程序文件 Procedure 文件编号 File No.知识产权人力资源管理程序 IP Human Resources Control Procedure 编 制 者 Editor 标 准 化 Standardization 审 核 者 Checked 初版日期 Date:2021-12-06 版次 Edition:00 批 准 者 Approved 修订日期 Date:/改正 Amendment:分发 Distribution:All Page 1 of 7 1.目的 Purpose 为确保本公司知识产权管理体系的人力资源配置合理、有效,制定本程序,规定人员配置、教育与培训、人事合同、入职、离职、激励的要求,以符合 GB/T29490-2013企业知识产权管理规范的要求,确保公司在获取知识产权过程中符合法律和保密性要求 A。The procedure is established for ensuring the reasonable,effective human resources configuration for IPMS of the Company.The procedure specifies the requirements concerning the personnel configuration,education and training,personnel contract,employment,dimission and encouragement and for the purpose of meeting requirements of GB/T29490-2013 Enterprise Intellectual Property Management and ensuring the legal compliance and meeting relating confidentiality requirements for the Company during the procurement of Intellectual Property.2.适用范围 Scope of application 适用于本公司知识产权相关人力资源配置、教育与培训、人事合同、入职、离职、激励过程的控制。The procedure is applicable for the management of IP related human resources configuration,training and education,personnel contract,employment,dimission and encouragement for the Company.3.定义 Definitions 无 None 4.职责 Responsibilities 4.1 人事部负责 The Human resources and administration department is in charge of:4.1.1 编制职务说明书,明确知识产权工作人员的任职条件 Preparing the Job Description and specifying the qualification for applicants applying for IP associated position;4.1.2 制定年度知识产权教育培训计划 establishing the Annual IP Education and Training Plan;4.1.3 按计划组织培训并考核,并归档管理好培训记录 Organizing the training and examination of performance,properly maintaining relevant training records;知识产权人力资源管理程序 Documents control procedure 版次 Edition 00 Page 2 of 7 4.1.4 与新员工签订知识产权相关合同、协议等 4.1.5 Signing IP related contracts and agreements with new employees;4.1.6 负责新入职员工的知识产权背景调查 IP backgrounds investigation of new employees;4.1.7 办理入职、离职手续 dealing with the employment and dimission formalities;4.1.8 执行惩罚措施 implementing punishment measures;4.1.9 制定知识产权激励办法并实施。Esablishing and implementing the IP encouragement measures 4.2CEO 负责批准相关外部培训。CEO is in charge of approving IP relating external training 4.3 各部门负责协助人事行政部进行知识产权培训相关事宜。Company departments assist in the IP training affairs organized by HR and Admin.Dept.5.程序 Procedure 5.1 人力资源配置 Human resources configuration 5.1.1 人事行政部通过岗位职务说明书明确从事知识产权工作人员的任职条件,确保人员能力与岗位职责要求相匹配 HR&Admin.dept.specifies the qualifications of IP staffs by establishing the relevant Job Descriptions and ensuring the capability of IP staff matching the requirements of the IP position.5.1.2 从事知识产权管理的相关人员须熟悉知识产权知识,具有一定的管理能力和经验。IP related management staff shall be familiar with IP knowledge and with certain management competence and experiences.5.2 教育与培训 Education and Training 5.2.1 人事行政部每年底结合公司下一年度目标及各部门培训需求,制定下一年全公司年度培训计划(包括知识产权培训计划)。HR&Admin.dept.shall work out the Annual Training Plan(incl.IP Training Plan)according to Companys the next years objectives and training demands of departments 5.2.2 人事行政部依据知识产权体系按部门分岗位和实际需要与各部门一起共同开展知识产权教育培训,培训内容可包括:HR&Admin.dept.shall organize and carry out the IP knowledge education and training(based on department and posts)according to IPMS and demands of departments.The training content may include:针对全体员工和新入职员工,公司各部门在日常工作中对其进行知识产权方针、目标、知识产权相关法律法规、知识产权工作职责及与知识产权管理体系文件的宣贯培训。