- 资源格式: PPT
1We have an emergency situation当出现紧急情况Fire and Bomb General Orientation火灾及爆炸物基础讲座2By the end of this session,you will be able to:完成这个培训后,您将能够:List at least 3 fire prevention precautions and explain how they work 至少列出3种火灾的防范方式并知道它们是如何实施的Describe what action you should take if you hear the fire alarm or a bomb alert 描述出如果您听到了火警铃或爆炸警铃你会采取什么措施Explain the importance of following evacuation procedures解释下列疏散流程的重要性Objectives目的3What is fire?什么是火?HEAT HEAT 热热量量FUEL FUEL 燃油燃油OXYGEN OXYGEN 氧气氧气FIRE火Stop a fire by removing one or more of these components.隔绝这些元素的接触可以预防火灾4 Property design 物业设计 Emergency planning and training 预警措施及相关培训How do we prevent a fire related tragedy?我们如何防范悲剧性的火灾发生?5Hotel fire protection features:酒店防火措施:Automatic Fire Alarm System 消防自动报警系统 Automatic Fire Sprinklers 消防自动喷淋头 Automatic Fire and Smoke Doors 自动防烟、防火门 Exit Stairwells 楼梯井出口 Emergency Lighting 应急照明 Fire Extinguishers 灭火器Property Design 物业设计6 P Pull out the pin 拔出灭火器闩 A Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire 将喷嘴对着火焰底部 S Squeeze the trigger 挤压握柄 S Sweep the flow from side to side 将灭火液来回横扫When using a fire extinguisher,remember PASS 使用灭火器时要记住PASS7 C Contain the fire 控制火势 A Activate the alarm 打响警铃 R Report the fire 报告火情 E Extinguish and evacuate 灭火及疏散If you discover a fire,use CARE 如果发现火情,请按照CARE行动8Respond to every alarm as a real threat.Do the following immediately:对每一次警铃如同真实火警发生,立即按下面的指示行动Control the spread of smoke by closing doors and windows关门关窗以控制烟雾扩散Provide assistance to guests and direct them to assembly area.向宾客们提供协助并带领他们到紧急集合地 The assembly area is located 紧急集合地位于:Follow departmental procedures 按部门流程行动Remember panic and disorder can cost lives.Plan ahead and know what to do!记住-惊慌和无序可能会有生命代价。提前计划如何应对!When the fire alarm sounds当火警铃响起时9Respond to every alert as a real threat.Do the following immediately:对每一次爆炸警铃如同真实有爆炸物,立即按下面的指示行动Unlike a fire evacuation,leave doors and windows open 与火警疏散不同,让门和窗开着As you go to the bomb evacuation point,avoid glassy areas 当你去爆炸疏散点时,避免玻璃物区域If this is a terrorist attack,use routes which are out of sight 如果这是一次恐怖袭击,使用隐蔽路线In a bomb evacuation the assembly point is further away.在爆炸疏散过程中,紧急集合点比较远。Our bomb evacuation assembly points are located:-我们的爆炸疏散紧急集合点位于:-There may be two assembly points in case the route to one is blocked 万一有一个集合点无法通行,我们需要两个紧急集合点Provide assistance to guests and direct them to bomb evacuation assembly points.向客人们提供协助并带领他们去到爆炸紧急集合点When the bomb alert sounds:当爆炸物警铃响起时:10Well Done!做得好!Fire and Bomb General Orientation火灾及爆炸物基础讲座