体育教师自荐信(多篇)第一篇:体育教师自荐信 自荐信 敬重的校领导: 您好! 本人将于201*年毕业于新疆师范大学,我将要告辞学生时代,走向荣耀而神圣的教师生涯。十六年的求学,使我深深体会到了作为一名人民教师的神圣职责,也由衷地感受到每一位教师如同人梯,为成就攀登者而牺牲自己:如同露珠,滋润着吐艳的花果。现在,我立刻就要从一名受教者到一名施教者,这是始终梦寐以求的愿望。因此,我将以满腔的热忱、百倍的信念投入到我喜爱的教育事业中去。做一名人民教师,是我始终追求的夙愿,能考入大学,可以说已经迈开了我人生抱负的第一步,也是一个良好的开头。“良好的开端是胜利的一半”,因此,我倍加珍惜大学的四年时间,仔细学习,刻苦训练,并且通过教育实习证明自己有较强的组织力量,教学力量,力求教学方面新奇有效,且在实习中取得了优异成绩。 (更多内容请访问好范 文网:mediately recipients from one to one teaching, e time the sports teams, distance running team, munity, i insist on learning english and computer, that is, by the accumulation of this bit by bit, i gradually equip themselves to improve their ong the exchanges to develop their ly believe that your school will only cite ren-xian, eye know it, i hope your school can give me the opportunity to join your team, i know that although i am a very narrow platform, but my footprints all over the step-by-step to the quartet, i can use their youth and knowledge for its own thousands of miles and put up the wings of air botswana will do my modest means, in order to contribute to your school. sincerely, salute people put themselves forward: xxx 推举访问其他精彩范文: 体育教师应聘自荐信 体育专业毕业生求职教师自荐信 体育自荐信 自荐信格式体育专业 自荐信体育专业