The Telencephalon山东大学医学院解剖教研室山东大学医学院解剖教研室李振华李振华External featurenThe telencephalon consists of right and left cerebral hemisphere,partially separated by cerebral longitudinal fissure.nThe cerebral transverse fissure intervenes between the hemispheres and the cerebellumnEach hemisphere has three surfaces:superolateral,medial and inferiorThree principal sulci nCentral sulcus 中央沟中央沟nLateral sulcus 外侧沟外侧沟nParietooccipital sulcus 顶枕沟顶枕沟Central sulcusLateral sulcusParietooccipital sulcus Five lobes nFrontal lobe 额叶nParietal lobe 顶叶nTemporal lobe 颞叶nOccipital lobe 枕叶nInsular lobe 岛叶Frontal lobeParietal lobeOccipital lobeTemporal lobeInsular lobeSulci and gyri of Superolateral surfaceFrontal lobe:nPrecentral sulcus 中央前沟nSuperior frontal sulcus 额上沟nInferior frontal sulcus 额下沟nPrecentral gyrus 中央前回nSuperior frontal gyrus 额上回nMiddle frontal gyrus 额中回nInferior frontal gyrus 额下回Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surfacePrecentral sulcus Precentral gyrus Superior frontal sulcus Inferior frontal sulcus Superior,middleand inferioe frontal gyri Parietal lobe:nPostcentral sulcus 中央后沟 nPostcentral gyrus中央后回 nIntraparietal sulcus 顶内沟 nSuperior parietal lobule 顶上小叶 nInferior parietal lobule 顶下小叶 nSupramarginal gyrus 缘上回 nAngular gyrus 角回Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surface Postcentral sulcus Postcentral gyrus Superior parietal lobule Supramarginal gyrus Angular gyrus Intraparietal sulcusTemporal lobe:nSuperior temporal sulcus 颞上沟nInferior temporal sulcus 颞下沟nSuperior temporal gyrus 颞上回 nMiddle temporal gyrus 颞中回 n Inferior temporal gyrus 颞下回 nTransverse temporal gyri 颞横回Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surface Superior temporal sulcus Inferior temporal sulcus Superior temporal gyrus Middle temporal gyrus Inferior temporal gyrus Transverse temporal gyri Sulci and gyri of Superolateral surfacePrecentral sulcus Precentral gyrus Superior frontal sulcus Inferior frontal sulcus Superior,middleand inferioe frontal gyri Postcentral sulcus Postcentral gyrus Superior parietal lobule Supramarginal gyrus Angular gyrus Superior temporal sulcus Inferior temporal sulcus Superior temporal gyrus Middle temporal gyrus Inferior temporal gyrus Sulci and gyri of medial surfacenCorpus callosum 胼胝体 nCallosal sulcus 胼胝体沟 nCingulate sulcus 扣带沟nCingulate gyrus扣带回 nMarginal ramus 缘支nParacentral lobule 中央旁小叶中央旁小叶nCalcarine sulcus 距状沟距状沟 nCuneus 楔叶 nLingual gyrus 舌回Sulci and gyri of medial surfaceCorpus callosum Callosal sulcus cingulate gyrus Cingulate sulcus Marginal ramus Paracentral lobule Calcarine sulcus CuneusParietooccipital sulcusLingual gyrusSulci and gyri of inferior surfacenOlfactory bulb 嗅球嗅球 nOlfactory tract 嗅束嗅束 nOlfactory trigone 嗅三角嗅三角 nAnterior perforated substance 前穿质前穿质 nCollateral sulcus 侧副沟侧副沟 nOccipitotemporal sulcus 枕颞沟枕颞沟 nMedial occipitotemporal gyrus 枕颞内侧回枕颞内侧回 nLateral occipitotemporal gyrus 枕颞外侧回枕颞外侧回 nHippocampal sulcus 海马沟海马沟 nParahippocampal gyrus 海马旁回海马旁回 nUncus 钩钩 nHippocampus 海马海马 nDentate gyrus 齿状回齿状回 Hippocampal formation 海马结构海马结构Inferior surfaceOlfactory bulb Olfactory tract Olfactory trigone Anterior perforated substance Collateral sulcus Occipitotemporal sulcusMedial and lateraloccipitotemporal gyri Parahippocampal gyrus Uncus HippocampusDentate gyrus Hippocampal formation Histology of the cerebral cortexnArchicortex 原皮质原皮质 (hippocampal formation 海马结构)nPaleocortex 古皮质古皮质 (rhinencephalon 嗅脑)nNeocortex 新皮质新皮质 (most of cerebral cortex)3 cell layers6 cell layersFunctional location of cerebral cortexFirst somatic motor area 第一躯体运动区第一躯体运动区Position:located in precentral gyrus and anterior portion of paracentral lobuleFirst somatic motor area第一躯体运动区第一躯体运动区Characters nRepresentation is inverted,but head and face are uprightnA body part is represented by a cortical area proportional to its use rather than its size nReceiving fibers from postcentral gyrus,VA,VL and VPL,sending out fibers to form pyramidal tract,controlling voluntary movements First somatic sensory area第一躯体感觉区第一躯体感觉区Positionlies in postcentral gyrus and posterior portion of paracentral lobuleFirst somatic sensory area第一躯体感觉区第一躯体感觉区Characters nSensory representation,like motor area,is crossed and invertednReceiving and interpret sensation from opposite side of bodyAuditory area 听区听区nLocated in transverse temporal gyrinReceive auditory information from both earsVisual area 视区视区nLie on either side of calcarine sulcus in medial surface of occipital lobe nVisual cortex of one hemisphere receives impression from temporal part of retina of same side and nasal part of opposite sidenLesions of visual cortex produce contralateral homonymous visual field defections nVestibular area平衡觉区平衡觉区:located in front of superior temporal gyrus nOlfactory area 嗅觉区嗅觉区:located near the uncusnTaste area 味觉区味觉区:located at frontal operculumLanguage area 语言中枢语言中枢It is dominant in left hemisphere in right-handed personnMotor speech area 运动性语言中枢运动性语言中枢qLocated in posterior portion of inferior frontal gyrusqDamage:motor aphasianWriting area 书写中枢书写中枢qLocated in posterior portion of middle frontal gyrusqDamage:agraphianAuditory speech area 听觉性语言中枢听觉性语言中枢qLocated in posterior portion of superior temporal gyrus qLesion:sensory aphasianVisual speech area 视觉性语言中枢视觉性语言中枢qLocated in angular gyrusqLesion:alexiaLateral ventricle 侧脑室侧脑室nPosition:located in cerebral hemispheresnFour partsq Central part:lies in parietal lobeq Anterior horn:extends into frontal lobeq Posterior horn extend into occipital lobeq Inferior horn:extend into temporal lobeInternal structuresnCommunicationlateral ventricle interventricular foramen third ventricleBasal nuclei 基底核基底核nCorpus striatum 纹状体纹状体qLentiform nucleus 豆状核豆状核 qCaudate nucleus 尾状核尾状核nClaustrum 屏状核屏状核nAmygdaloid body 杏仁体杏仁体Globus pallidus 苍白球苍白球putamen 壳壳Neostriatum 新纹状体新纹状体 paleostriatum 旧纹状体旧纹状体White matterAssociation fibers 联络纤维联络纤维 Run between gyri within the same hemispherenCerebral arcuate fibers 大脑弓状纤维nSuperior longitudinal fasciculi 上纵束nInferior longitudinal fasciculi 下纵束nUncinate fasciculus 钩束nCingulum 扣带Commissural fibers 连合纤维连合纤维 run between left and right hemisphere nCorpus callosum胼胝体胼胝体:rostrum,genu,trunk,spleniumnAnterior commissure 前连合前连合nFornix and commissure of fornix 穹隆和穹隆连合穹隆和穹隆连合Projection fibers投射纤维投射纤维:connect cortex with lower part of brain and spinal cord and they include both ascending and descending fibers Internal capsulenPosition:a thick lamina of white matter lying between caudate nucleus,thalamus and lentiform nucleusThree partsnAnterior limb of internal capsule 内囊前肢内囊前肢qLies between caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleusqContaining frontopontine tract and anterior thalamic radiationnGenu of internal capsule 内囊膝内囊膝qIs angle at which anterior and posterior limbs meetqContaining corticonuclear tractnPosterior limb of internal capsule 内囊后肢内囊后肢qLies between thalamus and lentiform nucleusqContain corticospinal tract,corticorubral tract,central thalamic radiation,parieto-occipito-temporo-pontine tract,acoustic radiation and optic radiationAnterior thalamic radiationFrontopontine tractLentiform nucleusCorticorubral tractParieto-occipito-temporo-pontine tractAcoustic radiationOptic radiationHead of caudate nucleusCorticonuclear tractCorticospinal tractDorsal thalamusCentral thalamic radiationMedial geniculate body Lateral geniculate bodyLimbic system边缘系统边缘系统nCompositionqLimbic lobe:includes septal area,cingulated gyrus,parahippocampal gyrus,hippocampus,dentate gyrus,temporal pole,anterior part of insular lobe and so onqAssociated subcortical nuclei:amygdaloid body,septal nuclei,hypothalamus,epithalamus,anterior nucleus group of thalamus,tegmentum of midbrainnFunction:concerned with visceral activities,olfaction,emotion and memory,so this system is called visceral brain