前言我们生活在一个充满机遇的社会中,但我们必须清楚和明确的是,在这个社会中同样有着另外一个名词,那就是“挑战”。我们不得不面对和接受各种各样的挑战,从而让自己变得更加优秀。规划自己的职业生涯应该从现在开始就应该深深地根治在我们的脑海中。我始终相信,只有在学习中明确了自己的目标,才能更加迅捷有效地完成自己的人生理想和目标。为了用理智代替茫然,用成熟代替无知,让我们现在就为我们职业生涯的规划努力吧!一、自我分析来到民大,学习日语已经将近一年的时间了。在这一年当中,我深刻的认识了自己。我性格活泼开朗、热情好动。对自己所从事的工作总是持续的高度的热情,一旦开始就不会轻言放弃。学习之余,喜欢运动,尤其喜欢散步和跑步。听音乐在我的生活中也同样扮演的十分重要的角色,通过音乐陶冶自己的情操一直是我所信奉的原则。擅于与其他人进行沟通和交流,喜欢和人打交道,具有很好的交际能力。热爱生活,所以留心观察自己身边的人和事,并且和周围的人始终保持的良好和睦的关系。为人耿直正直,做事踏实肯干,因而很容易得到老师领导及周围朋友的信任。对自己的工作及周围发生的事情永远都有自己的想法和观点。有很好的团队精神,同样是我在集体生活以及校园活动中比较活跃的法宝之一。我的劣势是,有的时候稍微有一点情绪化,也会导致事情发展的不顺利。全家的希望都寄托在我一个人的身上,所以我必须具备抛出一切杂念,全心全意倾注于自己的学业和事业的决心,事实证明我的确具备这种因素和理念。偶尔有时候会因为身边人的不重视,而感到烦闷和厌倦工作。二、解决自我分析中的劣势根据自我性格的分析,我还存在着很多亟待改善的地方,也许正是这些因素制约着我的前进和发展,因此,我必须紧自己的全力改掉这些坏毛病,是自己得到很好的完善。认真的对待自己的学习和工作,有效地控制自己的情绪,无论如何将属于自己的工作进行到最后一刻。在无法得到大家的关注和重视的时候,也要本着认真负责的态度完成属于袭击的那一份工作和任务。只有这样才能拥有快乐的学习和工作生活。三、专业就业方向及前景(一)所学专业(日本语言文化)作为一名理科考生,选择日语专业对我来说其实是意见极具挑战的事情。但是,出于对日语及日本文化的好奇我还是坚定的选择了日语专业。在如今中日两国关系不断升温的时候,日语学习也逐渐被大家认可和接受并且广泛流传。随着学习日语的人数的不断增加,单纯的日语学习者在就业方面已经不再具备着其独有的优势,我想只有将日语的学习与其他专业的涉猎联系起来,我们的才会有更加广阔的发展空间。无论是从事日语翻译、导游,或是就职于日企、从事和中日两国关系有关的各项工作,都需要讲日语与其他个有关方面紧密的联系起来,这样就能够达到事半功倍的效果。(二)感兴趣的专业(应用物理学)这个专业适应社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,具有扎实的数学、物理学基础和熟练的实验技能,掌握电子技术理论知识,具备运用物理学知识和技能从事应用研究、教学、技术开发等工作能力,具有较强实际应用能力的复合型高级技术。能在石油工程领域从事油气钻井与完井工程、采油工程、油藏工程、储层评价等方面的工程设计、工程施工与管理、应用研究与科技开发等方面工作,获得石油工程师基本训练的高级专门技术人才。应用物理学专业的毕业生主要在物理学或相关的科学技术领域中从事科研、教学、技术开发和相关的管理工作。科研工作包括物理前沿问题的研究和应用,技术开发工作包括新特性物理应用材料如半导体等,应用仪器的研制如医学仪器、生物仪器、科研仪器等。应用物理专业的就业范围涵盖了整个物理和工程领域,融物理理论和实践于一体,并与多门学科相互渗透。应用物理学专业的学生如具有扎实的物理理论的功底和应用方面的经验,能够在很多工程技术领域成为专家。我国每年培养本科应用物理专业人才约12000人。和该专业存在交叉的专业包括物理专业,工程物理专业,半导体和材料专业等。人才需求方面,我国对应用物理专业的人才需求仍旧是供不应求。所以说,在应用物理学的领域,我还是有很大的发展空间的。四、职业分析(一) 我心中的职业选择在我的心中一直向往着这样的三种职业:(1)职业翻译:这是与我现在所学的日语专业就业前景相关联的职业。(2)导游:这也是一份极具挑战的工作,但是因为能够充分的运用我所学的日语只是,因此我也很向往。(三)物理教师:这也是我所追求的职业梦想之一,因为着毕竟是我一直学习理科的梦想的结晶。(二) 选择职业的理由(SWOT分析)内部环境因素 有时因素 劣势因素 1、 乐观开朗热情2、 对生活充满信心3、 充满自信4、 领导组织能力强5、 擅于交际、语言表达能力强6、 有明确的奋斗目标,并为之努力7、 为人正直,待人诚恳8、 有日语方面的优势 1、 情绪化2、 过于追求完美3、 英语表达能力薄弱4、 写作能力不足 外部环境因素 机会因素 威胁因素 1、 1、社会对小语种人才的需要,增加了就业的可能性2、 我国与日本关系的变化和发展,更加需要日语人才3、 应用物理学人才紧缺 1、 来自临近学校(北大、清华、人大、政法等)的压力2、 日语与应用物理学学科之间的差距 prefaceWe live in a society is full of opportunities, but we must be clear and definite is, in the society also has another noun, that is "challenges". We have to face and accept all kinds of challenges, so as to let oneself become more outstanding. Planning your career should be from now on should effect a radical cure deeply in our mind. I always believe that only in the study made clear their goals, to be more fast and effectively completed his life ideal and goal. In order to use reason instead of vacant, use mature instead of ignorance, let's career planning efforts for us right now!A, self analysisTo the people, has been learning Japanese for nearly a year's time. In this year, I know myself. I character lively and cheerful, enthusiastic and active. For his work is always constant high degree of enthusiasm, once started, do not give up speaking out of turn. Learning, like sports, especially like walking and running. Listen to music in my life also plays a very important role, through the music edify their sentiment has always been what I believe in the principle. Good at communicating with others and communication, I enjoy working with people, have good communication skills. Love life, so people and things, mindful of our own and the people around and always keep good harmonious relationship. Straight upright, work down-to-earth, so it is easy to get the trust of the teacher leaders and friends around. In their work and the surrounding happened always have their own ideas and opinions. Have a good team spirit, also is I live in a collective and one of magic weapon is active in campus activities. My disadvantage is that sometimes a little a bit emotional, can also lead to the development of things is not smooth. My family hopes on one's body, so I must have thrown up all other thoughts, wholeheartedly devoted to his studies and career decision, I do have proved this factor and concept. Sometimes because people do not take the once in a while, and feel tired and bored.Second, solve the disadvantage in self analysisAccording to self character analysis, I where there are lots of improvement, it may be that these factors restrict the my progress and development, therefore, I must to get rid of these bad habits, is well improved. Seriously study and work, effectively control their emotions, no matter how to belong to own work until the last possible moment. When cannot get everybody's attention and recognition, is in line with serious and responsible attitude to finish the raid copy of the work and tasks. Only in this way can have a happy life work and study.Three, professional obtain employment direction and prospects(a) professional (Japanese language and culture)As a science department examinee, the choice of Japanese professional advice to me is very challenging. Out of curiosity for Japanese and Japanese culture, however, I still firmly chose Japanese majors. In today's china-japan relations between the two countries growing, learning Japanese is also gradually recognized and accepted and widely circulated. With the increase of the number of people learning Japanese, the pure Japanese learners in employment is no longer has its unique advantages, I think only the Japanese study linked with other professional in, we will have a more broad space for development. Whether engaged in Japanese translation, guide, or worked in Japanese companies, engaged in the work related to sino-japanese relations between the two countries, all need to speak Japanese and other related aspects closely linked, so that it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.(2) of professional interest (applied physics)The need to adapt to the socialist modernization construction, comprehensive development in moral, intellectual, physical, the United States has a solid foundation of mathematics, physics and the skilled experiment skills, master the electronic technology theory knowledge, applying physics knowledge and skills in applied research, teaching, technology development, such as the ability to work, has the stronger actual application ability of engineering technology specialty. Can in the field of petroleum engineering in oil and gas drilling and well completion engineering, production engineering, reservoir engineering and reservoir evaluation of engineering design, engineering construction and management, application research and development of science and technology, and so on, for petroleum engineers basic training of senior specialized technical personnel.Applied physics graduate major in physics or related science and technology is engaged in research, teaching, technology development and related management work. Problems at the forefront of scientific research work includes the physical research and application, physical applied materials technology development work includes new features such as semiconductor, the development of the instruments such as medical equipment, biological equipment, scientific instruments, etc. Applied physics professional obtain employment range covers the entire physical and engineering field, with its physical theory and practice, and with the multi-discipline mutual infiltration.Applied physics majors such as physical theory of solid strength and application experience, be able to become an expert in many engineering fields. Our country cultivating professional talents of undergraduate course applied physics of about 12000 people a year. And the existence of the major cross specialty includes the physical, engineering physics, semiconductor and material science, etc. Talent demand, our country is still demand for applied physics professional talents in short supply.So, in the field of applied physics, I still have a lot of room to grow.Fourth, professional analysis(a) the career choice in my heartIn my heart has been yearning for such three professional: (1) the professional translation: this is the Japanese and now I have learned professional obtain employment prospect associated career. (2) guide: this is a very challenging job, but because the Japanese can fully apply what I learned is, so I am also very yearning. Physics teachers (3) : this is what I'm after one career dreams, because after all is I have been the crystallization of the dream of learning science.(2) the reason of choice of occupation (SWOT analysis)Internal environment factorsSometimes factorsDisadvantage factors1, optimistic open and bright enthusiasm2, confidence in life3, full of confidence4, strong leadership ability of organizationFive, good at communication, language expression ability6, with clear goals, and the effort7, man of integrity and treats others incerely8, has the advantage of Japanese1, emotional2, too much pursuit of perfection3, English ability is weak4, writing ability is insufficientThe external environment factorsChance factorsthreats1, 1, society's need for small language talent, increase the likelihood of employment2, the change and development of China's relations with Japan, the more need of Japanese talent3, applied physics a shortage of talent1, from nearby schools (Peking University, tsinghua university, National People's Congress, political science and law, etc.)2, the gap between the Japanese and the applied physics subject