The difference between chinese and western drinking cultureperposeChina:In China,the wine is often used as a communication tool.“所谓醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也;青梅煮酒是为了论证谁是英雄;杯莫停的将进酒,为的是与尔同消万古愁;竹林里狂歌的七贤,为的是借酒避难。”western:In western,the perpose of dring is to appreciate and enjoy the wine 在西方,饮酒的目的往往很简单,为了欣赏酒而饮酒,为了享受美酒而饮酒。当然,在西方葡萄酒也有交际的功能,但人们更多的是追求如何尽情的享受美酒的味道。wayChina:drink off(一饮而尽),a drinking game,urge others to drink(劝酒)Western:wine-tasting(品酒),drinking alone(独饮)protocol(礼仪)China:Chinas drinking etiquette express the respect of drinkers.1.the seats arrangment 2.the order of toasting 3.xingjiuling and finger-guessing game(划拳)western:Westerners drinking etiquette express the respect of the wine.1.look,smell and taste 2.first drink white wine,then drink red wine 3.different drinking vessel(酒器)