精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - ociety; after after 60 years of deve lopme nt, the socialist society more full of life And vigor. The remarkable sign i s in China a dhere to the basic princi ples of scientific socialism, not lost a nce stors, always a dhere to dia lectical materialism and hist orical materialism as t he the oretical foundation, adhere to the to the rea lization of communism as t he supreme ideal, adhere to t he Party of the w orking class a s the core of leadershi p, insist to li berate and devel op pr oductivity is the fundamental task, a dhere to represent the m ost numer ous pe ople' s fundamental interest s, adhere to public owner ship and accor ding to w ork, di stribution i s the basis of the socialist e conomic system, adhere to the position of the people as masters of the country is he essential characteri stic of the socialist dem ocratic politi cs, a dhere to reform and im prove the socialist system and instit utional mechani sms, and so on. At the same time, our country socialist A nd wit h disti nct Chinese characteri stics, t he roa d of socialism wit h Chi nese characteri stics, the system of the ories of soci alism with Chi nese characteri stics a nd t he sociali st system with Chine se characteristi cs, are dee ply roote d in the creative practi ce of hundreds of millions of pe opl e's indomitabl e, timely response to pra ctice i nnovation t heory calls, ri ch heritage of bot h historical a nd cultural traditi ons of the Chine se nati on, a nd let the Chi nese pe ople l ove to se e and hear the Chi nese style and Chi nese style, comply with t he requirements of the devel opme nt of the times, reflect the common aspiration of the pe opl e, with distinct characteristi cs of the practi ce, the oretical characteristi cs, nati onal chara cteristics, characteristi cs of the times. Therefore, it can al ways maintain t he vigor a nd vitality, a nd al ways gui de contemporary Chi na along the rig ht directi on stri de forward. So we must al ways hold hig h the great banner of socialism wit h Chi nese characteristi cs unsw ervingl y. On the ot her ha nd, Chi na's social ist society is still i n primary stage, w hich is China' s constr ucti on of sociali st moderni zation insurmountable histori cal stage, the nee d for hundre ds of years time. Chi na's sociali st system was born i n semi colonial and semi feudal society, productivity level is far behi nd i n the developed capitalist countries, whi ch determines the our country must ex perience a long primary st age, to realize in other countries under the conditions of ca pitalism to a chieve i ndustrializati on a nd producti on i n the market, socializati on a nd moder nization. Toda y, our country sociali sm has made remarkable treme ndous o a ccelerate the pa ce of achievements, but our country fundamental real ities of the country i s still ha s a large populati on, w eak thi n, devel opme nt is not bala nce d. China's economy ha s leapt to t he worl d, but the per ca pita gross domesti c product is still ra nked in t he worl d the 90%; economic sustained a nd rapi d devel opme nt, but the deve lopme nt is not bala nce d, coor dinated, can not be continued problems are still promine nt, the transformation of economi c devel opment Mani pulat or is now used as a industrial robots in use, t he control objectives often appear often i n industrial a utomation. Industrial automati on te chnology has gradually matured, as mature a technology li ne has bee n rapid devel opment i n industrial a utomation as a se parate subje ct. Ma nipulator applicati on began to filter int o welding, l ogisti cs, mechani cal pr oce ssing, and other industries. Especially at high or very l ow temperature s, full of poisonous gase s, hig h radiation case, robot in simi lar circumstances showe d great use also bring s great conv enie nce t o the staff. Precisely be cause of this robot to get people's attenti on began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, worki ng conditi ons, labor inte nsive aspect s of promoti ng devel opme nt. Both at home an d abr oad to develop the PLC (pr ogrammable logi c controll er) is in various special circumstances and under spe cial conditions set for mecha nical devices. Now turne d on the development of the mi croelectronics a utomatic control technology a nd the rapid develo pment of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software a nd sim ulation control wi n big a nd successful devel opment, now continues to develop as a factory a utomation standards. Be cause robots are g ood devel opment of the technol ogy makes a good optimization of productive ca pital, and robot shows t his unique adva ntages, such a s: ha s good compatibility, wi de availa bility, hardw are is complete, a nd programming that ca n be mastere d in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC a ppli cations be came ubiquito us. Ma nipulator i n many devel ope d country agri cult ure and industry ha s be en applie d, such a s the use of mecha nica l harvesti ng large areas of farmland, re peated operati ons on the high-spee d line t hat use s a robotic arm, and so on. T oday, t he hig h level of aut omation combined with restricti ons on t he mani pulat or devel opment leve l is slightly l ower tha n the i nternational. T he de sign i s mainl y arm welding machine by PLC Automati on contr ol. This of desig n let de signers on i n school by lear n of has a m ust of cons olidati on, understand has some usually didn't opport unities aw arene ss in w orld ra nge withi n some lea ding level of know ledge has ha s must aware ness, hope de signer s can i n yihou of desig n in the can success of usi ng in thi s design in t he pr ocee ds of experience 1.2 ma nipulator in bot h at home a nd a broad of research profile aut omation me cha nica l arm research began Yu 20th cent ury medium-term, after years with with computer and automati on te chnology of development, M akes mechani cal arm on t he Grand stage of indu strial automati on and shine , gradually became a n industrial eval uation sta ndards, and its importance can be se en. Now original r obotic arm spent most of mass production a nd use on the production line, w hich is programmed robotic arm. A s the first generatio n of mani pulat or position control systems mai n features, althoug h not back several generati ons t hat can detect the external envir onment, but can still successfully complete like wel ding, pai nting, delivery as well a s for materials simple m ovements. Second generation me cha nical arms are equipped wit h sensors a nd ma nipulators have the envir onme nt there is a certain am ount of "sense", w hen t he mechani cal arm is to use the program as a ba sis. Difference is that t he robot bega nd第四单元:简易方程1、用字母表示数(一)一、填空:1、学校有图书4000 本,又买来本,现在一共有()本。)天。2、学校有学生人,其中男生人,女生有()人。3、李师傅每小时生产个零件,10 小时生产()个。4、食堂买来大米400 千克,每天吃千克,吃了几天后还剩千克,已吃了 (5、姐姐今年岁,比妹妹年龄的2 倍少 2 岁,妹妹今年()岁。6、甲数是,比乙数少,甲乙两数之和是(),两数之差是(二、根据运算定律填空。1、 18 × 152、× 2.5 × 0.4 × (× )3、()×C× × 4、 ()× 三、省略乘号写出下面各式。× 12× 。)× × ×75× 2× × 7× 52× × 四、判断。(对的打“ ”,错的打“ × ”2、2()1、5 5()3、×33()4、2×2()5、2 3 5()6、2 3 5()7、5× × 5()8、× 7 8()用字母表示数(二)一、口算。3 2()0.2× 0.4 ()6÷ 0.6 ()0.81÷ 0.9()1.52(0.12(二、说一说下面每个式子所表示的意义。(1)、一天中午的气温是 32,下午比中午的气温降低了。32表示:(2)、五( 2)班有 40 人订阅少年文艺杂志,每本单价元。40表示:(3)、一个足球单价元,一个篮球元。6 4表示:名师归纳总结 mode and dee cultural needpe ds with n the reform task of industriali the contradi ction betwee zation, urbanizatie n the backw ard social on a pnd agri producticultural m on, t he sooder cial prr nization, but the i incipal contrai ndustry is big a diction does a nd not strong, agricultural banot change, our country's interse is sti ll weak, rural national status as the largest development is relatively laggist developing country in the worlng b worle hind, farmers' income difficult problem is still a ld has not change d. I have to t he probl em, make deci ot of; ide ci sions, ologi do thi i cal and moral constri ngs, to promote reformuction ha s made important pr and dev elopment of the any aogress, y a, but some areas of moral aspe ct of any field, S hould nomie, i be firmly based ntegrity deletion The National Pe on the primary stage of sociali opl e's life has rea li sm, the largest pra che d a comparatively well-ra ctical, do is not beyond the stage-off level, but t aget t he gap between , and is not back wn urbaward reality, botn and rural areas a h best ef a nd refort, and our csidents' income di apabilitie s. < stribution is stillAlt the probity of thhough large, e e Communist Party of e ducChiati on, employmena self-discipli nt, social se pli ne critericurity a on > tnd other vital intere on > the main content is wsts of the masses is al hat? < revised honesso more, t self-disciplipart of the life of the masses remains difficult; tne criteri on >, a t otal of eight, 281 wordshe creative vitality of society ge, including lea d, the party honest selfnerally increase-discipli ne nord, but t ms and the leahe impa dct social harm dership of the pony and stabi arty members ality of the various contradi nd cadres self-disci pline ctions also many; aine norms 3 parts, thnd so on. The e main contentse show s ca n be sums, our country is st marized as "foust ill in ar mnd will remai ust" "eight codn so f or a long time the basi e". Lead part, reiterated onc nati ideal onal conditions of the primary stage of socialiand faith, the fundame ntal pur pose, thsm has not change e fine traditions and work styld, the people's e, noble segrowing material and ntiments, such as "four 第 1 页,共 23 页must" princi contr ollers intr in several ways in t ple, em phasi zed self-di oduction 2.1 Sen t he context of idi scipline, a ccept Hig lect discussi on with manindustrial a utomation caher request for self-discipli pulat or control 2.1.1 cla n often be see n in thre ne supervi sion subject. Finall y, the foothold in mai ssificati on of contr ol relays and discrete ele ctronic cre e ways: (1) Programmable Logical Controller (referred to antaini ng the party' s advanced nature a nd purity, t o reflect the revise ir cuit can contr ol old i ndustrial e qui pment, but also more common. s IPC); (2) Distributed Contr ol System (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmabld gui deli Mainly the rammablnes. Party members standard part around the party members se two relatively che ap and you ca n meet the ole Logi cal Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC a d-fashioned, a nd t he IPChow t o corre ctly treat and deal with the "public a simple (or simple) industri al equi pment. So and DCS contrast contr ast 1, each of the three tehe ca tend private", "cheap a n se e them now, chnol ogies of origi nd rot" thrifty and extravagance "and" bitter and m howev er these tw o control modes (relay and discrete eleigi ns and development requirement s for fast data processiusic "the relationshi ctroni c circuits) are the ng makes it inventep betwe en the four norms". Party leader se fatal flaws: (1) cannot adad the compute r. The men brer cadre pt to the complex lought i n terms of clean fi ngered self-discipli ne norms for the lea ogic control , (2) only for the current hardware there, usi ng a high lev el of standproje ardizadership of the party members a nd cadres ct, the la ck of com patibi lity and (3) not reforming tti on, can use more compatibility tools, is a rioof the "vital few", around t he system with e ch software resourcehe "clea qui pment impr s, especially t n politics" , from civil servant character ovements. Spri ng for the dev t he need for immediacy in r, the exerci se of power, moral integrity, a g elopment of China's m oder n industrial an operationa l systems. So t he computer cg ood family tradition a utomation technology the can effectively control is used to nd ot her aspects of the leadershi p of the party members and ca substantial i ncrease in the l evel of industrial a utomation, completed t contr ol and meet its spe ed, on the virt ual m odel, real-time adres "four norms." the Party member of self-di scipline d t he perfe ct relay of the computer too much. In terms of controllind i n computational re quirement s. Distri bute d system startnorms "and" party members Guide cadr ng the computer showed ed with a control system for industrial ae is clea n fingered self-di sci pline norms, "a total of eight, coll his tw o great advantages: (1) each of the hardw are can be installe utomatic i nstrume nt used to control, where as now it is ectively referred to as t e d on one or more micr succe ssfully dev eloped intr nthe" eight code "." four must "" eight codema opr oce ssors; (2) the official deo industrial control computer usenipulator control mode a nd programmable signer of the software writi ng content control is all about. d as a ce ntral col lection a nd di stribution system and traNow nsition of distributed control system in analogue handli ng, loop control, has beg un to refle le ct the use of a huge advantage. Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation, but only as a means of continuous process control. Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was bor n, its main use in the w ork order control, early primary is replaced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch controlling the runni ni ng or der of functions. Marked by the microproce ssor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged, micro-ele ctronics technology has developed rapidly, peopl e soon microelectroni cs pr oce ssing technology will be used in the Programmabl e Logical Controller (that is- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - ociety; after after 60 years of deve lopme nt, the socialist society more full of life And vigor. The remarkable sign i s in China a dhere to the basic princi ples of scientific socialism, not lost a nce stors, always a dhere to dia lectical materialism and hist orical materialism as t he the oretical foundation, adhere to the to the rea lization of communism as t he supreme ideal, adhere to t he Party of the w orking class a s the core of leadershi p, insist to li berate and devel op pr oducti