halloween 万圣节.ppt
HappyHalloween!OriginHalloweenorHalloween,alsoknownasAllHallowsEve,ayearlycelebrationobservedinanumberofcountriesonOctober31,theeveoftheWesternChristianfeastofAllHallows(orAllSaints).1.originallyinfluencedbywesternEuropeanharvestfestivalsandfestivalsofthedeadwithpossiblepaganroots,particularlytheCelticSamhain.2.OthersmaintainthatitoriginatedindependentlyofSamhainandhasChristianroots.activitiestrick-or-treating(alsoknownasguising),attendingcostumepartiescarvingpumpkinsintojack-o-lanterns,lightingbonfires,applebobbing,visitinghauntedattractions,playingpranks,tellingscarystories,andwatchinghorrorfilms.Trick or TreatTrick-or-treating,is for children on or around Halloween in which they proceed from house to house in costumes,asking for treats such as confectionery with the question,Trick or treat?The trick part of trick or treat is an idle threat to play a trick on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given.CostumesHalloween costumes are traditionally those of monsters such as ghosts,skeletons,witches,and devils.Costumes are also based on themes other than traditional horror,such as those of characters from television shows,movies and other pop culture icons.Jack-o-lanternA jack-o-lantern(sometimes also spelled Jack OLantern)is typically a carved pumpkin.How to make a Jack-o-lanternn STEP ONE:Cut off the top of the pumpkin.STEP TWO:Scoop out the inside of the pumpkin.STEP THREE:Carve the pumpkin with knifeSTEP FOUR:Put an candle in the pumpkinSee how other people make a Jack-o-lanternFOODSBecause the holiday comes in the wake of the annual apple harvest,candy apples(also known as toffee or taffy apples)are a common Halloween treat made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar syrup,and sometimes rolling them in nuts.Candy apples were commonly given to children.candyappleThank you