Details 基基本本情情况况Answer 答答案案Site Details场场所所情情况况Name 名称Address 地址Number of years of production at site 建成投产年数Type of Ownership 产权类型Affiliated sites 关联场所Key clients 主要客户Site shift times 每日班次数Number of previous ethical audits 已接受道德审核次数ProductionDetails生生产产情情况况Production quantity in past year 上一年度年产量Main product(s)主要产品Site Function 生产场所类型(如加工、包装、仓储配送等,详见“Tesco自我评估供应商指引”)Location所所在在地地Country where based 所在国家Is this site in an EPZ?是否在出口加工区Workforce雇雇工工情情况况Total number of peak season production workers 旺季生产工人总数No.of peak season male workers 旺季男性生产工人总数No.of peak season female workers 旺季女性生产工人总数No.of peak season temporary workers 旺季临时性生产工人总数No.of peak season agency workers 旺季中介工人总数No.of peak season workers at subcontracting units 旺季在外包场所的生产工人总数No.of peak season homeworkers 旺季家庭作业工人总数No.of different first languages spoken by workers 工人使用多少种不同的母语No.of management/admin staff 多少管理员工Site Policies and Processes 场场所所政政策策和和流流程程Policies and Process Questions有有关关政政策策和和流流程程的的问问题题1.1 Do you have a signed(or equivalent)copy of a contract of employment with eachworker?是否和每个工人签订(或其他方式)雇佣合同?1.2 Are all workers free to leave the site during non-working hours or at the end of theirshift?(this includes workers who live on site)是否所有工人都可以在非工作时间或所属班次结束时自由离开生产场所?(包括居住在该场所的工人)1.3 Do you use prisoner labour?是否使用监狱劳工?1.4 Do you recognise trade unions and/or other workers organisations?是否认可工会或其他工人组织?1.5 Are workers free to join trade unions/other worker organisations of their choice?工人是否可以依自己意愿自由加入工会或其他工人组织?1.6 Do you hold workers original ID cards/passports?是否持有工人的身份证/护照原件?2.1 If you provide accommodation for workers,is accommodation in a separatebuilding from production?如果工厂为工人提供宿舍,该宿舍是否在生产区域外独立的建筑物中?2.2 Do you actively monitor health and safety risks?(e.g.Carrying out riskassessments,having a H&S manager)是否有效地监控健康和安全风险(如:进行风险评估,任命健康和安全经理)?2.3 Do workers receive health and safety training relevant to their jobs?工人是否接受了与其工作有关的健康和安全培训?2.4 Do you provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment for thework they do?是否根据工人工作性质为其提供了恰当的个人防护用品?2.5 Are emergency exit routes kept free from obstructions?是否所有的应急出口都保持畅通?2.6 Are there enough fire exits for all workers to leave all buildings safely in anemergency?所有建筑是否都有足够数量的消防逃生出口,在紧急情况下可以让所有员工安全及时离开?2.7 Do all machines and tools have adequate safety guards?是否所有设备和工具都有充分的安全保护装置?2.8 Do you provide unlimited access to clean drinking water during working hours?是否在工作时间内提供无限量的干净饮用水?3.1 Are there at least 2 toilets for every 100 workers?平均每100个员工是否有2个厕所?3.2 Are all workers over the minimum legal working age?是否所有工人都大于法定工作年龄?3.3 Have you ever discovered workers under the minimum legal working age workingon your site in the past?过去在该生产场所是否发现过低于法定工作年龄的工人?3.4 Do any workers over the legal minimum working age but under 18 do hazardousjobs?是否有高于法定工作年龄但低于18岁的工人从事危险工作?3.5 Do any workers over the legal minimum working age but under 18 work overtimeor at night?是否有高于法定工作年龄但低于18岁的工人从事夜班工作?3.6 Do all workers earn at least the legal minimum wage in standard time?是否所有员工的工资都高于按标准工作时间计算的法定最低工资?3.7 Do you pay a premium rate for overtime work?是否支付加班工资?3.8 Do workers work over 60 hours per week?工人每周工作时间是否会超过60小时?3.9 Is overtime compulsory?加班是强制的么?3.10 Do workers get at least one day off per week on average?工人是否平均每周可以有一天休息?4.1 Do workers receive equal pay for equal work,regardless of sex,ethnic origin,race,caste,tribe or religious belief?工人是否同工同酬,不存在性别、种族、民族、种姓、部族或宗教信仰?4.2 How many labour providers do you use?工厂使用多少个劳动中介?4.3 If you use labour providers,do you have any systems in place to ensure that thelabour provider(s)used meet labour standards requirements?如果工厂使用劳动中介,是否有系统或流程确保该中介符合劳工相关标准?4.4 Do you have a formal,documented disciplinary&grievance procedures?是否有正式的、书面的劳动纪律和员工对处罚处分及不公待遇的申诉程序?4.5 Do you have an ethical trading policy statement defining your approach to labourstandards and ethical trading?是否有定义劳工标准和道德贸易的道德贸易政策?Look Up Values