程序文件 Procedure 文件编号 File No.知识产权风险控制程序 IP Risk Control Procedure 编 制 者 Editor 标 准 化 Standardization 审 核 者 Checked 初版日期 Date:2021-11-30 版次 Edition:00 批 准 者 Approved 修订日期 Date:/改正 Amendment:分发 Distribution:All Page 1 of 9 1.目的 Purpose 为对公司采购、研发、销售、人事等经营活动中,可能侵犯他人知识产权的风险进行控制,以避免或降低公司侵犯他人知识产权的风险,特制定本管理程序。This procedure is established for the control of potential risk of IP infringemen to others in Companys business operation of sales,R&D,Purchase and Personnel affairs and prevention or alleviation of the risk of IP infringement to others by the Company.2.适用范围 Scope of application 此程序仅适用于 XXX 武汉公司的采购活动、研发活动、销售活动、人事活动等经营中可能侵犯他人知识产权风险的控制管理。This procedure is applicable for the control of potential risk of IP infringemen to others in Companys business operation of sales,R&D,Purchase and Personnel affairs only.3.定义 Definition 知识产权公司侵权纠纷事件:指公司接收到专利/商标/软件著作权的知识产权侵权警告函、起诉状等法律文书或邮件的事件。Event of Corporate IP infringement dispute:refers to event a corporate receives legal documents or email in forms of Warning Letter,Indictments concerning IP infringement of Patents/Trademarks/Copyrights.4.职责 Responsibilities 4.1 采购部负责从合法渠道购买原材料、生产用设备与软件。Purchase dept.shall procure the raw materials,production equipment and software from legal channels.4.2 IT 部门负责 IT dept.shall:1)从合法渠道购买办公用设备及软件(包括 IT 设备及软件);purchase office equipment and software(IT devices and software)from legal channel;知识产权风险控制程序 IP risk control procedure 版次 Edition 00 Page 2 of 9 2)采取措施保证各部门员工无法在其办公用设备上私自安装软件;take measures of prohibiting the unautherized installation of software on office equipment by staffs;3)每年组织相关部门对在用办公设备及软件的详细情况进行统计,编制在用办公设备及软件的清单。Organize departments to obtain detailed conditions of using office equipment and software and establish the List of Using office equipment and software annually.4.3 工程部负责 Responsibility of Infra-structure dept.1)协助采购部从合法渠道购买生产用设备及正版软件;Assist Purchase dept.in the purchase of production equipment and genuine software from legal channel;2)每年组织相关部门对在用生产设备及软件的详细情况进行统计,编制在用生产设备及软件的清单。Organize departments to obtain the detailed information of using production equipment and software and establish the List of using production equipment and software.4.4 销售部负责建立销售及许诺销售等活动前的知识产权调查检索机制并实施。Sales dept.shall establish and implement the IP Investigation and Retrieval System before the Sales and Promise Sales activities of the Company.4.5 技术部负责 Responsibility of Technical dept.1)建立研发项目立项及研发过程活动中的国内外知识产权跟踪检索机制并实施。Establish and implement the Domestic and International IP following up and retrieval system during the R&D Project Setting and R&D activities.2)公司产品 SOP(正式批量生产)前,对产品所涉及的专利、商标、软件著作权等知识产权情况进行调查和分析。Before the SOP of new product,carry out the investigation and analyzing on the product related IP information(patent/trademark/copyright).3)每年对公司已投放市场的全新或重点产品或技术或工艺升级改进产品是否涉及他人知识产权的状况进行监控和分析,并制定相应的风险应对措施,监控分析结果登记在知识产权风险及纠纷监控记录台账中。Annually,the technical dept.shall carry out the monitoring and analysis for the potential IP infringement of others concerning the already marketing new product or key products or updated/modified products of the Company and take corresponding countermeasures.The monitoring and analysis results shall be recorded in Standing book for IP risk monitoring and dispute handling records 4.7 技术总监对已投放市场的产品可能侵犯他人知识产权的风险应对措施进行审核。Technical director shall audit the counter measures for the risk of potential IP infringement of others concerning the already marketing product of the Company.