经典英语散文阅读翻译:铺满钻石的土地 英语诗歌经典100篇.doc
经典英语散文阅读翻译:铺满钻石的土地 英语诗歌经典100篇多看你一些优秀的英语散文,有助于素材的积累,今天WTT大家带来经典英语散文阅读,希望可以帮助到大家,下面WTT就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。经典英语散文阅读翻译:铺满钻石的土地There was a farmer in Africa who was happy and content.He was happybecause he was content.He was content because he was happy.从前在非洲有一位快乐而满足的农夫。他因满足而快乐,同时也因快乐而感到满足。One day a wise man came to him and told him about the glory of diamonds andthe power that goes along them.有一天,一位智者向他走来并告知他关于钻石的荣耀,以及随之而来权利。The wise man says, “If you had a diamond the size of your thumb, you couldhave your own city.If you had a diamond the size of your fist you couldprobably own your own country.” And then he went away.智者说,“假如你拥有一块拇指般大的钻石,你就能换到一座属于自己的城市;假如你拥有一块拳头般大的钻石,你就可能会拥有一个属于自己的国家。”说完他便分开了。That night the farmer couldn't sleep.He was unhappy and he was discontent.He was unhappy because he was discontent, and he was discontent because he wasunhappy.那一晚,农夫难以入睡,他开场变得不快乐而且不满足起来。他因不满足而不快乐,同样也因为不快乐而变得不满足。The ne_t morning he made arrangements to sell off his farm, took care ofhis family and went in search of diamonds.He looked all over Africa andcouldn't find any.He looked all through Europe and couldnt find any.When hegot to Spain, he was emotionally, physically and financially broke.He got sodisheartened that he threw himself into the Barcelona River and mittedsuicide.第二天早上,他卖掉了自己的农场,安排好了他的家人便踏上了寻找钻石之路。他寻遍了整个非洲但却一无所获。他找遍整个欧洲还是一无所获。当他到达西班牙的时候,他已精神崩溃、周身疲惫、钱财耗尽。绝望之下,他跳进了巴塞罗那河,自杀了。Back home, the person who had bought his farm was watering the camels at astream that ran through the farm.Across the stream, the rays of the morning sunhit a stone and made it sparkle like a rainbow.而在他的家乡,买下他农场的那个人此时正在小溪边给骆驼饮水。潺潺的溪水流经了整个农场。清晨的阳光穿过溪水照射在一块石头上,折射的光辉好似是一道彩虹。He thought it would look good on the mantelpiece.He picked up the stoneand put it in the living room.That afternoon the wise man came and saw thestone sparkling.He asked, “Is Hafiz back?”这人心想:假设是将这块石头摆在壁炉架上一定会非常漂亮。于是,他捡起石头并把它放到客厅里。当天下午,那个智者又出现了。他看到闪闪发光的石头,便问道:“哈夫兹(旧主人)回来了吗?”The new owner said, “No, why do you ask?” The wise man said, “Because thatis a diamond.I recognize one when I see one.” The man said, &No, that's just astone I picked up from the stream.e, I'll show you.There are many more.'They went and picked some sles and sent them for analysis.Sure enough, thestones were diamonds.They found that the farm was indeed covered with acres andacres of diamonds.新主人答复说:“没有啊!你为什么会这么问?”智者答复道:“因为这石头是一块钻石,我一眼就能识别。”新主人说:“不是!这只是我从溪水中捡起的一块石头。不信,你就跟我来,那里还有好多呢!”于是两人走到小溪边,捡了一些石头送去验证。毫无疑问,这些石头确实是钻石!他们还发现这整个农场蕴藏着大量的钻石。池边的鹿Because of heat, a deer came to a spring to drink.Seeing his own shadowreflecting in the water, he greatly admired the size and variety of his horns,but felt angry with himself for having such slender and weak feet.天气炎热,一只鹿来到泉边饮水。看着自己倒映在水中的影子,鹿很欣赏他头上那宏大的鹿角和它们的参差有致,也为自己细长而柔弱的脚饿懊恼。While he was in deep thought, a lion appeared at the pool duanwenw. andsprang upon him.The deer immediately began to run away as fast as possible.Aslong as the road was smooth and open, he kept himself at ease at a safe distancefrom the lion.But entering a wood he became entangled by his horns, and thelion quickly came up to him and caught him.When too late he thus regretted, “Mygod! How have I cheated myself! These feet saved me, but I had despised them,and I duanwenw was proud of these antlers which have brought medestruction.”正当他沉思的时候,一头狮子出如今池边,向他猛扑过来。鹿立即以最快的速度逃走了。跑在平坦宽阔的路上,他很容易保持离狮子平安的间隔 ,但一进树林,他就被自己的角缠住了。狮子迅速赶上来抓住了他。鹿此时悔之晚矣:”天啊!我怎么会自己欺骗自己!这些脚本来可以救我的命,我却轻视,而这些置我于死地的角我却感到荣耀We often look down upon what is most truly valuable in our life.在生活中,我们常常轻视一些真正有价值的东西。平安习惯Safe habitsThis is an age of rapid development of science and technology.当今社会,科学技术迅猛开展。You travel by air, land, and sea.You ride in automobiles, trains, buses,ta_is and elevators.You have electric vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, TV sets,tape recorders, video recorders and other things.All these conveniences andtools help us live better and also cause accidents.你在蓝天中自由翱翔,在碧波上乘风破浪,在大地上风驰电擎.你驾驶汽车,乘坐火车、公共汽车、出租车和自动升降机。你骑自行车、摩托车和使用自动扶梯等。你使用真空吸尘器、电冰箱、录音机、录像机,还有其他许多设备。所有这些设备和工具都使我们生活更轻松,更舒适,但是,它们也引发了许多事故。Hundreds and thousands of people are killed by a variety of accidents everyyear.Accidents dont just happen, they are caused by many factors.Lack ofknowledge, thoughtlessness, carelessness.每年都有成百上千的人因各种事故而丧失生命。事故并不只简单的开展而已,它们是由许多原因造成的。愚昧无知,心不在焉、毛手毛脚等都是造成事故的原因之一。You must develop safe habits and safe practices if you are to live withreasonable safety in the modem world.假如你打算在现代化的世界上生活得更平安。养成重视平安和平安操作的习惯是完全必修的。经典英语散文阅读:祈祷A PrayerThe supreme desire of my heart is not to be learned, rich, famous, powerfulor “good”, but simply to be radiant1.I want to radiate health, cheer, calm,courage and good will.我内心的愿望并不是变得博学、富有、声名远扬、强大或“好”,我仅仅是想要光辉四射地“活起来”。我渴望散发出安康、愉悦、冷静、勇气和良好意愿的气息。I wish to live without hate, jealousy, envy and fear.I wish to be simple,honest, frank, natural, clean in mind and clean in body, unaffected ready tosay “I dont know” if in fact I dont, to meet all men in terms of absoluteequality and to feel unafraid of any obstacle.我希望远离仇恨、妒羡、忌妒和恐惧。我想要活得简单、正直、坦率、淳朴、身心干净、不加矫饰 当我不知道某些事时,我会说“我不知道”,而不是假装知道;我想要对所有人都一视同仁,而当我面对任何困难时,我都会变得无所畏惧。I wish others to live their lives, too, to their highest, fullest and best.To that end I pray that I may never interfere, dictate, duanwenw. giveunwanted advice, or assist when my services are not needed.If I can help, Illdo it by giving a person the chance to help himself; and if I can uplift orinspire, let it be by e_le, inference and suggestion, rather than by order orassertion.That is to say, I desire to be radiant to radiate life.我希望其别人也能“活起来”,过上他们最极致、最充实、最完美的生活。为此,我企盼自己不要去干预、支配、提出不必要的建议或提供并不需要的协助。假如我能帮助别人,我所做的就是给他们一个自助的时机;假如可以,我会通过事例、推理和建议,而不是通过命令或断言来振奋或启发他们。也就是说,我渴望可以“活起来”,渴望一个“活的”人生。第 8 页 共 8 页