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    高三宝山英语一模作文 英语作文,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作实力比较高,也是考生最简单失分的题型。下面我给大家共享高三宝山英语一模作文的内容,希望能够帮助大家! 高三宝山英语一模作文1 Since I went to high school, my parents moved to the city that was near my school. Moving to the new environment meant I had to give up a lot of things, such as my dear old friends and the beautiful scenery. At first, I learned to get used to the strange environment. When I have time, I would walk around the street, trying to get familiar with the shops and the streets. Then I found some interesting places, like the small coffee shop. The shop had many books, and I could read books there. As I had not many friends, I felt lonely here, but my classmates were very nice, and they helped me to solve problems. Now I have made many good friends and feel like at home in this big city. I will find more surprises here. 高三宝山英语一模作文2 What's the definition of a successful person? Most people will think about the money. The more money the person owns, the more successful he means. But the real success is not about money at all, it is about the value he creates. To reach our goal, the first thing we should do is to find our place. Never follow the crowd, because you will be easy to lose yourself and don't know what you want to do at last. Between a millionaire and a farmer, everybody will think the former is successful while the latter is not. But both create the equal value if they enjoy what they do. Or if the millionaire feel annoyed and the farmer is satisfied with his life, then the farmer is more successful. When you find your place, then just keep moving on, never give up, no matter what kind of difficulty you meet. Success is on the way. 高三宝山英语一模作文3 In China, it is the tradition to respect the old, so in the public occasions, old people enjoy the priority, such as taking the seat in the bus. For the small children, when they make mistakes, their parents will protect them by the reason of being ignorant. Old age and small age seem to be the special group to enjoy the priority. But now many news reported the negative behaviors that were caused by the old and the small. Old people beat the young people for wanting to dance in the basketball court. What's more, small children damage the public property but are free of duty. The public is so angry about these incidents, then they start to think about the old merit. It is the good behavior that deserves us to be respect instead of the age. Age is not the excuse of avoiding responsibility. 高三宝山英语一模作文4 For most teenagers, their idols were from TV shows or movies. When I was very small, I watched a lot of cartoons. At that time, my idol was Mr. Black, who was a cat and detective in the cartoon. He was so brave and fought with bad guys. When I was in middle school, I watched a lot of romantic movies and my idol was Tom Cruise, because he was so handsome. Now, I adore the hero like the policemen, who are doing great things and bringing people convenience. In different ages, my mind is affected by my viewpoint. As I grow up, my viewpoint becomes mature and see the world with the different angles. The choice of our idols decides how we see about the world. 高三宝山英语一模作文5 Imagine a typical student named Lucy that has to get up early to attend extra courses on weekends. First, she went to Pudong to have a skectching lesson. Then, she has to ride the car back to Songjiang to attend a music course. Hours were spent on transportation, but she only learn few things. We all have experiences like that. Transportation between places wastes much time and we should avoid them. Today, we're going to talk about why it's such a big problem and the possible solutions to it. Firstly, a huge amount of people's time was spent on transporting. According to , citizens spend one-fourth of thier time in average on tranportation. This lower our efficiency and the knowledge we could learn. Secondly, transportation makes children bored and unhappy. According to , long periods of transportation may have impact on students' memory and arithemetric. Again, this makes us learn less things in the same amount of time, not more. The best solution to this problem is to learn more online at home. Firstly, we can schedule our own learning at home. According to , students can manage their study time as they want and they can be more effective when learning. This lets us improve our efficiency and learn how to manage our time. Secondly, we can just stay at home and waste no more time on transportation. In conclusion, if we study online, we can improve our learning efficiency the most. Online courses also have a advantage because it's cheaper and it have proffesional teachers. More and more students will choose to learn online in the future. 高三宝山英语一模作文6 Recently, a Chinese scholar won a bonus of more than 10 million for his extraordinary thesis. The public discussed it hotly and they doubted the reliability of the news. For the young generation, they pay little attention to the knowledge circle, what they care about is the amuse circle. They worship the famous persons who make difference in movie and music. Things is a little different in the western countries. The athletes are very popular. Many teenagers are so crazy about them, and see strong spirit from their idols. The book writers also win part of the market. It is true that the diversity of idols better help people to recognize the world. The scientists should be given more market value and known by the young generation, because they present the wisdom and their value deserved to be followed. 高三宝山英语一模作文本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页


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