MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 1 of 14 4.5 NDE Procedure 无损探伤程序 I X-Ray X 光探伤 1.1 Documents Compliance 依据文件 1)GB 3323 87“Radiography and Quality Classifications for Steel Fusion Butt Welding GB 3323 87“”钢熔融焊的射线探伤及质量等级“2)Q/HSG 09.03 1995“Non Destructive Test Supervision and Regulations”Q/HSG 09.03 1995“无损探伤管理及规定“1.2 Personnel Qualifications 人员资格 1)All people engaging in the NDT operation and inspection shall be qualified with the valid certificates issued by Boiler&Pressure Vessel Examination Department of China Labor Ministry,and the certified items and grades shall be corresponding to the jobs to be involved in the project.参与无损检测的人员应持有中国劳动部签发的有效资格证书并且合格项目内容及等级符合其所参与的该项目中的工作。2)As a minimum,1 qualified NDT supervisors with RT-II Grade shall be assigned for NDT operation and inspection.至少应派 1 名有二级射线探伤证的探伤监督员来从事无损探伤的操作和检验工作。1.3 NDT Operation and Supervision 无损探伤操作及监督 1)The welds subject to radiography examination shall be visually examined at first,then only the acceptable welds can be allowed for radiography examination.Prior to the examination,the piping engineer will provide the request for NDT and define the locations of welds for examination.The quality inspector shall finalize the welds in random as per the percentage required in the Owners technical specification,and he shall sign the Radiograph Examination Request Form,which will be submitted to NDT Inspector.要进行射线检验的焊缝首先应进行外观检验,检验合格的焊缝方能进行射线检验。射线检验之前,管道工程师要提出无损探伤要求并说明要检验的焊缝位置。质量检验员应按照业主技术规范中要求的百分比数抽检焊缝 并应在射线探伤检验申请表上签字,然后提交给无损探伤检验员。2)Immediately after receiving the Radiograph Examination Request Form,the NDT Inspector shall verify the request with welds to be radiographed,and also MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 2 of 14 verify the identifications,appearance quality of the welds.If these are not in conformance with the request,the Radiograph Examination Request Form shall be returned to piping engineer.无损探伤检验员在收到射线检验申请表后,应立即核实需进行射线检验的焊缝的要求以及焊缝的标识和外观质量。如果不符合要求的话,该射线检验申请表应返还给管道工程师。3)After receiving the acceptable Request Form,the NDT Inspector shall arrange and carry out the radiograph examinations to the welds located by quality inspector in compliance with relevant standards or Owners technical specifications.The located welds shall not be changed or replaced by other welds.在收到合格的射线检验申请表后,无损探伤检验员应安排并按照相关的标准或业主的技术规范对质量检验员定位的焊缝进行射线检验。该定位的焊缝不应改变或换成其它焊缝。4)The radiograph examined result reports shall be submitted to one NDT Supervisor of RT-II Grade for evaluation,and another RT-II or higher grade NDT Supervisor shall be called for the verification and confirmation.Furthermore,the NDT Engineer shall be called to review the result reports and duly sign on the reports for his confirmation.The copies of NDT reports shall be turned to piping engineer and welding quality inspector.射线检验结果报告应提交给一个有二级探伤证的监督员进行评定,由另一个有二级探伤证的探伤监督员进行核实确认。无损探伤报告的副本应转给管道工程师和焊接质量检验员。5)The piping engineer shall check the reports and arrange the remedy for the unacceptable welds.The remedied welds shall be firstly subject to visual examination,if no defects,the NDT Supervisor shall be requested again to conduct the radiograph examination.The welds of re-examination shall be specially indicated on the film and NDT report and labeled with“R”to note the times of remedies.The technical requirements for radiograph examination shall be same as to the previous examination.For the additional welds to be examined,the“K”label shall be indicated on the film and reports.管道工程师应检查报告并布置不合格焊缝的修复工作。修复好的焊缝首先应进行外观检验,如何合格,无损探伤监督员应申请再次进行射线探伤工作。经再次检验的焊缝应在胶片和无损探伤报告中专门标注并用带有“R”的标签标注上修复的时间。射线探伤的技术要求应同于先前的检验要求。对其它要检验的焊缝应在胶片和报告中用“K”标签标注。6)Welds Radiograph Examination Operation and Supervision Diagram is given in the attachment herewith.后附焊缝射线探伤操作监控图。MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 3 of 14 1.4 Radiograph Examination Equipment and Facilities 射线探伤设备及设施 X-ray Detection Equipment:Type 2005 or 2505,Nos.Required:1 2 sets.Strong Light Observation Unit:Cold Light,Nos.Required:1 set.X 光探伤设备:2005 或 2505 型。数量:12 台。强光观测装置:冷光。数量:1 台。1.5 Technical Requirements for Radiograph Examinations 射线探伤的技术要求 1)Radiograph Image Quality:Grade AB(higher grade).射线象质:AB 级(及以上)2)Appearance Quality 外观质量 The visual appearance of the welds and heat affected zones shall be subject to examination to be acceptable.The irregularities on the appearance shall not affect or cover the defects indicated in the image of film.Otherwise,the appearance of welds shall be trimmed properly to suit the radiograph penetration.焊缝外观及热效应区应检查合格。外观的不规则不应影响或掩盖胶片图象中所示的缺陷。否则,焊缝外观应进行适当的修正以便射线能穿透。3)Radiograph Penetration Methods 射线穿透方法 For the pipe with bore diameter over 89 mm,the Double-Wall Single Image Penetration shall be used for examination of the butt welds.For the pipe with bore diameter up to 89 mm,the Double-Wall Double Images Penetration shall be applied for examination of the butt welds.对于管径大于 89 毫米的管子,双壁单象穿透法应用来检验对焊焊缝。4)Intensifying Screen 增光屏 The lead intensifying screen will be used with front screen of 0.03 mm thick,rear screen of 0.1 0.16 mm thick.前屏使用 0.03 毫米厚的铅增光屏,后屏用 0.10.16 毫米厚的铅增光屏。5)Image Quality Indicator(IQI)象质指示仪 The linear IQI shall be used,and the type will follow the requirements for selection of IQI specified in Chinese Standard GB3323 87.应使用线性象质指示仪,其型号应符合国标中规定的象质指示仪选用要求。6)The Thickness Factor for Penetration 穿透厚度因数 K 1.1 MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 4 of 14 7)The Darkness of Negative Film 底片的暗度 D=1.2 3.5 8)Localized Marks and Identifications 局部标记标识 a)The localized marks will indicate the lead marks on the penetrated weld including the center mark(),and lap joint mark().局部标记要在熔透焊缝上标明铅标记,包括中心标记()和搭接缝标记()。b)The identification marks will use lead type alphabets and numerics including:Job No.,Welder Identifications,Location No.,Remedial Location No.for re-examinations.The remedial location shall be labeled with R1,R2.The Additional examined welds shall be labeled with K.标记应用铅型字母和数字,包括工号、焊工标号、位置号以及重新检验的修复位置号。修复位置应用带 R1,R2的标签。其它检验过的焊缝应用带 K的标签。c)The marks shall be as a minimum 5 mm to the edge of weld.该标记距离焊缝边缘至少 5 毫米。9)Parameters for Radiograph Penetrations 射线穿透参数 The radiograph penetration cards shall be prepared in accordance with relevant specification as per the type and specification of the work piece.应按照相关规范及工件的规格型号编制射线穿透卡片。10)Evaluation of Welding Quality 评定焊缝质量 The evaluation shall be carried out in compliance with Chapter 16 of Chinese Standard GB3323 87.The welds shall be free of cracks,incomplete fusion.The double groove and the single groove weld with backing strip shall be free of incomplete penetration.The porosity and strip inclusion shall be evaluated as per the requirements shown in the Table-9,10 of above standard.该评定应按照国标 GB3323 87 的第 16 章进行。焊缝应无裂缝、未熔合。双破口焊缝和单破口焊缝(带背垫条)应无根部未焊透情况。气孔和夹渣应按照上述标准中的表 9 和表 10 中所示的要求进行评定。1.6 Safety Protection Measures 安全保护措施 1)The radioactive area during the radiograph examination shall be fenced or barricaded with lines and hung with warning signs and banners.射线探伤期间的放射区应围护或拉线保护并悬挂警告标志和彩旗。MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 5 of 14 2)The radiograph examination at night shall be provided with warning light(red).当夜间进行射线探伤工作时,应安装警示灯(红色)。3)During radiograph examination,the special person shall be assigned for guarding to prevent entrance of non-related persons.射线探伤期间,应派专人进行保护以防非工作人员进入。4)The NDT Operators shall wear the suitable radioactive PPE.无损探伤人员应佩带防射线人员保护装置。5)Other safety requirements shall follow the established field safety rules and regulations.其它安全要求应符合现场安全规章制度。MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 6 of 14 II Liquid Penetration Examination 液体渗透检验 1 Scope of Application 适用范围 1.1 This procedure outlines the method for liquid penetration examination to be used for detecting discontinuities which are open to the surface of nonporous metals.该程序概述了用于检查无孔金属表面不连续性的液体渗透检验的方法。1.2 This procedure covers the requirements of ASME Code,Section VIII Div.1,and section V of the latest editions and their addenda.该程序包括了最新版本的 ASME 规范的第 VIII 部分第 1 小部分和第 V 部分及其补遗的要求。2 Personnel Qualification 人员资质 All personnel to perform liquid penetrant examination shall be qualified in accordance with QCP-15 which is conforming to SNT TC 1A.进行液体渗透检验的所有人员的资质应符合 QCP-15要求,该要求同 SNT TC 1A是一致的.3 Types of Material Used for Liquid Penetrant Examination 液体渗透检验使用的材料类型 Solvent removable liquid penetrant materials shall be used for examination.These materials include GE-PL penetrant,GE-WL penetrant remover and FGE-DL developer.应使用溶解的可流动的液体渗透材料进行检验。该材料包括 GE-PL 渗透剂、GE-WL 渗透剂去除剂及 FGE-DL 显影剂。4 Processing 工艺 Surface Preparation 表面处理 Surface preparation by grinding,or other methods may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications of unacceptable discontinuities.当表面凸凹不规则可能掩盖不合格的中断迹象时,必须采用打磨或其它方法来进行表面处理。Pre-cleaning and Drying 预清洗和干燥 Materials such as grease or oil shall be removed by spraying on the surface with remover and wiping the excess from the surface with clean and dry cloths.A minimum of 5 minutes shall be allowed for the surface to dry prior to penetrant application.应通过在表面上喷涂去除剂来清除油脂材料并用干净和干燥的布擦去表面剩余物。使用 MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 7 of 14 渗透剂之前,表面应至少干燥五分钟。Examination Temperature 检验温度 The examination shall be performed at the temperature between 50oF and 125 oF(10oC to 52oC).该检验应在 50oF 125 oF(10oC 52oC)温度之间进行检验。Penetrant Application 渗透剂的使用 The penetrant may be applied by dipping,brushing or spraying,and penetrant shall remain,in wet condition,on the surface for at least 10 minutes.渗透剂可以蘸、刷或喷,并应在湿润状态下,至少在表面上停留 10 分钟。Removing excessive penetrant from the surface 从表面上清除多余的渗透剂 Excessive penetrant shall be removed by wiping with cloth or absorbent paper.Repeat operation until most traces of the penetrant have been removed.The remaining traces of penetrant shall be removed with cloth or absorbent paper moistened with a penetrant remover.To minimize removal of penetrant from discontinuities,care shall be taken to avoid the use of excess solvent.Flushing of the surface with solvent prohibited.多余的渗透剂应用布或吸水纸擦去。重复该工作直至渗透剂的痕迹被清除干净为止。渗透剂的余迹应用浸有渗透剂去除剂的布或吸水纸擦洗清除。为了尽可能少地清除渗透剂,应尽量小心以避免使用过多的溶剂。禁止用溶剂冲洗表面。Drying time after penetrant removal shall be within 5 minutes.渗透剂清除后干燥 5 分钟。Developer Application and Developing Time 显影剂使用及显影时间 The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after the surface has dried.表面干燥后应尽快使用显影剂。The developer shall be applied by spraying.Developer should be agitated to ensure the suspension of suspended particles in the solution.Avoid excessive coatings of developer as it may“pool”and mask indications.显影剂应喷涂。显影剂应搅拌以确保悬浮粒子悬浮在溶液中。要避免过量涂层的显影剂,可能形成“集水坑”而掩盖迹象。The Examination of tested surface and final interpretation shall be performed from 7 to 60 minutes after application of developer.MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 8 of 14 测试过的表面的检查和最终的说明应在用过显影剂后 760 分钟内进行。5 Evaluation of Indication 痕迹评定 Visible penetrant indication can be inspected in either natural or artificial white.Adequate illumination is required to ensure no loss of sensitivity of the examination.用天然的或人造的白涂料能够检查出明显的渗透剂痕迹。照明度应充足以确保检验的灵敏度。An indication is the evidence of mechanical imperfection.Only indications with major dimension greater than 1/16 in(1.6mm)shall be considered relevant.证明是机械痕迹的。仅考虑 1/16 英寸(1.6 毫米)大小以上的痕迹。A linear indication is one have a length greater than three times the width.线形痕迹的长度大于三倍宽度。A rounded indication is one of the circular or elliptical shape with the length equal to or less than three times the width.圆形痕迹长度小于等于三倍宽度。Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be retested to determine whether they are relevant or not.对于有疑问的痕迹应进行重新检测以便确定。After evaluation and final acceptance,the residual of penetrant and developer shall be removed with solvent and wiping cloths.评定及最终合格后,用布蘸溶剂将渗透剂和显影剂擦干净。6 Acceptance Standard 验收标准 All surfaces examined shall be free of:检验过的表面应无:Relevant linear indications,线形痕迹 Relevant rounded indications with dimensions over 3/16 inch(5.0mm).3/16 英寸(5.0 毫米)大小以上的圆形痕迹 Four or more relevant rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch(1.6mm)or less(edge to edge).四个及四个以上圆形痕迹在一条线上间隔 1/16 英寸(1.6 毫米)及以下(边至边)。An indication of an imperfection may be larger than the imperfection that causes it,however,the size of such indication is the basis for acceptance evaluation.MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 9 of 14 一缺陷痕迹可大于导致该痕迹的缺陷,但是,该痕迹的大小是验收评定的基础。Repairs shall be re-examined by the same procedure used for the detection of the discontinuities.Acceptability of repairs shall be determined by the same acceptance standards.应用检查不连续性的相同程序来重新检查修复情况。应用相同的验收标准来确定修复的合格性。7 Records 记录 The results of the inspection shall be filled in Liquid Penetrant Examination Report by the NDE Level I or Level II Personnel.The report,after being reviewed by another NDE Level II or Level III Personnel,shall be submitted to the Owner/MWP for review and acceptance.应由一位持有 I 级或 II 级探伤证的检测人员在液体渗透检验报告中填写检验结果。该报告由另一位持有 II 级或 III 级探伤证的检测人员审核后,提交给业主/MWP 审阅验收。MEI Installation Package of Arkema Tiger Project Project No.:CC0812E1245 Owner:Arkema EPCM:MWP Date:22-4-26 Sheet 10 of 14 III Procedure for Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测程序 1.Scope 范围 1.1 This procedure covers the methods to be used for magnetic particle examination of welds and ferromagnetic materials using the prod and/or yoke method.该程序包括用磁粉探伤法来检验焊缝及用双头通电磁化法和/或磁轭法来检验铁磁体材料的方法。1.2 This procedure covers the requirements of ASME Code,Section VIII Div.1,and Section V of the latest editions and their Addenda.该程序包括了最新版本的 ASME 规范的第 VIII部分第 1 小部分和第 V 部分及其补遗的要求。2.Personnel Qualification 人员资质 2.1 All personnel performing magnetic particle examination shall be qualified in accordance with QCP-15 of SCC which is in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.进行磁粉检验的所有人员的资质应符合 SCCs QCP-15 要求,该要求同 SNT TC 1A 是一致的.3.Magnetization Techniques&Currents 磁化技术及电流 3.1 Direction of Magnetization 磁化方向 At least two separate examinations shall be performed on each area.During the second examination the lines of magnetic flux shall be approximately perpendicular to those used during the first examination.在每一个区至少要进行两次单独检验。第二次检验时的磁力线应垂直于第一次检验时的磁力线。3.2 Examination Coverage 检验覆盖率 All examination shall be conducted at least with 1 inch.(25mm)overlap to assure 100%coverage at required sensitivity.所有检验应至少重叠 1 英寸(25 毫米)以确保达到 100%覆盖率。3.3 Prod Technique 双头通电磁化技术 3.3.1 Magnetizing Procedure 磁化程序 For the prod technique,magnetization is accomplished by portable prod type electrical contacts pressed against the surface of the area to be examined.