伦敦2012年奥运会游泳馆第1页/共25页伦敦2012年奥运会主体育馆第2页/共25页How much do you know about London?别名:雾都 行政区类别:英国首都 所属地区:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 面积:平方公里(大伦敦)人口:万(2006年)方言:英语 气候条件:温带海洋性气候 著名景点:白金汉宫,威斯敏斯特教堂,伦敦塔,特拉法加广场,大英博物馆 第3页/共25页London Famous Attractions(伦敦著名的旅游景点)The London Eye 伦敦眼伦敦眼Big Ben 大本钟大本钟The Thames 泰晤士河泰晤士河第4页/共25页British Museum 大英博物馆大英博物馆London Bridge 伦敦大桥伦敦大桥第5页/共25页The London Bus 伦敦公交第6页/共25页Kings Road 国王街第7页/共25页week n.周周London n.伦敦伦敦suddenly adv.突然地突然地bus stop 公共汽车站公共汽车站smile v.微笑微笑pleasantly adv.愉快地愉快地understand v.懂,明白懂,明白单词学习单词学习第8页/共25页speak(spoke)v.讲,说讲,说hand n.手手pocket n.衣袋衣袋phrasebook n.短语手册,常用语手短语手册,常用语手册册phrase n.短语短语slowly adv.缓慢地缓慢地hurriedly adv.匆忙地匆忙地cut v.切切thirstily adv.口渴地口渴地go v.走走greet v.问候,打招问候,打招呼呼第9页/共25页第10页/共25页Did Mrs.Mills go to London last week?Where did she see a man?What language did he speak?What did he take out of his pocket?第11页/共25页Last week Mrs.Mills went to London.She does not know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop.I can ask him the way.she said to herself.Excuse me,she said.Can you tell me the way to King Street,please?The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English!He spoke German.He was a tourist.Then he put his hand into his pocket,and took out a phrasebook.He opened the book and found a phrase.He read the phrase slowly.I am sorry,he said.I do not speak English第12页/共25页Last week Mrs.Mills went to London.She does not know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop.I can ask him the way.she said to herself.Excuse me,she said.Can you tell me the way to King Street,please?The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English!He spoke German.He was a tourist.Then he put his hand into his pocket,and took out a phrasebook.He opened the book and found a phrase.He read the phrase slowly.I am sorry,he said.I do not speak English第13页/共25页He shaved hurriedly this morningand cut himself badly.He took a cakeand ate it quickly.101102第14页/共25页I gave him a glass of waterand he drank it thirstilyI met her in the streetthe day before yesterday and she greeted me warmly.103104第15页/共25页The bus went slowlyyesterday afternoonand we arrived home late.They worked very hard this morning105106第16页/共25页We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.He swam very well this morning.107108第17页/共25页副词Suddenly,she saw a man near a bus stop.她突然在公共汽车站看见一个男人。The man smiled pleasantly.这人友好地笑了笑。He read the phrase slowly.他缓慢地读着短语。He is always late.他总是迟到。第18页/共25页语法:副词副副词词一一般般是是修修饰饰动动词词或或形形容容词词,用用来来补补充充动动词词或或形形容容词词的的意意义义。副副词词通通过过修修饰饰动动词词表表明明句句中中某某个个动动作作进进行行的的情情况况,也也可可以以通通过过形形容容词词描描述述某某事事物物状状况况出出现现的的程程度度。一一般般来来说说,副副词词一一般般放放在在动动词词之之后后,形形容容词词之之前前。许许多多副副词词都都是是由由形形容容词词+ly 构构成成的的,规规则则如如下下:第19页/共25页副词变化规则直接在形容词后+ly;pleasant-pleasantly,slow-slowly;quick-quickly以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,需要先把y变为i,再加ly;thirsty-thirstily,hungry-hungrily有些形容词和副词形式一样,但意思未必相同fast-fast,late-late,hard-hard有些是不规则变化:good-well,第20页/共25页常见副词分类第21页/共25页选择正确的词填空You are_beautiful.(副词,非常/十分)Please drive _(slow,slowly).He can speak English_(very good,very well)He ran out of room _(hurried,hurriedly).He greeted me_(warm,warmly)He gave me a _(warm,warmly)welcome.veryslowlyvery wellwarmwarmhurriedly第22页/共25页1.Lily doesnt know Hong Kong very well,and she_last month.A,lost the way B,losing her way C,lost her way D,lose her way2.Youd better drive_at night.A,slow B,careful C,slowly D,care3.Excuse me,can you tell me the way_the Big Ben?A,for B,to C,of D,at4.A:Where_you yesterday afternoon?B:I_in the library.A,were;was B,was;were C,were;was D,was;was5.How silly of me!the man said_.A,to himself B,with him C,for himself D,by him第23页/共25页6.Wheres my watch?I cant_it.A,look for B,find C,find out D,look7.My father _his hand into the bag,and _out a story book.A,putted;taked B,put;take C,put;took D,putting;taking8.The waiter smiled_and showed me the menu.A,pleasantly B,friendly C,pleasant D,friend9.It suddenly started to rain.We rain into the house_.A,hurry B,hurried C,hurriedly D,in hurry10.John can speak English_.A,very welly B,very goodly C,very good D,very well第24页/共25页感谢您的观看!第25页/共25页