more than the Amber Room 3._.In Russia,the room first served as a small 4._ hall for important visitors.Unfortunately,the Amber Room disappeared whentookasitselfreceptionthe Nazi army and Russia were 5._ war and now nobodyknows what happened to it.In 2003,however,a new AmberRoom,6._ by the Russians and Germans on the basis ofold photos,was 7._ for the people of St Petersburg to 8._ the 300th birthday of their city.atbuiltreadycelebrate1.选选用框中用框中词汇词汇的适当形式完成句子的适当形式完成句子in search of,worth,be removed from,survive,belong to(1)Unluckily,the girl didnt _ the ship accident because of the serious injury.(2)The film is so interesting that it is _ seeing a second time.(3)Teenagers shouldnt _ school just because they fail to study their lessons well.surviveworthbe removed from(4)A tiger is a large fierce animal _ the cat family.(5)The two reporters were moving around _ some evidence.belonging toin search of2.选选用句型透用句型透视视中的句式仿写句子中的句式仿写句子(1)没有没有艰艰辛的辛的训练训练,这这位运位运动员动员根本不可能根本不可能赢赢得得这场这场比比赛赛。_.Without hard training,the player could never have won the game(2)毫无疑毫无疑问问,没有快没有快乐乐生活将是空虚和毫无意生活将是空虚和毫无意义义的。的。_ _.(3)他留他留给给我我们们印象最深的是他的幽默。印象最深的是他的幽默。_.(4)还还没有确定要没有确定要选选哪个城市来哪个城市来举办举办运运动动会。会。_.There is no doubt that life will be empty and meaninglesswithout happinessWhat he has impressed us most is his humourIt has not been decided which city to host the game核核心心考考点点evidence3年年3考考in return3年年2考考1.survive vt.比比活得活得长长;幸免于;从;幸免于;从(困境中困境中)挺挺过过来来 vi.幸免;幸存;生幸免;幸存;生还还(1)A survive B(by.)A比比B活得活得长长survive sth.幸免于;从幸免于;从中挺中挺过过来来/活活过过来来survive on 依靠依靠生存下来生存下来survive from 从从中存活下来;流中存活下来;流传传下来下来(2)survivor n.幸存者幸存者survival n.U幸存;幸存;C残存物残存物(2011江西高考江西高考)The danger exists,but knowledge can help human beings to survive.危危险险依然存在依然存在,但是知但是知识识能能够够帮助人帮助人类类存活下来。存活下来。Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.有些奇怪的有些奇怪的风风俗已俗已经经从早年流从早年流传传下来。下来。The couple _ _ _,but nobody knew how they _.Finally he _ his wife _ ten years.这对这对夫夫妇妇在在这场这场事故中幸免于事故中幸免于难难,但是没有人知道他但是没有人知道他们们是如何是如何幸免于幸免于难难的。最后他比他的妻子多活了的。最后他比他的妻子多活了10年。年。survived the accidentsurvivedsurvivedby【助助记记】一言巧一言巧记记surviveThe little girl was the only survivor who survived the strong earthquake.She told the reporter that she had to survive on little food during the days when she was buried.I think her survival was a real wonder.这这个个小小女女孩孩是是这这场场大大地地震震中中唯唯一一的的幸幸存存者者。她她告告诉诉记记者者她她在在被被埋埋的的日日子子里里只只能能依依靠靠很很少少的的食食物物生生存存。我我想想她她的的幸幸存存真真是是一个奇迹。一个奇迹。2.remove vt.&vi.移移动动;搬搬开开;搬搬家家;脱脱掉掉;摘摘掉掉;消消除除;撤撤职职;开除;开除remove.from.把把从从移开移开remove from.to.从从搬到搬到remove sb.from school 开除某人;勒令某人退学开除某人;勒令某人退学remove ones doubt/trouble 消除某人的疑消除某人的疑虑虑/烦恼烦恼Being busy in his garden has removed his trouble.忙于花园的工作消除了他的忙于花园的工作消除了他的烦恼烦恼。Three children were removed from the school for bad behaviors.三个孩子因三个孩子因为为行行为为不不检检被学校开除。被学校开除。The busy work has _ the workers _ the homesickness.繁忙的工作消除了工人繁忙的工作消除了工人们们的思的思乡乡之情。之情。removedfrom3.worth prep.值值得的;相当于得的;相当于的价的价值值 n.价价值值;作用;作用adj.古古值钱值钱的的词词条条搭搭 配配意意 义义worthbe worth+n.值值得得,值值be worth doing值值得被做得被做 worth-while Its worthwhiledoing/to do.值值得做得做词词条条搭搭 配配意意 义义worthybe worthy of+n.值值得得be worthy of being done 值得被做值得被做be worthy to be done 值得被做值得被做注注意意:worth一一般般只只作作表表语语,可可用用程程度度词词well修修饰饰;而而worthy和和worthwhile既可作表既可作表语语又可作定又可作定语语You may not succeed,but it is worth a try.你可能不会成功你可能不会成功,但但(这这)值值得一得一试试。The new car cost me a large sum of money,but it is really worth it.这辆这辆新新车车花去了我一大笔花去了我一大笔钱钱,但却真的物有所但却真的物有所值值。他的他的计计划划值值得得讨论讨论。(句型句型转换转换)His suggestion is worth considering.=His suggestion is worth _.=His suggestion is worthy of _.=His suggestion is worthy of _ _.=His suggestion is worthy _ _ _.=It is worthwhile _ _ _.=It is worthwhile _ _ _ _.considerationconsiderationbeing consideredto be consideredconsidering his suggestionto consider his suggestion4.evidence n.根据;根据;证证据据(1)There is some evidence that.有有证证据据证证明明in evidence 显显眼眼,显显而易而易见见(2)evident adj.明明显显的的,明白的明白的Its evident that.很明很明显显There is some evidence that he was there on that night.一些一些证证据据证证明那天晚上他在那里。明那天晚上他在那里。The first signs of spring are in evidence.春天的最初迹象已春天的最初迹象已显显然可然可见见。_ _ _ _ Mo Yan is a genius in writing.很很显显然莫言是个写作天才。然莫言是个写作天才。It is evident that【高考高考链链接接】(2011天天津津高高考考)Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.A.what B.which C.that D.where【解解析析】选选C。考考查查名名词词性性从从句句。句句意意:现现代代科科学学已已给给出出了了明明显显的的证证据据,吸吸烟烟会会导导致致许许多多疾疾病病。smoking can lead to many diseases是是evidence的的内内容容,从从句句是是个个完完整整的的句句子子,不不缺缺成成分分,是是evidence的的同同位位语语从从句句。所所以以选选引引导导词词that。what,which和和where都需要在句子中作成分。都需要在句子中作成分。5.in search of 寻寻找;搜找;搜寻寻;寻寻求求(2011福福建建高高考考)Twelve-year-old Roth becomes a friend of Dr.Banting and his assistant,Mr.Best,who are in search of a cure for diabetes.12岁岁的的罗罗斯斯成成为为班班廷廷博博士士和和他他的的助助手手百百斯斯特特先先生生的的朋朋友友,他他们们正在正在寻寻找治找治疗疗糖尿病的方法。糖尿病的方法。【辨析辨析】理解下列区理解下列区别别并并选词选词填空填空in search of 为为介介词词短短语语,表示表示“寻寻找找”时时,在句中可作状在句中可作状语语、定、定语语、表、表语语、宾语补宾语补足足语语等等,也可用也可用in a/the/ones search for来替来替换换search 作及物作及物动词动词表表“搜搜查查”,宾语宾语可以是人可以是人,意意为为“对对某某人人进进行搜身行搜身”,如果如果宾语宾语是表地点的名是表地点的名词词,则则意意为为“搜搜查查某个地方某个地方”search for 意意为为“搜搜寻寻”,常指花常指花费费很大的力气去很大的力气去寻寻找某个特找某个特定的人或物定的人或物,相当于相当于look forsearch.for.意为意为“为寻找为寻找而搜查而搜查”He _ the room for the file,but found nothing.Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to _a job.At that time some people broke into and _ his house.searchedsearch forsearched6.belong to 属于;属于;为为的一的一员员(1)belong to表表示示“是是的的财财产产;是是的的组组成成部部分分;是是的成的成员员(属于属于)”。不用于被。不用于被动语态动语态和和进进行行时态时态(2)belong还还可可用用于于除除to以以外外的的其其他他介介词词或或副副词词前前面面,如如in,on,among,under,with等等,表表示示“某某人人/某某物物处处在在适适当当的的位位置置;在在这这个地方正合适个地方正合适/有用有用”(2012安徽高考安徽高考)There is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors.从女王、从女王、总统总统到流行歌星、著名演到流行歌星、著名演员员等等,这这儿都有属于他儿都有属于他们们的鞋的鞋子和靴子。子和靴子。This chair belongs in the living room.这这把椅子适合放在起居室里。把椅子适合放在起居室里。Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future _ _ the well-educated.威廉姆教授一直告威廉姆教授一直告诉诉他的学生未来是属于具有良好教育的人的。他的学生未来是属于具有良好教育的人的。belongs to7.in return 作作为报为报答;回答;回报报 in return for 作作为对为对的回的回报报 in turn 依次;逐个地;依次;逐个地;转转而;反而;反过过来来An old man gave us some food and water but asked for nothing _ _ on the island.在那个在那个岛岛上一位老人上一位老人给给了我了我们们一些食物和水一些食物和水,但没有要求任何但没有要求任何回回报报。in returnI invited him to dinner _ _ _ his kindness.为为了了报报答他的好心答他的好心,我宴我宴请请了他。了他。He spends too much time on maths,and this in turn affects the progress of his other subjects.他在数学上花的他在数学上花的时间时间太多太多,这这反反过过来影响了他其他学科的来影响了他其他学科的进进步。步。in return for【高考高考链链接接】(2010江江西西高高考考)We give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and _,dogs give us their all.A.in all B.in fact C.in short D.in return【解解析析】选选D。考考查查介介词词短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意:我我们们给给狗狗我我们们所所能能够够抽抽出出的的时时间间、空空间间和和爱爱,作作为为回回报报,狗狗给给予予我我们们它它们们的的一一切切。in all 总总共共;in fact 事事实实上上;in short 简简言言之之;in return 作为回报。作为回报。8.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫毫无无疑疑问问,这这些些箱箱子子后后来来被被装装上上火火车车运运往往哥哥尼尼斯斯堡堡,当当时时德德国国在波在波罗罗的海的海边边的一个城市。的一个城市。(1)There is no doubt that.为为固固定定句句型型,意意为为“毫毫无无疑疑问问”,that之后的从句之后的从句为为同位同位语语从句从句,说说明明doubt的内容。的内容。no point(in)doing sth.做某事没有意做某事没有意义义 no need to do sth.没有必要做某事没有必要做某事(2)There is+a/no possibility that-clause有有/没有可能没有可能 a chance that有可能有可能 no hurry to do sth.不急于做某事不急于做某事(3)It is no use/no good doing sth.做某事没有用做某事没有用处处/好好处处It is no wonder that-clause(=No wonder that-clause.)难难怪;怪不得怪;怪不得_ _ _ _ _we did the right thing.毫无疑毫无疑问问我我们们做得做得对对。(2011广广东东高高考考)There can be little doubt that special classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner.毫无疑毫无疑问问,特殊班特殊班级级能能够够帮助帮助这这些有天些有天赋赋的学生提前的学生提前毕业毕业,更更早地在生活中找到他早地在生活中找到他们们的位置。的位置。There is no doubt that There is no point(in)arguing with them about it.和他和他们们争争论这论这事没有意事没有意义义。There is a possibility that the company will suffer a great loss this month.这这个月公司有可能遭受巨大个月公司有可能遭受巨大损损失。失。【想一想想一想】doubt后从句中后从句中连词连词的的选择选择是高考的重点。是高考的重点。动脑动脑想想一想一想,在含有在含有doubt的不同句式中如何的不同句式中如何选选用用连词连词?【参参考考答答案案】(1)当当名名词词doubt用用在在否否定定句句中中时时,后后面面接接that引引导导的的同同位位语语从从句句;用用在在肯肯定定句句中中时时,后后面面接接whether引引导导的的同同位语从句。注意不可以用位语从句。注意不可以用if替换替换whether。(2)及及物物动动词词doubt后后接接名名词词、代代词词或或宾宾语语从从句句。在在否否定定句句和和疑疑问问句句中中,doubt后后面面接接that引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句;在在肯肯定定句句中中,doubt后面一般接后面一般接whether或或if引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。1.amazing adj.令人吃惊的令人吃惊的Our spacecraft succeeding in connecting Tiangong-space lab is an amazing achievement.我我们们的的飞飞船和船和“天天宫宫”一号太空一号太空实验实验室的成功室的成功对对接是一接是一项项惊人的成惊人的成就。就。The girl is watching soldiers raising the national flag at the Tiananmen Square in amazement.女孩在天安女孩在天安门门广广场场上正惊奇地上正惊奇地观观看士兵升起国旗。看士兵升起国旗。_ _ _,we _ not _ _ his _ achievements.让让他感到吃惊的是他感到吃惊的是,他的令人吃惊的成他的令人吃惊的成绩绩没有使我没有使我们们大大为为惊惊讶讶。To his amazementwereamazed atamazing2.select vt.挑挑选选;选择选择Nowadays many Chinese tourists like to select foreign countries for their holidays.现现在很多中国游客喜在很多中国游客喜欢选择欢选择国外度假。国外度假。Daff was selected from the whole class to go on the trip.达夫被从全班同学中达夫被从全班同学中选选出来去参加出来去参加这这次旅行。次旅行。【归纳归纳】填写适当的介填写适当的介词词select._.为为而挑而挑选选select._.从从中挑中挑选选 forfrom.用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1.I am _(amaze)at the number of people who visited the Forbidden City on Tuesday.2.I arrived at the classroom with paper cards _(design)in the shape of maple leaves.3.She _(fancy)herself as a serious actress.4.Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as _(decorate)on their cars.amazeddesigneddecorationsfancied5.There is no doubt that these cultural relics _(belong)to the state should be returned.6.They _(remove)the shelf out of the room.7.It is _(evidence)that what he has said is true.8.Some firefighters put out the fire before the car _(explode).9.They _(debate)with each other about/on the environment protection and economic growth.10.His car fell into a deep valley.Luckily he _(survive)the accident.belongingremovedevidentexplodeddebatedsurvived.单单句改句改错错1.Having searched for the ruined car for the victims,the firefighters found that 14 people were killed in the car accident._2.Mother spent a long time in select a few hats for Mary,out of which Mary chose one she liked best._去掉第一个介去掉第一个介词词for。把把“select”改成改成“selecting”。3.The project design to help the poor was a success._4.Decorated colorful ribbons and flowers,the classroom looked more charming and the students were ready to hold their party._5.They eventually removed the new house they had looked forward to._把把“design”改成改成“designed”。在在Decorated 后加介后加介词词with。在在removed 后加介后加介词词into。6.You doubted that such unselfish love would happen in todays world._7.Taken a radio apart,he didnt know how to put it together again._8.Having been attacked seriously by the storm,the ship slowly sank the ocean._把把“that”改成改成“whether/if”。把把“Taken”改成改成“Having taken”。在在“sank”后加后加“into”。9.Mo Yans speech in Sweden was so wonderful that it was worth being appreciated a second time._10.To be honest,Im at a loss how to do next._把把“being appreciated”改成改成“appreciating”。把把“how”改成改成“what”。.话题话题写作写作 先将下面几个句子翻先将下面几个句子翻译译成英成英语语,然后然后连连成一段小短文。成一段小短文。1.众所周知众所周知,文化文化遗产遗产属于全人属于全人类类而不是个人而不是个人(individual)。2.为为了了寻寻找它找它们们,许许多人付出了多人付出了艰艰苦努力。苦努力。3.其中一些文化其中一些文化遗产遗产已遭破坏已遭破坏,只有少数幸免于只有少数幸免于难难。4.我我们们每一个人都每一个人都应应尽最大努力避免它尽最大努力避免它们们遭到破坏。遭到破坏。5.毫无疑毫无疑问问保保护护好文化好文化遗产遗产是我是我们们的的责责任。任。_【参考范文参考范文】Its well-known that cultural relics belong to the human beings rather than individuals.A lot of people try their best to search for them.Some of them have been damaged while only a few survive.In order to avoid this,every one of us should make efforts,for there is no doubt that it is our duty to protect cultural relics.