Tomorrow never comes LuJun(陆均陆均)XinJiang institute of ecology and geography,CASSome phenomenonWe call themDefinition na non necessary to postpone the consequences of harmful behavior Procrastination?nput the things off till tomorrow Common problemnA research made by China Youth DailyN=2,250nstatistics in the U.S.and CanadianCollege students accounted for 70%,Also 20%ordinary people More than 1 billion in the world-procrastination condition Characters nLack of confidencenI am too busy n Stubborn(顽固)nControl others nAgainst pressure nlazy Some reasonsn Perfectionism nEasy decadence Tips to overcome Classification Eliminate interferenceMutual supervision Tips to overcomeSet a more specific goal,cut the big task into smaller tasks Do not give yourself too much time Start nowThank you