2022年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料如何高效又有质量的备考翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译呢?今天WTT给大家带来了2022年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料,希望可以帮助到大家,下面WTT就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2022年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料Online Education: Patient LearningA new kind of online school wants to teach nursing, and more“I have been this close to buying a nursing school.” This is not a sentenceyou e_pect to hear from a startup founder.Nursing seems a world away from thehigh-tech whizziness of Silicon Valley.And, to use a venture-capital cliché, itdoes not scale easily.Austen Allred, boss of Lambda School, sees thingsdifferently.His two-year-old firm matches labour supply and demand by providingfast, efficient training to potential employees.It offers five online coursesthat prepare candidates to write software at technology firms.Training nurses,more of which are sorely needed to care for Americas ageing population, is notan illogical ne_t step especially when many nursing schools have to turnpeople away.Instead of responding to the threat of joblessness posed by automation with auniversal basic ine, Mr Allred wants to help people to switch jobs faster.Unlike most online courses, Lambda does not charge students up front to attend(though admissions are petitive) and online tuition is live and interactive,not recorded.Full-time students attend for nine months, Monday to Friday, 8amto 5pm San Francisco time.Lateers risk falling behind.In most recentclasses, 85% of students who began a course finished it.The school only starts getting paid back for its services after its studentshave landed a job which pays them more than $50,000 a year, something Lambdae_pends significant energy to help them do.Around 70% of those enrolled do sowithin si_ months of graduation.Lambda then gets a cut of about a si_th oftheir ine for the ne_t two years, until they have paid about $30,000.(Orthey can pay $20,000 up front.)The firm devotes about a third of its time and resources to finding jobs forits graduates, an unusually high share.Another third goes to recruitingstudents and the rest to teaching.Courses are created with employersrequirements in mind.For its web-development programme, the list given toLambda by panies runs to 280 items.Unlike coding, nursing cannot be taughtentirely over the inter, so Lambda wants to co-operate with nursing schoolsacross America that could provide the necessary hands-on instruction.After nursing, Lambda plans to work its way down the list of professions withthe biggest job shortages.It is also e_amining the problem from the other side,identifying available jobs that require skills akin to those of victims ofautomation truckers displaced by self-driving lorries or call-centre workersreplaced by robocalls.Lambdas quirks set it apart in Silicon Valley, but Mr Allred is not thefirst to recognise the value of work-focused education and training.Germany isfamed for its widespread vocational training and apprenticeships.Closer toCalifornia, the University of Waterloo, a technology-oriented Canadianinstitution, has had gainful employment within the field of study as one of itscore goals since it was founded 62 years ago.Students seeking an internship canenroll in a special scheme which matches them with firms.Norah McRae, who runsthe programme, says that most universities spend little time finding work forthe graduates, or teaching the skills they need to prosper in the job market.Too often students are treated as cash cows to be milked for researchfunding.But Ms McRae is also concerned that programmes like Lambda School, thoughwell-meaning, risk undermining e_isting educational institutions by offering aquicker route to work.The kind of intense optimisation which Lambda espousescannot, she worries, replace conventional learning, which strives to create notjust capable workers but rounded individuals.Such fears presuppose that Lambda can succeed beyond even Mr Allreds wildestdreams or those of the venture capitalists who pumped $30m into the firm inJanuary, valuing it at $150m.Student numbers, and so upfront costs, are growingfaster than revenues.If Lambda can turn a profit by offering people a stab at adecent job that would be a fine lesson in capitalism.在线教育:学习护理一种新型网校想要教授护理和其他很多职业技能“我离收买一所护理学校只有一步之遥了。”人们不会想到这样的话竟是出自一位创业公司的创始人之口。护理行业似乎与硅谷的前沿科技风马牛不相及。而且用风险投资的套话来说,这个行业不容易很快做大。但兰姆达学校的老板奥斯丁·奥尔雷德有不同的看法。成立于两年前的兰姆达提供快速、高效的培训,为职场输送新人,以此匹配劳动力供需。公司目前提供五门在线课程,为科技公司培训程序员。下一步它准备开展护士培训,这并非不合逻辑人口老龄化的美国亟需更多护士,尤其是在当前很多护校无力招收更多学生的情况下。奥尔雷德希望帮助人们更快地转行,而不是用所谓的“全民根本收入”来应对自动化带来的失业威胁。与大多数在线课程不同,兰姆达并不在开课前收学费(尽管入学竞争剧烈),其在线教学也是实时互动,而不是事先录制的。全日制学生的学制为九个月,授课时间为旧金山时间周一到周五的上午8点至下午5点。中途入学者可能会跟不上进度。在近期大局部课程中,85%的学生修完了自己选的课程。只有在学员谋得一份年薪超过五万美元的工作后,学校才开场收取效劳回报。而为了帮学生找到一份这样的工作,兰姆达花费了大量精力。约70%的学员在毕业后六个月内到达了这个目的。在此后的两年里,兰姆达会抽取学员收入的约六分之一,最终累计收取约三万美元。假如学员一次性付清,那么为两万美元。兰姆达将三分之一左右的时间和资花在为毕业学员找工作上,这么高的比重不常见。另外三分之一用于招生,三分之一用于教学。课程是根据雇主的要求而设计的。在它的网站开发课程中,企业开给兰姆达的需求多达280项。而护理有别于编程,不可能完全通过互联网教授,因此兰姆达希望与全美各地能提供必要操作实训的护校合作。在开展护理培训后,兰姆达还方案逐个进军其别人员最紧缺的职业。同时它也从另一面审视问题,为那些被自动化淘汰的人员(例如被无人驾驶货车取代的卡车司机,或者被自动语音呼叫取代的呼叫中心员工)找到需要类似技能的就业岗位。兰姆达的另类做法在硅谷独树一帜,但要说认识到以工作为导向的教育与培训的价值的,奥尔雷德并非第一人。德国就以职业培训和学徒制的普及而出名。离加州更近些的滑铁卢大学是加拿大一所技术型大学。自62年前创办以来,该校一直将找到与学生专业对口的较高收入工作作为自己的核心目的之一。想找实习时机的学生可以注册一个将他们与企业相匹配的特别工程。负责该工程的诺拉·麦克雷表示,多数大学很少花时间帮助毕业生就业,也很少教授他们在就业市场获得成功所需的技能。很多时候,学生们都被当成了捞取研究经费的摇钱树。但麦克雷也担忧,像兰姆达学校这样的培训工程虽然出发点不错,但可能会因为提供就业上的捷径而损害现有的教育体系。她担忧兰姆达倡导的那种密集型的优化培训并非是对传统教育的一种好的替代,因为后者致力培养的不仅是能胜任工作的员工,还是全面开展的个体。不过这种担忧成立的前提是兰姆达获得的成功要远远超出奥尔雷德本人的想象或者那些今年1月向兰姆达投资3000万美元、对其估值1.5亿美元的风险投资家们的想象。目前,学生人数的增长以及由此带来的前期本钱的增速超过了收入的增速。假如兰姆达能通过帮助人们拿下一份体面工作来赢利,那还真会是资本的一条有益经历。2022年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料How Birdwatchers, Others Can Help Migrating Bird PopulationsThe kinds of birds ing through your neighborhood are probably changing,and so is the timing of their migrations.Birdwatchers noticing these differences are playing a big part inunderstanding how climate change and severe weather events are affecting birdpopulations.John Rowden is director of munity conservation at the National AudubonSociety, which aims to protect birds and their environments.He said, “Birdershave to be much more alert to when birds are ing through than they used tobe, since birds may be ing through much earlier or much later”Birdwatchers are increasingly seeing birds in their area that are usuallyfound elsewhere, Rowden says.And, they are seeing fewer of the birds thatusually travel through.“.Just because weve seen these birds year after year doesnt mean theyllalways be there.They are declining in numbers because were throwing so manythings at them, so we need to do what we can to help them,” Rowden said.At least 314 species of American birds are e_pected to lose 50 percent ormore of their range by the end of the century.Those species are listed by theAudubon Society as climate-threatened or endangered, Rowden added.A United Nations science report issued Monday says 1 million species ofplants and animals are at risk of disappearing from Earth.Scientists who issued the report blamed development that has led to loss ofhabitat as well as climate change, overfishing, pollution and invasivespecies.Environmentalists say there are a few easy steps people can take to helpstruggling bird populations.These include planting native species, which leadsto more native insects for the birds to eat.The Audubon Societys Plants for Birds website provides plant suggestions forpeople in the United States, based on where they live in the country.During spring and fall migration seasons, people can help migrating birds bykeeping outdoor lights turned off and covering reflective surfaces like largewindows.People also should make indoor plants less visible to passingbirds.The Audubon Society also runs a munity science program called ClimateWatch.It aims to collect data on how bird ranges or the places they are found are changing.Rowden says the program asks people to count the numbers of eachspecies they see.The program goes from May 15 to June 15.Geoff LeBaron, director of the Christmas Bird Count at the National AudubonSociety, says he has seen the effects of climate change firsthand.“Ive been a birder since I was a little kid,” he said.“Its clear thatclimate change is affecting and will continue to affect birds on a global scale,and its a question of whether or not they can adapt to what the climate isthrowing at them.”Record droughts, floods, hurricanes and more are having a major effect, hesaid.Hurricanes usually happen during migration season, LeBaron noted.Theyhave an especially big effect on sea birds, whose migration paths might changeby thousands of kilometers as a result.E_perts say sea birds and grasslands birds are most at risk from climatedisasters.Birds known as aerial insectivores are also at risk because theinsects they eat are getting harder to find.鸟类观察者和其别人该如何帮助鸟类迁徙从你附近飞过的鸟类种类可能在一直变化,它们迁徙的时间也在改变。鸟类观察者注意到这些差异可能对于他们理解气候变化以及恶劣天气事件如何影响鸟类种群方面发挥了重要的作用。约翰·罗登是美国国家奥杜邦协会的社区保护主任,该协会旨在保护鸟类及其生存环境。他说:“观鸟者必须比以往更加警觉鸟类何时会飞来,因为鸟类可能来得更早,也可能来得更晚”罗登说,鸟类观察者越来越多地发现他们的地区经常出现其他地区的鸟类。此外,该地区经常出现的鸟类反而更少了。“我们年复一年地看到这些鸟并不意味着它们就会一直出如今那里。它们的数量正在下降,因为我们向它们扔了那么多东西,所以我们需要尽我们所能来帮助它们。”到本世纪末,预计至少有314种美国鸟类将失去50%甚至更多的活动范围。罗登补充说,这些鸟类被奥杜邦协会列入受气候威胁或濒危的物种。周一,结合国发表的一份科学报告表示,有100万种动植物面临从地球上消失的危险。发布该报告的科学家指责称,开展导致栖息地丧失、气候变化、过度捕捞、污染和物种入侵。环保人士表示,人们可以采取一些简单的措施来帮助苦苦挣扎的鸟类种群。这些措施包括种植当地物种以产生更多的当地昆虫供鸟类食用。奥杜邦鸟类协会的“鸟类可食用植物”网站为居住在美国不同地区的人们提供了植物种植建议。在春、秋两个鸟类迁徙的季节,人们可以通过关闭户外灯光和遮盖大块反光玻璃等方式帮助鸟类迁徙。人们也需要隐藏室内植物,防止路过的鸟类看到。奥杜邦协会还进展着一项名为“气候观察”的社区科学工程。目的是为搜集关于鸟类活动范围(或它们被发现的地方)如何变化的数据。罗登表示,该工程要求人们记录所看到的每个种类的数量。该工程从5月15日持续到6月15日。美国奥杜邦协会的圣诞鸟类统计主任杰夫·莱巴龙说,他亲眼目睹了气候变化所产生的影响。“我从很小的时候就爱观察鸟类,”他说。“很明显,气候变化正在并将继续影响全球范围内的鸟类,问题是鸟类能否适应气候变化给它们带来的影响。”他说,创纪录的干旱、洪水、飓风等也产生重大影响。莱巴龙指出,飓风通常发生在迁徙的季节。飓风对海上鸟类的影响特别严重,它们的迁徙道路可能因此改变数千公里。专家表示,海上的鸟类和草原上的鸟类最容易受到气候灾害的威胁。空中食虫的鸟类也处于危险之中,因为它们吃的昆虫越来越难找到。2022年翻译资格考试(catti)一级笔译材料Synthetic Biology: Redesigning Life合成生物学:生命再设计(节选)The promise and perils of synthetic biology合成生物学的希望与风险The new biology calls all in doubtStart with the most recent of these previous shifts.Fossil fuels haveenabled humans to drive remarkable economic e_pansion in the present usingbiological productivity from ages past, stored away in coal and oil.But muchwilderness has been lost, and carbon atoms which last saw the atmospherehundreds of millions of years ago have strengthened the plas greenhouseeffect to a degree that may prove catastrophic.Here, synthetic biology can dowell.It is already being used to replace some products made frompetrochemicals; in time it could replace some fuels, too.Burger King recentlyintroduced into some of its restaurants a beefless Whopper that gets itsmeatiness from an engineered plant protein; such innovations could greatly easea shift to less environmentally ta_ing diets.They could also be used to do morewith less.Plants and their soil microbes could produce their own fertilisersand pesticides, ruminants less greenhouse gas though to ensure that syntheticbiology yields such laudable environmental goals will take public policy as wellas the cues of the market.考生假如怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。The second e_le of biological change sweeping the world is the Columbiane_change, in which the 16th centurys newly global work of trade shuffledtogether the creatures of the New World and the Old.Horses, cattle and cottonwere introduced to the Americas; maize, potatoes, chilli and tobacco to Europe,Africa and Asia.The ecosystems in which humans live became globalised as neverbefore, providing more productive agriculture all round, richer diets for many.But there were also disastrous consequences.Measles, smallpo_ and otherpathogens ran through the New World like a forest fire, claiming tens ofmillions of lives.The Europeans weaponised this catastrophe, conquering landsdepleted and disordered by disease.Synthetic biology could create such weapons by design: pathogens designed toweaken, to incapacitate or to kill, and perhaps also to limit themselves toparticular types of target.There is real cause for concern here but not forimmediate alarm.For such weaponisation would, like the rest of cutting-edgesynthetic biology, take highly skilled teams with significant resources.Andarmies already have lots of ways to flatten cities and kill people in largenumbers.When it es to mass destruction, a disease is a poor substitute for anuke.Whats more, todays synthetic-biology munity lives up to ideals ofopenness and public service better than many older fields.Maintained andnurtured, that culture should serve as a powerful immune system against rogueelements.The earliest biological transformation domestication produced what washitherto the biggest change in how humans lived their lives.Haphazardly, thenpurposefully, humans bred cereals to be more bountiful, livestock to be moredocile, dogs more obedient and cats more panionable (the last a partialsuccess, at best).This allowed new densities of settlement and new forms ofsocial organisation: the market, the city, the state.Humans domesticatedthemselves as well as their crops and animals, creating space for the drudgeryof subsistence agriculture and oppressive political hierarchies.Synthetic biology will have a similar cascading effect, transforming humansrelationships with each other and, potentially, their own biological nature.Theability to reprogram the embryo is, rightly, the site of most of todays ethicalconcerns.In future, they may e_tend further; what should one make of peoplewith the upper-body strength of gorillas, or minds impervious to sorrow? Howhumans may choose to change themselves biologically is hard to say; that somechoices will be controversial is not.Which leads to the main way in which this transformation differs from thethree that came before.Their significance was discovered only in retrospect.This time, there will be foresight.It will not be perfect: there will certainlybe unanticipated effects.But synthetic biology will be driven by the pursuit ofgoals, both anticipated and desired.It will challenge the human capacity forwisdom and foresight.It might defeat it.But carefully nurtured, it might alsohelp e_pand it.新生物学让一切充满变数先从三次转变中距今最近的一次说起。化石燃料的使用释放了过去存储在煤和石油中的生物消费力,大大推动了当今人类经济的开展。但大片荒野不复存在,碳原子上一次充满于大气是在亿万年前,如今它们的存在大大加重了地球的温室效应,甚至可能导致灾难性后果。在这方面,合成生物学可以有所奉献。它已被用来取代一些石油化工产品,假以时日可能还会取代一些燃料。最近,汉堡王在其局部餐厅推出了一款无牛肉皇堡,其中的肉味来自一种转基因植物蛋白。此类创新可以让人类向更环保饮食方式的转变变得轻松许多。同时,创新还有事半功倍的效果。植物及其土壤微生物可以制造出自身所需的肥料和杀虫剂,反刍动物可以减少排放温室气体。当然,要确保合成生物学达成如此值得称道的环境目的,还需要公共政策以及市场的指引。生物变化席卷世界的第二个例子是哥伦布大交换16世纪新生成的全球贸易网络将新旧大陆的生物糅合到了一起。马、牛和棉花被引入美洲;玉米、土豆、辣椒和烟草被引入欧洲、非洲和亚洲。人类赖以生存的生态系统前所未有地实现了全球化,为各地提供了更高产的农业,为许多人提供了更丰富的食物。但它也带来了灾难性的后果。麻疹、天花和其他一些病原体像森林大火一样在新大陆肆虐,夺走了数千万人的生命。欧洲人将这场灾难当作武器,用以征服因疾病而衰乱的土地。合成生物学可能会被利用来蓄意制造这样的武器:能使人衰弱的、致残或致命的病原体,或许还能被限定于攻击特定目的。这确实值得担忧,但眼下还不必恐慌。因为研制这样的武器就像其他前沿合成生物技术那样,需要高技能团队和大量资。再者,军队已经有很多方式来夷平城市和施行大规模杀戮。疾病在大规模杀伤方面很难匹敌核武器。更重要的是,相比很多旧领域,如今的合成生物学界更符合开放和公共效劳的理想原那么。假设能加以维系和培育,这种文化应该能成为抵御破坏分子的强大免疫系统。最早的生物大转变,即驯化,带来了迄今为止人类生活方式的最大变化。从无心到有意